It’s a Showdown, I’m Really a Titled Douluo

Chapter 1159: Resurrection (seeking subscription)

The whole process of torture was extremely cruel, even if it had lost all strength and collapsed on the ground, Zhou Qingruo turned his head sideways when he saw this scene...

"Xu Sheng would have such a cruel side? Or is it because of himself?"

Thinking of this, there was a burst of joy in her heart for no reason...

But the next moment, as if thinking of something, the beautiful amber eyes dimmed...

Even if I kill all these guys, my only friend, Duan Mu Lian, fell to protect himself...

On the other side, Xu Sheng, with those cold black eyes looking at the soul of the head of the Yun family who was on the verge of collapse, said coldly, "Huh? I can survive it!"

Clan Chief Yun looked at Xu Sheng in horror, and hurriedly said, "Kill me! Please kill me!!! I don't want to... I don't want to try again..."

This person is the devil! !

The kind of torture just now made him feel deeply desperate. If he hadn't been in a state of soul, he couldn't judge himself, otherwise, he would have done it himself!

Xu Shengtong glanced at him, but he didn't have any thoughts to spend on this rubbish...

Then he said lightly, "It's useless to keep you, die!"

It can be vaguely seen that the head of the Yun family in the state of soul not only has no fear, but also a deep joy...

He would rather die! I don't want to suffer from this devil again! ! That is not something that humans can do!

Xu Sheng stretched out his hand and squeezed it violently, forcibly destroying the former's soul and turning it into crystal particles...

And those Yun family disciples whose throats were choked, the last glimmer of hope on their faces was finally shattered after seeing the clan leader being so cruelly beheaded...

"The patriarch... was killed by this man! How could this be possible!!"

"No! It must be an illusion! An illusion! How could this guy be able to kill the patriarch so powerful!"

"It's over! Everything is over! The strength of this man is not what we can imagine. The patriarch is like an ant in front of him, not to mention us!"

"Damn it! He actually killed the patriarch! We want revenge!"

"Vengeance? It's all a question of whether we can survive now"

After Xu Sheng heard their voices, he slowly turned around, looking at these Yun family disciples with a cold expression...

In an instant, the eyes of these Yun family disciples once again developed a desire to survive, and they all spoke, "This lord...the things he did before were calculated by the patriarch, and it has nothing to do with us!"

"Yes, that's right, it's all the fault of the patriarch. If it weren't for his orders, how could we do something to you, your lord"

"That **** guy dared to force us to do something to you, your lord, it's a **** guilty crime, but we are innocent!!"

Every disciple of the Yun family crazily belittles the fallen head of the Yun family, hoping to save his life...

However, Xu Sheng's ink-colored eyes only condensed slightly, and he said coldly, "Since they have all become magic repairs, naturally they have to pay a price!"

After that, as his mind moved, those divine powers that bound the disciples of the Yun family gradually consolidated and turned into extremely sharp golden threads...

Immediately afterwards, it shrank suddenly...

"Puff!!" With a sound of blood mist, all the Yun family disciples were mercilessly beheaded by this suddenly contracted golden thread, especially their bodies, which turned into incomplete flesh and blood and fell to the ground. ...

The whole space is full of blood, like purgatory...


After solving the Yun family disciples, Xu Sheng leaned close to Zhou Qingruo's side and slowly helped him up...

Immediately afterwards, life force was injected into her tender body. After just a few seconds, the whole person's injuries were completely recovered...

After recovering, Zhou Qingruo glanced at Xu Sheng silently, and didn't say much...

Instead, he walked to Duanmu Lian's corpse...

A few bloodshot eyes appeared on the amber eyes, and he said guiltily, "Pity...I killed you."

If you are more cautious and not be hit by those Yun family chiefs, Duanmu Lian will not endure too much mental shock to protect yourself and then fall...

Xu Sheng patted her shoulder, pursed her thin lips and said, "Qingruo..."

But just such a shot made Duanmu Lian's beautiful amber eyes glow a little, turned his head to look at Xu Sheng and said, "Xu Sheng, do you have a way to save Lian?"

But as soon as the words fell, she fell silent...

He actually asked such a stupid question. Although Xu Sheng had the power to recover, Duan Mu Lian had fallen...

It is impossible to bring it back to life!

Xu Sheng naturally knew what she meant just now, and softly calmed down, "Qingruo, don't be so sad..."

Zhou Qingruo shook his head, clenched his palms and said, "Pity has fallen, and it is me who killed her!"

Xu Sheng still patiently said, "Don't blame yourself, Qingruo, didn't you just ask me if there is a way to revive Miss Lian?"

Hearing these words, Zhou Qingruo's self-blaming emotions became stronger, and her tone was mixed with a cold tone, "Xu Sheng, now I am not in the mood to joke, let me be alone."

In her opinion, this sentence is just a ridicule...

Xu Sheng just smiled, he could understand Zhou Qingruo's current mood, and once again said, "I do have a way to save Duanmu Lian!"

Having recovered his divine power, it can be said that he has ignored the **** of life and death...

Zhou Qingruo's beautiful amber eyes were startled at first, and then he looked at Xu Sheng with some excitement, and said, "What...what? Xu Sheng, are you sure you are not kidding?"

If you want to resurrect the dead, even if it is a magic repair, you will have to pay a heavy price!

And Xu Sheng said that he could be resurrected, how could this not surprise her...

Xu Sheng stretched out his hand to wipe the teardrops on Zhou Qingruo's cheeks, and gently said, "Naturally it is true! I didn't tell you, my strength can only recover from the injury, right?"

After hearing these words, Zhou Qingruo calmed down and said hesitantly, "The resurrection you..."

If it is necessary to resurrect Duanmu Lian at the cost of hurting Xu Sheng, she...

Xu Sheng shook his head, "Don't worry, just resurrecting Miss Lian will not affect me in any way."

After a pause, he spoke again, "However, it is against common sense to resurrect the dead, even if I used to do it rarely..."

Zhou Qingruo, who heard something in the words, solemnly said, "Xu Sheng...Just say it, resurrect pity, what do I need to do"

Xu Sheng looked at Zhou Qingruo's beautiful eyes, and calmly said, "There is nothing to do, the only requirement is to forget everything you have experienced here!"

If Zhou Qing couldn't help but froze, some did not expect it to be this request...

However, as long as Duanmu Lian can be resurrected, the loss of this part of the memory is nothing!

Immediately, she took a deep breath...

Seriously said, "I understand! Xu Sheng, trouble you, please resurrect me..."



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