Originally, Fat and Thin both looked down upon Zhou An's arrival, but the moment Zhou An's sword appeared, their expressions changed from contempt to solemnity.

They felt that when the sword light appeared, everything around them became extremely terrifying.

That feeling of terror originated from the bottom of my heart and instantly spread to every part of my body. There was a dense layer of goosebumps everywhere in my body.

This is a great crisis between life and death, and a great terror.

The fat and thin people came from the barbarian country, and they were twins born on the same day, same month, same year.

They also practiced a kind of joint martial arts that only two people can do.

Among warriors, there are only ordinary innate realm strengths.

But when they come together, due to the twins' unique telepathy and the characteristics of their martial arts training, they are able to compete at the peak of the innate world.

These two people had crawled out of life and death. At this moment, they felt the light of Zhou An's sword and instantly pressed their palms together.

Immediately afterwards, a wonderful scene happened.

I saw the fat and thin people merging together quickly like sewage.

Not only that, their physical appearance became extremely weird.

The original two people became one person, with the fat person on the left and the thin person on the right.

The fat and thin people raised their arms together, and black and white light emitted from their arms, covering their entire arms.

The next moment, the black and white light and the dark green sword light collided with each other, and they collided in an instant.


The roaring sound was endless.

Amidst the roar, Zhou An's expression was extremely calm, but the fat and thin people were extremely miserable.

They withstood thousands of terrifying black-blue sword lights, but the result was extremely miserable.

There were numerous wounds on their bodies, bleeding continuously.

The fat and thin people could not hide their shock. They looked at Zhou An in astonishment as if they were looking at monsters.

Although there are thousands of swords, in the eyes of the fat and thin people, Zhou An at this time is like taking a leisurely stroll in the courtyard.

This proves that Zhou An did it effortlessly.

"How can there be such a terrifying person in this world, who is at the first-class level and can actually deal with the peak innate state?" The thin man couldn't help but said subconsciously.

"Hmm... Innate peak. I killed one a long time ago. Speaking of this feeling, Qiu Shiwen is much better than you." Zhou An touched his chin.

At the beginning, when killing Qiu Shiwen, it was necessary to use the Holy Spirit Demonic Body.

Now, as he gets closer to the innate realm, Zhou An no longer needs it.

It's just a simple matter of drawing a knife, it's a piece of cake.

"Run! What nonsense are you talking about!" The fat man suddenly yelled at the thin man.

You can't beat him, but you can still run away.

When the thin man heard the fat man's roar, he also reacted and quickly took steps to prepare to escape.

But the next moment, he discovered to his horror that he couldn't run at all.

Fat people feel the same way.

They both looked at Zhou An in front of them in shock.


Zhou An walked up with a smile: "Of course it's poison. I want to save your lives. After all, it's good for spies from the Barbarian Kingdom to be sent to Suppress Guisi."

If they hadn't spared their lives, the two of them would have died without a burial place with this one blow.

The unique toxicity of the medical voodoo skill made the two of them lose their ability to resist.

This was also Zhou An's intention. After all, the identities of these two people should be useful in suppressing the traitors.


Zhou An looked at the boy in the wine jar.

He was proficient in medicine and poison, so how could he not see the poison in the wine jar?

The poison inside contains a tonic that can make people immortal for a short period of time, but it also bears horrific toxicity and pain.

Such a child had his limbs cut off, even his facial features, and still suffered such pain.

Zhou An has always felt that if people in the industry fight with each other, no matter how brutal they are, they are still fighting at the same level.

But if it were used on ordinary people, it would not only be disgusting, but also very beastly.

For example, the Fu Jingui family who died before, and the little boy in the wine jar.

Due to the fact that his ears were poked, the little boy still couldn't hear even such loud noises, and could only open his mouth in pain.

But my throat was also hoarse and I couldn't shout at all.

"What a tough beast." Zhou An looked at the fat and thin people, his eyes gradually turning cold.

The fat and thin people felt Zhou An's eyes and their hearts trembled.

People were under the roof, and they didn't even dare to shout.

"I still like the way you start to be unruly. Since you don't want to continue to be unruly, then I will give you a small gift." Zhou An said with a smile.

The toxicity of the medical voodoo species was introduced into the bodies of the fat and thin people by Zhou An.

