For Black Jade, there are only two things in the world that she cherishes the most.

Chair, Zhou An.


Zhou An, chair.

The chairs are lined up behind Zhou An.

On weekdays, only Zhou An can move her chair.

Black Jade has always given people the impression of an ignorant and innocent girl.

But her true identity is a half-human, half-weird being born after the original poster’s Qigui gathering.

I have been staying in the Guild for who knows how long. If I hadn't met Zhou An, I might not have been able to come out.

Her innocence and ignorance only exist because of Zhou An.

In essence, Black Jade is a half-weird being who is also proficient in five disciplines and eight unique skills.

If someone touches her chair, the consequences are self-evident.

At this moment, the strange side of black jade was completely revealed.

The cold breath circulates on the black jade body, making people's hair stand on end.

That kind of taboo and terrifying beauty blended with each other, as if even the surrounding temperature had dropped a lot.

The coldness continued to circulate in this inn, and the people present could not help but shudder.

The black jade is even very considerate, preventing Zhou An from being affected by the cold.

The two people who were fighting suddenly froze.

Immediately afterwards, the two people discovered that a huge gossip enveloped the entire inn.

The people at the inn suddenly felt that in the midst of Bagua, small objects that were usually safe became extremely dangerous.

Even the bench placed on the ground seemed to have endless evil energy and became a unique weapon.

This is Tongtian Arithmetic. When it is used, heaven and earth can no longer control themselves.

The bizarre feeling made those present afraid to move.

Especially the two people who were fighting had sweat all over their faces, but they didn't dare to wipe it off.

Zhou An picked up the teacup on the table, took a sip, and said, "Tell me, who sent you here."

The voice was very soft, but no one dared to speak.

Because there is a deep and terrifying aura about Zhou An.

It was like a volcano ready to erupt. Underneath the calm was a terrifying eruption.

The fair-faced young man couldn't help but said: "Who are you? If we have a conflict, what does it have to do with you?"

The rugged middle-aged man also said: "There are countless battles in the rivers and lakes. Why do you want to take care of these? Even Zhensi will not take care of them."

What the two said seemed to be true.

Zhou An yawned and looked listless: "I gave you a chance, but you failed."

Boring, so boring.

In this world, there are too few people who know how to measure and understand the steps.

Forget it, just smash the steps.

As Zhou An finished speaking, Black Jade, which had been exuding a cold aura, finally made a move.

The Bagua at Black Jade's feet moved slightly.

The next moment, the two men screamed.

Their left hands are slowly turning to ashes.

There was no blood, just drifting ash.

Everyone present shuddered when they saw this scene.

In their eyes, the woman in black next to Zhou An was filled with extremely cold terror, especially the gossip under her feet, as if she had become a murderous weapon that could destroy everything.

Of course, besides Black Jade, everyone felt that Zhou An was more terrifying.

Because from beginning to end, Zhou An didn't even look at him and drank tea calmly.

"With a master of this strength as his subordinate, this person... his background is absolutely monstrous!"

This is what everyone thinks.

Because in their opinion, Black Jade is Zhou An's subordinate, and Zhou An is so young, so he must have an amazing background.

Zhou An didn't know this, so he didn't care and put down the tea cup.

The teacup was placed on the table, making a crisp sound.

Along with this voice, nightmare-like words were clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

"Next time, it's the right hand, and the next time, it's the legs. There's no fourth time. The fourth time is life."

As soon as these words came out, it was like a tsunami, instantly defeating the two people's defenses.

The fair-skinned man said quickly: "Master Zhou, I was wrong. I shouldn't have taken this order. I was wrong. Please let me go."

The rugged man also begged for mercy: "It's all the Yin Yun Sect. Their young sect leader asked us to do it. It's none of our business!"

As soon as the two spoke out, the people around them were the first to be shocked.

They only heard three words.

Master Zhou.

If it were before, these three words might mean nothing.

But today, in the world of martial arts, these three words have a big influence.

These three words represent a person, a person who has crushed all the geniuses in the entire Chu Kingdom.

It's like holding a sledge and plowing over and over again.

In the world of martial arts, this person is known as the master of swords and pots.

At this time, everyone looked at Zhou An.

These looks included admiration, surprise, fear, and jealousy.

An idea occurred to them.

——If it’s Zhou An, that’s normal.

