It’s a Showdown, I’m Really a Titled Douluo

Chapter 1194: Upgrade cultivation (subscription required)

Xu Sheng looked at the sky above, and his expression gradually became serious, "Okay, let's not talk about it."

After speaking, his mind moved, and both Duanmu Lian and the Cloud Swallowing Beast were moved to the front...

However, it was not over yet, the divine power around Xu Sheng began to gather at their feet, and turned into a huge formation on the ground full of cumbersome lines...

Duanmu looked at the weird formation at his feet, curiously asked "What is this??"

Zhou Qingruo was slightly surprised and said, "Should it be to help us improve our cultivation base? I thought it was to absorb that power directly."

When the short cloud swallowing beast heard this, he immediately interrupted their conversation, shook his head and said, "It's impossible to absorb! After Xu Sheng injected that power into my uncle's body, he couldn't absorb it even a little bit anyway. !"

But it is very clear that if it can absorb that trace of divine power, it can definitely break through to the emperor realm!

Xu Sheng explained, "Just as the cloud swallowing beast said, this is pure divine power, which cannot be absorbed by your physical strength. It must be transformed into the spiritual power of this world! This formation is set up to be faster"

Let them absorb divine power rashly, I'm afraid they will explode and die!

Duanmu Lian nodded thoughtfully, "That's it!"

After seeing them understand, Xu Sheng started the formation...

I saw a golden light suddenly appeared, and there was a "buzzing humming~~" sound...

The huge traction force is constantly dispersing from its body...

Xu Sheng, with a calm complexion, once again released a burst of divine power from his body, and was immediately led into the formation...

In just a few seconds, the divine power was transformed into a gentler spiritual power, and the light of the formation was more intense...

It can be seen to the naked eye that the bodies of the three Duanmu Lian are gradually covered with a faint golden light, and they can vaguely feel that their cultivation base is rising...

Duanmu Lian smacked his lips, and said with emotion, "It's so powerful, I can clearly perceive that the cultivation base is rising steadily!"

That said, Xu Sheng could actually break through the Emperor Realm long ago, and the reason he still stayed in the Xianjun Realm was just because he himself felt unnecessary!

Zhou Qingruo was thinking in his mind, "From the perspective of this steady ascent speed, it shouldn't be an hour before we can break through the emperor realm!"

Xu Sheng probably didn’t forcibly speed up the ascent, in order to make it easier for them to withstand this.

And the Cloud-Swallowing Beast said with joy, "As expected of the man this uncle likes! It really is extraordinary!!"

In this formation, the most exciting thing is it, because after its cultivation reaches the emperor realm, the inherent magical ability will also change!

That can be condensed into an entity!

To put it simply, it is no longer the monster beast that has its own appearance, but does not have any strength!


This lasted for about half an hour, and the cultivation bases of the three Duanmu Lian had reached the peak of the holy realm, and they could break through the emperor realm in just one step!

Seeing this situation, Xu Sheng didn't keep his hands anymore, and directly let this formation begin to transform its supernatural power with maximum power...

The more intense spiritual power began to melt into the bodies of the three Duanmu Lian crazily, causing a little bit of pain on their cheeks, and they all made a light "hum" sound suddenly...

Ten seconds later, as a terrifying spatial ripple erupted from them, the surrounding space was set off by a violent gale...

There is no doubt that they have already broken through to the emperor realm!

Duan Mu Lian carefully sensed the powerful power in his body, admiring, "Is this the Emperor Realm? It is really powerful! Far from being comparable to the Holy Realm, it is roughly estimated that it has increased the strength by at least dozens of times!"

No wonder he and Zhou Qingruo are not the opponent of that magic repair!

Zhou Qingruo was full of complex eyes and said, "Emperor Realm, I thought I would never be able to break through to this realm in my life, I didn't expect..."

And the Cloud Swallowing Beast laughed wildly, "Hahahaha! This uncle's transfiguration ability has evolved!!"

After speaking, it imagined a terrifying monster in its mind...

In the next moment, its thin body swelled up instantly, transforming into a terrifying monster beast several hundred meters in size! !

The excitement made it let out a deafening roar...

Xu Sheng shook his head helplessly, and whispered softly, "It's almost done, is it so excited to break through the emperor realm?"

The Cloud Swallowing Beast retorted, "Hmph! You don't understand the pain of this uncle, the kind of pain that can only scare people but has no offensive power!"

Duanmu Lian gave a disgusting "tsk", and said nothing...

Although I don't want to admit it, I only have the appearance, but there is no pain of any strength. It is really hard to accept!

Zhou Qingruo looked at Xu Sheng again, and said, "Xu Sheng, are you going to deal with all the demons in Zhongzhou next?"

Xu Sheng, whose divine power is already so powerful, there is no need to kill other demons step by step!

It can be wiped out in one fell swoop!

Xu Sheng, who was guessed at the next step, gave her a glance, "Well! Wherever I go, where the magic repairs are destroyed, this speed is really too slow. I plan to use my divine power to cover this area of ​​Zhongzhou, and finally right Moxiu will kill indiscriminately!"

The current self is basically the same as the true self, except that there is no godhead and the **** body has not been restored!

There is no difficulty in spreading to the entire Zhongzhou with divine power!

Duanmu Lian's beautiful eyes shrank, and he curiously asked, "The whole Zhongzhou!! Xu Sheng, can you do this with your strength?"

Although Zhongzhou's area of ​​land in the entire immortal world is not the largest, it is not small!

If you don't use spiritual power to fly, it will take at least a few days or even a week or two to go out!

The power to be consumed must be terrifying!

When Xu Sheng heard the words, he just glanced at them sideways, and said with a light smile, "It should be no problem, you just stay here for now!"

After that, under the control of divine power, the whole person floats towards the sky...

When Xu Sheng's figure disappeared from sight...

Only when Zhou Qingruo's amber beautiful eyes showed something strange, he secretly asked, "Xu Sheng...will he choose to go to the previous world after he solves the magic repair in Zhongzhou?"

Will you bring yourself to go with you? Or, will you come back to see yourself?

All of this, there is no affirmative answer!

If she is allowed to choose, she would rather let Xu Sheng lose that powerful force...

In that case, it would be impossible for him to leave himself, let alone lose...

But she knows that this idea is just a luxury, it is impossible to realize...





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