It’s a Showdown, I’m Really a Titled Douluo

Chapter 1176: Are you scraping me? (For subscription)

When all these divine powers penetrated into the cloud swallowing beast's body, a violent shock erupted suddenly...

Immediately afterwards, it recovered from its stupefaction and secretly said, "What is the situation? After absorbing this power, my body has obviously been greatly strengthened!"

Unlike the situation that was once transformed, it is now a truly powerful monster! !

I thought that this man named Xu Sheng was going to do something to himself, but now it does not seem to be the case. All the changes that occur in his body are absolutely inseparable from him!

Thinking of this, its gaze turned to Xu Sheng who looked small below, and the scarlet eyes were full of complex colors...

Xu Sheng seemed to have seen its doubts, and said calmly, "You now have the same power and ability as the monster beast you have transformed! So the next two magic repairs are left to you."

After a pause for a few seconds, he said again, "Also, don't think about it, after the battle is over, you will return to your original appearance."

I just feel sorry for the cloud-swallowing beast, which has its appearance and has no aggressive ability, so I chose to use divine power to condense the entity for it once!

When the cloud swallowing beast heard the words, although it showed some disappointment, but then, it nodded, revealing a cruel sneer and said, "Okay! If anyone dares to come, this uncle will tear them up!!"

After the words fell, a dragon roar that made the space tremble again...

This will be the only duel in its entire life. It used to only rely on appearance to intimidate. Once it is attacked, it will immediately show itself!

An opportunity that was finally obtained, definitely not to be missed! !


The two demons who were constantly rushing towards Xu Sheng and others, after hearing the dragon roar from this space, raised their brows slightly...

One of the demon cultivators hesitated and said, "Why is there a dragon roar? Could it be guarded by a powerful monster, right?"

The other Demon Xiu shook his head, denying, "It should be impossible, they are just a small immortal monarch realm, how can it be possible to control the monster that makes this sound!"

Upon hearing these words, the former nodded thoughtfully...

That's right, the strength of this monster beast is estimated to have reached the holy realm, how could it be controlled by the guys in the fairy monarch realm...

Immediately, they continued to march forward for hundreds of meters, and finally a scene appeared in their vision...

It is Duanmu Lian and Zhou Qingruo who are practicing cross-legged cultivation...

The two magic cultivators carefully felt the spiritual power fluctuations that continued to spread from them...

One of the demons licked his scarlet lips and said gloomily, "It seems that they are them. There is no one to protect the law after breaking through the realm. It's really bold!"

The other Mo Xiu next to him just wanted to speak, when he suddenly felt a breathing sound from the sky, slowly raised his eyes and looked at the sky...

When even saw the dragon-shaped monster beast looking down at them with scarlet eyes! ! !

In an instant, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and the whole person couldn't help swallowing, and said, "No...look...look at the top of his head..., there are...mon...monsters!"

And the previous demon cultivator heard the words and asked in doubt, "Monster?"

An unknown premonition suddenly emerged from the bottom of my heart, and he quickly raised his eyes and looked up at the sky...

After seeing it clearly, his eyes widened and exclaimed, "I... Fuck!!!"

Before he finished cursing, the cloud swallowing beast turned into a dragon-shaped monster beast and let out a violent roar. The scarlet eyes were bloodthirsty and red, and he stretched out his dragon claws that could cover everything, towards the bottom. The two demons bombed away...

Seeing the attack, the two magic cultivators immediately released their spiritual power and retreated a dozen steps to the rear at an extremely fast speed...

The dragon claw that flew into the air hit the ground straight, only to hear an explosion of "Bang!!", a big pit like an abyss appeared directly on the ground hit by the dragon claw...

At this moment, the Cloud Swallowing Beast rebuked in a threatening tone, "You two demon cultivators dare to step into my territory. Are you looking for death?"

Xu Sheng at the back nodded, admiringly said, "Not bad, it shouldn't be a problem to solve these two magic repairs!"

But the two demons on the opposite side were in a different situation. Looking at the big pit that was bombed out, the idea of ​​wanting to escape emerged in their hearts for no apparent reason...

But soon, the powerful self-esteem in my heart decisively stopped them!

If they had to rush for their lives in front of a monster beast, would they still be considered a demon cultivator?

Thinking of this, they all began to speak, "This monster is still talking, I'm afraid it's not weak!"

"Damn it! This dragon is obviously the monster that the two women subdued, otherwise, why not attack them!"

"It's just a mere monster, dare to be so arrogant, let you fall here today!"

After blurting out these words, the two yelled again, "Xian-level low-grade martial arts, demon soul collision!"

"Xian-level middle-rank martial arts, the fierce clouds shake the sky!!"

It is faintly visible that two martial arts phantoms, dark black and blazing red, were suddenly released from behind these magic repairs, and they blasted straight towards the huge body of the cloud swallowing beast in front...

When the two collided, there was a violent gust of wind, followed by a dense explosion...

Due to its huge body, the unavoidable Cloud-Swallowing Beast ate the two magic cultivators' combined attack...

It was just a few steps back, and a few black dragon scales fell off the parts that were hit...

Did not suffer any substantial harm!

The Cloud-Swallowing Beast was stunned. After reacting, he laughed wildly and said, "Are you scraping me?"

It also thought that he would be slightly injured or something, and the combined force of the emotional partner only knocked out a few dragon scales of his own!

Don't be too cool to have this kind of defensive feeling!

And the demons who stood in place trying to observe the condition of the cloud swallowing beast's injury were directly dumbfounded...

"How could it be possible that our combined blow only knocked out a few dragon scales of it!"

"An illusion, it must be an illusion, such a powerful monster can't figure out how the two women surrendered!"

Both of them are strong in the holy realm!

The martial skill that was just displayed was also a fairy-level martial art, but it was completely unable to break the defense of this monster beast. Wanting to kill it was just a dream! !

A cruel expression appeared on the cloud-swallowing beast's ferocious cheeks, "Since you have finished the fight, it's my turn!"

At the same time as the words fell, a flame of dark golden light emerged from its mouth. Even without spiritual perception, one could feel the slightest throbbing from this attack...

When the target was locked to these two magic repairs, a fierce roar was heard again...

The overwhelming flame spewed out from the mouth, like a sea of ​​fire, shrouded in them...

Even the surrounding space is distorted...



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