Jayden had no idea that his luck had really run out and he'd have to endure a robbery at noon like this.

This made no sense, especially to him, because he was used to taking things far more seriously than this. If only he had left after notifying his bodyguards, they would have solved this trivial matter, without even Jayden having to worry at all.

But, sadly, he left all his bodyguards in the office, because he was in such a hurry to catch up with Apple and it never occurred to him that he would experience this kind of ridiculous incident.

Jayden didn't want to make things worse, because he wanted this to end soon and he and Apple got their lunch.

However, the robbers didn't make things any easier for them and only made things worse.

One of the four robbers in the cafe came over to Apple and Jayden's table, picking up their belongings that had been lying on the table.

But instead of grabbing the items quickly, he made a comment that woke Jayden's dark side.

Well, despite his sometimes childish and goofy nature, he is still a Tordoff who has done countless worse things than this.

So, when the robber made a comment on Apple, it was the time that he had signed to his doom.

"You so look beautiful, how about you spend the night with us?" the robber said. His mask twitched slightly around his lips, which Jayden assumed this jerk was throwing an obscene grin at Apple and Jayden's eyes darkened in an instant.

It happened so fast that before even Apple could stand up for herself, which she was more than capable of doing, and before the robber could understand what was really going on, Jayden had taken the gun out of his hand and pressed his head against the table.

It all happened so fast, a second ago the robber was staring at Apple with dirty thoughts in his head, but the next second, his head had hit a hard table and made the world dark for a moment, before finally the pain hit him very strongly.

The other three robbers who heard the screams of pain from their comrade, immediately turned their heads and found Jayden had pointed the gun he had snatched earlier and fired a bullet at them.

The first bullet went through the mugger's hand, causing him to let go of the gun in his hand, the second bullet pierced the other robber's thigh, causing him to bend his knees and groan in pain, while the last mugger got a bullet lodged right in his shoulder.

Jayden did all that with a cold face; he didn't even flinch as he fired the three bullets, precisely hitting his targets, one by one.

It was not just the customers at the cafe who were shocked by how Jayden turned the tables around and got the upper hand from the robbers, but so was Apple.

The girl was surprised by Jayden's sudden change in mood. Just a moment ago, he looked bored because he was being 'robbed' and looked like he wanted all this drama to end, but the next second he looked very cold and showed his cruel side, shooting them all without any consideration.

He didn't look remorseful or even frown, and to be honest, for a moment, Apple was afraid of Jayden. He looked like a cold blooded killer.

"Jayden," Apple called carefully, she was much more afraid of the current Jayden than the four armed robbers.

"Are you okay?" Jayden asked in a rigid tone.

"Mm, I am completely fine here." Apple did not know how to respond to the question. She sat comfortably in her chair, watching Jayden's shooting, but this man was really worried about her condition. "I am comfortable in my seat."

Well, that kind of sweet actually…

After hearing that and confirming that the robbers were no longer holding their guns, Jayden refocused his attention on the man on the floor, whose gun he had snatched for making inappropriate comments on Apple.

"What did you say?" Jayden asked him. His voice sounded much deeper and more dangerous as he spoke to the robber, his eyes twinkling horribly, as if enjoying this torture and this made Apple wary.

Not wary of the robbers, but of what Jayden might do. Because he could just do a reckless thing and make this situation even more messy than it should be.

Well, Apple had witnessed Jayden do some crazy things, so she wouldn't be surprised if he did it again.

"You said if she could accompany you tonight?" Jayden repeated the man's words, pointing a gun to his head.

But, out of the corner of his eye he could see one of the robbers trying to escape. Jayden then fired a bullet right beside his hand that was about to reach for the door.

"I will shoot anyone who goes through that door," he growled angrily because his time to talk to the robber before him was interrupted.

At this point, the robbers felt that they were the ones being robbed.

"I am sorry for the comment, I am sorry, I did not mean to say it," the man said, sobbing.

On the other hand, the corner of Apple's lips twitched. How could things turn out like this?

However, Apple caught a glimpse of the malicious intention in Jayden's eyes, when he pressed the gun to the side of the man's head.

"Sorry?" Jayden said in a scornful voice. He smiled, enjoying the fear the man was showing. "You said you wanted my girl to accompany you and you are apologizing now for saying that? There is a reason why people should think first before they speak."

And that was when Apple knew what Jayden was going to do and it was the worst thing she could ever imagine would happen.

So, without thinking, out of instinct, Apple rushed toward them.

Shit! This man has truly lost his mind!

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