It’s a Showdown, I’m Really a Titled Douluo

Chapter 1187: Release the blood (subscription required)

After saying this, the Tianyin Sect's Sect Master had something wrong with his whole person. It was a great shame to crush himself in terms of coercion in the mere immortal monarch realm!

Especially when he tried to resist this coercion with his spiritual power just now, but it didn't work at all...

Xu Sheng heard his shocked tone and said lightly, "What? My return, don't you like it?"

Wanting to use spiritual power to resist divine power is tantamount to idiotic dreams!

Sect Master Tianyin said coldly, "Huh! I can only use these little tricks, even if your coercion is strong, the old man does not believe that your strength can be so terrifying!"

As long as he does his hands, he can immediately judge his true strength. He absolutely does not believe that the opponent's strength can cross two realms!

Thinking of this, he secretly said in his heart, "Xianxian high-grade martial arts! Thunder footwork!"

It is faintly visible that when he displayed this martial skill, his entire existence has become extremely illusory, especially his lower body is attached to the wire arc...

In the next moment, as the Tianyin Sect Master's mind moved, the whole person immediately made a "zzzy~~" voice, and rushed towards Xu Sheng at a speed that was hard to see with the naked eye...

And the latter just condensed the divine power into his black eyes without any haste, and suddenly, everything in front of him slowed down dozens of times...

Sect Master Tianyin, who was already close to Xu Sheng, saw that he hadn't used any martial arts, and he coldly shouted in his heart, "Huh! He didn't even use martial arts, so let's die!!"

After finishing speaking, the fist with immense power blasted straight towards his head...

If an ordinary fairy king is hit, it will either die or be disabled!

But in front of Xu Sheng, this attack, which was slowed down several times, was even slower than a snail!

After he stretched out his palm, he easily grasped the fist of Sect Master Tianyin...

The latter was shocked, "What?"

Without waiting for him to think, Xu Sheng ruthlessly smashed the chest of Sect Master Tianyin with an elbow...

With a loud "bang!" Sect Master Tianyin only felt severe pain, and his whole body flew upside down in an instant, staggering back more than ten meters before he could stabilize his figure...

The Cloud-Swallowing Beast watching everything on the side, slapped his lips and said, "Does this guy's power have such a strong suppressing power against the Emperor Realm? Doesn't that mean that Xu Sheng is really likely to kill the Emperor Guy?"

No, I'm afraid it is not possible, but very possible!

Sect Master Tianyin, who stabilized his figure, glanced at the injury on his chest, and turned to Xu Sheng with a green face and said, "You kid! What a monster!!"

No wonder this kid will give himself a terrible sense of crisis after entering Zhongzhou...

Unexpectedly, his reliance is not at all cultivation base, but that strange power!

Through the simple test just now, you can judge that the opponent's strength is not weaker than yourself!

Faced with the former's scolding, Xu Sheng just smiled, "Thank you for the praise, but you are much weaker than I thought!"

"Only arguing! Wait a while to see if you can laugh!"


On the other side, Zhou Qingruo and Duanmu Lian looked very passive under the attack of the four magic repairs in turn. If this continues, the situation is not optimistic!

Duanmu Lian said with a solemn face, "Damn it! These guys cooperate very well, and there is no point to counterattack at all."

And Zhou Qingruo stretched out his hand and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, staring tightly at the four demons in front of him...

If these magic cultivators are in a single duel, they cannot be their opponents, but there is no way, if the four of the opponents team up, it is not necessarily!

Seeing the appearance of Duanmu Lian and Zhou Qingruo, the demons on the opposite side sneered and said, "Heh! Without that man and monster making trouble, you two could not be our opponents at all!"

"Surrender, maybe we can still spoil you, and it won't be in vain for so long!"

"I know what you are thinking, that man and monster beast must have been killed by our Sect Master now! The powerhouse of the Emperor Realm is not something he can covet!"

"Yes, that's right, after the enjoyment, I will definitely give you a good time. Of course, it is also possible to become our slaves, hahaha!!!"

Hearing these words, Duanmu Lian's face became extremely cold, and she looked at Zhou Qingruo next to him and said, "Qingruo!"

Zhou Qingruo nodded slightly, "Hmm! I understand!"

After speaking, they immediately released their spiritual power and tried to activate the blood in the body...

Suddenly, "buzzing~~", the blood of the two was released immediately, and the terrifying power exuded caused a violent shock in the surrounding space...

After the opposite Demon Xiu felt the changes between them, his face suddenly changed...

One of the magic cultivators exclaimed, "This...what is this? Why are their breaths soaring?"

Another magic repair clenched his teeth, "Damn! They must not be allowed to perform successfully, otherwise,"

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up! Take advantage of this opportunity to kill them"

After the words fell, these demons rushed straight to Duanmu Lian and Zhou Qingruo, trying to kill them while they were releasing their blood!

Zhou Qingruo's amber eyes suddenly burst into a cold chill, and said coldly, "I'm sorry, it's too late!"

After speaking, the saber in her hand slowly condensed with frost, which made people shudder...

And Duanmu Lian slowly condensed a light red mark, and could vaguely feel the terrifying power from her body!

In the next second, the two of them met the magic repair coming from the front...

"Humph! Although I don't know what happened to the two of you, don't think that you can easily defeat us! Go to hell!"

When Zhou Qing heard this, his expression did not change, he immediately squeezed the saber in his hand, and instantly cut off the arm of one of the demons in an illusory posture...

"Puff!" With a sound, his arm was thrown into the air, and the blood that was constantly flowing was directly frozen...

The decapitated Moxiu didn't even experience the pain, but when he saw his left arm became empty, "This... how is this possible? I obviously avoided it!"

Before the words fell, a saber with a cold light was cut again...

He immediately lowered his head, and when he watched the saber pass over his head, a fluke appeared in his heart...

But in the next second, he discovered that a headless body appeared before his eyes...

When I took a closer look, I realized that this headless body was me! ! !

This weird scene made the rest of the magic repairs take a few steps back, staring at the boat in front of Qingruo with fear...

He obviously avoided it, why would he still be decapitated? ?



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