It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!


"I love you so much that the thought of the possibility that the Tordoffs might hurt you because of your disproportionate background to theirs would hurt you which would hurt me too."

Pyro then kissed Apple's forehead. She was his only daughter and the one thing he couldn't accept was when someone else tried to hurt her, whether it was people he didn't know at all, or people from families he knew very well, like the Tordoffs..

"But I think Jayden can protect you, because otherwise I am the one who will kick his arse." Apple laughed when she heard her father say that.

Jayden may seem easy going and sometimes not serious about what he wants or will do, but that doesn't mean he's irresponsible. His seemingly relaxed nature was actually just his way of showing that he didn't want to think about unimportant things.

But, if Jayden wanted to be with Apple on a serious note, maybe Pyro should reconsider his decision.

Jayden wasn't that bad.

"Yeah, you should kick him harder," Apple said, then she laid her head on her father's shoulder and closed her eyes, enjoying their time together.

"I am going to kick him multiple times," Pyro promised.

Apple giggled when she heard that and said quietly. "Cook dinner tonight, okay?"

"Didn't I take care of our dinner yesterday?" pyro protest.


"Where are you?" Jayden asked as he fiddled with the ballpoint pen in his hand. Today he was feeling really bored from his hectic work and it was making his head hurt, so he thought bothering Apple would ease his headache a bit.

"I am on my way," Apple replied, driving her car. She was wearing earphones, of course.

"Hmm? Where are you going?" Jayden asked again, he didn't know Apple was going somewhere. Heck, this girl wouldn't have called him or told him anything if he didn't take the initiative to do so.

"I have to help a friend do a photoshoot," Apple replied lightly.

Her friend, Ivan needed someone to assist with the photoshoot that he was working on, and this was for an international photo contest, but suddenly the assistant got sick and couldn't be there.

Actually this is not a tough job, you just need to handle some paperwork and manage schedules and remind them when to do something and how much time they can use.

Looks simple, but a little complicated and annoying for those who have their own tasks.

After all, Apple had no activities and still hadn't started applying for jobs yet. Therefore, she accepted this offer, after all the pay was decent.

"Where?" Jayden asked, he frowned.

"In town L," Apple replied without a second thought. "I will be back tonight."

"You will stay out until the night?" Jayden asked. "What is the name of the photo studio?"

Hearing that Apple laughed softly. "You are really going to ask such a thing?"

"I want to know."

"You sound like an overprotective boyfriend."

"I know you can protect yourself, but I want to protect you…" Jayden said. "Otherwise, maybe at the end of our thirty day agreement, you'll kick me out."

Apple didn't know if she should laugh or cry at this, but she eventually told Jayden the name of Ivan's studio.

"You know this man well?" Jayden asked, his tone devoid of anything, but the expression on his face certainly changed.

"I have known him for a long time, about three years since I graduated from high school," Apple replied.

Jayden pursed his lips.

"I was driving and looking for this address, because I don't really know the area here, so I am hanging up first, because I couldn't concentrate," Apple said.

"But…" and before Jayden could protest, Apple had already hung up the phone and left Jayden staring at the screen in amazement. "No kissing me goodbye? Or other affectionate words?"

Jayden clicked his tongue and shook his head in disbelief. This girl is really cold…

Jayden felt that he had tried everything he could to woo this girl, but that wasn't enough to bring Apple to her knees.


So she is in town L...


Jayden looked sullen as he came out of his office, he looked like he just lost on a big project, but the employees there couldn't remember any major projects that failed because all of the company's plans this year went smoothly, even very successfully, despite some obstacles...

Especially the feud between the Tordoff and Gevano families.

Therefore, they were very confused when they saw Jayden Tordoff looking so annoyed and irritated as soon as he got out of his office and immediately got in the car and started the engine, he didn't even wait for his personal bodyguard to come with him.

They were all confused because Jayden told them to shut up and not follow him.

But, where was he going or what was he going to do? Especially with an expression like that.

"What should we do?" one of Jayden's personal bodyguards asked his fellow guard, Pyro, because he seemed so relaxed in response to this.

"Leave it alone," Pyro replied, then stepped into his car. "You guys go home."

The two men looked at each other. "Is it okay? What if something happened to Mr. Tordoff?" one of them asked, looking worried.

However, Pyro just waved his hand, as if to say that it wasn't something they needed to worry about.

"No problem, you guys go home," Pyro replied, and then drove his car out of the parking area, because he seemed to know where Jayden was going with that expression on his face.

What happened a few minutes ago was; Jayden was just about to call Apple to ask if her work was done and she was on her way home, but all she got was a text message saying her job was extended due to some issues and she wouldn't be back for another week.

Apple literally said that she would stay with Ivan. 

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