It's obviously a life skill, but you developed it into a magical skill

Chapter 182 The identity of the woman in black is revealed

"Now, I don't have many days left, but I can't stop here. I am the holder of Tongtian Arithmetic. Together with these four and eight special skills, I have a total of five and eight special skills."

"Maybe I can use this as a foundation to achieve my goal. I can't wait any longer. I've counted too many eight unique skills and I can't wait any longer."

"If I can succeed, then I will find the root cause, explore everything unknown, and even erase all the weird roots and restore tranquility to the world."

"If I fail, it will add a handful of cold frost to my already short-lived situation, but that's not important."

As he spoke, the middle-aged man slowly stood up from the throne, holding four books and eight tricks in his hand, and walked towards the gate outside the palace.

Ever since Zhou An came to Dreamland, he has been in the palace.

Zhou An had never seen it outside, after all, the scene inside was enough to shock him.

But now, as the middle-aged noble man walked outside, Zhou An found that all the scenery around him began to blur again.

The ambiguity is deepening.

Seeing this scene, Zhou An thought for a moment, holding the woman in black and following behind the middle-aged noble man.

He wanted to see what this middle-aged noble man planned to do.

I also want to see these fascinating distant secrets.

I even want to know what the relationship was with this woman in black in that distant era.

Now, one thing is certain.

This middle-aged noble man, the scene that the woman in black was asked to imitate through Tongtian arithmetic, was after the founder of Eight Special Skills.

So this should be regarded as another piece of dusty history.

Zhou An thought this, followed, and soon left the palace.

When he came outside and looked at the scene outside, he realized that compared with the gorgeous palace, there was a completely different scene outside.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as "the ground is covered with devastation".

There were traces of scorch all over the ground, as if the ground had been burned by heavenly fire, with not a single blade of grass growing.

On the barren land, at this moment, there are strange figures one after another, walking back and forth.

Some people have missing limbs, some have extra limbs, and some have chaotic facial features, with an extra mouth where eyes should be.

Everyone's condition is different, but they don't give off any weird aura.

Zhou An just took one look at it and felt that this shocking and weird feeling was growing.

This is the dream of the woman in black, and it is also something that has happened before.

These creatures that should be called human beings did indeed appear in a certain era.

Zhou An turned his head, looked at the woman in black, and asked, "Are you familiar with these?"

The woman in black looked at Zhou An blankly, then shook her head, saying that she didn't know at all.

Zhou An was not surprised to receive this answer.

After all, the woman in black has lost all her memory now, and is like a brand new blank sheet of paper, so it is extremely normal for her to not know the situation in front of her.

But with this scene in front of me, I can continue to dig into it, because the dream is not over.

Thinking of this, Zhou An patiently continued to look down.

While he continued to observe, the middle-aged noble man had already walked out with the eight special skills in his hand.

And those weird people who were doing their own thing on the scorched land also saw the middle-aged noble man at this moment.

Although each of them has extremely weird shapes, their mental state is very good.

When they saw the middle-aged noble man coming out, they all walked in this direction and stood next to the middle-aged noble man.

Uniform movements appeared.

I saw this group of weird-looking people kneeling on the ground, and everyone lowered their grotesque heads.

"I met the landlord."

There were about a hundred or so of this strange group of people. At this moment, they were all shouting the word "the original poster." Obviously, this middle-aged and luxurious man was the original poster.

The building owner looked at this group of people, sighed, and said in an indifferent tone: "Everyone, if you can't break into Fengyu Tower, why bother showing off in front of me?"

"What you want is nothing more than these eight unique skills. In that distant era, the eight unique skills had long ago ended due to the death of the founder. If you let them take it away again, then the world will be in chaos."

"The other three major categories will also take action because of this, and the miscellaneous categories will fall into a new crisis. Why bother?"

Invading Fengyu Tower?

Seeing this scene, Zhou An touched his chin and started thinking.