Yeah, it's so right that this happened to this guy.

Not even the geniuses of the great Chu Kingdom can suppress this one.

Not to mention this scene, even if this person took out the pot on the spot and fired the person alive, that was normal.

"Yin Yun Sect, Young Master, I have never heard of you. Also, who are you?" Zhou An touched his chin and said.

The fair-skinned man said quickly: "We are the Kongkong Sect, a sect that specializes... in stealing people's things... we received an order from the young master of the Yin Yun Sect to steal your birthday gift and make you look foolish in public."

"Master Zhou, we were also temporarily obsessed by ghosts. Please let us go." The rough man cried.

For no reason, one hand is missing. Who among them can withstand it?

However, after these two people said they came from Kongkongmen, everyone present looked at these two people with angry eyes.

Zhou An suddenly realized.

Zhou An knew about the power of Kongkongmen.

A force that specializes in doing dirty things.

Stealing is just one of them.

They also dug up ancestral graves, robbed, and even sold people in the trade.

In short, this industry is not in the spotlight.

Because once it sees the light, it is gone.

Who likes thieves, robbers, and traffickers?

Therefore, it is normal for the people in the industry around me to have such expressions.

"Where is the Yin Yun Sect and how strong is it?" Zhou An asked.

This time, the rugged man answered faster.

"Follow the official road to Beijing, and the next Pingxi Prefecture is where the Yin Yun Gate is. Their location is easy to find. They are twenty miles east of Pingxi Prefecture, on the highest mountain."

The fair-skinned man quickly added: "It is said that there are three masters of the psychic realm, namely the sect master and two elders. They are martial arts. They are good at the Cloud Palm. With one palm, the clouds cover the sky and the earth."

At this point, the two of them didn't dare to speak.

Because they feel as if the people around them want to tear them apart.

This is normal. No one dares to say that they are empty-minded people.

Zhou An touched his chin, then looked aside.

The coachman had already rested, but he was standing not far away and didn't dare to come over at all.

Because of the gossip about Black Jade, even the coachman was involved.

Zhou An clapped his hands: "Kill."

Black Jade didn't hesitate and turned Bagua directly.

The two of them were like pieces of burned paper, turning into ashes all over the sky.

It's not that Zhou An is ruthless, it's that Kongkongmen is like this and should be killed on sight.

Those who enter Kongkongmen must first receive a certificate of merit.

All bad things have to be done again.

In fact, petty theft doesn't matter, but this force will also kidnap and traffick people in the business.

Sometimes, even children will not be spared.

Zhou An would kill every human trafficker he saw.

Thinking back to the past life, how many complete families were destroyed by these beasts.

After Black Jade finished all this, the cold aura on his body disappeared completely.

As if she had not done any of these things, she ran to Zhou An, looking innocent.

The people around him didn't think so, and they didn't even dare to look here.

Because it's too scary.

"So good." Zhou An touched Black Jade's head.

Heiyi narrowed his bright eyes with a look of happiness on his face.

The black jade whose head was touched looked like a black cat.

Due to the reason that Bagua was removed, at this time, the coachman finally recovered and ran to Zhou An tremblingly.

"Master Zhou... Mr. Zhou." The coachman suppressed the fear in his heart and said hello.

Even if he was not targeted by gossip just now, the coachman felt as if he had walked between life and death for several years.

Zhou An stood up: "Get in the car."

The driver didn't react until Zhou An had walked a long way before he suddenly came to his senses and returned to normal.

At this time, everyone present watched the carriage gradually go away, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Without him, there would be too much pressure.

Horrifyingly big.

"This is Zhou An. I feel that the ones uploaded by Jianghu are somewhat missing."

"I once met a powerful genius, but compared to Zhou An, it's like...a world of difference."

"I'm sorry everyone, I peed just now..."

No one laughed at this person, because many people secretly turned their bodies sideways.


In the carriage, the driver drove the carriage silently.

Zhou An's voice came from the carriage: "Go to Pingxizhou for a while. You should be able to find the Yinyun Gate, right?"

The driver who was driving was slightly startled, then nodded and said: "I can find it, Mr. Zhou, I will go there right away."

He didn't ask the reason because it was not something he could ask in his position.

He would do whatever Mr. Zhou asked him to do.

Ask less and do more to live a good life.

The carriage kept going.

In the carriage.

Zhou An is still worrying about his proficiency.

