It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!


One thing Apple didn't like and found very annoying was being left in the dark, so when Adrian refused to tell her where they were going, it irritated her a bit. Because she wanted to know the answer right now.

Seeing what Jayden had done two days back by taking her far away, it made Apple even more wary when she heard the man was going to surprise her again.

"Where are we going?" Apple stared intently at Adrian, making the man a little nervous while driving.

"You'll find out later." Adrian tried not to look at Apple at all and stay calm.

"Just say it now."

"I can't say."

"Why?" asked Apple. She looked suspicious. However, since persuasion didn't work, she tried to negotiate with Adrian. "Just tell me, I wouldn't tell Jayden if you had told me, I'll pretend to be surprised later."

"I really can not." Adrian looked frustrated when he refused to answer the question for the umpteenth time and instead glanced at his collar, where there was a small device for tapping conversations.

At first, Apple didn't understand what Adrian meant at all, but then she saw the little listening device after following Adrian's gaze.

"What?" Apple frowned. She opened her mouth, closed it again and opened it again, but no words came out. She was too speechless when she saw the little tool.

Jayden had taken it too far to make sure this surprise wasn't leaked by Adrian, because he seemed to have guessed that Apple would use various means to get him to talk.

"This is outrageous!" Apple grumbled. "JAYDEN!" Apple exclaimed at the tool, which made the receiver ring because the sound was quite loud and shrill.

Even Adrian narrowed his eyes and covered one ear with one hand.

"Don't scream in my ear, I'm driving, it's dangerous," Adrian scolded her. "After all, this is a one- way channel, Mr. Jayden can't possibly answer you."

Apple's phone had been really out of battery earlier, which she had deliberately done to make it look more convincing when she borrowed Ivan's phone.

"I know," said Apple, leaning back in her seat and letting Adrian drive the car to where they were going.

Meanwhile, from the car window, Apple could see the sun almost setting behind the tall skyscrapers of City A and also the sky which was starting to get dark.

Apple then stretched out her hand to play her favorite music by connecting her playlist to the car's stereo and looked much more relaxed when she closed her eyes while enjoying the beat of the song.

Apple didn't know how long she had been asleep for, but she felt Adrian shaking her hand to wake her up.

"Hmm?" Apple frowned as she looked around, to confirm where they were, but this place looked strange.

"We've arrived," said Adrian lightly. He then got out of the car and opened the car door for Apple, letting her out.

"Where is this?" asked Apple again, looking around her.

"Wear this," said Adrian, handing her a thick jacket that was comfortable because the night air was quite cold.

Apple's black hair fluttered in the strong wind as she got out of the car and thanked Adrian in her heart for his thoughtfulness, for indeed tonight was a little colder than usual.

"Where should I go?" asked Apple. She looked around and realized that they were in a car park and there was a greenhouse and a large artificial lake in the distance.

However, from where Apple was standing, she couldn't clearly see what was there. She could only tell that the glass building, like a greenhouse, had slightly dim lighting.

"Toward that house," Adrian pointed to the greenhouse, the first building that caught Apple's attention.

"You're not coming?" Apple turned around and asked Adrian when the man didn't follow her and instead prepared to take his cigarette out of his jacket pocket.

"No, of course not, the surprise was for you, not for me," he answered quickly.

"Well, we can be surprised together," Apple said nonchalantly, which made Adrian laugh, but then he waved his hand for Apple to get out of there.

"Go quickly, Mr. Tordoff must be waiting for you inside," he said, as if he couldn't wait to get Apple out of there.

Seeing Adrian's impatience and unstoppable curiosity, Apple then walked quickly toward the glass building.

She still hadn't removed her make-up, so she looked like someone ready to go to a party.

Apple then slowed down when she came to a path lined by candles to her left and right and a sprinkling of red rose petals on the rocky path, which would lead her to the greenhouse.

To be honest, Apple was not the type of woman who liked romantic things like this, but for some reason it gave her a feeling of joy and happiness when she looked at everything around her.

Especially when Apple walked closer and caught the music from inside the greenhouse and captured a silhouette of someone sitting before a white grand piano.

The building was empty, there wasn't a single bench or table or other equipment, but only the figure of a man waiting for her while playing a song, a soft melody that made Apple's heart thump wildly as she approached.

Now, Apple was in the doorway of the glass house, standing there watching Jayden Tordoff play the piano.

Damn. She never knew Jayden could play the piano before.

No, there was actually a lot Apple didn't know about Jayden Tordoff, not just about playing a piano.

But, as the man had said, they would have a lot of time in the future getting to know each other.

And there, Jayden lifted his head and smiled at Apple who was standing on the spot, transfixed and amazed at what she was looking at right now.

And the soft music continued to play, as if guiding Apple toward the man. 



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