Looking at this scene, Zhou An felt a very familiar feeling in his eyes.

After taking a look, Zhou An was determined.

He was convinced that this was a gathering of conspirators.

Because...he used to be very aggressive in the Guild.

In the middle of the street, an eye suddenly appeared.

Liao Chen, who was standing below, suddenly became stiff.

Immediately afterwards, the dust began to gradually turn into ashes.

A veteran psychic realm master was killed before he even had time to react.

Zhou Anke is very familiar with this eye.

He had seen it at Black Jade.

To be precise, this is Black Jade's mother.

"Damn it, is this kidnapping someone else's daughter, and then the mother comes to visit her in person?" Zhou An shouted outrageously.

But...why did the Coven suddenly appear?

Logically speaking, this should not be the case.

As Zhou An was thinking this, that huge eye stared at Zhou An with a cold light.

Zhou An's fortune telling lost its effect at this moment.

The feeling of danger came as expected.

This was the first time Zhou An felt a bone-chilling coldness.

"It wants to kill me?" Zhou An licked his lips, holding the black knife, his face full of excitement.

This feeling was unprecedented. At this moment, Zhou An actually had a strong fighting spirit.

He came here with the help of a crack, even after killing the original Weird.

Recalling what Liao Chen said just now to deceive him, Zhou An felt that it might be somewhat true.

Cracks are the source of weirdness, and the weirdness will come through the cracks, with the purpose of... black jade.

Zhou An turned his head and looked at Black Jade.

At this time, Black Jade looked confused and looked at the gathering of conspirators with a very familiar look.

She just felt familiar.

Other than that, I can't feel anything else.

Zhou An touched his chin and continued to look into his eyes.

Since Black Jade can't see it, forget it.

It looks like there is no way to escape from this battle today.

Thinking of this, Zhou An waited patiently.

A ray of light with a destructive aura suddenly shot out from the eyes, and the target was Zhou An.

Zhou An circulated the Qi in his body, and his whole body turned into a golden color.

Build your own body!

Behind Zhou An, the Holy Spirit Demonic Body appeared.

At the same time, Zhou An let go of Black Jade's hand and used the gold ring to create a pot.

Pot in left hand, knife in right hand.

With the blessing of the Holy Spirit Demon and other skills, Zhou An came out with swords and pots.

The world between heaven and earth is constantly shaking.

The air around him began to twist, and the gathering began to blur.

The huge sword light, the giant iron pot, an almost two hundred times bonus.

The knife and pot came down at the same time, facing the black light that destroyed everything.

Zhou An's face showed a long-lost excitement.

"How long, how long has it been since no one made me so excited!"

"Auntie, the Moon River is weird, other than that, there's not much else!"

"Fight a great battle!"

The sword light came into contact with the black light, and a giant black pot fell from the sky.

Black light seems to be able to melt and destroy everything.

Even Zhou An's sword light was gradually shattering under this black light full of destructive aura.

Behind him, the Holy Spirit Demonic Body controlled the light of the sword and the huge black cauldron condensed by light, and had arrived in front of the black light.

First, the light of the knife broke through the black light, and then, the giant black pot was placed on the black light.

"The attack power and destructive power must be controlled by the pot method." Zhou An circulated the Qi in his body.

Turn the pot and get up!

The moment the pot was tipped over by Zhou An, the entire black light instantly shattered.

This time, Zhou An took action with all his strength.

Fortunately, he has entered Xiantian, and every time he takes a shot with all his strength, he can make up for all the lost Qi in time.

This is the power of the innate realm, which is endless.

The black light shattered.

The quaint streets were quickly distorted and blurred at the moment when the black light shattered.

When the black light completely disappeared, the sword light and the giant black pot also disappeared.

Zhou An licked his lips and showed a cold smile.

"It's not like you. You shouldn't be so weak."

His eyes looked at the crack beside him.

The cracks are closing.

With Zhou An's current knowledge, how could he not understand the situation at this time.

"I see, coming across space consumes strength, and killing the weird ones that should have appeared, you are weakened." Zhou An said slowly.

The huge eyes were staring at Zhou An, with a strange and cold look, as if they wanted to tear Zhou An into pieces.

