The rain kept falling, and the water was so heavy that you couldn't see the front clearly when standing in the rain. In the dark courtyard, a swing made of iron railings appeared slightly abruptly in the aisle of miscellaneous items. It was not known whether it was due to the wind or the rain, but the swing was still shaking slightly, as if someone was really sitting on it. Wu Wen held the hand axe tightly, and there seemed to be a shadow behind him that was slowly creeping, as if something would crawl out of it at any time. Wu Wen patted his shoulder, and the shadow behind him slowly subsided. However, his spirit was still tense, holding the hand axe and slowly approaching the swing in front of him. "It wasn't there just now, but now it's there. Aren't you telling me that there's something wrong with the swing?"

Wu Wen slowly approached the swing in front of him, but he didn't rush to take action.

The experience of so many missions has long made him no longer as impulsive as before. The multiple shocks have already caused his mental threshold to increase infinitely. He even knows how to think when doing tasks now.

As Wu Wen approached, the swing was still swinging by itself.

The seat of the swing is also made of iron. With this weight, even if it is shaken by the impact of rain, it will not shake so evenly.

So, the girl named Li Xi is sitting on the swing now?

Wu Wen's eyes were gloomy. He stared at the swing in front of him and hesitated whether to chop it with an axe to try it out.

At this moment, a child's voice suddenly sounded in the courtyard.

"Come on..."

A little girl's voice suddenly sounded in Wu Wen's ears, making his spirit suddenly tense.

The cold death rushed through Wu Wen's heart to his limbs and head, making his mind much clearer.

"This sound doesn't sound like it comes from the swing!"

Wu Wen's ears moved slightly, and he looked around cautiously, but he didn't find any abnormal phenomena around him.

"Come and play..."

Another similar voice came from somewhere, and Wu Wen's head suddenly turned around and looked at the position behind him.

The sound just now seemed to come from behind him!

Wu Wen became more cautious, but as his body turned around, there was still only a human skin squatting behind him looking at the pictures drawn by others.

Making a feint to the east and attacking in the west?

Wu Wen was startled, and turned around again and looked at the swing behind him.

As his body turned around again, the swing behind him had indeed changed.

"Creaky, creaky..."

The rope twisted on the iron railing, making a sound that the iron material could not bear the weight. The swing that was swinging slightly just now seemed to have someone sitting on it, and the swing amplitude became obviously larger.

Did Li Xi sit on it?

Wu Wen looked at the swing in front of him and clearly found that the iron bar on the swing was slightly bent downward, as if someone sat on it.

Wu Wen's face became ugly.

This shouldn't be the case. Now that he has the eyes of the dead, he should be able to see those things that he can't see. Why can't he see them here?

"Human skin!" Wu Wen looked at the swing in front of him cautiously and shouted softly.

Since he couldn't see it, he could only rely on human skin to sense it.

As Wu Wen spoke, there was still no movement behind him.

Wu Wen's face instantly became ugly.

This guy, human skin, always comes when he is called, and now he calls it and it doesn't respond, which proves that he must have been tricked!

Wu Wen gently stepped back, slowly left the edge of the swing, and then turned his head to look back.

I saw that the human skin that was squatting there looking at the picture just now had disappeared.

Wu Wen's eyes were wide open.

No, human skin!

His favorite human skin, his favorite little baby, disappeared at this time!

No, human skin can't be in trouble, it's just a child!

Wu Wen hurriedly ran to the place where the human skin was squatting just now, trying to find out where the human skin was taken.

However, at this moment, the girl's voice just now rang again.

"Come and play on the swing..."


Along with the sound of the girl's voice, the cry of the human skin was actually mixed in, and judging from the speed and emotion of its cry,

He seemed quite excited.

Wu Wen suddenly stood still, and he looked around again, but he did not find any trace of Renpi.

No, Renpi did yell just now!

Wu Wen was sure that he had not heard wrong, and he looked at the swing behind him. At this time, the swing swung a little more, as if the person on it was having fun.

Wu Wen continued to retreat cautiously, and slowly came to the place where Renpi was squatting just now.

This is where the bulletin board is placed at the door, and Renpi disappeared just now while looking at the picture!

Wu Wen's eyes swept across the swinging swing among the sundries, and then turned his head and looked at the bulletin board that Renpi was looking at just now.

Renpi's disappearance is definitely related to the bulletin board!

Wu Wen's eyes moved, sweeping across the bulletin board with various homework and pictures posted, and finally stopped at the picture in the upper right corner.

The picture in the upper right corner of the blackboard is a simple line drawing. The style is simple and looks like it was drawn by a child, but the content of the drawing is a bit abnormal.

A swing stands upright in the center of the drawing paper, and a little man sits on the swing, as if he is playing on the swing.

However, judging from the axe drawn with simple strokes on the little man's right hand, why does it look more and more like himself?

Recalling the shuttle in the hospital, Wu Wen's expression changed instantly.

It's bad, it's me who is in trouble, not the human skin!


The heavy rain is washing in the courtyard wantonly. The human skin wearing a raincoat and a hood is looking at Wu Wen who is sitting on the swing in front of him unhappily.

Just now, Wu Wen rushed over when he saw the swing when he entered the door, sat on it and started swinging, and he couldn't grab it at all!

It also wants to play, but Wu Wen just won't let it!

Humph, annoying!

The human skin returned to the bulletin board behind the courtyard gate in a depressed mood, turned his head, and put his eyes on the bulletin board again.

The little people on it can move, and the human skin is very happy to see it.

For example, in the upper right corner, the picture of a little girl in a red skirt sitting on a swing that it saw at the beginning has changed now.

The little girl in a red skirt and the little black boy in the picture just now disappeared at some point, and instead, a little black boy who is a circle bigger than them is standing next to the swing and looking left and right, and walking back and forth from time to time, which looks very fun.


The human skin was happy to see it, and laughed chichichichi, but then it reached out and covered the picture, and quietly tilted its head to look at Wu Wen who was sitting on the swing and swinging constantly, as if it was afraid that he would know and come to snatch it from it.

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