The next moment, the sense of touch between the fat and thin people was infinitely amplified by the toxicity.

"You...what do you want to do?" the thin man said fearfully.

The fat man's face was covered with sweat, as if he had thought of something.

"Well... you like wine jars, then I will give you a small chance." Zhou An said with a smile.

The next moment, the light of the sword appeared.

The arms and legs of the fat and thin people were instantly cut off by Zhou An.

Zhou An lifted the fat and thin people and put them directly into the wine jar.

Fortunately, this wine jar is big enough to hold it.


Brutal shouts came from the mouths of the fat and thin people.

But the next moment, the toxicity used by Zhou An broke out again.

They found that they couldn't shout at all.

Being in a wine jar, there is not only the poison of Zhou An, but also the poison of the wine jar.

Coupled with Zhou An's increased sense of touch, it was really a matter of survival or death at this moment.

"Does it feel good?" Zhou An smiled.

The fat and thin people looked at Zhou An with horrified eyes, trembling.

At this moment, they just want to die.

Perhaps death is the only relief.

"This child...is an ordinary person you captured?" Zhou An asked.

Under Zhou An's terrifying pressure, the thin man couldn't bear it anymore.

He couldn't speak and could only nod slightly.

Zhou An snorted and looked at the boy in the wine jar, exuding a touch of energy.

His poison was rapidly eating away the poison in the little boy's body.

"The five internal organs are exhausted, and there is no way to save the day. My child, I will give you a small chance." Zhou An sighed.

Under Zhou An's devouring, the little boy's symptoms eased.

Even if he lost his vision, hearing, sense of smell and tongue, the little boy could still feel that the fat and thin people were inside the wine jar.

I don’t know why, but the little boy mustered up the courage and bit the fat and thin people hard on their faces.

The flesh and skin were separated and blood dripped.

Zhou An looked at everything in the wine jar with calm eyes.

After a while, the faces of both the fat and thin people were chewed up.

After this wave of reflection, the little boy completely lost his life.

Zhou An stood up and looked behind him: "I almost forgot about you. I don't want to do it now. Black Jade, kill it."

Behind Zhou An, a strange creature with a strange shape, like a wild beast, suddenly appeared.

This is the place where there is the greatest resentment, and it is also the place where Fat and Thin conduct their experiments. The strange thing that suddenly appears now is naturally Nian.

There was a bloodthirsty and gloomy look in Nian's eyes.

It relies on instinct to tear apart and destroy everything in front of it.

Especially the smell of strangers made it feel uncomfortable all over.

But... before Nian could react, he saw a woman in black.

Nian was stunned. His strange instinct made him realize that the woman in black in front of him seemed to be the same kind.

But not quite.

Instinct cannot make it think, but it can make it freeze.

But the black jade was not frightened.

Black Jade could clearly feel that Zhou An was not in a good mood at this time, and could even be said to be in a bad mood.

She didn't want Zhou An to be angry, and she didn't want anyone to disturb Zhou An at this time.

Anyone who makes Zhou An angry must die.

This is Black Jade's idea, a true idea that is half human and half weird.

Black Jade stretched out his index finger and touched Young gently.

"It's not allowed to disturb Zhou An...it's not allowed!"

The terrifying pale white gossip emerged at the feet of the black jade.

Nian's body began to fall into pieces, and in an instant, it completely disappeared.

Zhou An didn't look at the subsequent results because there was no need.

He stared at the fat and thin duo who were still suffering from the horrific ordeal, and felt a little better.

At this moment, Zhou An felt that he was being hugged from behind by Black Jade.

"I'm fine." Zhou An patted Black Jade's hand.

Black Jade then let go of his hands and looked at Zhou An with blank eyes.

Zhou An said no more, raised the wine jar and walked towards Zhen Guisi.


To suppress the evil spirits.

When Hou Sizhou finished listening to Zhou An's story and looked at the fat and thin people in the wine jar, everyone fell silent.

He was as silent as Zhou An, but he recovered slightly faster.

"Lord Zhou, you have never seen the scene where the Barbarians ate the flesh and blood of their captives during the war with the Barbarians." Hou Sizhou said: "If we are human beings, the Barbarians are all beasts, but this situation is like this. , no one is willing to take the first step and leave the rear to other countries."

Zhou An nodded.

In fact, on the way back, his mentality had adjusted.