Zhou An didn't give the Guild any time to rest. He raised the knife and pot again.

The Holy Spirit Demonic Body also acted.

This time, Zhou An's attack was no longer tentative, but full of continuity.

A knife is faster than a knife.

The sword lights all over the sky gradually intertwined, and each sword was enough to shake the world.

The clouds in the sky were scattered and the ground began to sink.

The sky was full of dark green sword light wrapped in water, falling from the sky.

Zhou An's other hand was holding a black pot, looking for an opportunity to put it on the guild.

On the ground, the coven suddenly twitched.

In that eye filled with indifference to all sentient beings, the black light shined out like it was lifeless.

As we all know, when doing things, once the frequency increases, it is difficult to ensure quality, and after the frequency increases, it is easy to lose control.

This situation can usually be described with an idiom - ending hastily.

But the gathering of ghosts at this time is different. Every black light emitted not only has a high frequency, but also has a powerful quality.

"Even if it is restricted by the cracks, it still has this kind of strength. No wonder even the original poster suffered at your hands." Zhou An became even more excited.

The sword light and the black light kept colliding.

Below, the world belonging to the Guild of Guilds is gradually falling apart.

Those weirdos standing in front of the stalls didn't even resist, and gradually turned into ashes under the remaining power of the two.


There was a constant roar.

At this time, Zhou An was condescending and outputting like crazy.

Just as the two continued to attack, the group that had been attacking suddenly appeared abnormal.

The huge eyes are fading.

The black crack on the other side is shrinking faster and faster.

The huge eyes are still cold.

The surrounding streets were blurring.

Zhou An saw a deep murderous intention in his huge eyes.

"Hey, if you want to kill me so much, don't leave." Zhou An said with a smile.

The crack is about to disappear, and the Guild will not be able to stay long, because the Guild will take advantage of the opportunity to enter.

"I want to leave, but I can't leave so easily." Zhou An said again.

As he finished saying this, the other hand that had been holding the pot finally started to move.

The huge black pot was quickly seized by Zhou An while the Guild of Guilds were weak.

Behind him, the ten-meter-tall Holy Spirit Demonic Body made the same move, taking advantage of this flaw to buckle on the huge eye with incomparable precision.

The next moment, the overturning of the pot started.

Half of the huge eye was falling apart.

But at this moment, the crack completely disappeared.

The huge eyes also disappeared, but before disappearing, they took a deep look at Zhou An.

This eye was filled with destructive emotions and murderous intent that was about to overflow.

Zhou An looked at the place where the Guild had left, especially the murderous intent when leaving, and touched his chin: "Maybe my last pot wound was a bit deep, and it hates me."

Zhou An felt that he seemed to be targeted by the conspirators.

This last pot not only caused a bit of damage, but also destroyed half of the giant eye.

But it doesn't matter, because if the Guilds dare to come here, it proves that they have set their sights on him.

After all, he abducted the other party's daughter, and Heiyu is now a bit naughty by himself.

"Black Jade..." Zhou An turned around.

Beside him, Black Jade looked confused.

"Do you have any objection if I beat it?" Zhou An asked.

In fact, if the conspirators could communicate, Zhou An wouldn't mind saying a few more words for Black Jade's sake.

But if you come up and fight, Zhou An is not a person who is easy to catch.

This question is completely subconscious.

Unexpectedly, as soon as these words came out, Black Jade scratched his head.

"So familiar, but... Zhou An and I are... more familiar."

The answering voice was still stilted, but it showed Black Jade's thoughts.

Before being brushed with the Holy Spirit Demonic Body by Zhou An, Black Jade itself tended to be more weird.

So when human consciousness dominates, I just feel that the conspirators are very familiar.

In Bai Yu's heart, Zhou An is the one he is most familiar with.

"What a filial daughter." Zhou An touched Black Jade's head.

It’s a great filial piety, my family.

In fact, it was not Zhou An's initiative that Black Jade became what it is now.

At first, he just wanted to get rid of Black Jade, but the results became more and more crooked.

What he teaches is also normal stuff.

Black Jade's dependence on him is actually the reason why the two get along day and night.

It was also the first time that Zhou An was willing to talk to the Guild, but unfortunately, they couldn't.

