"I am sorry," Jayden said quietly. He really felt guilty, especially after he heard how Apple viewed this situation, of course he didn't mean to hurt her like that. "I didn't mean to lie to you. I just don't want you on this mission," Jayden explained from his own point of view.

And this explanation was already within Apple's expectations from the start. She knew that the reason Jayden didn't include her must be because of this. However, she still couldn't understand why she wasn't allowed to go now...

"I took part in the first mission, why do you think I can't participate in this mission?" Apple asked in a demanding voice. She had proven herself that she was capable of carrying out the missions that Jayden had given her before, so what had changed now?

Jayden frowned, as if he was deep in thought about this, but then he answered quite quietly. His voice was barely audible. "Because things are different now."

Apple drew closer to him again, so there was no distance between them. "What's different now?" Apple started to feel pain in her neck because she had to keep looking up. Ugh. Why is this man so tall?

Jayden didn't seem to give a direct answer to this, he seemed to be deep in thought, as he looked at the woman in front of him and the calamari bag in his hand felt heavy.

"Why?" Apple insisted. She could see that Jayden seemed to be having a hard time finding an excuse. Apple thought, couldn't Jayden just tell her he was worried? But, why did he look troubled this time?

Especially when he started fidgeting around and this made Apple even more worried about the excuses she was about to hear, because Jayden wasn't usually like this.

"What is it?" asked Apple. "Why are you getting restless like that?" She frowned when she saw Jayden's movements. "Tell me, is there a problem?"

"I know this sounds crazy," Jayden said, not even expecting himself to think this far. Misha must have influenced him so that he was thinking too much now. "Come here."

Jayden then took Apple's hand and let her sit on the sofa, he then put the calamari bag on the table, and went to his desk.

And all of Jayden's behavior made Apple uncomfortable. She looked at the man with a frown on her forehead.

What really happened to Jayden? Why was he acting so weird?

"Jayden, you're worrying me," Apple said. She then turned her body to look at Jayden who was taking something from his desk drawer. It must be very small, because Apple couldn't see what it was. "Tell me, what's wrong?"

Jayden then put the small object in his trouser pocket and walked back to Apple again.

But this time, his face was slightly twisted. He looked very uncomfortable with what he was going to say next and this made Apple panic too.

Especially when Jayden knelt before her, holding her hand.

"Did you forget that you already proposed to me?" asked Apple, because Jayden's vibe seemed to indicate that he was going to propose to Apple. Especially with his body position like this. "I didn't know you would propose to me again."

Hearing this, Jayden laughed a little, he shook his head. "No, I will not propose to you again, because the next step is to marry you." Jayden then took a deep breath and looked Apple right in the eye as he again said. "Would you like to try this?"

"This?" Apple's frown deepened when she heard that. "What do you mean by this?" she asked worriedly. The first image that came to Apple's mind was; Jayden had just watched porn and he wanted to try something out of the ordinary with her.

But, as far as Apple knew, Jayden wouldn't watch any of those films.

"First, you promise not to laugh or take this in a non-serious manner," Jayden said, his tone very serious and this made Apple think more quickly about what Jayden wanted her to do.

"Yeah, I promise, just tell me what is it?" urged Apple impatiently.

And the next thing Jayden did made Apple gasp. She hoped Jayden would watch those movies and ask her to re-enact one of those scenes because what she saw next made Apple hold her breath with a frightened face.

"I want you to try this," Jayden said as he pulled out the little thing Apple had seen him put in his pocket earlier. Now, in the man's hands, Apple could see two unopened small rectangular sachets.

"What do you mean?" asked Apple, her throat feeling very dry and her mind racing, she then started to remember the last time she had her period.

And the answer she got made her curse at herself.

No. No, no… there must be a mistake…

Only, Apple was never late by days as far as she knew. She had a fixed date for each of her monthly periods.

And this realization left her quite panicked.

"No way..." Apple whispered as Jayden placed the two objects in her hand, somehow they felt so heavy and made her wince. "But, you always wear protection…"

Apple could feel her face heat up when she said that. She looked at Jayden carefully and the man looked much calmer after saying that.

"Yeah, but not when we first did it…" Jayden reminded her of that. They were both very drunk at the time and couldn't think straight.

Oh, right!

Apple then hit Jayden's arm, who hissed but didn't say anything. She stared at the man with a look of horror in her eyes.

"Try it first," Jayden said, rubbing Apple's arm, trying to calm his panicked woman. "It's possible that my prediction was wrong."

"How did you come to this conclusion?" asked Apple.

"You're almost two weeks late now," Jayden said lightly.

"You noticed that?!" Apple was surprised. 


*Read my new book: KISSED BY THE DARK ALPHA*

Alpha Micah Donovan's second chance mate.

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