He originally thought that the scene just now was because these weirdos were the building owner's men, so he knelt down and worshiped.

But now it looks like there's more to it than that.

Not only were these people not under the building owner, but they had also wanted to break into Fengyu Tower.

Zhou An didn't know where Fengyu Tower was, but it must be a powerful force, and if this middle-aged man could be called the owner of the building, he must be the master of this powerful force.

This group of weirdos wanted to break into the Fengyu Tower for the Eight Special Skills, but they couldn't get in. They could only wander outside, and the owner of the building didn't take action to kill them.

"If it were me and someone wanted my baby and surrounded me, I would have killed them all long ago. Now instead of killing them, the poster has kept them outside. There must be a reason." Zhou An thought.

When Zhou An was thinking this, the leading weirdo no longer knelt on the ground, but stood up and said to the poster.

"Owner, since you didn't kill us, you must agree with our thoughts. Nowadays, among the four categories in the world, miscellaneous sects have reached the edge of the lowest level. The other three categories once wiped out our glory. We will never tolerate this. Everything happened, so your eight unique skills are needed.”

"And you have now collected four books and eight special skills, plus Tongtian Arithmetic, there are already five books. There is no airtight wall in the world, and no secret can be preserved for a long time."

"There are already three other top masters who know about this matter. Look at this charred land soaked in the blood of the other three masters. Do you think this matter can be rectified?"

The emotion and sadness on the poster's face disappeared, and his face gradually turned cold. He sneered: "I have never argued with anyone in my life. This Fengyu Tower protects the land and water, and I have never done anything harmful to nature. They dare If you come here for the Eight Special Skills, you will naturally have to suffer the consequences of death."

When Zhou An heard this, he probably understood.

This charred land appeared because of the soaking in blood. How much blood is needed to soak this situation?

Zhou An felt that the people who died in front of the Fengyu Tower were probably not counted, and they were all masters of the three categories.

"Don't you want these eight tricks? We can make a deal."

The poster raised the book in his hand and said slowly: "Next, those top experts are coming. Your senior officials can take action to stop them. I only need seven days. If I succeed, then what you want I will give you everything."

When the weirdo heard this, he was slightly startled: "This is true."

The poster nodded and said: "You can do whatever you want, and I will keep my promise. If you don't trust me, you can ask your masters to come together. I would like to see what the top masters of these four categories are like. How many can I kill?"

Indulgent sex?

Zhou An was slightly surprised. It turned out that these weirdos in front of him were sexual indulgences, and that was not the only thing that surprised him.

The power of Zongxing actually has such a profound foundation and has already existed in this era.

"Could it be that the eight unique skills in Zong Xing's hand were obtained from here?" Zhou An pondered.

He felt that his idea made sense. After all, there were already several eight unique skills in Zongxing nowadays.

And looking at the current situation, they had already started looking for it in that unknown era. Now it seems very likely that they got it in Fengyu Tower.

The eight unique skills that the poster has obtained through arithmetic and exhaustion of his life will most likely fall into the hands of Zong Xing.

After this idea appeared, Zhou An felt more and more credible.

While he was thinking, the weirdo finally gritted his teeth and made a decision.

"Okay, everyone is from a miscellaneous family. We believe you once. If you lie to us, you will suffer a devastating blow, and it will not be us."

The host did not reply, but waved his sleeves and entered the palace directly.

The palace door is closed.

The weirdos outside winked at each other and left quietly.

Zhou An and the woman in black looked at each other and walked towards the palace.

This was a dream after all, and the closed door seemed like nothing to them, so they walked in easily.

At this time, the host returned to the palace again, but instead of sitting on the throne, he bypassed the throne and came to the back.

Behind the throne, there is a secret switch. After being flipped by the original poster, the throne immediately moves to the right, revealing a secret passage.

The host looked around, held the book in his hand, and walked into the secret passage.

Zhou An also had no ink marks, so he quietly followed behind and entered the secret passage.

