It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!

Chapter 525: STEP UP HIS GAME

"You've got to get used to it," Jayden replied, but when Pyro was about to interrupt again, he put his finger to his own lips, signaling for Pyro to stop talking, because the caller tune could be heard from the other side, which meant Apple could pick up his call anytime now.

Seeing this, Pyro couldn't help but roll his eyes slightly annoyed. How dense was Jayden?

He might be able to call Apple with his cell phone, but there was no way he could imitate his voice, right? If Apple picked up a phone call from her father's number, but it turned out that the voice that greeted him was Jayden, of course she would immediately hang up on him.

"Hello?" Apple said from the other end of the line.

"Hey, it's me. Can we talk… for a minute…" Jayden hadn't finished speaking when a moment later his voice trailed off as he heard a disconnected tone from the other side, which meant Apple hung up on him, knowing that it wasn't her father speaking. "What? How dare she hang up on me," Jayden grumbled.

Hearing Jayden's grumbling, Pyro didn't say much, he just looked at the young man who seemed to be grumbling beside him. Jayden looked sullen at the treatment he was getting from Apple.

Well, wasn't he the one looking for trouble himself?

"Can't we just go to your house?" Jayden cooed, looking at Pyro expectantly.

"No." And that was Pyro's final, irreversible answer and it left Jayden in an even more bad mood.


  This was the third day since Jayden announced that he was officially in a relationship with Apple and also the third day that Apple refused to accept calls from him and also the third day since Jayden's first attempt to woo Apple again.

"How long are you going to ignore him?" Pyro asked on the fourth morning, he was seen enjoying his coffee while making breakfast for the two of them, even though Apple still didn't want to go out in public and couldn't do job interviews because of what Jayden had done, the girl still got up early to accompany her father to breakfast.

"Until my annoyance subsides," Apple said again as she helped her father make breakfast. She stood beside Pyro, chopping vegetables and meat.

"When your annoyance has subsided, I think this house will become a flower garden," Pyro pointed out at the many bouquets of flowers in this house, which filled almost every corner.

For the past four days, Jayden had been sending Apple bouquets of flowers at random hours, and since he didn't know what flowers Apple liked, he seemed to have decided to send all kinds of flowers he could get his hands on.

At the first glance, this might sound romantic and cute, but when almost every hour there was a courier interrupting your break just to deliver a bouquet of flowers, of course all of this no longer looked sweet and romantic.

At this point, Apple began to suspect that Jayden didn't really want to woo her, but he actually just wanted to mess up with her and annoy her.

Well, nobody knew what was inside his head.

Pyro had asked Jayden to stop doing this and said that there was nowhere else in their house to put those stupid flowers.

'I sent the flowers to Apple, not to you.'

That was Jayden's answer, he even said it with an innocent face and as if there was nothing wrong with it.

And when Pyro kept asking him to stop, Jayden told Pyro instead to make Apple stop ignoring him, otherwise he wouldn't stop doing what he was doing now.

But, of course, anyone who knew Apple would understand how stubborn his daughter could be. Apple could even stick with her own opinion even though many people disagreed with it.

Hence, at this point, Pyro wanted to facepalm himself as if he were caught in between the bickering of two ten year old brats and just wanted to stay away from the two of them.

"You can ask him to stop sending flowers," Apple said stubbornly.

"And Jayden will say he'll only quit after you respond to a call from him."

Hearing that answer again, Apple could only grumble incoherently and mumble something Pyro understood as cursing.

And just at that moment, their doorbell rang. This was not a strange thing anymore. The delivery men had been ringing their doorbell at random hours to deliver Jayden's stupid flowers for the past four days.

Hearing that, Apple stomped her foot and prepared to tell the delivery man to bring back the flowers he had brought, while Pyro continued to make breakfast.

Pyro thought Apple wouldn't have a problem with this and she would just ask the poor man to bring the flowers back, because indeed their house had turned into a flower garden now.

But, sadly, this morning didn't seem to be off to a good start, because from the kitchen, Pyro could hear Apple arguing in an annoyed tone with someone.

Curiosity then prompted Pyro to go check what really happened and find his daughter angry with someone.

Even just by looking at Apple's back, Pyro could tell that Apple was furious right now. She was trembling in anger.

However, it was only after he walked closer that Pyro realized that Apple was not talking to just one delivery man, but that there were actually five of them while many more were waiting right outside their gates.

What is this? Pyro became a little panicked when he saw the crowd, especially when Apple started to raise her voice to show how annoyed she was.

"Take them all away!" Apple cried in annoyance and frustration, she massaged her forehead which was throbbing painfully.

"Sorry, we can't take them all away without permission," one of them said. He looked awry and frustrated too.

And it was only when Pyro walked over and saw it all that he really wanted Jayden's ending.

That man had stepped up his game. 

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