It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!


Misha slept on the sofa after such a tiring day. He didn't want to sleep too deeply. Therefore, he didn't sleep on the bed, so the discomfort of sleeping on the sofa would keep him awake and indeed that was what happened, Misha stayed awake even though he had slept for quite a while.

Therefore, when Mika woke up and started whining, he immediately got up from the sofa and approached his little daughter and quickly called the nurse and doctor to check on Mika's condition.

At that time, Kia was still asleep, it seemed her fatigue took a toll on her and she didn't wake up, even though it was a little noisy in the room when the doctor and nurse came.

However, Misha persuaded Mika not to wake her mother while he tried to fulfill all her wishes. He wanted Kia to sleep longer and rest well.

He was also the one who coaxed Mika to eat and took her to the restroom, which was a first and he was a bit clumsy to help Mika sit on the toilet bowl and watch her pee and poop.

He felt awkward, but he tried to be there and not call Mika's babysitters to come over.

It was just that, when it was time for lunch, Mika became cranky because Kia was still asleep and she missed her mother.

"Don't disturb mommy, Mika…" Misha warned her patiently, while he was holding a bowl of beef soup mixed with rice. He was feeding his little girl.

It would be hard for anyone else to imagine how someone in Misha's standing was holding a bowl of soup while chasing after a three year old child who was pacing around so impatiently.

People would not believe it if they saw this.

Even Richard couldn't believe it when he came to deliver the documents that Lexus had sent him to look at and give his decision on some project.

"You are very different, Mr. Tordoff."

Misha glanced at Richard fiercely and said in a cold tone. "Tell me that when you have a child."

"You don't even give me a chance to date and make me work timelessly, how can I have kids?" Richard grumbled.

"You said something?" Misha narrowed his eyes and Richard smiled back at him.

"No, I didn't say anything." He grinned and then quickly left the hospital as he had other things to do.

And when Richard was gone, Misha again tried to make his daughter leave Kia alone so she would continue to sleep.

It seemed like the medicine Kia was taking had such a strong effect on her, especially since she was exhausted from last night.

But, because Misha was alone, he couldn't get Mika to stop whining. She wanted to lie beside Kia. She was even telling something to her sleeping mother.

Misha was happy to see how his little daughter was starting to look healthy. She could immediately roam around in this small room, even though yesterday her condition was critical.

This was Mika's condition, she could look very healthy, but a moment later, her condition could suddenly drop.

Mika then started nudging Kia's cheek and kissed her face, trying to wake her up.

"You'll wake her up." Misha reminded her, but he didn't do anything to stop her. Kia had been asleep for quite a while and he also missed the woman.

While Misha was checking the documents brought by Richard earlier, Mika tried to wake Kia up very gently. She whispered to her and kissed her face, until finally her mother stirred in her sleep and woke up.

She rubbed her face groggily and looked at Misha with a scrunched up face. She must not be able to believe what she was seeing right now.

"See? I told you, you woke her up," Kia heard Misha say and the poking on her face stopped.

"Mommy!" Mika exclaimed while hugging Kia's neck and this made her quite surprised.

"Mika?" Kia's voice sounded low and a little hoarse because she had just woken up, but that didn't mean she wasn't surprised when she saw her little daughter. Was she awake? Was she okay now?

Is this a dream?

Kia's eyes then searched for Misha and the man smiled at her.

"If you think this is a dream, then I will say that it is not," Misha said, as if he could read what was on Kia's mind at the moment.

Kia's eyes widened when she heard that, a feeling of relief that she couldn't express immediately washed over her and made her chest feel tight. This is not a dream? Mika is really healthy again?

Kia immediately hugged her daughter's small body as if she didn't want to let go again. She didn't want to let go of Mika's body again.

"You're awake? Are you well?" Kia then kissed her cheek and Mika struggled to get away from her mother's grip.

"Mommy, it hurts…" Mika whined and she moved about in Kia's arms. She immediately let go, but she stared at her face for a long time.

"Mommy? Mommy, why are you crying? Mommy is sad?" asked Mika with a wrinkled face. "Don't cry mommy."

Seeing her mother cry, Mika also started crying. She sobbed seeing Kia shed tears.

"Did someone hurt mommy?" Mika then turned her gaze to Misha, her gaze was fierce and sharp. The girl seemed to remember that Kia had cried like this before because of him.

No, Mika had caught him 'making Kia cry' twice and that memory continued to be embedded in her memory.

"It's not me this time," Misha said while raising both hands and showing an innocent expression.

Meanwhile, Kia laughed and kissed Mika's cheek very gently. "No, he didn't make mommy cry. He didn't make me cry, really," said Kia again after receiving a look of disbelief from Mika.

"OK." Mika then wiped her mother's tears and kissed her. "Don't be sad, mommy."

"As long as Mika is with mommy, I will always be happy." Kia then hugged Mika tighter again, while the little girl struggled and broke away from Kia, as she crawled into Misha's lap.

Seeing this little girl of his asking for protection from her mother who was constantly hugging and kissing her, Misha couldn't help but laugh happily.

This was the little family he wanted, this was everything to him and he would not trade this for anything.

Misha was very happy to see this progress.


Two months after Mika was discharged from the hospital, she looked much healthier, but of course, they still had to monitor her health because after all, sometimes Mika's condition could go up and down drastically.

Therefore, every two weeks, a doctor would come to examine the little girl.

Not only Mika, but Kia had also progressed, where she looked much better and could control her emotions and communicate what she felt.

She was also learning slowly to be able to rely on Misha, not that she depended on him, but she realized that she was no longer alone, there would be people who would help her now.

Candice and Lexus spoiled Mika a lot and they would do anything for her, but Kia was grateful that they refrained from buying something really expensive or absurd for Mika and communicated with her first.

The most expensive thing Mika currently owned was a pony that joined the ponies, which were already in the area around the Tordoff residence.

"I didn't know the Tordoff residence included a racetrack as well," Kia said in amazement. She knew that the land in this place was vast, but this made no sense at all.

"Not only the racetrack, but also the golf course," said Misha, feeling a little smug.

"Are you bragging now?" Kia narrowed her eyes, while Misha just laughed and pulled Mika to her side.

Meanwhile, in front of them, Lexus was walking the pony he bought for Mika as a birthday present.

Mika looked very happy, even though her birthday was still one week away, but Lexus couldn't wait to give her the present and casually said that he would buy another present when her birthday arrived.

And one week later, Mika's birthday arrived, Kia specifically said that Alia could come and attend the party, but she didn't expect the rest of her family.

How could they end up holding Alia's medical history as leverage, because until now they still didn't know that Alia had given permission to get her medical history directly from the hospital.

They still used it to emphasize that they needed to meet with Kia.

Therefore, when Amber and Lyle found out that Alia had received an invitation to attend Mika's birthday at the Tordoff residence, they were delighted, but the excitement did not last long.

"You are not allowed to go. Only I was invited," said Alia, while looking at her appearance in the mirror. "Sis Kia said that she only invited me."

"Alia, you can't be like that," Amber said, she then followed Alia to her room, she had prepared a gift for her niece.

And even though this was insignificant and wouldn't mean much compared to the precious gifts she got from the Tordoff family, she hoped that Mika would be happy.

"Alia, you have to persuade Kia to talk to us, you have to tell her that we regret it very much, whatever it is, to listen to us or talk to us again."

"Do you really regret it?"


*Read my new book: The Alpha: Claiming His Enemy's Daughter*

Alpha Cane's revenge for his and his people's slavery.

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