It’s a Showdown, I’m Really a Titled Douluo

Chapter 1100: Secret Realm (for subscription)

Hearing Xu Sheng's words, the other two elders retorted loudly, "Elder Xu, this spirit pill is cultivated by a monster beast, shouldn't it be worthless?"

If you can sell it with the gimmick you cultivated by monsters, I'm afraid you can get a lot of benefits!

"Elder Xu, you asked us to take out this thing, but you said it has no value. Didn't we waste our spiritual energy doing all this in vain?"

Duanmu Lian only asked "Xu Sheng?" in a confused tone.

Xu Sheng smiled and explained, "This demon pill is infinitely close to a spirit pill, even if it is taken back, no one will believe that it was cultivated by a demon beast!"

Asking them to take out this thing is simply trying to see what it is!

It has nothing to do with its value!

If Zhou Qing heard this, he nodded and said, "Xu Sheng is right. These things are placed in the cultivation world, at best, they can be treated as elixirs, and they won't get any benefit!"

Hearing Xu Sheng and Zhou Qingruo both said so, the two elders didn't say much, and destroyed these spirit pills!

They came to Xuanmingyu to look for good things, and there is no need to carry such useless things...

Duanmu Lian said, "Xu Sheng, you continue to lead the way. I have no impression of where I am now. I think the elders should be the same!"

Since Xu Sheng perceives the situation in the entire Xuanming Realm, it proves that their Duanmu clan has an advantage!

You can reach places with various treasures in advance! Search it quickly...

"Yeah! Let's go then!"

A few inexplicable premonitions surfaced in his heart, as if something was about to happen!


Under the leadership of Xu Sheng, the group safely bypassed the nests of many monsters and strange beasts. However, an accident happened...

Before their eyes, there are several families surrounding a huge secret realm like a mansion. Obviously, it was before Xu Sheng and the others arrived here!

Soon, the elders of these families also discovered Xu Sheng and others...

After seeing their robes clearly, one of the elders of the family said in surprise, "Yo yo yo, isn't this the Duanmu clan? I didn't expect to meet them here!"

And the elder of the other family also echoed, "That's really rare! Several of our families have met in this place, it seems it is fate!"

Duanmu Lian seemed to recognize the people of these families, and smiled lightly, "That's really a coincidence. I wonder if your three major families are gathered here??"

Obviously, although the big families are not very familiar, they are by no means unfamiliar, and the relationship is not as incompatible as the Mo family...

And these elders didn’t mean to conceal, they immediately explained, “I don’t want to conceal each other. Our several big families have discovered that there are many treasures in this secret realm, but if you want to enter, you need to reach a certain number of people. When the Duanmu family came, this condition happened to be met."

"Yes, as for the treasures inside, whoever finds the treasures in our big families will go to whom, I don't know what you think?"

"Don't worry, we all come for the treasure, without any malice, presumably the other big families think so too, otherwise they won't be waiting here for long!"

After the words fell, the elders of these families looked at Xu Sheng and others with doubts, waiting for their answers!

Duanmu Lian heard the words, those beautiful eyes flickered, then turned his head to look at the others, and asked, "What do you think?"

One of the elders held up his chin and thought, "These big families have a good reputation in the world of cultivating immortals. They shouldn't do anything extraordinary. I think they can try!"

The other elder showed a solemn expression, "We don't have to take risks at all. After all, Elder Xu knows the situation of the entire Profound Ming Realm. It shouldn't be difficult to find treasures!"

"But this way, it will also offend these big families, Xu Sheng, Qingruo, what do you think?"

Her heart is inclined to agree, after all, not all family elders are sinister people!

Zhou Qingruo said indifferently, "I think it is necessary. Since the number of people is required, I am afraid the treasures inside are very precious!"

The elders of these other families are not very strong, so if something happens, they can deal with it in an orderly manner!

Xu Sheng also laughed softly, "I also think I can give it a try. Since the big families don't have any hatred, then cooperation is naturally better!"

Of course, the most important thing is that Xu Sheng is very interested in this secret realm with a limited number of people, and may be able to obtain important information from it!

Duanmu Lian nodded when he heard the words, and then said to the elders of other families, "If this is the case, then we won't refuse."

When the elders of these families saw the promise of Duanmu Lian and others, their expressions were full of joy...

"It's so good, I think there must be a few big families of ours who help each other, and they should all make a lot of money!"

"That's right! Since the Duanmu clan has agreed, let's enter immediately! lest other families come to get a share of the pie!"

"It's not too late, get ready to enter!"

After the words fell, all the family elders, including Xu Sheng and others, came before the ban on the secret realm!

Immediately afterwards, they stretched out their hands and stroked them, and burst out their spiritual power after touching them...

Suddenly, the restriction that exuded strange light seemed to be affected, and it began to slowly collapse...

After just a few seconds, the entire prohibition has been completely opened, revealing the darkness that can't be seen inside...

One of the elders coldly shouted, "Heavenly rank martial arts, Lihuo!"

I saw him stretch out his palm, countless flames suddenly emerged from above, illuminating everything around him...

Immediately afterwards, these flames were separated from the body and hovering around...

Immediately, he said, "Everyone! Please be more vigilant. Since so many people are required to enter together, there should be many dangerous situations!"

After the words fell, the group's sense of vigilance reached the extreme, and they began to step into it...

It can be vaguely seen that there are many dead bones holding sabers in their hands without the slightest vitality...

It seems that they have sensed the arrival of everyone, and their dark and hollow eyes quietly flashed strange fluorescence...

"Kacha", the sound of bones moving rang intensively, and these dry bones stood up from the ground, like an army guarding here, exuding a strong sense of murder...

From their mouths whispered "Intruder!! Kill without mercy!"

After the words fell, they began to move tremblingly, step by step towards Xu Sheng and others...

Duanmu Lian exclaimed, "Be careful, everyone! These dry bones are not easy!!"



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