It’s a Showdown, I’m Really a Titled Douluo

Chapter 1162: Monster Beast Body (seeking subscription)

Duan Mushuo, who looked at the smile on Xu Sheng’s cheeks in his eyes, curiously said, "Xu Sheng? If I read it right, were you just laughing?"

With such a weird monster in front of him here, how could he have the mind to laugh!

When Zhou Qing heard the words, she also looked at Xu Sheng with a puzzled look. She also saw the scene just now. It is certain that the latter absolutely laughed!

When Xu Sheng saw the gazes from the two of them, he shook his head and said, "I haven't, you should be mistaken."

But when the words were finished, he smiled without any intention of concealing...

Zhou Qingruo, Duanmu Lian was silent, "..."

Did you laugh this time?

Absolutely smile, right?

As for the monster beast with a smile in front of him, he simply didn't put himself in his eyes, and his aura became even more terrifying again...

Those scarlet eyes that looked terrifying in the black haze stared at Xu Sheng...

The words were mixed with a strong killing intent and said, "Boy, don't be too self-righteous. The three of you are just the cultivation base of the fairy monarch realm. In my eyes, it is easier than squeezing an ant!"

It has never seen such an arrogant human being, and he never sees such a "horrible" himself in the slightest!

Xu Sheng was stunned. After recovering, he apologized to the monster beast and said, "Sorry, I didn't worry about your thoughts just now..."

The monster beast hiding in the black mist finally started to be afraid of himself when he saw that, "Boy, it's good to know that you are wrong. Get out of here now, I can..."

But before it was finished, Xu Sheng's words interrupted him mercilessly again, "However, I will dare next time!!"

Seeing this like a dramatic scene in front of him, Duanmu Lian couldn't help but laughed out loud with a "poof!"...

He covered his mouth and said, "What the **** is Xu Sheng doing? Why does he want to irritate the monster in front of him? Is it possible that this monster is only a fancy?"

Although Zhou Qingruo is not so exaggerated, there is a smile on his cheeks, and the vigilance that has only risen in his heart has disappeared a lot...

Xu Sheng can relax like this, presumably this monster is not a threat to him...

After speaking, the beautiful amber eyes looking at Xu Sheng shone with a few gleams...

Xu Sheng's disapproval, coupled with the ridicule of Zhou Qingruo and Duanmu Lian, made the monster be irritated and yelled, "Damn!!! You kid, you are toasting and not punishing wine, so don't blame me." I swallowed you alive!!"

The concise words are full of strong anger, as if they have forgotten the "true identity" of this terrifying monster beast.

Immediately, the black mist burst out all over the body, and it continued to diffuse to the surrounding...

In the blink of an eye, the black mist gradually revealed the outline of a monster that was several hundred meters in size, looking extremely crippled...

Immediately afterwards, it looked down at Xu Sheng below with those bloodshot eyes, and locked the latter firmly...

Looking at the scene in front of him, Xu Sheng's expression still remained unchanged, and there was not even a trace of defensive posture...

Shrugged his shoulders and shook his head, "As a monster, I have to say, your patience is still not enough, but after a few words, you will become angry!"

The monster beast in the black mist saw that this tiny human in front of him was still not in the slightest fear, and shouted angrily, "Shut up!!! Give me death!!!"

After the deafening sound sounded, I saw the monster beast, hundreds of meters in size, instantly open the mouth of the blood basin full of fangs, and shrouded directly below...

Xu Sheng, who had nowhere to escape, was directly swallowed by him...

Where Xu Sheng was, only a thick black mist was left...

Seeing this sudden scene, Zhou Qingruo and Duanmu Lian's expressions changed drastically, and they exclaimed, "Xu Sheng!!"

But no one answered them, which made them even more anxious...

Fortunately, after the surrounding space was quiet for a few seconds, a slightly calming word rang out, and it was Xu Sheng's voice!

"I'm fine! Don't worry, this monster can't hurt me"

Hearing this confident sentence, Duanmu Lian breathed a sigh of relief, and the hanging heart was also let go...

But even so, they are still staring at the black mist ahead...

In the event of any accident, you might as well rush in immediately...


On the other side, Xu Sheng, who was in the thick fog, was looking ahead with a smile...

He held his chin and said, "Is this your true body? It is more terrifying than I thought!"

Hearing the sarcasm in the words, the monster beast on the opposite side gritted his teeth and said, "Shut up! You **** human being, if you dare to humiliate me like this!"

I saw that the monster beast in front of Xu Sheng was less than half the size of the former. The funny appearance of the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks made it hard to think that it was the terrifying monster that was hundreds of meters in size before!

After speaking, it rushed in front of Xu Sheng at a very fast speed, jumped into the air with all his might, and punched Xu Sheng in the chest fiercely...

Seeing this behavior, Xu Sheng said in amazement, "Huh? If you want to beat me back, beat the back!"

The corners of the monster's mouth twitched a few times, and an ugly smile was squeezed out, "Bump the back?? Back behind?? Are you really a servant of this uncle???"

Thinking of this, it was unwilling to jump up and blasted Xu Sheng's chest fiercely...

And Xu Sheng did not stop it. After letting it hit his forehead for a few minutes, he stretched out his **** and flicked his forehead...

"Bang!!" A sonic boom sounded, and the monster screamed in front of him. It flew back several tens of meters and fell to the ground...

Not very harmful and extremely insulting!

The demon beast that was hit hard had a little blood spilling from the corner of its mouth, and said angrily, "Damn it!! This uncle...How could it be defeated by a weak human like you!!"

Obviously before the three of them came, he had given these Yun family members to the town to obey him, and he didn't dare to disobey his orders at all!

But now, now...

With a "wow", this monster beast, who felt very aggrieved in his heart, started crying abruptly...

Xu Sheng couldn't smile, and didn't bully him much, so he just cried...

Faintly said, "Okay, don't cry!"

After hearing Xu Sheng's words, this aggrieved monster beast stubbornly said, "I won't! I'm going to cry!"

Xu Sheng's face suddenly chilled, and his tone gradually became cold. "Okay, then you continue to cry!"

His patience is also limited, what's more, the former is still a monster!

Feeling that the surrounding temperature was getting colder, this monster swallowed its throat, stepped back in fear, and said with a trembling tone, "Ben...Uncle Ben can't cry, right?"



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