Zhou An really didn't expect that this matter was related to Yu Hang.

He originally thought that this was just a small episode, even insignificant, but now that he heard Elder Luo say this, Zhou An suddenly became interested.

"You said Yu Hang beat everyone in the Shengdan Sect a hundred times in Tiancheng Mansion?" Zhou An asked with interest.

Elder Luo's expression at this moment has changed from shock to another emotion.

Zhou An knew very well what this emotion was, it was called flattery.

"Yes, Mr. Zhou, Mr. Yu had just taken office at that time, and then our Shengdan Sect accidentally violated the laws of the Chu State in some matters, so Mr. Yu slapped him a hundred times." Elder Luo bent down. He said flatteringly.

When he said this, his expression was not only flattering, but also filled with fear.

Zhou An touched his chin: "Tell me what happened."

Zhou An has always been very concerned about his brother.

But there is a huge distance between the two brothers now. No matter how much they care about each other, they are beyond their reach.

When Elder Luo heard Zhou An's words, he didn't dare to hide anything. He quickly told everything that happened in Tiancheng Mansion.

After Zhou An listened, he understood why Elder Luo changed his behavior from before to being arrogant and respectful.

After Yu Hang went to Tiancheng Mansion and became the governor, he learned about the specific situation of Tiancheng Mansion and saw a very serious problem.

In Tiancheng Mansion, there are some particularly powerful forces.

Although these forces belong to the Jianghu forces, they cooperate closely with various institutions in Tiancheng Mansion.

Originally this was a good thing for everyone, but in Yu Hang's view, it involves a very serious thing, that is monopoly.

Once a monopoly occurs, it can easily lead to serious consequences.

At this point, Yu Hang is clear.

So he began to carry out drastic reforms in Tiancheng Mansion.

The Shengdan sect is one of them.

But as we all know, once something involves reform, it will inevitably be resisted and blocked.

Yu Hang also has a bad temper. As long as he is resisted or blocked, he will take extremely tough measures.

And the Shengdan sect was brought out by him to kill chickens and scare monkeys.

On that day, the entire Shengdan sect was arrested by Yu Hang's men, and a whole night of interrogation began in front of so many people.

After the interrogation, Yu Hang carried out the conviction and all were given a hundred slaps.

At first, the Shengdan sect was unconvinced.

In addition to Tiancheng Mansion, they also have influence in other places, so they want to take the official path.

But what they never expected was that those so-called forces would all remain silent after hearing that it was Yu Hang.

Later, people from the Shengdan Sect learned that Yu Hang was not only the magistrate of Tiancheng Mansion, but also a disciple of the Prime Minister.

So the Shengdan Sect had no choice but to take advantage of this loss, and even began to cooperate with Yuhang to eliminate other monopoly forces without any complaints.

"I see, I didn't expect that guy Lao Yu to cause so many things in Tiancheng Mansion." After Zhou An understood what happened, although he was a little relieved, he was still a little worried.

Zhou An knew about Yu Hang's pursuit.

There is only one goal in this life, and that is to become a good official and maintain the stability and prosperity of the people after being admitted to the imperial examination.

But in this situation, Zhou An felt that Yu Hang had made too many enemies for him.

There is no problem with drastic reforms, but in this world where the value of force is extremely high, he is worried that Yuhang will be in danger.

At this time, Elder Luo finally threw away all his arrogance and prejudice, bent his waist extremely low, and spoke in a flattering tone.

"Master Zhou, I was careless and offended Master Zhou just now. Please forgive me. From now on, Master Zhou will be the only one in the Shengdan Sect who follows your lead."

This is how it is these days, when a person wants strength and status, and status and background, he will run amok.

For the Shengdan Sect, they don't care about Zhou An's identity as a supervisor, but they cannot care about Zhou An and Yu Hang's status as good brothers.

Yu Hang rose to great heights because he became a disciple of the prime minister, so Zhou An and Yu Hang are good brothers and cannot be offended.

The most important thing is that before this, Zhou An had several other identities, one of which was beyond the reach of the Shengdan Sect, and that was the idol of the doctors of the Great Chu Kingdom.

In fact, Elder Luo has also learned about this matter. They know that the doctors in the Chu Kingdom hold a book and read it every day.

The author of this book seems to be the idol of all doctors.

