It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!

Chapter 434: GET RID OF HIM

The two of them finally followed the two of them and ended up in the underground car park below, where the two men entered a gray car and were about to leave.

"What are your plans now?" Apple asked. She lifted her head and saw Jayden looking around them, seeming to be anticipating how many people there were or the positions of the people he brought.

"Follow them," Jayden replied casually.

"Where did you park your car?" Apple asked, she looked around and didn't find the car Jayden usually drove. But then again, didn't someone like Jayden have more than one car?

"I parked it on the other side of the building," Jayden said, grinning when he saw Apple snort in annoyance at his response.

"Then what are you going to do now?" Not far from them, the gray car's engine was turned on and the car started to move away, to get out of the parking lot.

If they went to collect Jayden's car first, it was certain that they would both miss their target.

"Don't worry," Jayden replied casually, watching the car go backward and standing next to a car while brushing Apple's hair, as if they were two very romantic lovers. And Apple could only roll her eyes dramatically at the sight of what Jayden did.

It was very cheap acting and she didn't believe she was a part of it.

"The car's gone," Apple said, nodding at the gray car that had pulled away from the parking lot, but they could still see it moving away.

And just at that moment, a black sedan pulled over and the driver got out of the car.

"Come on," Jayden said as he grabbed Apple's hand and led her into the car.

"Actually I could go home with one of your guys and not have to join this chase," Apple said when she was already in the car. "I don't really want to get involved in your troubles." Well, Apple already had issues of her own to deal with, so she didn't feel like she had the time to take on any more.

"Too bad, beautiful, you're already involved now, so buckle up, because I guarantee it's going to be a lot of fun tonight," Jayden said, rolling his eyes at Apple.

Apple rolled her eyes dramatically. "Let's finish this quickly, I want to hurry home." She then buckled her seatbelt and let Jayden drive the car, following the gray car about two cars from them, waiting in line to get out of the building's parking lot.


"Why are you in that bar?" Jayden asked as they remained silent, having followed the gray car for about ten minutes now.

"I have business," Apple replied curtly, as if she wanted to end the conversation that hadn't even started yet.

"What business? With that rude lover of yours?" Jayden asked, then turned left. From the street boards, it seemed like they were about to get out of city A.

"He's not my boyfriend," Apple said sarcastically. She didn't like being associated with that man anymore.

"Your ex-lover then." Jayden laughed when he heard Apple snort in disgust. "So? Did you meet him?" he asked curiously.

"None of your business," Apple grumbled.

"It's none of my business, but at least say something, I'll be sleepy if you just continue keeping mum while frowning." Jayden pretended to yawn.

For a moment Apple didn't respond to the man, but then she started talking.

"I met him five years ago, but only started a serious relationship with him four years ago," Apple said.

"And how old are you now?" Jayden asked curiously.

"I'm twenty years old."

"So you met him when you were fifteen and started a serious relationship with him when you were sixteen, correct?" Jayden glanced at Apple, who gave him a suspicious look, as if she sensed that there was something behind the question.

"Yes," Apple replied curtly, still eyeing Jayden warily.

"Wow, that's amazing…" Jayden smirked. "You've been in a serious relationship since you were sixteen, I didn't even have a single serious relationship at the age of twenty-eight."

Apple sneered. "That's because you never take anything seriously."

Jayden shook his head when he heard that, he laughed softly. "That's because I have more important priorities."

"Like finding out the organization that once kidnapped you?" Apple could see that Jayden was slightly frowning, feeling uncomfortable with the topic, but then, his facial expression changed again and he had his usual calm expression.

"At least it's better than focusing my attention on an asshole who hits a girl," Jayden retorted with a nonchalant shrug.

And even though Apple glared at him for his comment, she still had to admit that what Jayden said was true.

"Then, what's your problem with the guys at the bar?" Jayden recalled the four people who kept watching Apple from a distance.

"You could say that Kyle was in trouble and I, as his former girlfriend, was affected too," Apple replied in a relaxed tone, although from what it seemed, the problems she was facing were not at all that light.

There was a pause after Apple said that before Jayden finally asked her.

"You want me to help you?" Jayden asked, his eyes still focused on the road in front of him as well as the gray car he was following, with people full of at least two cars tailing behind him.

"Help me in what way?" Apple asked, she stared at the side of Jayden's face, waiting for his answer.

"I can get rid of them if you want," Jayden replied.

"You can't just kill people," Apple retorted, but he knew that Jayden was serious with his 'promise' and this wasn't his first dirty job.

"Of course, I can. I can get rid of him like this." Jayden then snapped his fingers.

And for a moment, seeing his half smile, Apple could feel chills run down her spine. 


read my other book: UNTAMED: THE ALPHA

meet me on instagram @jikan_yo_tomare

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