The night before the fire, the fire was still burning.

It was eight o'clock in the morning, and people who worked had already gone to work. However, since most of the workers in Jinshui Garden Community took a day off, it was a bit noisy at this time when they were getting up.

Wu Wen suddenly opened his eyes, and the darkness in front of him startled him.

But he reacted immediately.

"Yes, I'm lying in the coffin now." Wu Wen lowered his head and looked at his chest. Hong Yuan, who was lying on him last night, had disappeared without a trace.

Wu Wen breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, he was a little scared to see Hong Yuan's pretty face when he opened his eyes. To be honest, this was more frightening than the fierce ghost in the ghost movie.

Wu Wen's sleeping position did not change at all throughout the night. He lay flat like a corpse when he fell asleep, and it was still the same after he woke up, as if he was a real corpse lying in this coffin last night.

But his body seemed to be really described as a corpse.

Wu Wen's eyes had adapted to the extreme darkness in the coffin, and this darkness seemed to have layers in his eyes, allowing him to see his body.

Wu Wen reached out and tried to hit his chest twice. The flesh rebounded quickly like ordinary people, and did not lose its elasticity like a corpse.

But he did not breathe, and his body temperature was cold, no different from the coffin.

"So, I should not be considered a corpse now, right?" Wu Wen frowned slightly, and he suddenly thought of an extremely important point.

"The explanation of the corpse said that I have not lost my fertility, but I have no blood in my body now, so how can he be filled with blood?"

Wu Wen's heart jumped, and then his hands suddenly reached down.

After half an hour, Wu Wen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, his fertility had not been lost, otherwise he really didn't know what the point of living was.

The most worrying thing in his heart was checked out, and Wu Wen stretched out his hand to push open the coffin lid above his head.

This time, his brows frowned again.

"I always feel that my strength seems to have increased a little. Could it be that the effect of this coffin can really work on me?" Wu Wen pried open a gap in the coffin board above his head, and then pushed the edge outward to create an opening large enough to accommodate him.

Wu Wen stood up and got out of the opening.

Wu Wen took out his mobile phone and put the coffin back, and then began to observe the changes in his body.

He clenched his fists slightly, and a sense of power was generated in his hands, making Wu Wen always feel that his fists were clenched a little tighter than yesterday. He stretched out his hands to look at the wounds on his wrists. How could the wounds heal yesterday? The reason why he didn't beat the ghosts in the toilet himself was because it hurt to move. Now the wounds on his wrists have healed, leaving only a black absorbable line, and even the new white skin is gone, just like the flesh and blood are sticking together again.

However, his flesh and blood really have no growth, and can only stick together again.

But the speed of healing is too fast, right? Is this the inherent characteristic of the body after enhancement or the reason of the coffin?

Wu Wen frowned and lifted his shirt again.

The big hole in his chest that was dug out by the pen fairy has also completely healed, leaving only a circle of black absorbable lines.

If I hadn't seen this circle of lines, I would have thought he had never been injured!

"So, this should be the effect of the coffin, right?" After all, the coffin can increase the strength of the body and definitely has the effect of nourishing the corpse. I am a corpse, so it is normal to be nourished.

Wu Wen confirmed his inner thoughts. Although he didn't know whether it was right or not, sleeping in a coffin was a good thing for him, especially since the enhancement of the body felt very weak, but he could feel that it was strengthening, which was not weak.

Wu Wen was in a good mood, and immediately put his mind back and began to observe the house.

It was more than eight o'clock now. I don't know if it was because they didn't have to go to work or because they were lazy, but none of the three girls got up and went out.

At present, only Renpi was sitting on the sofa and watching TV all night in the whole living room.

The room where these girls lived was messy. Although it was not dirty, there were too many items. For example, all kinds of clothes were placed on the sofa, and all kinds of cosmetics were placed on the table. The ground around was even more messy, with everything, which was different from Wu Wen's own

The room formed a sharp contrast.

After all, there was only one quilt in Wu Wen's room.

Wu Wen picked up the female corpse on the ground and put it on the sofa.

His little pillow was thrown out by Hong Yuan last night. He slept alone on the floor outside for a night. He felt very distressed. It would be bad if it was broken.

Wu Wen stretched out his hand and pinched the tender white cream. Fortunately, it was still elastic.

Putting the female corpse on the sofa, Wu Wen looked at the human skin sitting at the end of the sofa and still motionless.

This kid has been so unbridled these two days. Not only did he watch animation all the time, but he even dared to raise his middle finger to him yesterday. What a bad guy.

Thinking of the arrogant look of the human skin yesterday, Wu Wen was furious. He walked quickly to the side of the human skin and stretched out his hand to pull the human skin up from the sofa.

"Chiji?" The human skin turned his head in confusion, and a puzzled expression appeared on the thin face.

"Why are you yelling at me? Turn off the TV! Follow me out today! You are awesome! You started to rebel after being ignored for two days. You are quite capable!" Wu Wen didn't care about the human skin's constant resistance at all. He forcibly pulled it up from the sofa and made it stand on the ground.

The human skin pushed Wu Wen's face with both hands, chirping anxiously, with a face full of resistance. The head of the skin was still twisting and trying to look away to see the TV screen that Wu Wen was blocking.

Feeling the push of the little leather hands on his face, Wu Wen became even angrier. He grabbed the little hands that kept pushing on his face, and then fixed the whole skin of the human skin tightly to prevent it from moving.

Then Wu Wen kicked the little leather butt of the human skin.

"Puff!" A small fart came out from between the two little butt cheeks of the human skin, and the human skin immediately glared at Wu Wen.

"Chi Chi Chi!!!"

The human skin was so anxious that it kept yelling. It was hard to believe that it was not cursing because of the intensity of its tone.

"Okay, you dare to curse now? You have really grown up and become rebellious! Okay, okay, if I don't correct you today, I will not be surnamed Wu!"

"Puff!" Wu Wen became even more angry when he saw its unyielding appearance. He kicked it again, causing the human skin's buttocks to fart again.

It is made of pure leather. Leather can be windy. There is a lot of air in the leather cavity. When Wu Wen kicked the skin down, gas will naturally come out of its holes. This is why it farts so much.

In fact, it is not a fart, but just air.

Feeling that he was kicked on his buttocks again, the human skin became more anxious.

What is he doing? The human skin now has its own ideas. It is already a mature skin. How can it be treated so rudely? Doesn't it have any face?

The human skin jumped around anxiously on the ground, but its hands were held by Wu Wen and it couldn't move at all. It could only scream desperately while being kicked by Wu Wen.

"Chi Chi Chi!"

"Puff Puff Puff!"

The human skin, which had been born for less than a month, experienced the greatness of fatherly love for the first time.

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