"Master Zhou, now that the new year is about to pass, and the matter about the new year has been solved, we will go to Beijing after that." Hou Sizhou asked.

Since the biggest source of grievances has been resolved, other grievances are no longer sufficient.

Starting from the yamen, some families who are not living well are given subsidies, and then the town police suppress the weird places.

Generally speaking, the current year is no longer a threat.

Zhou An nodded and said: "Master Hou, judging from what you mean, it seems that you have something you want me to do, right?"

When Hou Sizhou came to pay New Year's greetings before, Zhou An had talked with Hou Sizhou about the emperor's birthday.

Now Hou Sizhou mentioned it again. If Hou Sizhou's memory is not very bad, then there are other things.

Hou Sizhou nodded and said: "Not long ago, the chief general sent me news about this birthday, and it is also related to Mr. Zhou."

"Is it related to me? What's the matter?" Zhou An asked strangely.

The general secretary is one of the three most powerful officials in the Chu Kingdom today.

In the current state of Chu, the Imperial Guard is in charge of the Supervision Department, and the Prime Minister is the head of the officials. As for the General Department, he is naturally in charge of the entire Zhengui Division.

From the overall situation to the overall situation, down to the details, everything is controlled by the General Secretary alone.

Speaking of Souji, he is actually quite interesting.

The Suppressors are all warriors, because in terms of combat, warriors are the most practical.

The DG is no exception.

When he was young, Souji had been involved in the world, but he was not very strong and could only be regarded as a minor player.

At that time, it was still the time of the previous dynasty.

The various tyranny of the previous dynasty made the people miserable.

One day, the general secretary met the then Emperor Xingwu.

After chatting, the two of them got along quite well, and then boarded Emperor Xingwu's ship.

Originally, Souji was the inheritor of a line of martial arts techniques, and it was said that an ice fire spear was extremely powerful.

Cold air can freeze everything, and fire can burn the sky and boil the sea.

But at that time, Souji's strength was not outstanding.

As for why he became the general manager, it was also because of a coincidence.

It is precisely because of that chance coincidence that even today, the legend of General Si is still circulated in the rivers and lakes of the Great Chu Kingdom.

It is said that after the General Secretary joined the ranks of the rebels, he always felt weak and powerless and suffered deeply.

One time, the previous dynasty discovered Emperor Xingwu who was still weak at the time, so he sent local Jianghu people there to kill Emperor Xingwu.

At that time, many people who joined rebelled, leaving Emperor Xingwu in a precarious state.

But Souji showed up.

At that dangerous moment, he suddenly understood the technique as wise as a fool.

One man and one gun led Emperor Xingwu out of the siege and away.

After that, the strength of the General Secretary increased day by day.

Someone once asked why I had a sudden epiphany.

The general secretary's answer was simple, only four words - dire straits.

No one knows the specific reason, but everyone's guess is that the General Secretary felt the dire straits of the people, and then realized the Ice Fire Spear.

Because of this, the fact that Souji broke out of the encirclement with a single gun and had an epiphany is still being circulated to this day.

To be honest, Zhou An is also very curious.

Just look at Zhen Guisi and you will know that everyone is very fond of Zhou An.

They are all children of the world, neither pedantic nor arrogant.

The same should be true for the DG.

"That's right. Mr. Zhou also knows that the three princes will go back this time. Especially since Mr. Zhou is on the side of the three princes, it will probably be a lot of trouble." Hou Sizhou said.

Zhou An nodded, indicating that he knew.

The third prince wrote specifically about this matter, but he didn't care.

The deal with the emperor was there, so if you want to cause trouble, just do it directly.

Hou Sizhou also saw that Zhou An didn't care, and continued: "Master Zhou naturally doesn't care about the three princes, but... according to the chief minister, the prime minister seems to be very dissatisfied with you..."

Zhou An: "?"

This sentence really surprised Zhou An.

He thought about many scenarios, but he never thought it would be the Prime Minister.

"The Prime Minister and I should have no holiday, why are you dissatisfied with me?" Zhou An asked, touching his chin.

If there is a dispute between the two parties, then everything is easy to talk about.

There are already festivals, so if you can’t stand it, just don’t stand it.

But now that I don’t even know someone, it’s unreasonable to suddenly say something I don’t like.

