It’s a Showdown, I’m Really a Titled Douluo

Chapter 1146: Crackdown (subscription required)

Duan Mushuo and Zhou Qingruo, who were transferred to him by Xu Sheng's supernatural power, both felt relieved...

If Xu Sheng was one step late, after the two of them were hit by that terrifying blow, they would definitely die or be disabled!

Seeing Duanmu Lian calmed down the turbulent mood, those beautiful eyes looked at Xu Sheng and said, "Xu Sheng, it's better for you to do it. This Mo family ancestor is much stronger than us, and even his defense is nothing more than a breach!"

Although Zhou Qing does not want to admit it, the facts are right before his eyes...

Their attacks couldn't hurt each other at all!

Thinking of this, the beautiful amber eyes shrank the saber exuding the cold glow in his hand, nodded and said, "Well! The holy realm enhances not only the spiritual power, but also the strength of the body. If you want to use the sabre to inflict damage on him, difficult!"

Xu Sheng was stunned, and chuckled lightly, "I understand, this Mo family ancestor will be handed over to me, you can take the opportunity to kill the others."

Those elders and disciples of the Mo family have been oppressed by the divine power to be unable to move, there is no danger at all!

Moreover, the Duanmu clan was destroyed by the alliance of several big families, and only the elders and disciples of the Mo family who were killed by the two Duanmu Lian could make their hearts feel better!

Hearing these words, Duanmu Lian and Zhou Qingruo glanced at each other, and did not deny this proposal...

In the next moment, they all exploded at a very fast speed towards those of the Mo family who could not move...

And seeing the ancestors of the Mo family, who were rushing straight from Duanmu Lian, said in an extremely cruel tone, "Huh! Just now you were lucky and took a life, and now you dare to..."

But the next second, he discovered that Duanmu Lian's goal was not himself, and the extremely cloudy eyes couldn't help but shrink, and he coldly shouted at the bottom of his heart to play cards, "Isn't the goal me? Don't want to succeed!"

At the same time, the whole person swooped towards them, trying to intercept them...

However, Xu Sheng, who had already anticipated this scene, stretched out his arm and waved at will, a huge traction force swept towards the ancestors of the Mo family...

The ancestor of the Mo family, who was caught off guard, was forced back to the original place...

Immediately, he turned his head and stared at Xu Sheng in front of him, with an ugly expression, "What kind of power is this guy using to force me back out of thin air!"

In other words, he has lost the initiative to fight! This guy can interfere with himself at any time!

Seeing his dignified look, Xu Sheng said with a smile, "Mo Jiazu, the game between us hasn't finished yet, is it a little bad to take care of others now?"

Indeed, from the very beginning, Xu Sheng was fighting against each other with a provocative mind, otherwise, this ancestor of the Mo family would have died hundreds of times!

As soon as this remark came out, the body of the ancestor of the Mo family on the opposite side trembled a few times, and he clenched his palms and secretly said, "Game?? This guy wanted to express that he was playing with me from the beginning?? Damn!!

But there is nothing he can do about it, he has never been so aggrieved in his life! !

Just as he was thinking, a painful roar suddenly came from behind...

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

I saw that the owner of the voice was one of the elders of Mo, whose blood-stained right hand was chopped off by Zhou Qingruo, and even left a flat sword mark on the wound...

The elder endured the pain forcibly, with a strong pleading color, and said to Zhou Qingruo, "Please, let... let me go!!"

He is really scared now, the woman before him cut off her arm without any hesitation!

Zhou Qingruo just glanced at his beautiful amber eyes, without saying anything...

And Duan Mushuo, who heard these words next to him, his normally normal face suddenly became gloomy, and said coldly, "You can't stand this pain. When your three families joined forces to destroy our Duanmu clan, I thought about it. Is their pain?"

Without waiting for the elder to speak again, Duanmu Lian, who was a little overwhelmed with anger, immediately clenched the saber and wiped his neck directly...

A **** thing rolled onto the ground, it was daunting...

As for the other elders and disciples who saw this scene, their eyes were filled with fear and despair...

They seem to have seen their fate...

Duanmu Lian turned his gaze to the other Mo family members, and said coldly, "Now, it's your turn!"

Zhou Qingruo still has no words, but the rising spiritual power has already expressed her attitude!

People of the Mo family, if one does not stay, there is no mercy for killing!

Immediately, Duanmu Lian and the others mercilessly slaughtered the surrounding Mo Family...

It is faintly visible that the corpses of the Mo family members fell to the ground one after another...

And seeing that his Mo family members are being madly murdered, and the Mo family ancestor, who is unable to stop him, his face is already pale to the extreme...

He looked at Xu Sheng again, and gritted his teeth secretly, "Damn it, it seems that you must be killed to release their shackles!"

In the next moment, he no longer hides the spiritual power in his body, and immediately releases all of it, which is quite destructive!

Seeing this, Xu Sheng raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh? Are you planning to use your full strength? It's a pity, it's not very useful!"

Hearing the disdain mixed with these words, the ancestor of the Mo family was furious, and shouted coldly, "Huh! You can only be stubborn now! Even if you have that weird power, the old man doesn't believe that you can use it all the time! "

As long as his power is exhausted and he wants to kill an ordinary fairy monarch realm, wouldn't it be easy?

Thinking of this, he shouted, "Mid-rank martial arts of the immortal rank, Mo Yucang Liubian!"

I saw that his whole body suddenly released a terrifying spiritual power, and immediately gathered in the sky, quietly transforming into continuous dripping rain...

However, it is not over yet. The rain seems to be drawn, gradually condensing into a huge water blade that can tear everything, constantly exuding amazing penetrating power...

The opposite Xu Sheng has seen through his intentions, shook his head silently, and secretly said, "It seems that the ancestor of the Mo family still doesn't know the situation. Now he is just a plaything in his own hands!"

As for his martial arts? ?

What if it’s hard to resist? ?

To hit people, you have to use the purest method!

In this way, Xu Sheng was unmoved by the water blade that hit from the sky, and had no idea of ​​resisting it...

Seeing this scene, the ancestor of the Mo family was suddenly delighted, "You dare to fight hard with your body, do you really think that luck will take care of you a second time?"

This guy, it is safe to find his own death! ! !

The penetration force of this blow is not comparable to that of the previously released black dragon. It can completely tear Xu Sheng's whole body in an instant! ! !


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