When the two of them entered the secret passage, the secret passage slowly closed and the throne returned to its original position, as if it had never moved.

This dark passage is extremely dark, but fortunately there are night-light pearls hanging on both sides. When it falls into darkness, the night-light pearls emit a faint light and can illuminate the underground road.

The host kept walking down the stairs of the secret passage for nearly a stick of incense before he came to a huge underground space.

Zhou An looked around and found that there were all kinds of furniture and facilities in the underground space.

In the middle position, there is a red futon.

At this moment, a little girl in black, only four or five years old, was sitting on the futon, practicing with her eyes closed.

Under the little girl in black, a small pale white gossip is constantly changing.

Arithmetic, little girl, dressed in black?

Zhou An was stunned for a moment, then looked at the woman in black.

If he can't get in touch at this point, then he is a big fool.

It was obvious that the little girl in black, who was four or five years old, was probably the original baby.

The woman in black looked at Zhou An blankly, as if sensing Zhou An's questioning eyes, she said two words in a confused way: "Kindly."

The word "kind" came out of his mouth, and Zhou An's suspicion became more certain.

The little girl in black in front of her is the younger version of the woman in black.

He became more curious and continued to look down.

Due to the sound of the poster coming down, the little girl in black also came to her senses from practicing, opened her big bright eyes, ran to the poster's side with a happy face, pulled the poster's sleeves, and shouted crisply: " Daddy!"

The poster smiled and touched the head of the little girl in black and squatted down: "Qing'er, now you have mastered Tongtian arithmetic. Now daddy will give you a few more tasks. You must learn all these four books, and you must do it within seven days." Within, do you understand?”

The little girl in black, Qing'er, nodded vigorously: "Qing'er knows, she will definitely study hard and master these four books in seven days!"

The host then said with a smile: "Okay, dad will give you seven days. If you can learn it successfully, dad will send you to a place. Maybe one day in the future, you will meet the noble person of your destiny."

Hearing this, the little girl in black scratched her head and said innocently: "Then daddy wants to go with us too."

The host thought for a while, and then agreed: "Dad will go too, don't worry, I won't let you be alone."

After receiving this answer, Qing'er nodded vigorously, hugged the four books, ran to the futon and sat down, stretched out her white and tender hands, and turned the pages.

While flipping, I didn't forget to turn around and make a cheering gesture towards the poster.

"Qing'er will definitely work hard!"

When the host saw this, he smiled kindly.

When Qing'er turned around, the host's expression changed from kind to an indescribable sadness.

He did not disturb Qing'er anymore, but turned around and left the secret passage.

At this time, only Zhou An, the woman in black, and the little girl named Qing'er were left in the entire underground space.

Just when Zhou An was about to follow the poster, the woman in black suddenly made a move.

Zhou An felt his hand being pulled up by the woman in black, and then placed in her palm.

There was a soft touch on his palm, but Zhou An had no other thoughts.

Because he felt that in addition to being confused, there was also an endless sadness spreading in the woman in black.

The woman in black pointed to her heart and said blankly: "It... hurts here."

Zhou An looked at the sad look of the woman in black, sighed, and touched the woman's head with his other hand: "Everything is over."

At this point, he couldn't figure out what happened.

It is obvious that Qing'er is the woman in black and has learned five unique skills.

Four books, plus his own arithmetic.

It's no wonder that the woman in black can condense eight unique skills out of thin air. She should have learned them in that era.

Then the poster used a special method to turn him into a guild, until he was discovered by Zhou An and rescued from the guild.

If all these are connected in series, Zhou An feels that there is no loophole.

After being comforted by Zhou An, although the woman in black was still sad, it had diminished a lot at this moment.

She pulled Zhou An's hand away again, then stretched out her arms, wrapped her arms around Zhou An's waist, and pressed her face against Zhou An's chest, but her body was trembling slightly.

Zhou An understands this feeling very well, and can even put himself in his shoes and feel the sadness at this moment.