"The chief executive doesn't know either." Hou Sizhou said helplessly: "The chief executive said that Eunuch Wei went to the prime minister to curse, but the prime minister ignored him and was rejected."

Zhou An: "..."

To say the least, Eunuch Wei must be very capable.

Eunuch Wei is a man who is very straight-forward, and he went out to scold the prime minister. It was like a knife to his butt, and it opened his eyes.

"But Mr. Zhou doesn't have to worry so much." Hou Sizhou continued: "Eunuch Wei is making trouble. I guess the Prime Minister should at least restrain himself a little."

Zhou An touched his chin, nodded and said: "I'm going to the capital now, and I won't cause trouble. It's not a big problem, so I won't mention it. By the way, what will you do with the two spies from the Barbarian Kingdom?"

The fat and thin people have been taken to the dungeon.

There are never any strong bones in the dungeon to suppress the sleuths.

"Ask about their conspiracy, and then get some useful information, and then... Ling Chi." Hou Sizhou showed a cold smile.

Zhou An was not surprised when he heard the last two words.

He just wants a result.

At least it was worthy of the outcome of Fu Jingui's family.

The matter has been taken care of, and Zhou An naturally does not intend to stay.

He was still going to go home and work on his proficiency first.

If he really wants to go to Beijing, Zhou An plans to raise the Eye of Deception to level six during this period to cause a qualitative change.

Hou Sizhou did not stay with Zhou An and allowed Zhou An to leave.


When I got home, it was already afternoon.

Zhou An roughly absorbed today's events, and began to have delusional eyes again.

When he was in trouble, preparations were being made in various places to go to Beijing.

The imperial decree regarding people going to Beijing has gradually begun to spread to various places.

Those who are close to the capital have received the news, are preparing birthday gifts, and plan to leave immediately.

There is no news from far away.


A young man was sitting at the top of the city, looking at the endless desert in front of him.

This is one of the borders of the Great Chu Kingdom, and the young man is the current eldest prince of the Great Chu Kingdom.

Among the three princes of the Chu Kingdom, the eldest prince is the only one who is not in the capital, because he is in the army and guarding the border.

Next to the eldest prince, there is a small table, and on the small table is a pot of wine.

This is a strong liquor unique to the border cities. It is far from the jade liquid in the palace, but in the border cities, it is a first-class good wine.

"Only with strong liquor can you drink freely here and experience the boundless scenery of this place." The eldest prince sighed with emotion, raised his head and drank it up boldly.

Next to him, there was a sound of footsteps.

The eldest prince put down his wine glass and saw that a general covered in armor was slowly coming to the top of the city.

"Uncle Situ, you are here." The eldest prince smiled.

When the eldest prince turned his head, the long hair on his face was thrown away, and then he could see that there was a deep scar on the eldest prince's face, which gave the eldest prince a tough look.

Rather than being a prince, he lacks the nobility of a prince and looks more like a general who has lived on the battlefield for a long time.

Situ Hao is the general guarding this city. There are many such cities in the border area, and this is just one of them.

He was an old man who followed Emperor Xingwu. After the establishment of the Chu Kingdom, he volunteered to come here to defend the city, even though his life here was very difficult.

Later, Emperor Xingwu handed the eldest prince over to him and asked him to call him uncle.

Situ Hao originally thought that this should be sent here for gold plating.

But what I didn't expect was that after the eldest prince arrived, he was really not afraid of hardship or fatigue, and worked hard at the border.

Moreover, the eldest prince is a martial artist. He always rushes to the front and is not afraid of death at all.

"Your Highness, this scar on your face should be removed. How can the majestic eldest prince leave a scar on his face?" Situ Hao glanced at the eldest prince and sighed.

The eldest prince shook his head and narrowed his eyes: "It's just a scar. My father was born in the grass, so why can't I leave a scar? Besides, this is a lesson for myself, so that I can always remember those who died." brothers."

Hearing what the eldest prince said, Situ Hao sighed.

He always remembered that once, a wave of barbarian spies appeared, and the eldest prince led a team to pursue them.

As a result, because of their recklessness, only seven or eight of the hundreds of people who went there came back, and this scar was left at that time.

Since then, the eldest prince has become more mature, and the scars on his face have remained.

"This is the gift you prepared. I have already wrapped it." Situ Hao waved to the side.

Next to it, four soldiers carried a huge box up to the tower.

