It’s Hard Being the Bad Guy

Chapter 17: So you have a crush on me 17

The next morning, Wen Ai harvested a cup of long-lost doggie coffee. The taste was still mellow and delicious, and the **** was still soft and cute. He took a sip and the overwhelming sense of familiarity aroused him. There are many memories, scenes and scenes of small daily life like Xu Changzhou and Xu Changzhou in high school clearly emerge.

Xu Changzhou was going to work at the company, and he slowly buttoned his shirt in front of the full-length mirror. His hands were slender and sexy. Wen Ai held a coffee cup and stood by, and suddenly asked, "Aren't you going to let me go?"

Xu Changzhou glanced at him in the mirror: "Yeah."

Wen Ai pouted his lips: "Then you have to let me go back to the dormitory to pack up things, right?"

Xu Changzhou's tone was natural: "No, I will accompany you to buy new ones after work."

Wen Ai squeezed the cup in his hand: "No, if you can say no, just don't do it! Don't be too much, I have given way, and you have to give me a step too."

Xu Changzhou tied his tie and tucked the corners of his shirt into his suit trousers: "Then I will ask someone to help you move it over."

"I don't want others to touch my things." Wen Ai grabbed Xu Changzhou's arm and shook it, "Let me go back and clean it up, okay?"

Xu Changzhou turned sideways to look at Wen Ai, Wen Ai also looked up at him, his big beautiful eyes blinked straight at the other person, and said coquettishly: "Why?"

Xu Changzhou pursed his lips and defeated in his groaning voice: "Okay, I will find someone to accompany you."

Wen Ai grinned, his eyes crooked with a smile: "Yeah."

Xu Changzhou pulled him in front of him, lowered his head and kissed his forehead: "Baby, you behave."

Wen Ai knew that this was reminding himself not to make trouble, don't think about running away, he answered, but secretly thought about returning to China.

After arriving at the dormitory, Wen Ai got into his room to clean up, and shut out the two bodyguards Xu Changzhou sent to follow him on the grounds that he did not want to be disturbed. The two black suits glanced at each other, and divided one to guard under the window in Wen Ai.

Wen Ai hid in the room and didn't clean it up. Xu Changzhou had already returned the cell phone and wallet he lost when he was kidnapped yesterday. At this moment, he took out his cell phone and called the airline directly, intending to order one and return to China immediately. Ticket.

When booking the ticket, the operator asked Wen Ai to provide his passport number. Wen Ai found the passport in the drawer and read the number. After a crackling keyboard sounded on the phone, the operator told Wen Ai very sorry that he was restricted from leaving the country. No tickets can be purchased.

Wen Ai didn't believe in evil, so he made more than a dozen phone calls and tried all airlines, big and small, and got the same answer. There was a problem with his passport, and he couldn't sell the ticket to him.

Wen Ai fell depressed on the bed, slumped on it like a flat ball.

Xu Changzhou's trick was enough, he was trapped in the United States directly. No wonder he would agree to his request in the morning, because he was sure he could not escape his palm.

Wen Ai took the pillow and put it on his face, feeling very unhappy.

The system took the opportunity to persuade him: "If this is the case, you can hold on again. The heroine is also coming to the United States. You can stay and help."

Wen Ai tightened the pillow, and his voice was dull: "Otherwise, what else..."

In fact, Wen Ai thought about asking for help at home, but no matter how powerful Zhao's father is, his sphere of influence is limited to China. This is Xu Changzhou's site, and people have business in both black and white. Even if he tells his family, he can only make them anxious.

The door of the room was knocked suddenly, and Wen Ai was getting annoyed. He opened the door impatiently holding a pillow: "I didn't want you to wait—Xu, Xu Changzhou? Why are you here..."

Xu Changzhou's gaze turned around in the room behind Wen Ai, then returned to Wen Ai, and said lightly: "Have you started to clean up yet?"

Wen Ai lowered his head guiltily and buried his face in the pillow, and whispered, "I just took a rest."

"Tired?" Xu Changzhou even put a pillow into his arms: "Then we won't clean up, and we will buy a new one later."

"Aren't you going to work?" Wen Ai had a hunch that Xu Changzhou already knew what he had just called. He hesitated and asked, "You are here because..."

Xu Changzhou rubbed his head affectionately with his chin: "The baby is not well-behaved and wants to run away. I can only put down my work and come with you."

Wen Ai opened his eyes wide: "You installed a bug in my phone."

Xu Changzhou generously admitted: "It was installed three years ago, and there is also a GPS locator."

"You are so, too—" Wen Ai punched him in the chest through the pillow, "I want to change the phone, you must not put any messy things on the top."

Xu Changzhou: "Then what should I do if the situation like this happens again?"

Wen Ai slumped his shoulders down: "No, my passport is frozen by you. What tricks can I play with..."