Elder Luo didn't care who it was, but now it seemed that it was undoubtedly Zhou An.

Even though the doctors of the Great Chu Kingdom are in decline now, if word spreads about something that really offends Zhou An, then the Shengdan Sect alone may not be able to withstand the doctors of the entire Great Chu Kingdom.

So at this point, Elder Luo has completely changed his arrogant attitude.

Zhou An was originally thinking about Yu Hang. After hearing this, he shook his hand and said impatiently: "Go away."

He was too lazy to say anything anymore, and he was used to the flattery like Elder Luo.

Since becoming the chief supervisor of this craftsman, he has met a lot of people of all kinds, including people like this who please and fawn over.

He preferred the unruly ones, and then chopped them with a knife.

When Elder Luo heard Zhou An asked him to get out, he not only didn't get angry, but also responded with a smile, saying that he would get out immediately.

After saying this, Elder Luo left the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce in a hurry.

After Elder Luo left, only Zhou An, the woman in black, and Meng Jiang who were waiting at the side were left in the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce.

Meng Jiang was a smart man, so he could see what Zhou An was thinking and said, "Master Zhou is worried that Master Yu will offend some people by doing this, and then encounter unexpected events and dangers?"

Zhou An nodded and did not hide it. He did think so.

Meng Jiang said with a smile: "Master Zhou, don't worry about this. All this will naturally be handled by the people from the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce."

"Oh?" Zhou An asked, "How did your Chamber of Commerce deal with it?"

Meng Jiang explained: "The Hengtong Chamber of Commerce and Lord Zhou are friends, and Lord Zhou's friends are also friends of the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce. The Hengtong Chamber of Commerce in Tiancheng Prefecture has hired many experts to protect Lord Yu overtly and covertly. After all, even if Lord Yu He is a disciple of the Prime Minister, but Tiancheng Mansion is too far away from the capital and may not be able to reach out, so Hengtong Chamber of Commerce can naturally do it for him."

"I see, then I would like to thank Brother Meng and the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce." Zhou An said.

With such words, Zhou An felt relieved.

But he thought that if he had a chance to see Yu Hang in the future, he would have to give this guy a warning.

It's okay to do things for your dreams, but you still have to be a little gentler in your methods.

Thinking of this, Zhou An put his mind at ease and then started the highlight of the day: "Brother Meng, we can make arrangements."

Now that the matter has come to an end, Zhou An brought the topic back. For now, it is better to solve the arithmetic problem first.

After developing this skill, you can also gain a new skill and more effectively detect the identity of the woman in black.

Meng Jiang then patted his head and said, "Mr. Zhou, something unexpected happened just now, so the topic went off the rails. I'll make arrangements right away while you take a break."

After saying this, Meng Jiang left the room and went down to find a suitable person to teach Zhou An.

Not long after, Meng Jiang came with a businessman.

This businessman does not have a chubby figure, but is a skinny man.

But those ordinary eyes revealed a shrewdness unique to businessmen.

After a brief introduction, Zhou An began to learn about arithmetic.

"Master Zhou, the specific usage of abacus is actually very simple. You only need to remember one formula."

The businessman who was arranged by Meng Jiang was called Peng Ming.

Peng Ming first introduced the use of abacus to Zhou An, and then asked Zhou An to understand the formula of abacus.

In fact, the formula is very simple and easy to memorize.

For example, one up, one up, two up, two up, three down, five down, go two, four down, six down, one, five up, five, six up, one down, five down, one, and so on.

However, after memorizing the formula, you still need to use it skillfully, which requires some skills.

Fortunately, Zhou An is a professional in the industry and can learn these things very quickly.

After he spent a while burning incense and mastered the use of the abacus, a line of smoke immediately appeared in front of his eyes.

After the smoke appears, it condenses into words.

【Arithmetic +1】

[Arithmetic lv.1: 1/10000]

"Yes, finally!"

Zhou An looked at the smoke in front of him and felt very happy.

Now that new skills have been developed, he has no intention of staying here anymore, so he bid farewell to Meng Jiang and returned home with the woman in black.


After returning home, the woman in black completely relaxed and just played on the chair.

Zhou An, on the other hand, took out the abacus he brought back from the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce and started playing in the room.

This fight lasts a day.

Zhou An doesn't do anything now, he just specializes in arithmetic.

