Jayden reached the Tordoff's residence in less than thirty minutes and immediately handed the car keys to the valet there to park the car because he was in a hurry to meet his mother.

Previously, Jayden had contacted Pyro and said that Apple was fine and that his mother had 'kidnapped' his daughter.

Of course Pyro had known Hailee long enough to notice his mother's strange attitude and could only sigh.

"Then why is her phone switched off?" It was the first question Pyro asked when he found out where Apple and his daughter's cell phone could not be reached.

According to what Jayden said, Hailee told him that Apple's phone was low and the girl was so tired that she probably forgot to turn her phone back on or even forgot to charge it.

Whatever the reason, at least Apple isn't in trouble.

Well, being at the Tordoff residence with his mother in charge there, it couldn't be said that you were completely out of trouble…

After that, Jayden entered the house and found his mother waiting for him with his favorite dish, which made his heart melt.

Jayden was annoyed, but when he saw his favorite food cooked directly by his mother, the needs of his stomach overcame the needs of his ego.

Ugh! Her mother always knew how to get out of difficult situations, especially when dealing with her husband and children.

"This isn't fair," Jayden grumbled as he took the deep-fried prawn pieces onto his own plate, he didn't even wait long to gobble down the dish.

"What's not fair? I cook my beloved son's favorite dish," Hailee defended herself.

"Beloved son?" Jayden sneered. "You only have one son and have no other choice."

"I have Misha."

"He's not your son."

"I already think of him as my son."

"Then just annoy him."

"Ah, that…" Hailee slumped onto the chair next to Jayden. "He's not interesting to tease."

"So, I'm interesting?" Jayden devoured the prawns while looking at his mother fiercely. "That's why you keep bothering me," he stated the truth.

"Because I love you, silly," Hailee said, she then leaned in to kiss her son's cheek and laughed at Jayden's expression.

Out there, people would look at Ramon with eyes full of fear, if you were on his bad side, or stare at him respectfully.

Or think Jayden looked easy going, but could be very serious and dangerous in just one second, he was able to change the expression on his face to be very scary when facing his business opponents.

It's just that, in this house, in front of Mrs. Tordoff, these two wonderful men were just a sweet husband and son.

Hailee was more than capable of handling the father and son duo.

"What's with your finger?" Hailee just realized that Jayden's finger was bandaged and frowned in confusion. "Are you fighting?"

"Not. It's a bite mark," Jayden mumbled, not explaining further. His father was too cold to ask what the wound was when he had clearly seen it, but his mother was certainly different.

"What bite?" Hailee wouldn't stop asking questions until she got a satisfactory answer.

"It is nothing…"

Jayden glanced at Hailee out of the corner of his eye and he recognized the mischievous look.

"It's nothing…" Hailee repeated in a probing tone and a smile formed on her lips which gave Jayden a bad feeling.


Apple woke up early this morning and realized that she wasn't in her own room, and when all the memories of last night's events flashed back into her mind at once, it left her wincing.

Ugh! Mrs. Tordoff sure knew how to persuade someone and Apple was too tired to confront her after a long day of roaming around.

Somehow shopping with Mrs. Tordoff was far more grueling than all of her missions with Jayden.

Maybe because apart from being physically tired, Apple was also tired mentally because she felt intimidated by Mrs. Tordoff.

After rubbing her face roughly to get rid of her sleepiness, Apple immediately got off the bed and prepared to leave the room. Her throat felt dry. She was very thirsty.

However, once outside the room, she was confused to find a kitchen in a house this big, so she ended up wandering around the house until someone's voice startled her.

"Are you touring around the house so early in the morning?" Jayden asked from behind her.

His shocking voice startled Apple so much that she almost screamed.

It was still dark, but the sky was slowly starting to lighten and maybe because Apple was still sleepy, she didn't hear Jayden's footsteps following her.

"Don't startle me, I thought you were a ghost," Apple grumbled, looking up at Jayden who was approaching her.

He looked lazy and sleepy in his white t-shirt and sweatpants, as if he had just woken up.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" he asked with a lazy smile at the corners of his lips.

"I would be very grateful to you if you could give me a drink."

"Of course, love, I'd give you anything, not just a drink."

Apple rolled her eyes when he heard those words and was slightly surprised when Jayden took her hand.

"We don't need to hold hands like this, right?" Apple tried to pull her hand away, but Jayden's grip tightened.

"Of course this is necessary, I don't want you to get lost," he teased.

Apple then grumbled something that was not clear in response to this very cheesy bullshit. "What are you doing so early?"

Jayden rolled his eyes at Apple. "Actually I'm not used to getting up early, but it seems we have a strong relationship, so we wake up at the same time."

"You make it sound awful."

Jayden laughed when he heard this. "You should be grateful that I'm here, because I was trying to save you from my mother."

"Why is that?"

"Oh, if you thought yesterday's interrogation was over, you must have underestimated Mrs. Tordoff. My mom will schedule an activity that the two of you can do for the next week. And I'm here to elope with you."

Apple grimaced when she heard this.. "I won't thank you for the latter."

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