It’s a Showdown, I’m Really a Titled Douluo

Chapter 1537: Lin Yuhan (for subscription)

Chapter 1537 Lin Yuhan (for subscription)

Shrek Academy, Poseidon Pavilion!

Except for Xu Sheng, all the elders are gathered here!

Due to the fact that the situation among the various forces has been too tense recently, coupled with the threat of the Holy Spirit’s twelve-level soul-guided shells, the Sea God Pavilion basically has to hold multiple meetings a week!

Cai Yueer took the lead and said, "Pavilion Master, Elder Xu and Shen Yi have already led the students to Tianhai City to meet the delegation of Star Luo Continent!"

Yun Ming nodded slightly, and said in a deep voice, "Yes!"

The turbid world stroked his beard, "With Elder Xu, whether it is the Holy Spirit Cult or other powerful people who want to do something to the students, there should be no trouble!"

After all, in the eyes of the people in the Sea God Pavilion, Xu Sheng's strength is unfathomable, and it is no longer what a "soul master" can achieve!

However, Long Yeyue next to him showed a look of suspicion, "However, the last time you asked Elder Xu to protect Elder Yali, you were completely rejected, right? There will be no problems this time, right?"

Lan Muzi's beautiful eyes narrowed, and he agreed, "It seems right to think so! The members of the Star Luo Continent delegation are all very arrogant. If you anger Elder Xu, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

When Yun Ming saw this, a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Last time I asked Elder Xu to protect Yali, it was completely forced. It is normal to be rejected. Please don't think otherwise!"

On the contrary, he knew that Xu Sheng would not obey anyone's orders, but still wanted to try it!

Yali also said in a trusting tone, "Well, what Elder Xu promised will not go back. This is worthy of recognition!"

After these words fell, the remaining Poseidon elders stopped saying anything...

Cai Yueer looked at Feng Wuyu again, and solemnly said, "Elder Feng, now does Shrek Academy have a way to resist level 12 soul-guided shells?"

The other Poseidon elders also cast their hopes and expectations towards him...

However, Feng Wuyu shook his head, his face was full of disappointment...

He sighed, "Even if there are materials left by the Tang Sect, it is impossible to build a twelve-level defensive soul guide in just a few years. I think we should focus on finding the Holy Spirit Sect's resident!"

Those Tang Sect Soul Guidance Device materials did make Shrek Academy a higher level in Soul Guidance Device, but it was limited to this!

At this moment, Yali's beautiful eyes suddenly glowed, and she suddenly interrupted, "As for the search for the residence of the Holy Spirit Sect, the War God Temple seems to have eyebrows!"

"Perhaps, it won't be long before we can figure out the true position of the Holy Spirit!"

Holy Spirit teaches!

The returning Hallosa found the Demon Sovereign for the first time and bowed and said, "Master Demon Sovereign, I have guided that legion to attack Shrek Academy according to your instructions, but the result is still unclear!"

If you observe carefully, you will find that Hallosa's eyes are much more agile than not long ago!

The woman sitting in the chair exuded appalling pressure and said nonchalantly, "It's a good job, but...Is it just this information that should be reported to me?"

She is not in the mood to manage these little things now!

Hallosa's heart trembled, and he shook his head and said, "No...It's not just that, Lord Devil, in the distance of the Holy Spirit Cult, there is a force searching around with great fanfare, and the target seems to be our Holy Spirit Cult!"

"Rough most one or two months, the Holy Spirit will be discovered!"

This point aroused the woman's interest, and she made a surprised voice, "Oh?"

The Holy Spirit will definitely be discovered in the end, but she didn't expect it to be much faster than she expected!

After a pause, he asked, "Can you judge the origin of this force?"

Harosa pursed her thin lips, "It is not certain at this time, but there are not many forces in the mainland that can have this kind of strength, and there is nothing unusual about Shrek Academy and Spirit Transmission Pagoda."

"So, I speculate that this force should originate from the Temple of War God!"

These words made the Demon Emperor's expression a little serious, and he thought, "The Temple of War, the legion attached to the Douluo's a little troublesome!"

After all, the background of this power is not inferior to the Tang Sect or the Spirit Spreading Pagoda, and it is much stronger than most sects!

If you really have to fight, the Holy Spirit Cult will have to pay a great price to destroy it!

There was murderous intent in Hallosa's eyes, "Master Demon Sovereign, are we going to intercept these guys secretly?"

The team sent by the Temple of War to search is divided into multiple units, and they can be wiped out one by one with absolute certainty!

The woman glared at Hallosa coldly, and vetoed, "No, if we act on them, we will only let the Temple of War confirm our position in advance, and let them continue to search!"

Hallosa hesitated, and wanted to say something, "But..."

But the woman was already impatient and waved, "No, but, you can withdraw!"

The former had to obey, "Yes! Lord Demon Sovereign!"

After speaking, he slowly turned around and walked away...

It wasn't until after she left that the woman's face became extremely cold, and she said coldly, "Halosa is gradually getting out of my control. Is that guy's hand?"

A figure in a black robe appeared in her mind for the first time...

Ghost Emperor, a guy who can make himself a little bit jealous!

On the other side, Wu Duosi, who had already left, couldn't help but take a breath when she arrived at the first floor of Tianhai Hotel...

Because in her perception of spirit power, there are as many as hundreds of spirit masters that are stronger than herself!

"There are not so many powerful people in Xingluo Continent now. If we get there, wouldn't it be..."

After the surprise, there was a strong meaning of fiery in her beautiful eyes...

The more the strong, the more insights that one can gain when confronting them!

Just as she was thinking, a female voice rang behind her, "Hello, are you a student of Shrek Academy?"

After Wu Duosi turned her head, what appeared in her eyes was a beautiful girl in a lavender dress!

Especially those sea-blue eyes are shining, which makes people feel friendly...

After regaining consciousness, Wu Duosi asked with doubts, "Are you?"

She doesn't remember that she has seen this girl in front of her!

The girl showed a smile and whispered, "My name is Lin Yuhan, from the Star Luo Continent!"

Wu Duosi frowned, "I don't know you..."

Lin Yuhan nodded, "We really don't know each other, but you are a student of Shrek Academy, right?"

Wu Duosi did not deny, "Well, I am a student in the second grade class of Shrek Outer Academy, Wu Duosi!"

Lin Yuhan's expression was overjoyed and excitedly said, "Then I can ask you, is there Tang Wulin among your Shrek Academy's quota for Xingluo Continent this time?"

Hearing the former accurately uttering the name, Wu Duosi instantly became vigilant, "Tang Wulin? What are you going to do?"

Upon seeing this, Lin Yuhan hurriedly explained, "Don't be nervous, I just heard that he is very talented in forging, so I want to compare it with him!"

(End of this chapter)

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