He plans to upgrade this skill to level three first to cause a qualitative change.

As long as a qualitative change is caused, then he can try to see if he can find out the secret of the woman in black.

One night passed quickly.

When the next day came, Zhou An let out a long breath and watched the smoke gradually solidify.

[Arithmetic lv.2 (accurate +1) 1/20000]

When the smoke disappeared, a large amount of information entered Zhou An's mind.

Soon, Zhou An absorbed all the information.

Zhou An opened his eyes and felt the energy in his body increasing again.

In addition, there are attribute blessings brought by the arithmetic skill.

"This attribute seems useless." Zhou An thought to himself.

The effect of the precision skill is just to make him less likely to make mistakes when using the abacus.

"Is this considered a blood loss?" Zhou An was speechless.

Ever since I obtained the proficiency system, I have never suffered a loss in it.

Every skill can truly gain powerful combat effectiveness.

It can even bring about a qualitative change in him.

But this skill only brings about no mistakes in arithmetic.

Zhou An felt that he really suffered a big loss this time.

However, this idea only appeared for a while and was rejected by Zhou An.

"Well, it's actually not a big loss. What if after the third level, the qualitative changes brought about will cause new effects?" Zhou An thought to himself.

He decided that he should continue to practice this skill, mainly because his obsessive-compulsive disorder couldn't stand it.

Level three is a qualitative change. Zhou An believes that it will never be that simple.

Thinking about this, Zhou An made a rough plan in his mind and decided to upgrade his arithmetic to level three first.


Just when Zhou An was thinking this, a weak female voice came out.

Zhou An was stunned for a moment, came to his senses, and turned to look.

I saw the woman in black carrying a chair, placing the chair in front of Zhou An in an exaggerated manner, riding on the chair, and began to swing left and right.

The woman in black looks absolutely beautiful and has a slim figure.

When she sat on the chair, she had an amazing roundness from the waist down.

In addition, the woman in black was still shaking on the chair, less than half a meter away from Zhou An.

To be honest, this impact is extremely severe.

But Zhou An seems to have gotten used to it by observing his eyes, nose and mind.

I can't help but get used to it.

In the process of getting along with the woman in black, he has seen even more outrageous things. This is just childish.

"What do you want to eat?" Zhou An washed his face and asked.

The woman in black was about to lift the chair again, but before she could make the move, she was stopped by Zhou An.

"Don't take it out!" Zhou An said seriously.

The woman in black looked at the chair and then at Zhou An. After struggling for a long time, she finally wanted to go out for a walk.

She carried the chair with great difficulty to the corner of the room, and even placed the chair on the ground with great care, fearing that it would be too heavy.

For her, Zhou An is the most important person. Apart from Zhou An, the only thing left is this chair.

Because this chair was the first thing she recognized.

After doing all this, the woman in black came to Zhou An and skillfully took Zhou An's hand.


Shopping has become a necessity for women in black.

Especially shopping with Zhou An is the woman in black's favorite item.

Zhou An nodded, holding the woman in black, and they went out together.

Since the incident at Fuhu Villa passed, Zhou An's side has returned to calm.

He took the woman in black out to have a meal and walked around again before returning home again.

A calm and very regular day began.

In the room, only the sound of Zhou An's planning was echoing.


Zhou An was crazy about his proficiency. On the other hand, Ye Shuang had returned to the Supervision Department in the capital.

This trip is over, she needs to come back and tell her teacher about this experience.

The Supervision Department is very big, especially the one in Beijing.

At this time, Ye Shuang had returned to his white-clothed state, and his whole body was as cold as a white lotus on the mountain.

When the people around saw Ye Shuang, they immediately walked aside consciously.

Even people from the Supervision Department were afraid of getting close to Ye Shuang.

There was nothing that could be done about it. Ye Shuang, who was in white clothes, had an aura that said no strangers should enter.

Among the young people of his generation, only Zhou An could handle it calmly.

So this is why Ye Shuang wants to play with Zhou An.

Sometimes it's that simple. Don't think that a woman's coldness means she is really cold.

She is just cold to you.

When you really meet someone you know well, that aloofness will instantly turn into flames and change into the desired shape.

Ye Shuang maintained this deserted aura and came to the door of the room where the Imperial Master was.

