"At your age, I'd use some sharp words for her impertinence, but it seems time has changed my personality." Hailee then glanced at Apple. "I was pretty reckless when I was your age too, so next time, don't hold back on standing up for yourself."

Apple laughed when she heard that, she couldn't imagine what Hailee would have been like when she was her age.

Of course, Hailee had experienced something like this in the early days of her relationship with Ramon Tordoff, although it could be said that the Tatum family also had its own reputation in L city as one of the best diamond franchise, but of course when compared to the Tordoff family, it was very far away for comparison.

Therefore, Hailee can understand the sentiment that these people give to Apple, especially with the background of Apple's family.

But for Hailee, Pyro had become like family to her and Ramon didn't mind accepting Apple either. Well, he didn't really care about that. The main thing for him was to see Hailee happy.

If Hailee was happy with her son's choice, then he wouldn't say anything.

Very strange, isn't it? Even after decades had passed, Ramon still acted as if he had just fallen in love with Hailee and his demeanor had never changed. He treated Hailee very well.

And it seems to run in the blood of the Tordoff family.

"Next time, if someone makes you feel humiliated, you have to stand up for yourself and remind them of their position," Hailee said, holding Apple's hand. She was happy that Jayden got Apple and his son was serious about this girl.

Apple knew Jayden well enough to say that, at first Jayden might reason with a thousand and one reasons why he wants Apple, but actually, as long as he is comfortable with one person, he will show his loyalty to that person.

In that regard, Hailee has to say that Jayden is very similar to his father.

And when they both exited the shopping center and headed to the lobby, where the car was waiting for them, it turned out that Jayden was already there in a different car.

The man then came out and kissed his mother's cheek. "How was your shopping activity today?" Jayden asked. He looked a little disheveled than usual, it was obvious that he had been busy all day.

"Fun," Hailee replied, glancing at Apple. "Why did you come here? Want to make sure I don't kidnap her again?" Hailee's teasing made Jayden laugh softly.

"Go home first, I'll take Apple home."

"I'm right, you didn't want me to kidnap her," Hailee muttered.

"You're thinking too much, mother," Jayden said, then kissed Hailee's cheek again and took her to her car and closed the door.

Hailee rolled the car window down and waved her hand at Apple. "We'll meet at the party later, okay."

Apple smiled, and then nodded. She was quite comfortable with Hailee and she seemed very motherly, affection that she never got from her own real mother.

After seeing Hailee off, Jayden then took Apple to his car, where he opened the door for the girl and then sat behind the wheel.

"Wow, you really don't tell me to drive anymore," Apple teased, because she remembered well, Jayden didn't really like being behind the wheel, because he could use this time to play games on his cell phone.

Hearing this, Jayden laughed. "I remember your words saying that I should be the one driving you, not the other way around."

Apple just rolled her eyes dramatically when she heard that. It wasn't that she didn't want to drive Jayden, it was just a casual protest that she didn't even remember now.

Jayden then kissed Apple on the forehead before he started the car engine and drove them away from there.

Apple then turned on the music so that it wasn't too quiet in the car and there wasn't too much tension between them when she started asking about the problems with the Gevano family.

"So? What happened?" Apple asked carefully. She chose a song that sounded cheerful, a stark contrast to the topic of their conversation.

Jayden glanced at Apple and he knew what Apple was trying to ask, so he didn't beat around the bush and told her that Theodore Gevano's status had now changed from a suspect to an eye witness.

The man managed to find someone to take the blame and accept his downfall.

Even though he's not completely free, this news still makes Jayden very upset and makes him a little crazier in looking for something else to destroy the Gevano family.

Supposedly, his father had done this long ago, when Theodore Gevano was fighting with his mother, or when the son of the Gevano family mistreated his sister.

"They must have spent quite a bit of money to get that guy to accept such a downfall." Apple contemplated for a moment. "You can look into where the funds given by the Gevano family are going, can't you?"

"I am already looking into it," Jayden said.

And along the way, the two of them discussed this. For some reason, by discussing this with Apple, Jayden actually felt a little relieved, because they were both on the same page and this girl was giving crazy ideas that couldn't be done, just because she was annoyed, but it actually made Jayden laugh.

Such as; 'Why don't we just kidnap Theodore Gevano and sell him? So that he can feel what it's like to be a victim of human trafficking.' Or 'Why don't we just sell his organs and do surgery, open his guts when he wakes up.'

Well, it can be said that these ideas are quite interesting but impossible to implement.

Luckily, they arrived at Apple's house, before the girl came up with even more terrifying ideas and tempted Jayden to try them.

"What is it?" Jayden asked as he stopped his car right in front of Apple's house and saw the girl frowning as she stared at her own house. 

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