-"Are you sure that you don't want to go to your father?" Varun asked Amyra who was sitting right in front of him.

Amyra thought this things a hundred of times but was still confused as she doesn't want to get married this early and also to the person her father selected.

-"I don't know.... maybe he is tensed. I want to meet him and will try to convince him but I don't know if I can do that...and..." She continued while Varun's phone rang.

-"Excuse me I need to attend this call" he said and walked out to the balcony.

It's a medium sized beautifully designed bungalow a little away from the city where Varun took her. She could not listen to the conversation but with the fluctuation of his tone she understood that something is not well.

-"What happened? everything alright?" She asked as soon as he entered back the room with a terribly tensed expression in his face..

-" No... nothing is alright.. We need to go towards the city as early as possible..." He said and ordered his assistant to prepare the car quickly, who was standing near the door and walked out receiving the order.

-"whaat happened??" She asked tensely.

-"I'll tell you in the way.. come." He said and walked out of the room while Amyra followed him.

In the way the thing he narrated was as..

' The man who was the chief guest in her engagement party and also father of her fiance Vivek was none other than a wanted underworld boss, related to many illegal business all over the country.. He seldom come in public.

Somehow his friend from IB who saved Amyra came to know about his presence in the party so he went there to grab the chance.. but before he could reach him, he was assassinated by someone. As many people saw him quarell with Amyra's father so he became the main suspect and got arrested and share market of their company fluctuated a lot.

Hearing the whole story Amyra became scared due to his father. To her best conscience she knew her father can not do something like this.

-"Do not worry he got the bail.. and you can see him as we reach your home.."He tried to console her seeing her tensed face but couldn't help.

It was late afternoon when they reached her house but saw a large crowd outside the house.

As they entered the main gate, a police officer walked towards them.

-"Is she daughter of Mr. Sehgal?" He indicated Amyra as he asked the question.

Amyra shook her head indicating 'yes' and her heart beat faster in an unknown fear.

-"We are sorry but you have to identify the body. please come.." He said removing the cap from his head.

Amyra couldn't spell any word but followed him accompanied by Varun who already assumed the situation and was holding her hand tightly. Making a way through the crowd they reached the spot where a man was lying dead in the ground prostrated, the whole ground flooded with fresh bloods. Amyra's eyes blurred with tears coming out of them.. She couldn't get any courage to look further..

A lady constable took her closer to the body and another police man wearing gloves turned the body around.. The face was nothing but a mess that no one could recognize but looking at the chain in his neck, given by her mother and different rings which he never put off she nodded confirming it to be her father and rushed towards the body but the lady constable held her so tightly that she couldn't move after struggling a lot, her eyes turned red due to continuous tears and then her body became numb..and finally she fell on the ground losing consciousness.

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