Situ Hao waited until the box was stable before opening it.

In the box, there are densely packed skulls.

"They are all the heads of barbarian centurions, and they were all chopped off by you yourself." Situ Hao said.

The eldest prince nodded: "Thank you, Uncle Situ. This is the best gift I can give to my father. I believe he will be very happy when he sees it."

Situ Hao didn't answer.

The eldest prince smiled and said: "Uncle Situ, there is no need to persuade me. This time I go, I will definitely tell you something."

"Did you know that His Majesty would be very angry after saying this." Situ Hao said slowly: "It's unbelievable for a prince to give up on establishing a crown prince."

"I'm not that material." The eldest prince shook his head and said, "I prefer the border. If any of the two younger brothers becomes the prince, I will just guard the border for them in the future."

Situ Hao seemed to want to say something, but the eldest prince handed over the wine.

Because the gesture of passing the wine was too bold, a lot of wine was spilled.

The corner of Situ Hao's mouth twitched slightly: "Your Highness, I have said it several times, even if we are soldiers guarding the border, no matter how heroic we are, we cannot hand out wine like this."

This is a common problem among the eldest princes, and they haven't gotten rid of it even after coming here for so long.

What he thought was heroic was very different from what Situ Hao thought.

For example, one time, the eldest prince happily ran into the men's bathhouse and yelled that men should take a shower outside.

Then...I was beaten by someone I didn't recognize.

Really, if the eldest prince hadn't dared to charge and fight, it would probably not have been easy for him to gain the trust of so many soldiers.

The eldest prince didn't take it seriously and took another sip, letting the wine flow from the corner of his mouth in his extremely heroic yet extremely wasteful way.

"Besides...I don't want to get beaten."

After the words fell, Situ Hao was slightly startled.

He couldn't understand why the eldest prince said this.

"Your Highness, what do you mean by this? Not many people in the palace dare to fight with you, right?"

This makes sense, there are really not many people who take action against the eldest prince.

"Uncle Situ, have you ever heard of Zhou An?" the eldest prince asked.

Situ Hao shook his head and said that he had never heard of it.

They were at the border, and the news in the world was not that well-informed.

"I have heard of him." The eldest prince said with a smile: "It is said that he is a ruthless person. Eunuch Wei thinks highly of him, and he seems to support the third brother. I think this time, the second brother may be in trouble."

Situ Hao said strangely: "Even if Eunuch Wei supports it, it won't..."

Before he could speak, he was interrupted by the eldest prince.

"Everything is possible." The eldest prince said slowly: "Continuously uncovering the conspiracies of indulgence and wild Daomen, being the idol of the doctors of Da Chu, and having the ability to fight against adversity. If you arrange these on a person at will, you can make that person The person is extremely glorious, but now it’s the same person.”

"Moreover, there are many eight unique skills that killed him. Uncle Situ, you can understand what a person like this does."

Situ Hao was slightly startled.

Just like the eldest prince said just now, any one of these things is enough to amaze people.

Now, all of them are concentrated on one person, and that person is afraid to put this world's genius to shame.

"If that's the case, it's really possible." Situ Hao said, "If I weren't guarding the gate here, I would also like to see this young man."

The eldest prince smiled: "This time, I'm going to meet you on behalf of Uncle Situ, just to make friends."

Situ Hao nodded.

He didn't continue talking and went down the tower.

The eldest prince raised his head and drank all the wine, then looked at the skull in the wooden box and said to himself: "I won't argue with you this time, but I like to see your jokes, second brother, hahahaha..."

There was a gust of wind and sand blowing at the border, and everything was deserted.


Time passes gradually.

In the blink of an eye, many days have passed.

These days, nothing major happens in Maplewood State.

The new year has passed, and the weirdness has been controlled. This year in Maplewood State can be regarded as extremely comfortable.

The fat and thin duo from the Barbarian Kingdom finally revealed a lot of information, which was already presented to the capital by Hou Sizhou.

As for the results of these two people, Hou Sizhou personally invited Zhou An to see them.

Looking at the pieces of flesh and blood falling and listening to the screams of the fat and thin people, Zhou An felt very comfortable.

After Fat and Thin died tragically, Zhou An began to get angry again and again.

He did not separate his liver, but continued to look at it with the eyes of Delirium.

