It's a showdown. I'm really a Title Douluo

Chapter 551 Returning to the Sunset Forest (seeking subscription)

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu by searching "I'm really a titled Douluo Novel (" in Baidu!The next day, Qianyu and Tangmen all woke up early, and they all went to the conspicuous place of Shrek's outer courtyard...

Xu Sanshi yawned and said tiredly, "Everyone got up so early!"

Tang Wutong said in a soft tone, "After all, there is a task today, so naturally I have to get up early, but is it too early? I haven't seen a figure of a freshman in the outer courtyard"

Tang Ya teased, "Well, and I don't know where Dean Yan is now. As the elder of Sea God Pavilion, he is slower than us."

The Qianyu nearby released his supernatural power at will, and instantly enveloped the entire Shrek Academy, and easily found Yan Shaozhe's position.

I saw that he was in the dormitory of Shrek Academy's outer courtyard at the moment, and it was very likely that he was summoning new students who were going to get spirit rings today.

Then, about half an hour later, Yan Shaozhe's figure appeared in the eyes of everyone in Tang Sect...

I saw behind him a dozen freshmen whose spirit power fluctuated at level ten or twentieth...

Xu Sanshi stared at Yan Shaozhe angeredly and said, "Dean Yan, but you are waiting here, we have been waiting here for half an hour!"

Beibei joked, "Dean Yan, should you say something?"

Tang Ya beamed his eyes and said, "Yes, that's right, just give a Level 7 Soul Guidance Device or something!"

Yan Shaozhe smiled and said, "I'm sorry, but the main reason is that these new students who have acquired spirit rings are not in a dormitory room. As for me, I really don't have anything to take out."

Those freshmen from the outer courtyard looked at Bei Bei and others with admiration, and said in unison, "Hello, brothers and sisters in the inner courtyard! Good elder Qianyu!"

According to Dean Yan, the senior brothers and sisters of Tang Sect who obtained the spirit ring with them in the early stage have reached the spirit power level above the soul emperor!

There is even the titled Douluo, the elder Qianyu!

Hearing this, Jiang Nannan waved gently and replied "Hello!"

All of a sudden, I got a strong favor from these freshmen...

"Sister, what's your name?"

"My sister is so gentle! You should have a partner, right?"

"Sister, I will marry you when I grow up"

Xu Sanshi suddenly rolled up his sleeves when he heard the words of the last freshman, and yelled, "Boy, don't you put me in your eyes? Nan Nan is mine!"

Beibei next to him hurriedly stopped him, "Sanshi, calm, calm, they are just new students, Tongyan Wushu, don't be angry"

Xu Sanshi arrogantly started, muttering, "I know, it's just unhappy in my heart!"

Tang Wutong covered his mouth and chuckled, "Brother Xu, you look pretty cute, maybe Sister Nan would like this type more."

Tang Ya also lightened her eyes and said, "Yes, that's right, although it looks a little dull, a little stupid, and a little bit arrogant, maybe Nan Nan will eat this type of food!"

Xu Sanshi said irritably, "What cute, cute, what kind of cute do I want for a magnificent man?"

Could it be said that Nan Nan really likes this type?

Yan Shaozhe on the other side looked at Qianyu and asked, "Qianyu, you should be ready to go to the Star Dou Great Forest?"

Qianyu nodded faintly, "Well, but not to the Star Dou Great Forest, but the Sunset Forest!"

Yan Shaozhe frowned, "Qianyu, what do you mean? Do you temporarily change the location? The poison barrier in the sunset forest is not a joke!"

He didn't hear from Old Xuan yesterday that he changed to the Sunset Forest temporarily!

Qianyu explained, "I discussed this with my Tang Sect members yesterday. The beasts of Star Dou Great Forest are often haunted recently, so it was temporarily changed to Sunset Forest. I also made in advance the defensive spirit guides enough to be reborn." 7 questions novel

Yan Shaozhe's brows frowned even more, and he made a decision without even discussing it with him. He felt a little uncomfortable in his heart...

But this is the end of the matter, and I can only go to the sunset forest...

He sighed and said, "Really... Then go to the sunset forest, but let them all be wary"

After receiving Yan Shaozhe's answer, Qianyu looked at the people of Tang Sect and the freshmen in the outer courtyard...

He said, "It shouldn't be too late, let's go to the sunset forest now"

After speaking, Qianyu waved his hand, and a gray-white whirlpool leading to the periphery of the sunset forest quietly condensed...

Those freshmen from the outer courtyard opened their mouths when they saw this scene, and their faces couldn't say anything, "Okay... so amazing! Is this the spatial spirit ability rumored about Qianyu Elder?"

"I also heard that Qianyu Elder's spatial spirit ability seems to be able to teleport over long distances. Shouldn't this vortex lead directly to the sunset forest?"

"Awesome! This will reduce the amount of time spent on the journey!"

Of course, there are also several freshmen in the outer courtyard who are afraid of the terrifying flames on the whirlpool...

"I feel that the flames above are terrifying, is it really a spatial spirit ability?"

"I...I don't want to go in, this gray-white flame will definitely burn the soul master that it touches to ashes

Tang Ya calmed down softly, "Don't be afraid, the flame is just a decoration and won't cause any harm!"

After that, she stretched out her hand and gently stroked and wrote down the gray flames, and did not suffer any harm...

The hanging hearts of the freshmen in the outer courtyard sank...

Qianyu faintly said, "Then everyone, come in quickly, let's say that the dean is behind the house"

Afterwards, he took the lead in entering it. The freshmen in the outer courtyard stared at them, and followed them carefully...

After all the new students entered, Tang Ya looked at the other Tang Sect members, "Let's go too"

Ever since, everyone in Tang Sect and Yan Shaozhe walked in...


After coming out of the Nether Vortex, there was a vast forest in front of them, but the trees and grasses seemed extremely dry...

These plants are eroded by poisonous fog all the year round, so they become like this...

Qianyu looked back at the others and said calmly, "Everyone, turn on the Soul Guidance Device"

Everyone in Tang Sect was separated by several new students. After finishing their formation, they quickly opened the defensive soul guide Qianyu gave yesterday...

The seven huge white masks that appeared instantly enveloped all Tang Sect members and the freshmen of the outer courtyard. After the very thin poisonous mist touched them, they were easily blocked...

On the other hand, Qianyu and Yan Shaozhe have reached Title Douluo because they can forcefully use spirit power and divine power to resist...

Yan Shaozhe glanced around, and said to Qianyu, "Qianyu, please lead the way, I am not very familiar with sunset forest."

Qianyu nodded, and after silently sensing the concentration of the poisonous fog, he looked to the west and said, "Well! Then go to the west, where the concentration of poisonous fog is much smaller!"

Generally speaking, the Hundred Years Soul Beast will often haunt the periphery, but this one is not applicable in the sunset forest!

The poison barrier here is not only lethal to soul masters, but also to soul beasts. Of course, soul beasts that often live in the sunset forest are much more resistant to this poison barrier!

Immediately, Qianyu and his party began to march towards the west...


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