He had just temporarily changed his decision and planned to go to the Cloud Gate.

As for the reason, it's simple.

Drop by and kill a few people.

He originally wanted to go to the capital in peace and quiet, but someone didn't let him feel at ease.

The young master of the Yin Yun Sect came up with a plan to let the Kongkong Sect come and steal things, and his intentions were terrible.

Think carefully, prepare gifts, and go to the birthday party to celebrate the emperor's birthday.

As a result, the birthday gift was gone.

If this matter happened to ordinary people, it would probably be a serious crime.

If you take it seriously, if you do it again, it will be the crime of deceiving the emperor.

The young master of the Yin Yun Sect is not simply making trouble, he wants to make something big happen.

If that's the case, let's do it together.

Zhou An felt that if he didn't kill the chicken to scare the monkeys, then this trip would probably not be clean.

"Zhou this." Black Jade took out a piece of dried meat and stuffed it into Zhou An's mouth.

She just finished the operation, and Zhou An touched her head again. She felt very happy and started to feel skinny again.

Zhou An didn't refuse. He ate the dried meat that Heiyu fed him and touched Heiyu's head.

Black Jade's eyes suddenly lit up, and he thought to himself: "It turns out that those who are fed can be patted on the head!"

She dug through her bag for a while and took out a huge steamed bun: "And this!"

As he said that, he was ready to feed it with his white hands.

However, the results were unsatisfactory.


Black Jade covered his head and ran to the corner of the carriage to face the wall with an aggrieved look.

Zhou An ignored Black Jade and continued to tell fortunes.


The carriage kept driving like this, and after two days, it gradually stopped.

"Master Zhou, we're here."

The driver shouted from outside.

Zhou An opened the curtain, looked at the giant mountain in front of him, and narrowed his eyes.

"Are you sure this is here?" Zhou An asked.

The coachman nodded: "Yes, the Cloud Gate is on this mountain."

As a coachman who travels north and south, he is familiar with various places. That is the basic operation.

Under this mountain peak, there is also a small town.

"Just wait in the town. I'll come back as soon as I go." Zhou An held Black Jade's hand and jumped out of the carriage.

The driver didn't dare to say anything more and quickly nodded in agreement.

Watching Zhou An's leaving figure, the coachman suddenly had an idea.

"This Yin Yun Sect is going to be very miserable."


Cloud Gate.

A young man listened to the report of his subordinates, his age gradually turned cold.

"Trash! They're all trash!"

"I've been waiting here for so long just to hear good news, and this is the result?"

"What a bunch of rubbish!"

Below, the disciples of the Yin Yun Sect were trembling slightly and did not dare to say a word.

The young man in front of him is the young master of the Yin Yun Sect. He is just an ordinary disciple, so how dare he speak at this time.

The young sect leader was ready to say something.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps sounded.

The master of the Yin Yun Sect came in from the outside and frowned: "Why don't you set off yet?"

The young sect leader immediately put away his cold face: "Dad, the matter failed. Zhou An's things were not stolen. The news came out of nowhere, saying that my identity was exposed."

The leader of the Yin Yun Sect frowned even deeper when he heard this: "Remember, our sect disciples made the decision privately. After we found out, we already killed the disciples."

After the words fell, a cloud-like air current emerged from the Yin Yun Sect Master.

When the cloud appeared, the disciple who was kneeling on the ground was suddenly wrapped in the cloud and let out bursts of screams.

The cloud disappeared and there was only a line of corpses on the ground.

The young sect leader nodded and said, "Dad, I understand."

Stealing the emperor's birthday gift is also a serious crime if it is discovered.

So someone needs to take the blame.

"Let's go quickly, His Majesty's birthday is coming soon, don't delay." The master of the Yin Yun Sect said.

"But...are you going to let Zhou An go just like that?" The young sect leader gritted his teeth.

He was originally the genius of the Yin Yun Sect, and he had a lot of experience in the world, and was spread by people in the world.

But since Zhou An appeared, there have been rumors about Zhou An.

This feeling is very uncomfortable for the young sect leader.

Then he developed an emotion - jealousy.


How could I, the Young Master of the Yin Yun Sect, be crushed by a grassroots? This is not okay!

Ever since, after learning that Zhou An was about to go to Beijing, the young sect leader thought of this.