Proficiency is rising rapidly.

Zhou An is looking forward to the innate realm more and more.

And in such peaceful days, the imperial edict also arrived as promised.

Just as Zhou An thought, he was invited to the capital to attend the emperor's birthday.

Regarding gifts, Zhou An directly asked people from the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce to prepare many valuable things.

Meng Jiang was so happy that he almost jumped up when he heard that it was for Birthday.

the reason is simple.

Being able to give birthday gifts to the emperor is a great honor for the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce. Even if it passes through Zhou An's hands, it can radiate to the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce.

As a result, Meng Jiang even prepared a gift for Eunuch Wei.

They are all expensive things anyway.

Zhou An accepted it.

The Hengtong Chamber of Commerce highlights a wealthy and willful person.

Then, Zhou An started to get angry again.


Today is a day of harvest.

Zhou An leaned on the chair, enjoying the black jade shoulder massage and looking at the smoke in front of him.

This is not because he bullies Black Jade to be stupid. In fact, he is not that boring.

This is purely punishment for Black Jade.

Because this guy Black Jade has become more and more naughty recently.

As for why he is naughty, everyone knows it, but it is difficult to go into details.

"Focus on it!" Zhou An turned his head and glared at Black Jade.

Black Jade glanced at him, his face full of resentment.

In front of his eyes, smoke gradually took shape and emerged in the air in front of Zhou An.

【Please select direction】

[Double Pupil Eye: Destruction +4, Pressure +4, Deterrence +8]

[Thousand Mile Eyes: Detection +4, Illusion Breaking +4, Range +8]

Two choices were placed in front of Zhou An.

When Zhou An looked at the words "Chongtongyan", the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

Good guy.

He has double pupils, right? This kid is so scary, right?

He naturally ignored this skill and chose Qianlimu.

Soon, the smoke in front of him changed and turned into lines of messages, which were transmitted into Zhou An's mind.

After Zhou An absorbed the information, he slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, he had learned all about clairvoyance.

The skill of Qianlimu not only provides more powerful detection ability and illusion-breaking ability, but also has a range of +8. For Zhou An, it is a very practical skill.

Range refers to the visible range of thousands of miles.

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that this thing ignores obstruction.

To use a very simple analogy, within this range, Zhou An can see through it at a glance even if you are separated by more than a dozen walls.

"This skill, combined with fortune-telling, is simply a killing skill!" Zhou An thought to himself.

In the past, he could calculate the enemy's position, but he didn't know whether the enemy had an ambush there.

But it's different now. With Qianlimu, it's an extremely strong cooperation.

Zhou An said, not only can I calculate your distance, but I can even see where you have planted spies and what are you using to play tricks on me. I just need to fuck you directly and that's it.

Of course, there are changes in Qi this time.

Inside the body, the Qi Ti villain's hands also have two connecting lines extending out, and together with the connecting lines of the legs, they are concentrated on the chest.

Zhou An is becoming more and more curious now. He suspects that after reaching the Xiantian realm, he will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes.

Of course, there is still one skill missing.

Zhou An didn't get angry immediately because he was feeling itchy and planned to try the skill of Qianlimu.

Thinking of this, Zhou An tried to circulate the Qi in his body.

The next moment, Zhou An's eyes became as blazing as the sun.

If you look carefully, you can even see golden flames burning in the center of the eyes.

Zhou An suddenly felt that his vision had changed.

It was the first sight before, but now... it seems to be God's perspective.

Within this range, Zhou An can see everything, even houses cannot block it.

For example, vendors at small stalls, quarreling couples, and a pretty widow taking a bath...


Zhou An's mouth twitched slightly and he turned his attention elsewhere.

Suddenly, he stopped looking and saw a guy with a sneaky dog, and he couldn't help being slightly startled.

Not far from this street, a middle-aged man held a hammer in his hand and his dog wandered through the street.

From time to time, don’t forget to take a look around.

After he found that there was nothing behind him, he moved forward more carefully, which looked very insignificant and in sharp contrast to his strong body.

And the direction this middle-aged man is heading is exactly where Zhou An is.

Zhou An not only knew this person, he was also familiar with him, and even had a good relationship with him.

He whispered in confusion.

"Why did this guy Lao Zhao suddenly come to my place and be so... sneaky?" (End of Chapter)

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