Then my cell phone rang.

It was from Wu Na.

"Little Scoundrel, where are you?" Wu Na asked ambiguously.

"I'm on patrol."

"You didn't go looking for your baby?"

"I was just about to go, why?"

"Baldy Liu was looking for me just now."

"What's the matter?"

"This fellow is really unwilling to give up, he insisted on finding the person who extorted him. He had expected that person to look for Shen Yan, so he made me stare at Shen Yan."

"He's quite smart, but he didn't expect that the person he entrusted to him would be someone extraordinary." I smiled, "In the morning, I met him at the district, he was staring at Shen Yan, I comforted her so that she would not be afraid. If Bald Liu wants to see her, tell me. Since Liu baldy does not have anything on him, he is unable to threaten Shen Yan. Are you sure the photo was deleted? "

"Last night, baldy Liu gave me his phone. I opened it right in front of him and deleted the photo. He can't open my cell phone. He can't copy it until he gives it to me. "

"Mm, then I am relieved. Right now, I will go find Shen Yan, haha! "

"Go on, she must be getting wet from waiting, hehe!"

So I hung up and went up to the 23rd floor.

What am I afraid of, with Una watching for me?

Arriving at Shen Yan's door, I lightly knocked on it.

"Who?" Her voice rang out.

"It's me." I whispered against the door.

The door opened quickly and I ducked in.

It felt like an underground party meeting.

Upon entering the door, I embraced Shen Yan and kissed her while nibbling on her, and used my hands to pinch her body!

She was wearing a thin nightgown.

At my rude gesture, she gasped!

Then we sat on the sofa and kissed.

She was like a person who had been out in the rain for a long time, asking for it with hunger and thirst.

Very quickly, her eyes became wooden. This was the sign of her emotions.

Her desires could be easily aroused.

"Carry me to the guest room!" she said eagerly.

"Go and put this on!" I took a plastic bag from my pocket and handed it to her.

"What is this?"

"It's the nurse uniform I bought, put it on! "Remember, don't wear anything inside!"

Ah!" Shen Yan softly said, her face turning red.

"This is called uniform temptation! "Go quickly!" I slapped her on the ass.

"You're so bad!" She kneaded her way to the guest room.

I stood up and walked to the bedroom. I gently opened the door a crack.

Inside the room, her daughter was sleeping soundly on a cot.

I looked at the wedding photo of Shen Yan and her husband on the wall, and an evil thought came to me.

I gently pulled the door shut.

Soon, the door to the guest room was opened.

Shen Yan, wearing a white nurse's uniform and a white nurse's cap, appeared in front of me.

It was a dress with a short skirt that barely covered her bottom.

The collar was very low, and one could clearly see the fullness of it.

Shen Yan leaned on the door, her limpid eyes filled with love.

"Little beauty, you are really a charmer."

Just looking at her like that gave me a huge reaction.

"You're so bad, you made people dress like this!" Shen Yan said daintily.

"Haha, uniforms are popular right now. Only like this will it be interesting!"

I went over and put my arms around her and pulled her into the room.

"I feel that I'm becoming more and more depraved!" she whispered.

"Isn't that what you want? Only the more you fall, the more pleasure you will experience! "

"But I'm worried that I won't be able to go back!"

"Don't be afraid, just treat it as a dream. When you wake up from a dream, you will return to reality."

"Is that really possible?"

"Of course, I'm just a passerby in your dreams. Now is the time for us to dream. Enjoy it and release as much of your energy as you want!"

My hands are moving again, very hard and rough!

The air was filled with a corrosive aura.

We've abandoned the whole world, and now it's just her and me.

Not long after, Shen Yan went completely crazy, allowing herself to be manipulated by me.

When I used the moves I learned from Wu Na on her, she was like a doll that was working with me and getting a lot of satisfaction from them.

In her madness she had completely forgotten her wife's identity, her mother's identity, when she was a simple woman, a woman who pursued pleasure, a woman who pursued primal pleasures.

When I was leaving, I told her to bring her daughter's cot to the guest room tomorrow.

She asked why.

I want to go to the bedroom and do it with her, right under the wedding photo!

"No way!" she said through clenched teeth.

I smiled and packed up the torn nurse and put her in my pocket. It was my trophy, and it smelled of her.

"Don't let me down, it will be even more exciting tomorrow!"

She collapsed on the bed and looked at me resentfully.

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