The weather was very bad, but the weather was very bad.

It took Wu Wen a full hour and a half to eat a few bites of food, then he returned home and carried the female corpse out, and then drove to the location Yao Yuan and the others had sent him.

It was already past seven in the evening, and because the heavy rain had not weakened at all, there were even fewer pedestrians on the streets, and even some small shops had closed their doors.

The accumulated water in the lower-lying areas may have reached the waist, but in the city center, it was only ankle-high.

After all, when the city was built, flood disasters were already considered, so they were naturally prepared in advance.

This also led to the current losses being mainly concentrated in low-lying areas. After all, the waist-deep water has flooded many lower underground garages, and the loss is not small.

"Swish!" The wheels of the tram rolled over the water and sped past, a splash of water splashed far on both sides of the road, and then fell back into the water.

The location sent by Yao Yuan and the others was not close, it was an old residential building that was almost close to the western suburbs. I don't know how they found this place.

"Squeak!" With the sound of brakes, Wu Wen finally stopped the tram.

The tram was parked in a narrow alley at this time, and on both sides of the alley were various buildings that looked very old.

Wu Wen looked at the buildings on both sides of the alley and marveled.

The buildings that formed the alley looked exactly like the style of fifty years ago. Various one- and two-story bungalows with brick and tile structures looked old and dilapidated. The exposed brick and stone walls were not painted at all, and they had been corroded and weathered for many years. The lime between the bricks looked like someone had scratched them with fingers, and there were large gaps.

If Wu Wen saw such old buildings in his hometown of Heyuan Province, he would probably feel very kind and familiar, because he found the feeling of childhood, but seeing such ancient city alleys in Puyu City really surprised him.

"So there are such backward places in this super first-tier city?" Wu Wen sat in the car, took out his mobile phone under the cover of the awning, and then clicked on the map to locate his position.

"Is it the old city of Puyu City?" Wu Wen murmured as he looked at the name on the phone.

"I feel that the development of Puyu City is really strange. The location near the eastern suburbs in the city center is full of high-rise buildings, which are completely world-class configurations. This is just the distance from the eastern suburbs to the western suburbs. This place has completely changed several levels." Wu Wen's eyes swept through the dark alley, focusing on the houses with lights around.

This place is not all inhabited, but judging from the light, at least 50% of the houses in this area are unoccupied, and the remaining lights with residents also look extremely dim, making the environment of this place look unusually cold in the rain, giving people a feeling like a ghost town.

Combined with his current mission, "Supernatural City", and looking at the old city in front of him, which is almost immersed in the dark and cold environment, Wu Wen feels that this place is likely to be the main location of this mission.

"Supernatural City, another city. This old city that is incompatible with the super first-tier city Pu Yu City, isn't it another city?"

Wu Wen looked at the cold and deep alley in front of him, and couldn't help feeling that he almost had goose bumps on his body.

It should be said that the courage of these girls is really outrageous. In this place, men usually have to sing loudly to relieve their fear when passing by here. They also specially chose to play the spirit summoning game, which is not the thinking of normal people.

Wu Wen looked at the time. He left home at around seven o'clock, and it was already nine o'clock. Minus half of the journey, it would take him at least an hour to get back to Jinshui Garden. So the time was just in line with his plan.

"Click!" Wu Wen took out a lighter and lit the cigarette in his mouth. The human skin kid helped the female corpse sit in the back seat, and stretched out a small leather hand anxiously.

Wu Wen handed the cigarette box in his hand to it, and then took a deep puff of smoke.

Taking a puff before doing anything helps one calm down.

Looking at the expression of the human skin kid smoking in the back seat, Wu Wen smiled slightly.

In this big city, human skin is currently his only company.

Whether in life or in missions, the presence of human skin always makes me feel less lonely.

"Huh!" Wu Wen threw the cigarette butt into the water, then pulled open the rain curtain of the car, and stepped directly into the knee-deep water.

Since it started to rain, he found that his body had never been dry.

Now he is almost used to the feeling of dampness.

"Huahua..." Wu Wen's feet waded in the water, causing the water to gurgle.

A rare human voice appeared in the dark and cold alley, slightly dispelling the bleak atmosphere.

Wu Wen stretched out his hand to pull open the awning of the car behind him, and waved to the human skin inside.

"Get down, let's play a game." Wu Wen stretched out his hand to support the female corpse in the back seat and laid the female corpse flat on the seat.

The female corpse was wearing his clothes, and when the human skin supported her, she looked no different from a living person. However, if the human skin didn't support her, the female corpse's limp body would not be able to sit steadily.

The phrase "dead heavy" is absolutely correct. Dead people are the heaviest because they are too slippery and can't be pulled. From this point, it can also be seen that the human skin kid is really strong now.

Hearing Wu Wen's words, the human skin threw the cigarette butt into the water with a chirp, and then crawled under the carport that Wu Wen opened for it.

"Chiji?" The human skin stood lightly on the water. Its body weight was small, no different from a flat object, so it could stand on the water and would not sink.

The human skin in the raincoat excitedly walked around on the water. It felt soft when stepping on the stagnant water, which was very fun.

Wu Wen smiled faintly as he looked at the human skin walking around on the water in front of him, and then he felt a little disappointed.

If only Hong Yuan was like this...

A hint of coldness rose in his heart, and Wu Wen instantly suppressed his thoughts.

His face instantly became serious, and he stared at the human skin in front of him, and said, "Okay, let's stop playing for now, let's play a game."

"Chiji?" The human skin stood still, and its two dark big eye holes looked straight at Wu Wen's eyes.

It was short, and it could barely reach the height of Wu Wen's 1.8 meters when it stood on the water.

Seeing that the human skin had calmed down, Wu Wen really became serious this time.

He thought for a while and said, "Let's stand here back to back, each walking forward, and shouting each other's name every step. Do you understand?"

Wu Wen scratched the back of his head while looking at the human skin in front of him, which was full of little fools.

It should be able to understand such a simple explanation, right?

"Chijiji!" The human skin also scratched its little head, and then nodded, not knowing what it was saying.

But Wu Wen was very pleased. He reached out and patted the little head of the human skin and said with a smile: "Very good, very good! You are getting smarter and smarter. I think you have great potential!"

The human skin was very happy to receive Wu Wen's praise. He stood on the puddles and chirped non-stop.

Only the female corpse, as the only mentally retarded member of Wu Wen's team, was still slumped on the back seat of the electric tricycle, ignoring the reactions outside.

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