It’s a Showdown, I’m Really a Titled Douluo

Chapter 649: Breakthrough Contra (seeking subscription)

After a while, all the Shrek students under the ring recovered their senses and exclaimed, "How did Elder Qianyu disappear? Did he say something?"

"Are you stupid? The one who fought Huo Yuhao for so long just now is obviously a clone of Qianyu Elder! This kind of strength is simply terrifying!"

"A clone can defeat Senior Brother Yuhao so easily, and the gap between the two is worlds apart, eh!"

"That Huo Yuhao is terrible now. He lost to Elder Qianyu in front of so many students. Forget it, he is still a clone. I really don't know where he came from!"

Not only the Shrek students, but even the elders of the Sea God Pavilion opened their mouths somewhat unbelievably...

If it hadn't been for the clone to disappear automatically, they wouldn't be able to see the difference from the body at all!

Yan Shaozhe lowered his head, thinking carefully, and said with extreme fear, "It turned out to be a clone! This Qianyu... is really a murder!"

Xuan Ziwen carefully analyzed and said, "Even the clone can defeat Huo Yuhao, whose strength has reached Title Douluo. If it is his full strength, even Super Douluo will not be able to compete with him!"

Old Song stroked his gray beard, "This is still the loss of a hand and the strength of the falling soul power. If he can restore his arm, I am afraid that under Limit Douluo, no one can help him!"

And Xian Lin'er's beautiful eyes glowed, and she asked Xuanzi next to him, "Old Xuan, if you fight against Qianyu, whose spirit power level has not dropped, do you have a chance of winning?"

Xuanzai was stunned at first when he heard this. Some did not expect that Xian Lin'er would ask herself such a straightforward question...

However, after he was silent for a while, he shook his head, "If Qianyu's spirit power level does not drop, I am afraid that even I will not be able to defeat him! Long Xiaoyao, Ye Xishui, no one can defeat it!"

At this time, Elder Zhuang who was on the ring came to his senses and said loudly, "This matchup, Elder Poseidon, Qianyu wins!"

After the words fell, the two Shrek inner courtyard students rushed to the arena, helped Huo Yuhao up and left the scene...

At the same time, the entire Shrek students under the ring clapped excitedly, and the sound even enveloped the entire Shrek Outer Courtyard...

On Tang Sect's side, Tang Ya and others all showed complex expressions...

Beibei sighed, "Qianyu, you did it on purpose in the last time?"

The last scene where the avatar disappeared was definitely to hit Huo Yuhao...

Qianyu gave him a glance, and said noncommittal "Hmm!"

Xu Sanshi had a numb scalp and said, "Qianyu, you are really merciless when you start, just like you knocked me down with three punches!"

Jiang Nannan covered her mouth with a chuckle and said, "Sanshi, at that time, it was you who were not happy to find it, so who blamed it?"

After Xu Sanshi was pierced, he scratched his hair awkwardly, "Hey...hey, Nan Nan, you still make me embarrassed to say that."

Ma Xiaotao said lightly, "The duel is good if nothing happens."

Tang Ya nodded and whispered, "Well! The duel is over too! Let's go and see how Yu Hao's injury is!"

At this moment, Qianyu smiled and said, "That, Sister Tang Ya, Wu Tong and I are going out for a while."

Xu Sanshi said in a sour tone, "Isn't it going to go on a date with the two again? Tsk tusk, it's really enviable!"

Tang Wutong's face turned a little blush, and he explained softly, "Brother Xu! My soul power level is about to break through the Contra, so I have to leave temporarily and return to the sect..."

As for why the cultivation speed is so fast, she is actually very unclear, but she always feels that someone is helping herself...

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned, "Contra???"

Jiang Nannan was surprised and said, "No, sister Wu Tong, I, Sanshi, and Beibei are still a few levels short of breaking through, you... so soon!"

Bei Bei said helplessly, "Wu Tong's cultivation speed is really beyond our reach."

Xu Sanshi's expression was bleak and said, "In addition to envy or envy, Beibei, let's go fight a game later and see if we can find a breakthrough!"

Tang Ya smiled gently and said, "Qianyu, Wutong, pay attention to your safety, then let's go and see how Yuhao's injury is!"

Qianyu nodded, "Hmm!"

After that, Tang Ya and others all left here...

At this time, Tang Wutong intimately held Qianyu's arm, "Qianyu, trouble you."

Qianyu said lightly, "It's okay, it just so happens that I also have something to talk to the two sovereigns, Niu Tian and Titan..."

Immediately, the two walked into the nether vortex ahead...


Clear Sky School, in the hall...

Titan's face was extremely solemn and said, "Big Brother, in these short days, there have been two consecutive bombings by Level 9 Soul Guidance Device, I'm afraid the mainland is about to war"

Niu Tianming glanced at the Titan and said, "As long as things on the mainland don't involve us, Clear Sky School, then you don't need to pay attention!"

The task of the two of them is to allow the Clear Sky School to continue to survive, not to let them participate in a war that will cause casualties!

Titan's face showed hesitation, "But one of the bombings was Shrek Academy. Xiao Wutong is a student of Shrek Academy, I'm afraid he will be involved..."

If Tang Wutong might be injured, they can't stand by and watch...

Halfway through Niu Tian's words, his tone suddenly changed and said, "This is not the kid...well, they're here..."

Not long after the words fell, Tang Wutong's heart-warming voice sounded outside the hall, "Daddy, second dad, here we are!"

Soon after, Qianyu and Tang Wutong walked in together...

Titan's eyes suddenly lit up, and his face was full of dozing and said, "Xiao Wutong, it's here, eh..."

But the next second, he was extremely surprised and said, "Xiao Wutong, he has seventy-ninth level of spirit power, and his cultivation speed is so fast!"

Niu Tian glared at the Titan, "Wu Tong is the Young Sect Master of the Clear Sky School, and that's also... Isn't it normal to cultivate faster?"

But from the bottom of his heart, he knew very well that among the six soul bones in Tang Wutong's body, one was capable of accelerating soul power cultivation!

Titan scratched his head and said with a smile, "Big Brother, that's what I said."

Qianyu slightly signaled "Two Sovereigns"

Niu Tian squinted his eyes, as if he could hear something in Qianyu's dialect, he nodded slightly, "Hmm!"

Immediately, he looked at the Titan and Tang Wutong, and said, "Wu Tong, since you are about to break through the Contra, you should go to that space to practice first, and get the spirit ring by the way..."

Tang Wutong said with a bitter resentment, "Daddy, will you let me leave as soon as I come back?"

The Titan said roundly, "Xiao Wutong, brother is worried about you too, let's go!"

"Hmm!" Although I was reluctant in my heart, he still followed the Titan and left...

In an instant, only Qianyu and Niu Tian were left in the quiet Haotianzong hall...


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