"Are you still thinking about Zhou An?" The leader of the Yin Yun Sect said: "Since the matter has been exposed, don't worry about it. I indulge you once, and that's enough. After all, Zhou An is an official of the imperial court, so don't mess with it." Better."

Everyone in the Yin Yun Sect knows that the sect leader has experienced large and small battles when he founded the Yin Yun Sect.

During one battle, he accidentally injured a vital part, resulting in infertility.

I went to many doctors, but the results were all unsatisfactory.

Fortunately, one day, I don't know if it was luck or something, but the sect master and a maid gave birth to a young sect master.

After the young sect leader was born, he had extremely high talents. Even because of this talent, the maid died during childbirth.

When he got a son at an old age, the sect leader was extremely indulgent towards his son and would do almost anything for his son.

Including this time.

The sect leader actually knew very well that his son had been spoiled by him.

A genius from other forces would never do these things out of jealousy, but there is no way, this is his only descendant.

The master of the Yin Yun Sect did it anyway.

He even thought about his escape plan. For example, now, he only needs to use one disciple to take the blame.

But at this moment, the master of the Yin Yun Sect saw that his son still wanted to continue, so he tried to dissuade him.

The first time you can blame the disciples, but the second time it will be difficult.

That Zhou An's status is not low and he cannot cause trouble again and again.

When the young sect leader heard this, he felt unwilling to do so: "Dad, if you think about it again, how come he can ride on my head!"

"Those who are more powerful than us can just sit on top of them. He, Zhou An, is just a low-level person from Anding County, and he doesn't deserve it!"


"Shut up!" The leader of the Yin Yun Sect said angrily: "Going to Beijing is the most important thing now. You have been delayed for a long time, so you can't ignore it. If you have time in the future, you can slowly make trouble. Do you understand?"

The young sect leader was slightly startled. This was the first time he was yelled at by his father.

Seeing the angry look of the Yin Yun Sect Master, the Young Sect Master finally came to his senses.

He was blinded by jealousy just now, but now he also knows that birthday is the most important thing.

"I know, kid." The young sect leader bent down and said.

The master of the Yin Yun Sect nodded: "Let's set off immediately, dad is doing it for your own good."

The young master opened his mouth and wanted to say something else.

At this moment, the sound of hurried footsteps came from outside.

A disciple hurried into the courtyard and was stunned when he saw the body on the ground.

The master of the Yin Yun Sect frowned and said, "What's the matter?"

Only then did the disciple come back to his senses from his shock: "Master, Zhou An is here, and... he broke our mountain gate... to pieces."

The master of the Yin Yun Sect frowned even deeper: "Bring him this corpse and say it was made by this corpse."

It was said in an understatement, as if it was nothing serious.

In fact, he had thought that the older generation also knew about Zhou An's temper.

But I want to think about it.

He knew Zhou An would come and didn't care.

Just throw the corpse out. As for more, it is simply impossible.

You don’t even have to show up, because there’s no need.

As for the mountain gate being destroyed, it doesn't matter, just build another one.

Anyway, it can only destroy the mountain gate.

Let's suppress the limelight of this matter first. Once suppressed, there will naturally be a way to slowly get it back.

The disciple nodded hurriedly, not daring to ask any more questions, quickly grabbed the body on the ground, and left the yard.

The young master gritted his teeth and said, "Father, are you going to let him destroy the mountain gate?"

The leader of the Yin Yun Sect chuckled and said: "You are too young after all. I told him that other disciples framed you and asked him to destroy a mountain sect. He should know better and won't cause trouble again."

"There will be plenty of time in the future, so prepare to go to Beijing first."

The young sect leader had already said this, knowing that although his father loved him very much, he was not stubborn at the critical moment.

He could only suppress the anger in his heart and began to go back to the house to pack his things.

The master of the Yin Yun Gate looked in the direction of the mountain gate, thoughtfully.


Midway up the mountain.

Originally, there was a magnificent mountain gate here, which Yin Yun Sect spent a lot of money to build.

But now, this place is in ruins.

A mountain gate that was originally quite beautiful and grand was now covered with rocks.

Zhou An held the black sword that transformed into a gold ring, looked at the vigilant Yin Yun Sect disciples in front with a smile, and said jokingly: "As expected of a first-rate force, it's really good. This sect is very wealthy."