She was just about to knock on the door, but before she could make a move, there was a burst of noise in the house.

"Yuan Qingyi, don't go too far! Do you know what you took away from me? It was the talisman paper that I worked hard to draw for three days!"

"Senior brother, don't yell like that. You are a national master. If you want to maintain the momentum of the immortal spirit, isn't it just a talisman? The relationship between our senior brothers is not as good as a talisman. It's too Sad!"

"Fuck Xianfeng Daogu, when you are talking, can you take your hand away from the peach wood sword on my wall! That was the exchange gift given to me by the leader of the Dai Viet National Dao Sect when the Dai Viet National Dao Sect came to communicate!"

"That's quite precious. Senior brother, let me observe it for two days."

"piss off!"

There was a lot of noise in the house, but miraculously, the noise only lingered around the house.

No one sets foot here because it is the Imperial Master's room and also the forbidden area of ​​the Supervision Department.

Obviously, the Imperial Master did not want others to notice his lapse in behavior, so he used special means to prevent the sound from spreading.

If it really spreads, the character of the national master will be gone.

Ye Shuang naturally knew it.

As long as someone comes close, it is estimated that his teacher and uncle will be in another state.

Why she could hear it was because she was the ninth disciple of the Imperial Master.

She knew very well what her teacher's temper was like.

In the words of the teacher, when you go out, the aura of a master is for others to see, not for your own family.

Of course, Ye Shuang felt that it was embarrassing now.

How about... wait until these two people finish arguing before going in?

I am a junior, so it is inappropriate to go in at this time.

It's better to be with Zhou An, it won't be so embarrassing.

Unknowingly, Ye Shuang was a little confused.

Of course, as she thought this way, the movement in the room gradually decreased.

Soon, the voice of the Imperial Master was heard.

"come in."

With the strength of the national master, of course he knew that his apprentice was outside, but because he was really angry, he didn't care about it.

When Ye Shuang heard this, she also knew that the quarrel inside was almost over, so she stepped forward and pushed the door open.

Inside, there is still the antique room. The whole room is full of the unique charm of Dao Sect, whether it is furnishings or decoration.

The Imperial Master and Yuan Qingyi were drinking tea, looking happy, as if they were not the ones who had just quarreled.

After Ye Shuang came in, she closed the door with her backhand and then bowed one by one.

"Tell me about what happened at Fuhu Villa this time." The Imperial Master asked.

Yuan Qingyi was also quite curious. What was curious was that Zhou An was also involved in this matter.

He was still worried about Zhou An, because he couldn't defeat Eunuch Wei, and he couldn't interfere with Zhou An, otherwise he would have brought Zhou An to the capital and protected him.

Ye Shuang thought for a while, organized her words, and described the entire process of Fuhu Villa.

"Ye Daomen? How presumptuous! Senior brother, let me go out and clean up all these dogs!"

Before the Imperial Master could say anything, Yuan Qingyi stood up angrily, as if he wanted to find someone to settle the score with.

"You are now covered with treasures and walking elixirs. Are you seeking death when you go out?" The Imperial Master glanced at Yuan Qingyi indifferently: "Although you are strong, you are not invincible. Do you understand?"

What is the psychic medicine? It is a walking genius treasure.

Yuan Qingyi is indeed strong, but there are others stronger than him, so if he really wants to go out, he may be plotted against.

These days, everything must be done just in case.

After the national master said this, he changed the topic: "Back then, Taoist sects adhered to the concept of reaching the same goal through different paths, so they allowed the wild Taoism to develop, but they just separated the relationship with the wild Taoism. Unexpectedly, only some of them stayed on their own terms, and the other part But it has become a wild sect, and now it is difficult to completely eradicate it.”

"Then let's forget it?" Yuan Qingyi said speechlessly.

"Destroy some of the leaked ones. There's no point in trying to scare the snake away. It's just a bunch of weeds anyway." The Imperial Master said calmly.

Yuan Qingyi knew that this was also true, so he did not continue talking.

Ye Shuang was in trouble and hesitated.

When the Imperial Master saw Ye Shuang's look, he naturally knew that his apprentice had something to say: "You haven't said yet what happened to Zhou An and the woman in black next to her."

Ye Shuang took a deep breath, then gritted her teeth and said, "Teacher, let's not talk about Zhou An's matter for now. I have one more matter of my own that I want to ask the teacher."