If there is a next time, when there is enough ability, there may be changes.

Zhou An is a man who is cruel to his enemies but very kind to his own people.

This is also the first decision Zhou An has made. Black Jade will not be injured unless necessary.

Of course, if the situation is still the same next time when the conspiracy comes, Zhou An will not be lenient.

Black Jade narrowed his eyes and enjoyed Zhou An's touch.

She didn't understand anything. She only knew that Zhou An was the best person to her in the world. If anyone disturbed Zhou An, she would let him die.

The strange aura in the clear eyes of the black jade is frightening.

"Let's go," Zhou An said.

Black Jade nodded, took Zhou An's hand, and walked toward the foot of the mountain.


At the foot of the mountain, in the town.

The coachman had been waiting.

He felt a little uneasy because Mr. Zhou went to the Yin Yun Gate alone.

The Yin Yun Sect is a force with three masters of the psychic realm.

Although these three masters are all new to the psychic realm, they are far from the old psychic realm.

But the coachman knew very well that Mr. Zhou's strength did not reach the psychic realm.

He was worried that something might happen to Mr. Zhou, but he was too weak to dare to go up.

Then, the coachman who was staying in the town heard a continuous roar.

Just listening to this sound makes people feel cold all over.

The people in the town were frightened and hid in their houses.

Only the coachman, a person in the profession, could feel that there were two terrifying auras constantly washing away in the mountains at this time, making him tremble.

Fortunately, the smell disappeared quickly.

The driver knew that the battle was over.

He wanted to know whether Master Zhou won or the Yin Yun Sect won.

He became extremely anxious while waiting here.

Because he doesn't have much confidence.

But this feeling of loss of confidence soon disappeared.

The coachman saw Zhou Anzheng holding Black Jade and came slowly.

"Mr. Zhou, are you... okay?"

He couldn't believe his eyes.

Zhou An glanced at the coachman calmly: "What can I do?"

"No, no," the coachman replied quickly.

He was a little curious, but he didn't dare to ask.

Now that Mr. Zhou is back, what will happen to the Yin Yun Sect?

This idea has been echoing in my heart.

Seeing the appearance of the coachman, Zhou An smiled and said: "The Yin Yun Clan intends to attack the imperial official. The master of the Yin Yun Clan, Yin Wujiang, one of the elders of the Yin Yun Sect, and the three young masters have already been executed."

This simple sentence made the coachman freeze.

The driver trembled and said: "That's... a master of the psychic realm..."

"In the psychic realm, you can kill him." Zhou An said calmly.

After saying that, he got on the carriage.

The coachman felt that his ordinary life had completely become extraordinary at this time.

In his eyes, this unevenness comes from Zhou An.

A person goes up the mountain and comes down in a moment.

Then... two masters of the psychic realm died, as well as a young master of a powerful force.

What kind of strength is this?

"No wonder, the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce only follows Mr. Zhou's lead. This is normal."

The coachman thought about what Zhou An just said.

——In the psychic realm, you can kill.

Damn it, just take it in!

The coachman felt like he was a master of directly entering the enemy's army. He was so violently involved in that scene that he had goosebumps all over his body.

Of course, fantasy is fantasy. The coachman was afraid that Zhou An would wait too long, so he quickly got on the carriage and took Zhou An away from the town.

As for what happens next, someone will naturally take care of it, Zhou An doesn't care.

The remaining elder is very smart and will naturally not talk nonsense.

The carriage went further and further away, gradually leaving the town.

At the same time, news about Zhou An is constantly fermenting——

In the world of martial arts, a new legend has emerged.

Zhou An, who has both swords and pots, went to Yinyunmen alone, killed the masters of the psychic realm, and Shi Shiran came down the mountain.

This news seems to have grown wings and is constantly being passed on.

Soon, the world of Chu Kingdom was boiling.

There has never been a record of the younger generation killing the psychic realm, even the strong ones who have just entered the psychic realm.

But Zhou An did it.

Zhou An's reputation began to spread wildly in the world.

The melon eaters were very full, but some people clenched their fists tightly.

This group of people are talented people from all over the world.

No one knows what they are thinking, but some people guess that they must be very sour at this moment.

