It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!


Apple could see that Jayden looked unconvinced, but Hailee quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her away, while the girl could only give Jayden a resigned smile to calm him down. Hope that she will be fine later.

"I heard you got into trouble with Hellen at the entrance?" Hailee asked with a smile on her lips as they walked away from Jayden, who kept an eye on where his mother was taking Apple.

"How did you know about that?" Apple looked surprised as she turned her head quickly to look at Hailee by her side.

"Of course I know." Hailee rolled her eyes playfully as she grabbed Apple's arm even more and waved her hand at her surroundings. "Once you know how to interact with these people, then you'll know how to take advantage of their curiosity."

Apple looked at Hailee with furrowed brows and this made her blush and pinch her future daughter-in-law's cheeks.

"In a family like this, you have to pay attention to who you can trust, who wants to bring you down and who is only pretending to be nice to you," Hailee explained, because she thought it was important to tell Apple before she entered the Tordoff family.

Hailee didn't mean to scare Apple or make her think anything bad, but she had to be on guard. Mainly because Apple was not used to being in an environment full of manipulation and gimmicks like this.

Where people you think are friends are not.

"People who approach you aggressively and show their distaste for you are much nicer, than people who approach you with a sweet smile and pretend to be friends, but stab you in the back." Hailee then touched the tip of Apple's nose. "You have to keep that in mind. Not only in the Tordoff family, but also in your daily life."

Hailee didn't know if Pyro had taught this to Apple or not before, but she firmly believed that Apple needed it now and Hailee said it just to make sure Apple wasn't completely naive when it came to the Tordoff family.

Even Hailee, who was the only daughter of the Tatum family, was not able to escape their looks of disdain, let alone Apple.

Luckily Ramon didn't care too much about it and it passed down to their son, which was a relief to Hailee, but that didn't mean the whole Tordoff family had the same opinion.

"Wow, I feel like I'm entering a battlefield," Apple muttered anxiously.

Instead of answering, Hailee just laughed softly at her. The people who were looking at them now would not be able to guess that the two of them were actually discussing this topic.

Then, Hailee introduced Apple to some of the people there. It was only a brief introduction, where Apple would tell her name and Hailee would drag her away again saying that she would introduce Apple to other people.

However, between introductions from one person to another, Hailee would not forget to briefly explain the background of the next person, such as what they do and their relationship with the Tordoff family.

Apple was sure that she wouldn't be able to remember all of it, but at least she tried to remember all the names.

"Didn't you notice the group of girls over there?" Hailee asked as she fetched a glass of champagne for Apple before taking one for herself from the waitress there and nodded at the group of girls who had been staring at Apple furtively for a long time.

"Oh, yeah…" Apple replied in a voice that sounded disinterested. "They keep staring at me."

Hailee laughed softly, even her laugh sounded very dignified and classy. To be expected from someone like Hailee Tordoff.

"You have to get used to it and one thing you have to remember." Hailee's voice immediately sounded serious and a little cold. "You have to know that you will always have the support of Jayden and I, so when they have ventured out of line, you have to really make it clear where you stand and where they stand."

Apple nodded, she bit her lip nervously.

"You were part of our family, Apple, even before you had a relationship with Jayden, because my husband and I think that Pyro is family and I'm sure that Jayden agrees with that, therefore, getting you to be part of this family is a bonus."

Hailee then gently kissed Apple's cheek, which made the girl beam who then mumbled a thank you in a low voice.


Tonight was a really great night and despite what happened at the front door with Hellen and her husband, overall the night was much better than Apple had hoped.

Now, Apple was sitting at one of the available tables there, near a beautifully flowing artificial river, which had a beautiful sight with all the lights reflecting on the surface of the artificial lake.

Hailee left Apple there, because she realized that she felt tired to stand too long in high heels, because Apple is not used to wearing high heels.

And now, Apple is sitting with a glass of champagne and a plate of cake that looks very good. The cold night air doesn't bother Apple so much because of the champagne that accompanied her.

Maybe it's because of the influence of alcohol in her blood circulation that made her a little tipsy, or indeed because she felt much more comfortable and could grasp the whole situation better than when she first came, Apple felt at ease being alone here.

"Hi, beautiful, will you honor me by having your first dance with me tonight?"

Apple was about to shriek softly when she heard Jayden's voice in her ear. She then turned her head and found Jayden staring at her, he was standing behind the chair she was sitting on, smiling sweetly.

"Will you honor me by dancing with me?" Jayden repeated his question again.

"I can't dance," Apple answered hesitantly. 

"No problem, you can just follow me."

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