Whether it is the Great Chu Kingdom or other countries, there is a unified standard for the division of power.

Third-rate, second-rate, first-rate, top-notch, supreme.

The Yin Yun Sect is a first-rate force and is already a very strong force.

At least in Pingxi Prefecture, the radiation range is also very wide.

When Zhou An arrived, he destroyed the mountain gate without saying a word.

He now wants to see what countermeasures the other party will give.

Next to him, Black Jade was eager to try, but Zhou An held his shoulders and did nothing.

Both sides were confronting each other. Zhou An was relaxed, but the disciples were nervous.

Just when the tension was getting worse, a Yin Yun Sect disciple ran out of the mountain gate dragging a corpse.

"Master Zhou, what happened to you was all done by him in the name of the young master. When we found him, he was about to resist, but we accidentally killed him."

The disciples of the Yin Yun Sect threw the body on the ground and said it word for word according to the sect leader.

On the ground, the expression of the corpse was very painful and surprised at the same time. It was obvious that he did not expect to die suddenly.

"It's interesting." Zhou An looked at the corpse on the ground and narrowed his eyes.

He didn't expect that the Yin Yun Sect would come to him.

Framed and framed, the golden cicada escapes from its shell.

This is obvious.

You don’t need to look to know it.

Zhou An had no grudge against this disciple, so how could he be targeted by an ordinary disciple?

Moreover... the master of the Yin Yun Sect didn't even show up.

"You're not giving me face, are you?" Zhou An said with a smile: "You are ordinary disciples, maybe you didn't get involved. I won't kill innocent people indiscriminately, so get out of the way."

His words were soft and his tone was calm, as if he were chatting with a friend.

But everyone present could feel that there was boundless murderous intent hidden under Zhou An's gentle expression.

The relationship between the two parties became tense again.

Zhou An felt that it was a bit of a waste of time.

He lifted his feet and walked inside.

This movement made everyone present tense.

But Zhou An kept walking, holding Black Jade in hand, and continued walking inside.

At this time, under the pressure of the sect master, the disciple at the front couldn't help but raised his hand to attack.

Neither can they.

Because they are disciples of the Yin Yun Sect, if they don't take action now, it would be inappropriate both emotionally and rationally.

The secret skill of the Yin Yun Sect is the Yin Yun Palm, which turns Qi into clouds and has extremely strong corrosive power.

It is said that after being enveloped by clouds, the clouds will penetrate into any cracks and will quickly corrode the enemy's Qi.

At this time, the disciples of the Yin Yun Sect gathered to attack, and the clouds covering the sky swept in.

"A few hundred yuan a month, what are you trying to do with your life?"

Zhou An shook his head, not even bothering to draw his sword.

The Qi in the body circulated for a while, and the next moment, these clouds suddenly stopped.

Immediately afterwards, these Yin Yun Sect disciples suddenly felt that they seemed to have lost the means to control the cloud energy.

Before these Yin Yun Sect disciples could react, the cloud energy changed and counterattacked towards them.

In just the blink of an eye, all the Yin Yun Sect disciples were lying on the ground and wailing.

"It's really useful to read a thousand volumes." Zhou An thought.

Just now, he used Yue Qianjuan, using Yue Qianjuan's rebound ability to instantly rebound all attacks.


Zhou An held Black Jade's hand and walked upwards like taking a leisurely stroll in a courtyard.


After all, the Yin Yun Sect is a first-class force. Even the stairs are built extremely smoothly.

The large bluestone slabs make it easy to walk on. It can be imagined that this sect has sufficient financial resources.

When Zhou An walked up the steps, more Yin Yun Sect disciples immediately appeared.

All kinds of clouds emerge in endlessly.

But if there are outsiders here, they will be surprised to find that Zhou An did nothing but held Black Jade's hand and kept walking up.

Those clouds seemed to be afraid of Zhou An, and even attacked the disciples of the Yin Yun Sect.

The whole process was extremely terrifying.

When Zhou An came to a huge platform, countless disciples were howling miserably along the way.

The entire Yin Yun Sect was no longer peaceful, and there were wailing sounds all over the sky.

Zhou An raised his head and looked at the platform.

The platform is large and all is paved with good floor tiles.

At the end of the platform is a huge building complex.

Building groups rise and fall one after another.

"Yes, it's quite impressive." Zhou An said with a smile.

