It’s a Showdown, I’m Really a Titled Douluo

Chapter 1141: Hard to break into the Mo family mansion (seeking subscription)

Seeing these elders avoid looking at them, they all buried their heads...

Immediately, he looked at the frightened Mo family disciples again, and said coldly, "What are you still looking at, do you really want to die?"

If they hadn't arrived in time, these disciples would have been obliterated by the foreign elder at their feet!

If they were not disciples of the Mo family, they would have been beheaded by themselves!

This kind of arrogant and domineering character might bring disaster to the Mo family!

These disciples tremblingly replied, "Much...thank you for your help, then we...we will leave first!"

After the words fell, they quickly left here...

At this time, the elder who was trampled under the feet of the Mo family ancestor only felt that he had suffered endless humiliation, and gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it! Even your Mo family disciples dare to insult us. Is it true that we have no temper?"

The ancestor of the Mo family raised his eyebrows, "Oh? So, do you feel dissatisfied with doing things for the Mo family?"

The elder at his feet sarcastically said, "Huh, your Mo family is just taking advantage of the fire to rob, if it is not threatened."

Even with this life, he didn't want to be so insulted by the Mo family!

Think of him as the powerhouse of the fairy monarch realm, where he is not regarded as a guest! !

When the ancestor of the Mo family heard this ridiculous remark, the old man's cheek suddenly became cold...

When other foreign elders saw this, they knew that something bad was about to happen...

Sure enough, I saw terrifying spiritual power burst out of the ancestor of the Mo family, immediately raised his leg, and slammed directly towards the head of the elder under his feet...

Immediately afterwards, only a loud noise of "bang!" was heard, and the elder's head exploded abruptly, sputtering a stream of scarlet blood...

Soon, there was a pool of blood full of fishy smell...

The foreign elders who saw this scene were all stunned by the extremely decisive action, and subconsciously stepped back...

This is also the elder of the fairy monarch realm, and it is of great use to the Mo family, but the ancestor of the Mo family did not hesitate to behead him!

He doesn't care about his life at all!

One of the foreign elders swallowed his throat and tremblingly said, "Wh...what?? I killed him directly!!"

Another foreign elder couldn't help but take a deep breath, "Don't even... even give an opportunity to explain?"

"This ancestor of the Mo family must not provoke him, otherwise he will definitely die miserably!"

For a while, their rebellious mentality was suddenly suppressed...

And the ancestors of the Mo family saw the look of fear on their faces and knew that his goal had been achieved...

Ever since, he reprimanded in a cold voice, "If anyone dares to act on my Mo family like him, I will kill without mercy!"

After a pause for a few seconds, he opened his mouth again and said, "Of course, if you are acting honestly, the old man will not do anything!"

As an ancestor, he still understands this truth!

The foreign elders glanced at each other, they all understood each other's thoughts, and said "Yes! Mo family ancestor" with great fear.


On the other side, the creation divine power that enveloped a space slowly dissipated, revealing the three people Xu Sheng inside...

Xu Sheng's ink-colored eyes scanned the empty surroundings, and said in surprise, "Huh? It seems that I transferred the wrong way?"

Obviously some did not expect that they would make mistakes!

Duanmu Lian shook his head and explained, "There is no transfer mistake, the Mo family mansion is not far in front of us!"

Zhou Qingruo took out his saber that exuded the cold light, and said coldly, "Then be prepared, the security of the Mo family mansion should be very strict!"

But at this moment, Xu Sheng interrupted the discussion between the two of them aloud, knocked on their heads, and smiled and said, "It's useless to think more here, you'll know if you go and see for yourself."

Duanmu Lian and Zhou Qingruo both pursed their lips: "..."

Immediately, the group came to the front of the Mo family mansion, but they kept a good distance and were not discovered by the elders and disciples who were in charge of monitoring by the Mo family."

Duanmu Lian solemnly said, "Xu Sheng, Qingruo, should we now think about how to enter the Mo family mansion? There are many disciples in almost every position."

Zhou Qingruo's heart "thump", always feel that Xu Sheng will do something surprising next!

Hearing this, Xu Sheng gave Duanmu Lian a glance, then chuckled lightly, "Yes? Why do you want to, can you just break into it?"

After the words fell, he left the bunker and swaggered towards the Mo family mansion...

Zhou Qingruo reached out his hand to stop saying "Xu Sheng...wait"

Seeing Xu Sheng didn't mean to stop at all, her face went dark...

Duanmu Lian, with a surprised look on his side, came back to his senses, and said helplessly, "Let's go Qingruo, with Xu Sheng's current strength, even if we can't beat us, we can escape safely!"

Immediately, the two quickly followed Xu Sheng in front of him...

Soon, they were very conspicuous, and they were immediately discovered by those disciples...

One of the disciples' eyes widened, and could not believe, "Look! That's... that's the elder of the Duanmu clan!

The other elder rubbed his eyes, and the corners of his mouth twitched and said, "Should it not? The entire Duanmu clan was destroyed by us. There are only three of them. How dare you?"

"It can't be wrong! That woman seems to be called Duanmu Lian, the only female elder of the Duanmu clan!"

"What nonsense is that, please inform the elder and patriarch quickly!"

All of a sudden, the entire Mo family mansion panicked immediately...

Countless disciples quickly assembled and guarded the Mo family mansion...

The leading disciple coldly shouted at the three people Xu Sheng who were constantly approaching in front, "Who is here? Leave here now and spare your lives, otherwise, you will be killed!"

I saw that they stopped and looked forward...

Xu Sheng squinted his eyes, and said calmly, "The battle to greet us was not bad! Do you think so? Qingruo, Miss Lian"

Duanmu Lian's thin lips pursed, "Xu Sheng, this is not to welcome, but to kill us!"

If Zhou Qing did not speak, but stared at the front closely, his heart was extremely alert...

The corner of Xu Sheng’s mouth raised an arc, "Whether they want to kill us or come to meet us, they are so grand, I naturally have to give it a little too.

The next moment, I saw it aim at the void in front of it and grabbed it randomly...

A huge ripple suddenly broke out, and hundreds of disciples of the Mo family felt that their bodies were under great traction, soaring straight ahead...

Immediately afterwards, the "puff" sound of the body falling to the ground sounded one after another...




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