At this time, in a carriage entering Beijing, a young scholar was holding a book and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Next to him, an equally young man looked at the scholar and said helplessly: "Yu Hang, you have been laughing all day, isn't your face stiff?"

Yu Hang put down the book and rubbed his face: "Stiff."

"Then you're still laughing." The young man rolled his eyes.

This guy has been laughing from morning to night, and he doesn't know why he is so happy.

Yu Hang said strangely: "My brother is famous all over the world. He was born in adversity and attacked psychics. Why don't I laugh?"

The young man rolled his eyes even more: "The teacher asked me to escort you all the way, but you felt relaxed. You even talked to me about Zhou An. Do you know that you have offended too many people?"

Yu Hang shrugged: "Senior brother, reform is bound to be accompanied by dangers. There is no doubt about this. At least I have made the people live a better life."

Although the two of them are about the same age, that's just how they look.

In fact, this man named Gongsun Yun has a good look, and his age does not appear on the surface.

Similarly, Gongsun Yun was a disciple of the prime minister and was in charge of a state, so he stopped by to protect Yuhang.

After all, Yuhang was causing big trouble in the area under his jurisdiction, just in case.

"Junior brother, don't forget, the teacher doesn't like Zhou An." Gongsun Yun reminded: "You have a distinguished status now, so you can't stand in the wrong position."

In fact, Gongsun Yun also admired this junior brother very much.

Drastic reforms and serving as an official without selfish motives alone are very few things that can be achieved.

But Gongsun Yun still wants to remind him that after all, young people often take the wrong path.

Yu Hang shook his head: "Brother, I have already told the teacher. The teacher told me that I don't need to worry about my relationship with Zhou An."

As soon as these words came out, Gongsun Yun became interested.

"Tell me, what did you and the teacher say?"

Yu Hang put down the book in his hand and replied: "I told the teacher that the teacher has his own ideas, but he cannot alienate me from Lao Zhou because of this, otherwise I will not become a disciple."

Gongsun Yun was instantly shocked.

It took him a long time before he finally reacted and smiled bitterly.

"You are... very brave, and the teacher agreed. It seems that the teacher really values ​​you." Gongsun Yun said.

Only those who are disciples know their teachers best.

In Gongsun Yun's mind, the Prime Minister is an old-fashioned person. He even slapped his palms when teaching in the past.

But Gongsun Yun never expected that he would agree to Yu Hang.

To sum up the reason, Gongsun Yun could only think that the teacher valued Yu Hang very much.

Yu Hang didn't say anything, but he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Gongsun Yun said: "Junior brother, do you know that many geniuses have set their sights on Zhou An this time. Zhou An will not be easy this time. Although Zhou An is very smart and comes to scare the monkeys, there are always those who don't believe it. They will think that he is a fake news, after all, despite facing adversity, he is still in the psychic realm, which is too ridiculous."

To be honest, Gongsun Yun almost didn't believe it.

Yu Hang shook his head and said: "I will also go to the capital. At worst, I will make a fuss with Lao Zhou."

Gongsun Yun: "..."

He felt that his junior brother had something wrong with his head.

But...he has no cure.

Yu Hang did not talk much about this topic, but opened the window and looked at the scenery outside: "The further you go towards the capital, the more prosperous it becomes."

At this time, both sides of the street, although it was an official road, were becoming busier to the naked eye.

Especially on both sides of the official road, there are even many ordinary people secretly setting up stalls, trying to make a little money here.

"It's normal. There are many capital-level cities in Dachu, but there is only one capital." Gongsun Yun yawned, quite bored.

He was used to riding in carriages and there was nothing new about it.

"It would be great if every city could be so prosperous." Yu Hang said.

"You're thinking too much." Gongsun Yun shook his head: "We don't have enough financial resources and the place is too big. How can we do it?"

Yu Hang turned his head: "Yes, it is difficult, but the more difficult it is, the more interesting it is."

Gongsun Yun said nothing.

Yu Hang also said nothing and lowered the curtain of the carriage.

As we get closer and closer to the capital, Yu Hang's heart is filled with excitement.


Yuhang is getting closer to the capital, and there are many people approaching.