Xu Changzhou rubbed the back of his neck: "Okay, but if there is another time, I will punish you."

Wen Ai said, "It's all right, I really want to clean up."

Wen Ai packed his usual clothes and some important items into his suitcase, and Xu Changzhou took it over and helped him carry it downstairs. A limousine was waiting at the door of the building. The driver helped them pull the door. When they got in, Wen Aidu glanced at the driver with sunglasses, and felt like he had seen it somewhere.

When the driver sat back in the driving seat, Wen Ai saw a gun scar on the back of the opponent's neck, and suddenly remembered that this was the first time the person delivered food.

Wen Ai stabbed Xu Changzhou next to him with his elbow, and said in surprise: "You opened the takeaway shop?"

Xu Changzhou nodded: "I think you are not used to eating here, so I sent someone to invite the chef from the restaurant you used to love."

Wen Ai: "Did you also clean up Danny? Just when you were freshman?"

Xu Changzhou nodded again: "He didn't bother you again, right?"

"No." Wen Ai asked several more things, and then discovered that those good things that he originally thought he had run into **** were actually arranged by Xu Changzhou silently behind the scenes.

Wen Ai felt a little moved, and his watery eyes flashed: "You...then what...thank you."

Xu Changzhou nodded his little nose: "It's too early for Xie, I said I will take care of you for the rest of my life."

Throughout the summer vacation, Wen Ai lived a life like the sky. You ask him how he got there?

Xu Changzhou spoiled it!

In the hot weather, Wen Ai doesn't like to go out, so he blows up the air conditioner at home, sets up a bed with various electronic products, and picks a few from the snack box when he is hungry. At noon, Xu Changzhou usually comes back to cook for him. After eating, the two of them lie in bed together and take a nap. Wen Ai will not wake up until after three o'clock in the afternoon. After spending two hours in the game, Xu Changzhou will come back from get off work. .

On weekends, Xu Changzhou would take Wen Ai to swim to eliminate the fat he saved this week. Wen Ai doesn’t know how to water, so I resisted it at first. Every time I choked on Xu Changzhou’s body, I vented my breath on Xu Changzhou’s body. His beautiful little face became soggy, and it seemed even more painful: "How can I learn? It's all bulging up!"

Xu Changzhou pressed his soft belly: "It bulges because you usually eat too much."

Wen Ai was unwilling to listen. When he slapped the surface of the water, the splashing water bounced on Xu Changzhou's face: "You still think I am fat? Don't think I don't know. You brought me to swim just to take advantage of me! You just touched me. Ass many times!"

Xu Changzhou couldn't argue with a hundred mouths: "It just happened by accident. If I don't hold it, you will sink to the bottom."

With Xu Changzhou's insistence, Wen Ai gradually could swim a few meters out. He had fun, but instead liked the sport. On weekends, Xu Changzhou was urged to take him to the swimming pool.

After a summer vacation, Wen Ai's physical fitness is indeed better than before.

At the beginning of school, Wen Ai met Sun Mengzhen, who came to Colombia as an exchange student at school. Sun Mengzhen had just arrived and was a high school classmate with him. The two quickly got in touch.

Wen Ai found an opportunity to date Sun Mengzhen and Xu Changzhou together. Just like the school trip, he didn't say hello to them in advance, so he put people on the same table before talking.

But this time, Xu Changzhou was not as easy to talk as he did last time. He pulled up Wen Ai with a cold face and left, racing all the way back to the apartment.

Wen Ai had hardly seen him angry, so he shrank on the door frame and did not dare to enter. Xu Changzhou drew the person in, pressed against the wall and kissed him cruelly, Wen Ai groaned and couldn't push him away.

When Xu Changzhou let go of Wen Ai, Wen Ai's two lips were already swollen like two lying sausages, and they were numb when they touched each other.

Wen Ai looked at Xu Changzhou with tears in his eyes, sounding particularly aggrieved: "Why are you so hard? It hurts me..."

Xu Changzhou didn't speak, and went to the refrigerator to get some ice cubes, wrapped it in cloth and applied his lips.

Wen Ai groaned: "What ice cubes are you using? I think your face is cold enough."

After applying it for a while, Xu Changzhou threw the ice cubes on the coffee table, and gently kissed Wen Ai’s slightly better lips: "Baby, you can toss me, get angry at me, but don't push me to others. , I will be angry."

A fragility flashed across Xu Changzhou's face, and Wen Ai felt uncomfortable in his heart: "I have no other intentions-forget it, I apologize, okay?"

Although he apologized, Wen Ai knew from Xu Changzhou's expression that it was not so easy to turn the story. He was mentally prepared in advance, but when Xu Changzhou pressed him on the sofa and insisted on giving him GV, his heart still collapsed.

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