When the Imperial Master heard this, he frowned: "What's the matter?"

This disciple of his own didn't show such a state on weekdays, so the Imperial Master was very curious.

Although he is the leader of the Taoist sect of the Great Chu State, and even the national teacher of the Great Chu State, he is also a human being and cannot be 100% perfect.

Ye Shuang's reaction was beyond the national master's expectations.

Yuan Qingyi was also curious and looked over.

Ye Shuang took a long breath, made up his mind, and asked the question in his heart: "Teacher, during the reincarnation of Monk Huanxi, I became another person and experienced incredible things. This person's name is Qingshuangzi. …”

Ye Shuang's voice sounded in the room.

"The cracks connecting the sky and the earth were said by Qingshuangzi to be the place that could solve the source of the strangeness. Qingshuangzi also died generously and passed down the Taoist books at that time. Qingshuangzi was even known as the Taoist sect at that time. First person."

"Teacher, this disciple is very confused, there are many, many, many, but the most confusing thing is, what era was that? Disciple, could it be that he is Qingshuangzi?"

These are what Ye Shuang is most confused about.

The Imperial Master fell into a long silence.

Ye Shuang was also silent.

The biggest doubt in her heart was these chaotic memories.

After experiencing the reincarnation of joy, Ye Shuang has always remembered these three words Qingshuangzi.

She didn't know whether it was true or false, let alone what these three words meant. It was fine when she was in Maplewood State, but once she returned to the capital, Ye Shuang became more and more irritable, and she kept thinking about Qingshuangzi. this matter.

She felt that the teacher should be able to help her solve the problem.

The silence lasted for a long time. After a while, the Imperial Master finally came back to his senses from the silence.

"If the name Qingshuangzi is placed in the Taoist sect, not many people may know it, but if you ask me, you are asking the right question."

The national master said slowly: "When I was young, I once went to a ruins during a training. In that ruins, there were frightening Taoist charms everywhere. They must have been left by the top figures of the Taoist sect. Even thinking about it now, I feel tremendous pressure, and the three words Qingshuangzi are engraved on the wall among the ruins."

"I don't know who Qingshuangzi is, but those ruins are probably left by Qingshuangzi. Now that you say it, if Qingshuangzi is really that Taoist sect from an unknown age, With one person, things here are complicated.”

Ye Shuang was slightly disappointed when he heard this.

She thought the teacher could answer her questions, but she never expected that the teacher only knew the outline.

That said, she still had no clue.

The Imperial Master smiled slightly, already seeing what Ye Shuang was thinking, and asked: "Ye Shuang, are you Qingshuangzi, or not, is it important?"

Ye Shuang was stunned, and then opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

Is it important?

At least for now, it's quite important to me.

Qingshuangzi, the number one person in the Taoist sect in an unknown era. If this is really the case, there are huge things involved.

The Imperial Master didn't wait for Ye Shuang to say anything, and said slowly: "Taoism pays attention to nature, Ye Shuang, don't think too much, the experiences presented in the joyful reincarnation may not be correct. After all, even if those people have passed away, they are still alive." It’s not something that Monk Huanxi can present.”

"What's more, it doesn't matter whether you are Qingshuangzi or not. You are just Ye Shuang now. All mysteries will naturally be solved in time. Now you are just disturbing yourself. Live your life well."

After hearing this, Ye Shuang suddenly understood and bowed deeply to the Imperial Master: "Thank you, Teacher, I understand."

The teacher is right. In my current state, there is no need to overthink it.

When the realm is reached in the future and the strength is high, everything will naturally fall into place.

The Imperial Master said: "Tell me about the woman next to Zhou An."

Everything I said just now was about Ye Shuang, but Ye Shuang didn't mention a word about Zhou An.

Ye Shuang nodded and then told Zhou An's story.

After listening to this, the Imperial Master fell into deep thought.

Next to him, Yuan Qingyi asked: "Senior brother, I have always wanted to ask who the woman beside Zhou An is. Now it seems that this woman in black is not only the descendant of Tongtian Arithmetic, but also has a higher status."

At that time, Yuan Qingyi watched the entire battle between Zhou An and Qiu Shiwen.

Not only was Zhou An's performance extremely strong, the woman in black was even more shocked.