A person who has lost all his memory sees what happened in the dream. Except for the memory that has been lost long ago, there is only a feeling of sadness spreading.

Like a kitten abandoned on the street.

It actually happened when Zhou Ancai traveled through time, but due to the appearance of his aunt, he felt the crisis and quickly put aside this sadness.

Seeing the appearance of the woman in black at this moment, Zhou An could only sigh, hugged the woman in black, and patted her shoulder gently for comfort.

The woman in black raised her head and looked at Zhou An blankly, feeling that the sadness in her heart was gradually disappearing.

"I'm Xiao Hei... not... Qing'er." The woman in black used poor vocabulary to form a sentence.

"It doesn't matter who you are, you have a new life now." Zhou An said with a smile.

The woman in black nodded, released her hands, and took Zhou An's palm again.

At this time, the surrounding scene changed again.

The originally clear scenery disappeared, and everything returned to its original state, turning into a mosaic.

At this time, the mosaic didn't last long. It took about a few breaths to turn into the underground space again.

But the scene has changed at this time.

The little girl in black, Qing'er, was lying on the bed holding her knees, her eyes closed tightly.

Not far away, the host was sitting cross-legged on a futon and was constantly practicing various techniques.

Under his feet, the Eight Trigrams of Tongtian Arithmetic were constantly changing.

The body of the girl in black is gradually fading, as if she will disappear at any moment.

After a while, the host opened his eyes, looked at Qing'er who was disappearing, and sighed.

"Don't blame dad for being cruel, but this is not only a hope for you to survive, but also an opportunity for you to live a better life in the future. Dad has already figured it out. You will meet your noble man, and he will protect you well. ."

"Back then, my father integrated other abilities in the Eight Special Skills and found that the more they were integrated, the more conflicts would arise, so he came up with this method."

"Human beings may not be able to withstand the power of the eight unique skills, but if they are weird, they may be able to. However, weird people cannot have consciousness, so I have been thinking about it for a long time. Maybe half-human and half-weird can do it."

"Dad spent a long, long time using the eight unique skills to weave silk silk, and finally stitched together a powerful character."

"Dad found your mother, the largest and most powerful conspirator at that time, and put a human skin on it. Eventually, it briefly possessed human consciousness, and you were born."

Damn it!

Originally, Zhou An planned to take a closer look at the secrets that followed, but when he heard this, even he couldn't bear it anymore and even uttered a curse word.

What this means is probably anyone with a little bit of brains can figure it out.

Use the skillfully woven silk fabrics among the eight special skills to sew human skin, and then put it on the most powerful guild. Not only did the guild temporarily possess human consciousness, it also allowed the guild to possess a human body, and then gave birth to a child. Qing'er.

Of course, giving birth to a child cannot happen unilaterally, so it is obvious what the poster did.

"What a fierce man today!" Zhou An said with admiration.

He has heard of people and ghosts, people and monsters, people and snakes.

Even heard about people and caterpillars.

But this was really the first time I saw this man and the guile gathering.

Apart from fierce people, Zhou An could not think of any other words to describe the host's state at this moment.

Of course, it can also be seen that the woman in black should be half human and half treacherous, otherwise it would be impossible to learn so many eight unique skills without causing conflicts.

While Zhou An was in shock, the host continued to talk.

"Back then, my father tried so hard to snatch you out of your mother's hands, and even got seriously injured. If not for a top expert who passed by at that time and lowered his thunder spell to help, otherwise he really wouldn't have been able to snatch you back."

"But dad also confirmed from the side that you were born in the Guild. Even a powerful weirdo like your mother will be driven by instinct to protect you."

"But it is still weird after all. Dad will send you back to the Guild of Guilds now. After you meet your noble one one day, maybe you will learn all the eight special skills with this half-human, half-weird body. By then, no matter what Whether you want to revitalize the miscellaneous sect or whether you want to explore the true secrets of this world is your own business."

"Originally, dad wanted to teach you himself, but that's not possible now."

