It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!


The news of Jayden Tordoff being in a relationship really made headlines for the next week and it seemed the reporters really weren't tired of chasing news about the heir to the Tordoff family.

Not only did they not feel this as some chore, but they all felt curious about what was really going on between the two of them.

Is it true that their relationship is just a mere setting or is there something going on between the two of them?

And Pyro thought the same thing.

"So?" Pyro prodded one morning when he saw his daughter come out of the room, well-dressed and ready to go for a job interview.

Yes, Apple couldn't stay with her dad forever and her last job as Jayden's personal bodyguard did pay her a lot of money, but that didn't mean she'd be able to last forever with that money.

"So, what?" Apple asked back, not understanding, she then took a piece of bread and took a bite while walking to the kitchen to make a cup of tea for herself, because Pyro prefers to take coffee with his breakfast.

"So, what's the relationship between the two of you?" Pyro asked directly, he then lowered his phone and asked Apple directly about this. According to him, the two of them have made the relationship between them very ambiguous.

Jayden indeed said that he wanted a serious relationship with Apple. He even said it directly to him and assured Pyro that this relationship was not a casual one.

At that time, Pyro trusted Jayden a little and had not been as harsh as he used to be when he completely rejected Jayden's presence and the relationship between the two of them went beyond a professional one.

It was just that Apple didn't seem to like this kind of relationship and wasn't thrilled about being the lover of the Tordoff heir.

"Couldn't you have asked something else? I feel like I'm going crazy when everyone starts asking me the same thing over and over again," Apple complained, she pouted a little and sighed.

But, of course Pyro didn't buy it. He knew his daughter quite well.

"You don't have enough friends to ask you about that sort of thing," Pyro retorted, and what he said was true.

"I have a lot of friends, I just don't interact with them," Apple replied in an irritated voice.

"Friends from your motorcycle gang, you mean?" Pyro asked with a sneer. He doesn't really like Apple's friends, especially when they sound very noisy and are a bad influence on Apple.

If not for Apple herself saying that she would keep her distance from them and proving it time and again, it was certain that Pyro would go full nuclear with her friends.

"Okay, I'm leaving for the interview now, please wish me good luck," Apple said, who then immediately left the house, before Pyro argued with her about another matter.

"You haven't answered my question," Pyro shouted at his daughter.

"What kind of question is that?" Apple, who was choosing what shoes to wear for her first interview today, shouted back at her father.

"What's the relationship between you two," Pyro repeated his question again, he even came to his doorstep and saw his daughter start the car in a hurry, as if she was trying to run away.

Or maybe, that's exactly what Apple is doing now, trying to get away from her own father.

"Nothing," Apple muttered as she threw her bag into the car and tried to get out of there as soon as possible. "I think of him as an older brother"

An older brother? Gross!

Apple didn't know where the idea came from, but after saying it, she realized how cringy the answer was. An older brother my ass! They had even kissed. Ugh!

And after that, she drove her car off the driveway and started going fast when she reached the main road.

On the other hand, at the door, Pyro stood where he was for a long time, his face scrunched up when he heard Apple's answer.

An older brother?


Apple applied for a fairly well-known company, but to be sure, she had confirmed that the company did not have any business relationship with the Tordoff family, so she wouldn't be said to be taking advantage of the rumors, and what was more, Apple didn't want any misunderstandings later.

Apple knew that this was not the perfect time to look for work, let alone putting herself in a public place like this, because it was being targeted by the mass media.

However, it was highly unlikely that she would just stay in the house doing nothing and not trying to find a job when a woman at her age had, at least, had a job and was thinking about building a career.

Of course, Apple wasn't going to stay home and hide behind her dad or avoid Jayden Tordoff by hiding behind her bedroom door. That was ridiculous.

But going to an interview and having to be in a public room, where everyone knew you, seemed to be in a room alone and locked up, wasn't so bad, right?

From the very moment Apple entered the building, she could already feel the gazes of the people on her and how they breathed sharply in surprise and began to speak slowly to the person beside her, gossiping.

Apple never got this kind of attention and didn't expect to get it either because she was not a fan of being the center of attention.

There were about two other women, apart from Apple, who were in the waiting room waiting for their turn to be interviewed.

However, from the movements of the two of them, it could be ascertained that both of them know Apple and they even secretly took photos or videos of themselves, which they would later upload in social media.

And according to Apple, it was very outrageous and she could not accept it. Isn't this tantamount to violating privacy? They couldn't do this to her.

Annoyed, Apple stood up from her seat and immediately approached the two women.. To confront them.

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