Some Tianjiao, as Gongsun Yun thought, believed that this was false news deliberately released by Zhou An to avoid trouble in the capital.

Zhou An doesn't know these things because he is still focusing on his proficiency.

The fortune telling is rising, and the endpoint in Zhou An's body is getting brighter and brighter.

He was looking forward to what changes would come next.

Black Jade has been sitting next to her, guarding her chair.

He was very well-behaved during this period and didn't cause any trouble to Zhou An.

In order to rush on the road, Zhou An did not stop too much at the inn, which shortened the time a lot.

Recently, because his reputation has spread, there are very few people who come to cause trouble.

We met a few carriages on the road, but when we saw it was them, we went down to the nearest post station and waited until they passed by before starting again.

The year has passed, but the weather has also changed rapidly.

Sometimes it’s sunny, sometimes it’s even snowing.

The temperature is also lower than before.

The carriage kept walking on the official road, and thick snow had accumulated on both sides of the official road.

After Zhou An gained more proficiency, he reached out his hand, caught the snowflakes, and placed them in front of the black jade.

Black Jade was excited.

This was the first time she saw snow. With her shining eyes, she stared at the snowflakes on Zhou An's palm. She didn't look away until the snowflakes completely turned into water.

Then she found new fun.

She imitated Zhou Wan and even grabbed a handful of snowballs from the roadside.

At this time, Black Jade, who was guarding the chair, was playing with the snowball in his hand.

Sometimes she shaped it into a human shape, and then into an animal shape. She had a great time playing with it.

Due to the constitution of the black jade, the snowball did not melt and even remained the same.

Black jade is like this, it's extremely easy to be satisfied with a little something.

"Snow, snow!"

While Zhou An was thinking this, the recently well-behaved Black Jade finally started to get skinny again.

I saw Heiyu muttering, holding the snowball in his hand, coming to Zhou An, and then pulling up Zhou An's collar, as if he wanted to stuff the snowball inside.

This little expression seemed like he had gotten something fun and wanted to share it with Zhou An.

But Zhou Anxin knew very well that this guy Bai Yu was actually very thoughtful.

For example, now, although it looks like sharing, it is actually just skin.

Ever since, Zhou An raised his hand.


Following a crisp sound, Black Jade ran to the corner of the carriage and faced the wall with his face full of grievance, pouted, and muttered.

Even when I went to face the wall, I didn't forget the snowball in my hand, which I squeezed tightly.

If you don't fight for three days, go to the house and uncover the tiles.

Zhou An misses this feeling.

When he saw that the black jade had not continued to peel, he was ready to seize the time and improve his fortune-telling proficiency.

A liver emperor will never let go of his free time, and that's what Zhou An is like at this moment.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the coachman's voice suddenly came from outside.

"Master Zhou, something is wrong."

The carriage's speed dropped significantly, and finally stopped on the official road.

Zhou An frowned, opened the curtain of the carriage, and asked, "What happened?"

There was no need for the driver to say anything else, because he already knew what happened the moment he opened the curtain of the carriage.

Originally, it was lightly snowing outside the official road, but now it turned into heavy snow like goose feathers.

This sudden change in climate, from light snow to heavy snow, is normal and has not happened before.

After all, the most unpredictable thing, besides people's hearts, is the weather.

But in front of Zhou An, these goose feather snows were not pure white, but turned into dark red.

The entire official road was covered with heavy dark red snow, which looked like blood had been added to it, giving people a terrifying feeling.

Zhou An looked at the blood-like goose feather snow and touched his chin.

He felt that there was a big problem here.

Sitting in the carriage, Zhou An looked at the scenery outside, but in his mind, he was thinking about the information the emperor had given him.

After a while, Zhou An got the answer he wanted.

Because of the scene before him, he no longer needed to think about the information.

At the end of this vast official road, a girl in purple clothes was walking slowly, holding a bamboo basket in her hand.

Not only the girl in purple clothes, but also more than twenty young people following behind the girl in purple clothes.

These people were both male and female, all of them had extraordinary looks and a very sharp aura.

Seeing this scene, Zhou An narrowed his eyes: "Who are you?"

After asking this question, the girl in purple who was the leader spoke.

"Are you Zhou An?"

