It’s a Showdown, I’m Really a Titled Douluo

Chapter 1156: Duanmu Lian's Fall (seeking subscription)

I saw Xu Sheng staring at the first soul demon who approached him with his face unchanged, and squeezed the Chuangshi Divine Sword in his hand. A piercing sword roar could be heard faintly...

Immediately afterwards, this divine sword with a violent cold light was immediately slashed at the head of this soul demon...

In the face of the attack, this soul demon didn't show any fear on his face. Instead, he sneered and said, "Humph!! It's useless, ordinary attacks can't hurt us at all!"

When Xu Sheng heard the words, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, "Really? That might be possible."

The power of his sword is not limited to causing damage to entities!

Seeing the weird smile on Xu Sheng's cheek, the pupils of this soul demon were deeply puzzled...

Is this man stupid? He had said that this kind of ordinary attack was ineffective to him, and he even laughed out!

But since he's looking for death like this, he doesn't need to keep his hands! !

Thinking of this, it once again controlled its illusory body to accelerate, and met the slash of the Creation God Sword fiercely...

It seems that I have seen the scene where I passed through this attack and hit Xu Sheng...

But the next moment, when its illusory body touched the Divine Sword of Creation, a strong sense of crisis surged from the bottom of my heart...

"Sorry! This sword is not right!!" exclaimed from the bottom of my heart.

Sure enough, after the soul demon's words were finished, the creation divine sword slashed its illusory body straight, and with a "puff", it abruptly tore it in half...

The soul demon who was cut in half wailed loudly, "No!!!"

A few seconds later, due to being slashed by the Divine Sword of Creation, its illusory body instantly shattered into particles, and disappeared in the blink of an eye...

And this also means that the soul of this disciple of the Yun family has been completely wiped from the world of immortality, and will never be reborn...

And seeing the horrible scene before them, the spirit monsters who were about to besie Xu Sheng stopped, and subconsciously stepped back towards the rear...

A deep look of fear appeared inadvertently on his cheeks...

One of the spirit demon gritted his teeth and said, "This... the sword in this man's hand can actually attack the soul directly, how is this possible!! Why don't I remember that there is such a treasure in the immortal world?"

The other soul demon trembled and said, "But... Damn it! Once it is cut by this sword, it will really be cut!"

"What are you afraid of! But it's just luck. With so many of us, are you afraid of him alone?"

"Of course we are not afraid of him, but that sword is very weird! Can we be able to cut us into soul demon, did not see what happened before?"

"This...this is simply we beat him to scrape, he beats us to scrape! If you want to go, it's go first"

He saw with his own eyes that the man in front of him had not shown a bit of pain after suffering several mental shocks!

Just as these spirit monsters were talking, Xu Shengchun glanced at the completely dissipated particles next to him, then looked at the rest of the spirit monsters without any haste, and smiled and said, "What?? Your Yun family disciples just didn't say my attack. Can't you hurt you? Are you too scared to do it now?"

"You... don't be arrogant! It's just a treasure that can attack the soul! When our Yun family takes a shot, it will be easy to clean up you!"

"Yes! The strength of the patriarch is not comparable to that of a guy like you who relies on luck! If you are caught now, we can leave you a whole body!"

"Even if you have that divine sword, but our big family, Yunjianuo, not only has this guardian formation, you can kill you if you play!"

Even so, I can clearly hear the guilty conscience from their words...

Xu Sheng's ink-colored eyes glanced at Duanmu Lian and Zhou Qingruo, who were still suffering from the mental shock on the other side...

He calmly said, "Really? Although I really want to see it, you have no chance!"

After the words fell, he slowly raised his arm, and aimed at the space in front of him.

Seeing this weird movement, these spirit demons were full of puzzlement...

But the next moment, when they felt that their soul and the surrounding space were forcibly frozen, they realized that the idea just now was a big mistake!

Thinking of this, they began to struggle frantically, but in any case, they couldn't move at all! !

Immediately afterwards, the space began to burst into cracks, and cracked towards the surrounding like a spider web...

Constantly exuding a "crack, craze~~" crisp and broken sound...

After a few seconds, as a violent explosion sounded, the entire space in front of you was instantly wiped out and vanished! !

Xu Sheng's gaze swept lightly across the empty realm of nothingness in front of him, and there was no pity on his face...


Zhou Qingruo, who had recovered from the violent mental shock, immediately saw Duanmu Lian, who was standing in front of him, covered with scarlet blood, and couldn't help exclaiming, "Danmu Lian, what's wrong with you?!" "

Seeing Zhou Qingruo wake up, Duanmu Lian seemed to have lost all his strength, and collapsed towards the rear...

Zhou Qingruo immediately hugged him in his arms, the corners of his eyes became extremely red, and said anxiously, "Duanmu Lian, don't scare me!!!"

Duanmu Lian only felt a sweet throat, and vomited a mouthful of blood again, coughing violently, "Cough... Qingruo... this time, it's your turn... owe me!"

Having suffered so many spiritual shocks from the soul demon, her whole mind has completely collapsed, and it is a miracle that she has not become an idiot...

But even so, she can feel that her life is constantly being lost...

Also aware that Duanmu Lian's breath is getting weaker and weaker, Zhou Qingruo couldn't help but tears from the corners of her eyes...

Shaking Duanmu Lian hurriedly, "Duanmu Lian, hold on to me! I don't want to owe you!"

Duanmu Lian stretched out his hand and gently stroked Zhou Qingruo's cheek, and said with difficulty, "Cough cough... Qingruo... you are well... live..."

After saying these words, Duanmu Lian's delicate body trembled slightly, and even his pupils gradually dilated...

Looking at his dear friend who had completely lost his vitality in his arms, Zhou Qingruo fell into a sluggishness...

When he recovered, he shouted loudly, "Duanmu Lian! Duanmu Lian! Don't lie to me! Wake up soon!!"

Not far away, the spirit demon transformed by the head of the Yun family stared at Xu Sheng in front of him, gritted his teeth and said, "This... this man! He can kill these Yun family disciples who are transformed into spirit demon instantly! Isn't that true? Say, everything before is pretended?"

He clearly saw everything that happened before, knowing that the strange power possessed by this man was definitely not something the Mo family members including himself could resist!

Thinking of this, his eyes rolled, and once again fixed his gaze on Zhou Qingruo, who had no defensive measures!

Secretly said, "Maybe, you can use this woman to threaten him!!"


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