It’s a Showdown, I’m Really a Titled Douluo

Chapter 1116: Heavy casualties (seeking subscription)

On the other side, several elders of the Duanmu family were surrounded by many foreign elders...

One of the Duanmu elders resisted the punch, but was kicked in the abdomen by a kick that suddenly appeared. After abruptly knocking it back more than ten meters...

Steady his figure, his face was ugly and said "Damn it!"

But before he could move, his pupils shrank suddenly, "Puff!"

A piercing sound of physical penetration sounded, and a large, bloody, **** hole was suddenly penetrated by a sharp saber in his chest!

Scarlet blood was gushing from his mouth, and the corners of his mouth trembled and said, "Wh...what...when, I didn't...find it!"

The foreign elder who pierced his chest with a saber from behind heard the words and sneered, "Huh! This is my dragon family's fairy-level martial arts that hides spiritual fluctuations. How can you find it? It's your honor!"

When the other foreign elders saw this opportunity, they all rushed up with a brainstorm...

"Die!! It is hard for you Duanmu clan not to be destroyed today!"

"You can resist so many elders of us for a few minutes, you are not bad, but only so!!"

"Disappear! Kill us"

In an instant, the body of the Duanmu elder was cruelly shredded by the foreign elders...

When another elder of the Duanmu clan saw it being torn into pieces, his flaws wanted to split and said, "Damn it!!!"

After the words fell, his whole body broke out with terrifying spiritual power fluctuations, and rushed directly to the other foreign elders...

On the way, he quickly caused the spiritual power in his body to fall into disorder, and his body began to swell quietly...

obviously! ! He is ready to die with these foreign elders!

Seeing this scene, these foreign elders exclaimed, "Run! This guy is crazy!! He wants to die with us!"

"Damn it! Are the Duanmu clan guys crazy? Are they not afraid of the extreme pain of self-destruction?"

"Don't talk nonsense, get out of here quickly! Even if he is only the cultivation base of Da Luo Jin Wonderland, the power generated by the self-detonation is enough to seriously hurt us!!"

And this Elder Duanmu, who had been close to them, had scarlet bloodshots in his eyes, and he coldly shouted, "Humph! It's too late!!"

Stop talking, no longer suppress the disordered spiritual power in the body, and directly release it...


The violent explosion sounded overwhelmingly, and the dazzling halo enveloped this space!

Not only that, the huge shock wave it caused instantly flooded the surrounding foreign elders, and spread to the surrounding from the location where the Duanmu elder was before he blew up...

When the dazzling light faded, the foreign elders who were enveloped were all seriously injured and collapsed to the ground weakly...

And the vision caused by this self-detonation naturally attracted the attention of others...

As the owner of the family, Duanmushuo glanced at the stumps scattered in the Duanmu mansion from the corner of his eyes, a bit of unbearable flashes in his heart...

These are all dedicated elders for his Duanmu clan, and now they all died in such a miserable way...

Blame yourself!

If you can break through to the holy realm as soon as possible, no, even if it is a half-step holy realm, it is impossible for the Duanmu clan to become like this today!

When the elders on the opposite side saw this, they wanted to provoke him through words and make him lose his mind!

One of the foreign clan elders pointed at the dismembered Duanmu disciples and sneered, "Look! The deaths of your Duanmu clan elders are so miserable! Patriarch Duanmu, you should give up resistance!"

Another foreign elder licked his lips and said with disdain, "It is impossible to defeat us by yourself. Besides, now you have little spiritual power left, so why should you fight us? "

"Tsk tusk tusk tusk, what is your expression on Duanmu Patriarch? Are you incompetent furious? Or do you want to explode like your trash elders?"

"Hey, those guys who blew up are just cowards! If you had known that the Duanmu clan was so weak, you wouldn't need to dispatch so many elders!"

"Yes, such a wasteful Duanmu clan is not qualified to be the top clan with our three big families at all! What a shame!"

Duan Mushuo's eyes filled with a strong desire to kill, and he trembled and said, "You... are looking for death!!"

After the words fell, all the spiritual energy in the body gushed out...

He did not forget to shout angrily, "Xian-level middle-rank martial arts!"

"Puff!" With a sound, scarlet blood flowed from his seven orifices, and then, the blood quickly evaporated...

In an instant, the power of his whole body began to skyrocket at a terrifying speed...

This martial art allows the user to exhibit geometrically improved power after displaying it!

But there is also a shortcoming. After the cast is finished, the user will die between five breaths!

There is no doubt that this kind of martial arts is used to desperately!

At this moment, Duanmu Xun, who had discovered his strangeness, could not help but exclaimed, "Shu'er! Don't be irritated by them, stay sensible!!"

But it was too late. Duan Mushuo, who was completely in a state of rage, couldn't hear his words at all, and rushed towards the foreign elders in front of him with unmatched power...

Even the scattered spiritual power around it condensed a few vague "kill" characters! !

Seeing this scene, the pupils of the foreign elders shrank quietly and hurriedly said, "Everyone, run! This martial art seems to be able to increase their strength several times in a short period of time! The price is their own lives!"

"If you are hit by this kind of attack, you will definitely die! No matter how the Duanmu clan guys can use this kind of martial arts!"

"It's just a needless struggle! All of us just need to avoid! Do you really think that using this kind of white martial arts can kill us?"

However, the fact is indeed the case. They knew this martial skill in advance, and they couldn't stand stupidly in place!

Therefore, every elder of the foreign clan has used the martial art of birth, and he has left the battlefield in the blink of an eye...

And Duan Mushuo, who lost his goal, gradually wilted his whole person's breath...

Immediately after the sound of five breaths, the vitality in his body quietly disappeared, and the whole person collapsed on the ground!

Duan Mushuo, dead!

And the ancestor of the Mo family who came to this scene sneered towards Duanmu Xun and said, "Duanmu Xun! Your son, the patriarch of the Duanmu clan, seems to have died in vain! It's a laugh at the old man!"

A few tears flowed from the corner of Duanmuxun's eyes, and then he clenched his arms, and said in a cold tone, "Laugh? I will let you go to accompany Shuo'er immediately and take my life!!!"


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