Speaking of these words, the host looked at Qing'er in front of him with a kind look in his eyes.

At this time, Qing'er finally disappeared.

Outside Fengyu Tower, at this time, the loud shouts of killing could be heard continuously. The owner of the building could feel that a terrifying battle was taking place outside.

Without realizing it, he looked at the four original skills on the ground and picked them up.

"Those who indulge in sex are not good people, and those in the three major categories are not good people either. But after all, the three major categories are not as unscrupulous as those in Zong Xing. They just don't want miscellaneous sects to rise."

"There is internal fighting among the four major categories, but if it involves the common people, it won't work. These eight special skills will not be given to you."

Having said this, the poster put his hands on the Eight Special Skills and prepared to destroy these four books.

But at this moment, a needle shot out from the darkness and hit the poster between the eyebrows with great precision.

The host was shocked, his whole body was stiff, and he could not move. He could only move his eyes and look into a dark corner.

In the corner, a voice sounded.

"I knew you wouldn't give us the eight unique skills, so I came."

When the poster heard this voice, his eyes became even more shocked: "How could you possibly escape Tongtian's arithmetic! I've done the math, and I can destroy these books smoothly!"

That was what shocked him.

The voice in the darkness came again: "Tongtian Arithmetic is indeed powerful. Each of the eight unique skills is very powerful, but they are not invincible. You should also know that when the eight unique skills appeared, the miscellaneous sects were not so miserable. Only when the eight unique skills were combined, a huge price was paid."

"So if I want to escape your arithmetic, I have many ways."

The shock in the poster's eyes dissipated, and he knew that he had both succeeded and failed this time.

The success was in sending Qing'er out, but the failure was not destroying these eight special skills.

"If you don't go out, your men may not be able to withstand the three major types of attacks." The host said calmly.

The voice in the darkness sounded again: "It's just a chess piece, so what does it matter? If it's gone, it's gone. Zongxing itself can't resist the three major types of attacks. I, the master of Zongxing, still want to live. I have to take a life."

The host didn't speak. He could feel the life force in his body gradually disappearing with the needle.

The four books on the ground flew toward the corner and quickly disappeared into the shadows.

The figure in the darkness said slowly: "You are a talented person. I have given you many opportunities. I was the lightning who saved you that day, but you didn't cherish it. If you don't destroy these books this time, I will I will spare your life and even let you fight for me in all directions, but it is a pity that you cannot stay."

The host shook his head and said: "Those are no longer important."

The black shadow disappeared and left the underground space without answering the poster's words.

The host looked at the empty room, his life force completely dissipated, turning into a corpse sitting on the ground.

At this moment, in the palace, the nightmare was completely dead.

After all, such a terrifying scene was simulated in a dream. It is extremely difficult for Nightmare to be able to persist until now.

The surrounding space completely dissipated and turned into a mosaic, then gradually became clear.

Zhou An and the woman in black returned to Fenglinzhou's room.

The room was silent and quiet, with only a ray of sunlight shining through the window.

Zhou An also thought about it for a long time.

At least this time, it was no longer a Riddler-like scene, but it allowed him to completely understand the identity of the woman in black.

Of course, the black figure who appeared at the end should be the manipulative leader of that era.

It's just that Zhou An didn't see his appearance clearly.

After all the four tricks, he finally fell into the hands of Zong Xing, but part of the original poster's plan succeeded because the woman in black is now beside him.

After feeling Zhou An's gaze, the sadness in the eyes of the woman in black had long since disappeared.

For the woman in black who is as blank as a piece of paper, she listens to Zhou An's words very much, and she only needs to listen to Zhou An's words.

Zhou An told her not to think about the past, but she didn't.

Because following Zhou An now is enough fun.

"I thought about it for a while. If you don't want to be called Qing'er, it wouldn't work to be called Xiao Hei. My way of naming is really bad, so I changed your name." Zhou An touched the head of the woman in black. He said with a smile.

