The walls on the second floor are completely different from those on the first floor.

The walls, which look like pustules or silkworm pupae, are almost piled up on the roof of the second floor. Compared with the first floor, the walls on the second floor are more dilapidated.

This dilapidation does not mean the dilapidation that has not been well maintained, but it feels as if the second floor and the first floor are not the product of the same time and space.

If the walls on the first floor are described as having been left for a long time without maintenance, then the walls on the second floor can be described as being splashed with a layer of high-concentration sulfuric acid.

The walls on the second floor are dilapidated, and the wall skin has almost fallen to the ground, which also makes the red slag in the corridor look extremely untidy.

The doors of the student dormitories on both sides of the corridor on the second floor were all closed. Compared with the yellow doors on the first floor, the doors on the second floor were also slightly red. Wu Wen could even infer the appearance of the third and fourth floors from this.

Wu Wen looked at the state of the second floor and couldn't help but recall his previous speculation.

"If the black shadow on the wall just now is something from Linjie County Primary School, and Linjie County Primary School and Chengdong Road Primary School are slowly merging, then it seems that it should be merging from top to bottom, and the second floor is about to be merged."

"In this case, the third and fourth floors must have been merged into Linjie County Primary School."

Wu Wen looked up at the stairs leading to the third floor with a little uneasiness.

However, compared with the stairs on the second floor, the stairs on the third floor feel a little cleaner than the stairs on the second floor.

Even the wall above the stairs is cleaner and tidier than the second floor.

No, it is even tidier than the wall on the first floor.

Because the walls of the first floor are light yellow, while the walls of the third floor have restored their original white color, and there is no peeling wall paint.

Wu Wen retracted his sight. He would go up to the third floor sooner or later, but the main purpose now is to verify his guess.

"Let me see whether this school is co-educational or separate!"

Wu Wen's goal is very specific, and this question is actually very important.

Because if it is co-educational, then his guess is not wrong, and this dormitory is indeed merging with the dormitory of Linjie County Primary School.

Then it can be inferred that Linjie County Primary School may be invading the real world!

That's right, compared to a hospital with an inner world and an outer world, which occasionally overlap each other, if his guess is true, then Linjie County Primary School may be more awesome than the inner hospital, because it is invading reality.

And if his guess is wrong, and the male and female dormitories are not co-educational, then this is terrible, because this proves that Linjie County Primary School is devouring reality and has already devoured a male dormitory!

Thinking of the group of figures standing on the stairs and the shadows of the elementary school students on the wall of the duty room, Wu Wen had a bad premonition.

If I remember correctly, the group of figures I saw just now seemed to be little boys!

A faint haze weighed on Wu Wen's heart. No matter which result it was, the impact on reality would definitely be great.

But it was obvious that the latter result was more bizarre and terrifying.

After all, Linjie County is next to Linjie County. Who can guarantee that Linjie County was not a county before? Will it also be swallowed up bit by bit like this school dormitory?

Wu Wen shuddered, and then quickly suppressed his thoughts.

I can't think about it anymore. Now my only task is to see whether it is swallowing or assimilating!

Wu Wen's attention was retracted, and his eyes were on the pink door in front of him.

Like the one downstairs, this door also has an empty glass in the middle.

Wu Wen slowly stepped forward and put his eyes close to the glass, trying to observe the situation inside.

As Wu Wen's eyes became more and more gloomy, the scene inside the glass appeared in front of him.

Four bunk beds were placed in the room. Like downstairs, the beds in the room were covered with dust, but they were not cleaned up very cleanly.

Wu Wen glanced at it with his eyes slanted, and he could see a woman's underwear on the lower bunk near the door.

The underwear was also covered with dust, and there were even three women's slippers on the ground.

Wu Wen breathed a sigh of relief.

This is still a girl's place

The room where they lived, but elementary school girls would definitely not wear this thing, so it is very likely that this was something left behind by the teachers at that time.

But no matter whether it was left behind by the teachers, it was a girls' dormitory anyway.

Wu Wen removed his skin condition, and he still wanted to catch the ghosts in the dormitory.

Wearing a doctor's uniform and evil ghost skin might scare them and make them hesitate.

Wu Wen retracted his gaze and walked forward along the corridor.

He leaned over the glass of each door and took a look.

"Girls' dormitory, there are shoes.

Girls' dormitory, there are skirts.

Girls' dormitory, the quilt is pink."

Wu Wen looked at them one by one, and finally found Bo Mu in the middle of the corridor.

There were eight beds in the room, and this small room was clean, and there was nothing on the bed and the floor.

However, compared with the previous rooms, the beds in this room were different, and the placement was exactly the opposite.

No, it cannot be said that the placement was opposite, but the opening was different.

The room in front is long and vertical, while the room in this room is long and horizontal. It is constructed in the opposite way to the room next to it.

And judging from the shape of this room, it should have occupied the space of the next room long ago!

Wu Wen noticed this keenly, and he immediately turned back to the next room, stretched his head and looked at the glass.

"No, absolutely not. According to the structure of the next door, the space of this room should occupy at least half, and now this room is no different in size from the previous room, and the place that should be occupied is not occupied at all..."

Wu Wen suddenly became alert, he took two steps back and looked at the wall between the two rooms.

The roof looked no different, with the same pile of reddish bulges hanging on the ceiling, looking like they could fall down at any time.

But there was something obviously wrong with the tiles at the chest position.

Because there is a dividing line in the middle of these tiles, on one side of the line, which is the location of the girls' dormitory, the tiles are pasted vertically, and on the other side of the line, the tiles are pasted horizontally. There is even a difference of about one centimeter in height, which makes people look extremely uncomfortable.

If you have to describe it, it feels like the left and right sides of this line are actually two completely different buildings spliced ​​together.

That's right, they are spliced ​​together!

Wu Wen suddenly realized, and he hurriedly took two more steps to the right.

Only then did he realize that the distance between the doors on the right side of the dividing line is much greater than the distance between the doors on the left.

"It's right, it's right, it's exactly right! I was wondering, why didn't I see the boys' dormitory, it turns out that the boys' and girls' dormitories have actually merged together!"

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