Zhou An nodded, indicating that he was indeed.

The girl in purple continued: "We are the proud ones among the more than twenty forces around here. We are here to challenge you."

As the girl in purple finished speaking, the other young people nodded, obviously led by the girl in purple.

Seeing this, Zhou An touched his chin, and then asked: "Haven't you heard the legends in the world?"

The girl in purple nodded and said: "I've heard that you killed two psychic realms, but we don't believe it. In this world, there are adversities, but killing the psychic realm is too ridiculous. You are just releasing smoke, trying to reduce the risk of going to the capital. It’s just trouble.”

The other young geniuses also echoed, as if they really didn't believe it.

Zhou An put down his hands: "Then what do you want? Is it just for the challenge?"

There are too many people in this world, and the nine sons of Longsheng are all different. Some people believe in Zhou An, while others naturally don't.

It was obvious that these people in front of me came here with an attitude of disbelief.

Zhou An felt that this was the best way to turn this disbelief into misfortune.

The girl in purple said: "There are so many of us here. If you can defeat them one by one, then we will believe you and we will be convinced by you."

This group of geniuses are all from surrounding forces.

They are also preparing to go to the capital.

After learning that Zhou An would find this way, they all stayed here.

The purpose of staying is also very simple, just to wait here for Zhou An.

To be honest, in the arena, especially in the arena of the Great Chu Kingdom, many talented people have been overpowered by Zhou An.

They are not convinced because we are all of the younger generation. How can you be so successful in this world?

So this trip is a challenge, but also an expression of grievances in my heart.

"No time wasted." Zhou An suddenly said.

The group of young people were stunned for a moment, not understanding what Zhou An meant by these words, but soon, Zhou An made them all understand.

"Those old guys hiding around this group of people, please come out. You should all be their protectors. In this case, everything has been resolved." Zhou An said calmly.

As Zhou An finished speaking, more people appeared behind this group of young people, and the momentum of these people was obviously different.

Some people are congenital, and some are psychic.

These are people of the older generation and the protectors of this group of young people, escorting them all the way to the capital.

This group of older people, standing here naked, gives people a strong sense of oppression. Everyone is a master.

No one said anything. It was obvious that this group of people acquiesced in what the young people did.

The purple-clothed girl frowned and asked, "What exactly do you want to do? Do you want to challenge all of us, including our elders, by yourself?"

When the words fell, she felt it was impossible, and even chuckled.

A young man couldn't help it anymore and said loudly: "Do you think you are the opponent of the older generation because you are so popular in the world? Is there always a difference in age?"

After saying that, the laughter seemed to be contagious, and even the masters of the older generation began to laugh.

After Zhou An heard this, he did not struggle with this issue, but said with a smile: "I will teach you a lesson today. We are all adults. You have to think about the consequences when you do something. If you don't think about it, then I will think about it for you."

After the words fell, at this moment, the blood-red snow that was originally floating suddenly returned to normal.

At the same time, the heavy snow condensed into a terrifying sword light.

Zhou An's voice came out slowly at this moment.

"Don't worry, I won't take your lives, nor will I hurt you seriously, because I want you to have a real deterrent effect."

In this vast snow, Zhou An smiled brightly.

The light of the sword passed by, and in an instant, screams could be heard.

Among the people present, no one could block Zhou An's sword.

They were all caught in the terrifying light of the sword and lost their ability to resist.

At this moment, there were no serious wounds on this group of people, but everyone was unable to move because they were poisoned.

The driver sitting in the carriage was numb at the moment.

He felt that he had seen enough big scenes so far, but he still couldn't help but ask.

Because he saw Zhou An walking over.

"Mr. Zhou, why are you going down in person on this snowy day? I can just throw them to the roadside."

At this time, he was flattering and left a good impression on Zhou An. The coachman felt that what he did was right.

Zhou An got down from the carriage, shook his head and said: "If this is the case, it is too easy for them. I did not injure them seriously and left them a life. They have to pay something."

The coachman asked strangely: "Mr. Zhou, what are you going to do?"

Zhou An came to the girl in purple and did not answer the coachman, but the smile on his face became brighter: "This is a huge surprise for all the geniuses in the capital." (End of this chapter)

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