When he came back, Yuan Qingyi sometimes wondered what he was still doing when he was Zhou An's age.

The answer is also very simple.

At that age, I was still dreaming.

Therefore, Yuan Qingyi has always been curious about Zhou An and the woman in black beside Zhou An.

Hearing this, the Imperial Master shook his head and said, "I can't calculate it. I only know that this woman's identity is very powerful. Apart from that, as long as this woman is by Zhou An's side, everything is safe."

Yuan Qingyi said strangely: "Is that all there is to it? I remember that senior brother, you once performed divination..."

As soon as he finished saying this, the Imperial Master's face turned dark.


Bu is a hammer!

He still remembered that when he was making calculations, if he did not retreat quickly, he would have to pay a huge price.

That layer of fog is so terrifying that the Imperial Master doesn’t even want to mention it now.

As for why it's safe to stay with Zhou An, it's because the female national master in black can push something out, but as for Zhou An, it can't be done at all.

I, the majestic Imperial Master of the Chu State, can be in such a mess. If word spreads, how can I still hang out in this circle?

After all, my personality has always been that of a fairy.

Thinking of this, the Imperial Master cleverly changed the topic.

"Instead of thinking about these things, it is better to think about Zhou An's current situation. The Ye Dao Sect is different from Zong Xing. This force will definitely retaliate."

Yuan Qingyi said seriously: "Senior brother, don't change the subject, I understand you best."

"Zhou An is currently likely to be retaliated by Ye Dao Sect, so I still have to remind him." The National Master continued.

Yuan Qingyi: "Senior brother, what is the result of your calculation?"

"Actually, I'm more worried that after Ye Dao Sect pisses off Zhou An, what kind of things will happen to Zhou An based on his character." The Imperial Master was still talking.

"Senior brother..." Yuan Qingyi continued to speak.

The Imperial Master said angrily: "Get out! Get away! You hapless thing! Ask me! What are you barking at?"

Yuan Qingyi was scolded by the Imperial Master, scratched his head, and let out an arrogant laugh: "Senior Brother, the more you behave like this, the more I feel that you have failed in this matter, oh hahahaha, a person like Senior Brother, too Will it be deflated?"

The Imperial Master took a deep breath, turned to Ye Shuang, and said, "Disciple, please go out for a while. Master and your uncle have some things to deal with."


A gust of wind blew by, and Yuan Qingyi turned into a unique elixir and ran away.

It ran cleanly and without any sloppiness.

The Imperial Master sneered and said, "It doesn't matter how fast you run, or your eight special skills, I can take advantage of you if I want!"

There was a hint of helplessness in Ye Shuang's cold eyes. She was already used to this scene.

The Imperial Master said: "Anyway, I will ask someone to remind Zhou An and ask him to act carefully."

Ye Shuang's cold eyes brightened slightly: "I'll remind him!"

The Imperial Master chuckled and said: "It's a good idea. You can peacefully study in the capital. If you can't break through the innate realm, don't even think about going out. After you reach the innate realm, I won't care about you."

Ye Shuang knew that his desire to go out for fun was noticed by the Imperial Master: "Teacher, I don't worry about the others going."

She did think so. After all, this matter was really important. She wouldn't worry if others went.

At this moment, a voice came from outside the door: "Junior sister, aren't you still relieved that I'm going?"

Ye Shuang was stunned for a moment, turned around and saw a man dressed as a middle-aged Taoist standing at the door.

The Taoist held a fishing rod in his hand, and the fish basket next to him was empty.

"Senior brother, did you catch a fish?" Ye Shuang asked strangely.

The corner of the middle-aged man's mouth twitched slightly: "I didn't catch the fish, but when I was passing by, I met a calf. I thought about it, and I was going to eat beef. But I met a man who knew how to do it, and said he didn't eat beef. , I just killed it."

The national master suddenly jumped up and punched the middle-aged Taoist: "I'm so angry as a master. Why did I accept you as my disciple? If I can't catch any fish, just forget about it. I touch river shrimps, steal cattle, pull out water weeds, and throw them away every day." No shame!”

"Teacher, be gentle!" the middle-aged Taoist screamed, covering his eyes.

Ye Shuang looked at the scene in the room and felt that his head was as big as an ox.

She always felt that her senior brother might have been led astray by Zhou An in the past. (End of chapter)

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