The woman in black narrowed her eyes with enjoyment, like a cat being petted, looking at Zhou An curiously, thinking about her name.

"Call it Black Jade. You are dressed in black, but you are as beautiful as jade. Black jade exudes a sense of taboo. It is similar to your temperament, so it is a good choice for a name." Zhou An said with a smile.

"Black... Jade!" The woman in black tilted her head and thought for a moment, then took Zhou An's hand and swayed it from side to side, like a swing.

"My name is...Black Jade!"

"Black Jade!"

She was very happy, very happy, because she particularly liked this name.

Zhou An called out several more times, and Black Jade agreed repeatedly, as if he wasn't tired of it at all.

The two of them went back and forth like this. After playing for a while, Zhou An asked the woman in black to continue to the chair.

I began to read hundreds of volumes with enthusiasm.

As for everything he saw in the dream, he had already figured out a lot, so many mysteries were solved.

Zhou An put it aside for the time being.

No matter how many mysteries there are, if you are not strong enough, it will only remain a mystery.

Only when one's own strength reaches the standard can the mystery be solved.

Just like a beautiful woman, when you attract her enough, she will take off her clothes, come to you, and pose in various poses.

It can even move on its own.

So Zhou An put aside all those thoughts for the time being and continued to work on his proficiency.

Time gradually passed, and in the blink of an eye, many days passed.

During this period of time, Zhou An has maintained a regular life.

Apart from teaching Heiyu how to read every night, most of them are working on their skills.

Gan has only three skills, namely reading hundreds of volumes, Holy Spirit Demonic Body and fortune-telling.

These skills have made great progress at present, but unfortunately it is not time to upgrade yet.

In addition to these, there are also things about nightmares that are becoming more and more intense as time goes by.

I was able to control it at the beginning because the nightmare had not yet reached its peak period.

And now, the peak period is here.

The Zhenguisi and the Yamen are busy running around every day, constantly traveling between Fenglin Prefecture and the prefectures and counties under their jurisdiction.

Zhou An also helped solve many nightmare incidents during this period.

But at present, it seems that there are too many nightmare outbreaks, and small-scale threats have already appeared.

And as these events gradually occur, the nightmare's strength gradually increases.

It can only be said that it is still within controllable range at present, but the strengthening of Nightmare's strength is uncontrollable.

Ye Daomen, who caused this incident, also suffered a major blow at this time.

Many of their hidden disciples were uprooted.

The Great Chu Kingdom is like a raging fire across the grassland, setting off an iron-blooded wind.

On the contrary, it made people in the world uneasy.

After Zhou An read hundreds of volumes today, he took Black Jade to have breakfast and walked towards Zhenguisi.

In the morning, members of the Suppression Division came to him and said that Hou Sizhou had important information, and it was information about nightmares.

When Zhou An heard this, he took Black Jade to have breakfast and went straight to Zhengui Si.

People need to have three views.

After all, this matter was caused by him. Even if it was within the scope of the Suppressing Spies, he could not become a hands-off shopkeeper.

He once said that whenever there is a need, he will definitely take action, and now is the time to take action.

Guisi has also been to this town many times, so Zhou An is naturally familiar with it.

When he arrived with Black Jade, he didn't even need to be led the way and arrived at Hou Sizhou's room.

At this moment, Hou Sizhou was holding a letter in his hand and looking at it carefully.

When Zhou An arrived, Hou Sizhou quickly introduced Zhou An into the room.

First he poured a cup of tea, and then without any nonsense, he handed the folded book directly to Zhou An's hand.

"Master Zhou, this is an order just issued by the imperial court. Take a look. It contains the latest method of dealing with nightmares. It seems to have been sent from Dai Viet."

The latest treatment?

Zhou An was stunned for a moment, then opened the envelope and looked at the contents.

It didn't take long for him to finish reading, put the table aside, and fell into deep thought.

"Can this method really be used?" Zhou An thought.

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