At this time, three middle-aged people were rushing towards the front of the building complex, and behind these three middle-aged people were a group of Yin Yun Sect disciples.

The middle-aged man in charge had a gloomy face and a strong evil spirit in his eyes.

"Zhou An, you are going too far!"

Just as he stood still, the master of the Yin Yun Sect became furious.

He thought that he had given Zhou An enough face, but he didn't expect that Zhou An actually fought him all the way.

With no other choice, he rushed over with two elders from the sect.

"Who are you?" Zhou An asked.

"Yin Yun Sect, the master Yin Wujiang." Yin Wujiang said coldly.

Zhou An suddenly realized: "I finally forced you out, but why do you seem so unhappy?"

When Yin Wujiang heard this, he was on the verge of anger. At this time, he could hardly restrain himself: "Zhou An, I have given you enough face. I destroyed the Yinyun Gate alone and walked away. , enough for you to brag about in the world, don’t be shameless!”

Yes, this is Yin Wujiang’s idea.

He gave face, and you must give him face too.

Zhou An touched his chin and said with a smile: "What do you mean, if I slap you now and pay you the same amount of money as Shanmen, will it be considered as giving you face?"

In this world, there are many people who are self-righteous, such as the person in front of me.

If you first provoke me and then give me something trivial, can you say that you are giving face?

That's impossible.

Face is not given by others, it is earned by oneself.

"Zhou An, what do you want?" Yin Wujiang said.

Now, his anger has begun to subside.

"I've already told you, that's a disciple. The person you're looking for in the name of my son has nothing to do with my son. Even if the Suppressor is here today, I can still make a profit." Yin Wujiang said.

He knew that this matter was a problem with his son, so he was steering the topic in other directions.

The smile on Zhou An's face gradually faded: "Every wrongdoer has his own debtor. I don't like to hear your nonsense. Call your son out and I'll play with him."

When Yin Wujiang heard this, his expression became even colder: "Junior, do you know that this is the Yin Yun Sect. If you break in without permission, even if you have an official position, I can still defend myself."

After living for such a long time, although Yin Wujiang dotes on his son, he is not without brains.

Every word he said now was meant to benefit him.

At this time, the elder also spoke: "As a junior like you, you are the only one of your generation who can do what you do. I am in the psychic realm, and I can crush you to death with one hand."

The words were full of threats.

One is responsible for reasoning, the other is responsible for threats.

It's equivalent to black face and white face. They believe that Zhou An will leave right now.

But they forgot.

Zhou An is a person who likes soft things but not hard things.

He has no patience.

He doesn't like to keep talking nonsense.

Inside the body, the Qi Ti villain began to operate.

The next moment, behind Zhou An, the shadow of the Holy Spirit Demonic Body appeared.

Zhou An raised his right hand and turned the gold ring into a black pot.

The Holy Spirit Demonic Body also transformed into a pot.

The pot was covered with water and black gas.

After the ten-meter-high Holy Spirit Demonic Body appeared, the entire platform was filled with a sense of oppression.

Zhou An said calmly: "They say I am a master of knives and pots. Isn't it a pity that you have never seen me use a pot?"

At this time, under various bonuses, the bonus is close to two hundred times.

Coupled with the unique destructive properties of the pot method, it brings a terrifying pressure like a mountain.

Everyone present, including Yin Wujiang and the two elders, all swallowed subconsciously.

Because they felt a life and death crisis.


Yin Wujiang couldn't believe that he actually felt the breath of death in a junior, which he had never felt before.

"What kind of monster is he...?"

Yin Wujiang and the two elders thought at the same time.

At this time, Zhou An spoke.

"Just now, who said you could crush me to death with one hand? Come out and try my pot?"

The elder who was pointed at by Zhou An silently took a step back, lowered his head, and did not dare to say a word.

"That's you?" Zhou An pointed at another elder.

The other elder also lowered his head.

"Then it can only be you." Zhou An looked at Yin Wujiang.

Yin Wujiang's face froze, and he suddenly found that he felt powerless.

Is this... still a junior?

That pot was like a call to death.

Are all the juniors these days so outrageous?

They were all in a state of not daring to move.

At this time, Zhou An started to point.

As he pointed over, everyone lowered their heads and did not dare to answer.

In the entire Yin Yun Gate, with a huge black pot hanging over their head, no one dared to speak. (End of chapter)

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