It’s a Showdown, I’m Really a Titled Douluo

Chapter 1164: The Supplication of the Plane Spirit (subscription required)

The short body of the Cloud-Swallowing Beast trembles constantly, "You! It's so deceitful! Is there really nothing I can do with you?"

It can't wait to tear up the three people in front of it now, it has never suffered such a grievance! !

Unexpectedly, Xu Sheng and all three of them looked at it, and gave a "um" together...

The Cloud-Swallowing Beast's eyes widened and stretched out its claws to say something, but pressed it down abruptly, slowly buried its proud head, and said incomparably humiliating " continue to say..."

Don't provoke them now! Otherwise, life is hard to save! !

After this uncle's magical technique can fully reproduce the abilities of the monsters he transformed, he will kill them one by one! To repay today's shame!

Zhou Qingruo's beautiful amber eyes looked at Xu Sheng, and wondered, "Xu Sheng, why didn't you kill this cloud swallowing beast? There is no benefit to leaving it!"

If it were me, I would definitely kill the cloud swallowing beast in front of me without hesitation...

After all, it had a strong intent to kill the three of its own people before. If it weren't for the strength to allow it, I'm afraid it would have done it long ago!

Xu Sheng's eyes flickered a little, and he explained, "This guy should have been here for a long time. Maybe he knows what happened in Zhongzhou here!"

Just because this entire Yun family is a magic cultivator, and it hasn't been discovered and promptly obliterated by the rest of the cultivators, it can be seen that there is definitely a problem!

Zhou Qing nodded thoughtfully...

My heart secretly said, "Yes, the monster in front of you can speak, and it is very weak. It is indeed the best choice to ask here."

Duanmu Lian reached out and knocked on the round head of the Cloud-Swallowing Beast, and said in a threatening tone, "Hey, you, the Cloud-Swallowing Beast, also play a role. Tell me what is the situation of this Yun family and why it is all magic repairs. ?"

"Otherwise... hum"

The meaning in the words is beyond words...

Looking at the embarrassing appearance of Duanmu Lian, the cloud swallowing beast took a few steps back, swallowed his throat and said, "What do you mean? Are the three of you from other places?"

No wonder there was no fear after seeing this uncle's appearance before, I didn't expect it to come from another small place!

Xu Sheng didn't deny it, and calmly said, "Well! We did come from other places. Let's talk about it, what happened here?"

The expressions of Zhou Qingruo and Duanmu Lian gradually became serious, staring at the Cloud Swallowing Beast one after another...

They also wanted to find out what happened in Zhongzhou, so that the magic cultivator could also practice in a big way!

"Then you can be regarded as looking for the right person. Although this uncle is not very aggressive, he knows things that are not comparable to other monsters like stupid donkeys!"

The color of pride appeared on his ugly cheeks!

Immediately, its eyeballs rolled and said again, "Tell you yes, but you have to promise to let me go after you have finished speaking! Otherwise... My uncle would rather die than surrender!"

After speaking, he opened his head sideways...

Duanmu pity saw that it actually said these insignificant things, and he twitched his saber that exuded cold light...

Coldly said, "Qingruo, do you want to try the taste of beast meat today? I haven't eaten meat in many years."

Zhou Qingruo seemed to have also heard the former's intimidation, and the sword in his hand kept sounding sword chants...

"Alright! There is a good ingredient in front of you, although it is a little bit cramped, if you don't get past it, you can try it!"

And Xu Sheng cast a smile at the Cloud-Swallowing Beast, and said, "That said, I haven’t eaten the meat of a monster beast for many years. When you go to the head, remember to slow down and cut carefully. Up!"

Hearing these words, they thought Xu Sheng and the others would beg to tell them the Cloud Swallowing Beast, and they were dumbfounded...

All of a sudden, his legs collapsed to the ground, his face was horrified and said, "The devil... the devil! You three demons! Actually planned to eat this uncle!!!"

Are they monsters, or are these guys monsters?

"So, do you have room for bargaining? Say!"

After the words fell, Zhou Qingruo put the chill-filled saber on the cloud swallowing beast's head...

The cloud-swallowing beast was full of violent spirits, for fear of being cut off, and said loudly, "I said! This uncle has all said all right!!!"


Then, under the threat of Xu Sheng and others, the Cloud-Swallowing Beast told what had happened to the other half of Zhongzhou...

When I finished speaking, I secretly breathed a sigh of relief when I saw the saber leave my neck...

At this time, Duanmu Lian frowned and said, "How could this happen? The ruler in this half of Zhongzhou is actually a magic repair???"

If even the strongest in this piece of Zhongzhou are magic repairs, then this matter is too frightening...

Zhou Qingruo said in an icy tone, "In simple terms, not only this Yun family, but also this part of Zhongzhou are basically magic repairs!! Therefore, in their eyes, the cultivators who practice righteous martial arts are out of the ordinary!"

No wonder no one has suppressed demonic cultivation, and there is still such a situation in feelings! It's really sloppy!

Xu Sheng lifted his chin and said, "Is it the opposite of Zhongzhou?"

Then, the spirits of the planes encountered in the mysterious realm before, don't you plan to take care of them, and let the magic cultivation continue to develop?

Just when he was puzzled, a very faint calling sound rang in his heart...

Almost at the same time, Xu Sheng used divine power to forcibly connect the message...

"Outsiders, we meet again..." A word immediately sounded...

Hearing this slightly hoarse voice, Xu Shengdang, even though he could determine the identity of the former, narrowed his eyes and said, "The Spirit of the Plane"

Although I can feel that its power has weakened a lot, it has not completely dissipated, and it is somewhat surprising...

The plane's spirit, who was seen through his identity, did not have any surprises, and said again, "Outsiders, you don't have to feel confused, I am contacting you this time just for this matter!"

Xu Sheng's ink eyes condensed, "What's the matter? Does this mean the magic repair in Zhongzhou?"

The Spirit of the Plane said in a positive tone, "Yes, most of the Central State has been completely occupied by the magic repair, and I have spent most of my strength because of the restricted space cracks, and my strength is not one, and I can no longer manage..."

Xu Sheng, who understood its meaning, immediately answered, "So, what you mean is that you want me to solve these magic repairs for you?"

The Spirit of the Plane was silent for a while before he said "Yes"

Xu Sheng almost didn't hesitate to speak, "Then what? Is this good for me?"

He is not a good person, it is impossible to do nothing for others...

The Spirit of the Plane sighed weakly, "I don't have any real things now, but...After I disappear, I can completely hand over the management authority of this plane to you!"

When Xu Sheng heard this condition, his ink-colored eyes suddenly brightened...




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