After hearing Ding Busan tell the truth, Zhou An touched his chin and felt that this was another old story.

As expected, after Ding Busan finished saying this, he started to talk.

In the guest room of the Craftsman Supervisor, Ding Busan almost finished speaking in a gritted tone.

When he finished speaking, Zhou An also learned the truth of the matter.

The faction that Ding Busan and Zhao Busi belonged to was originally called Casting Sect, which was one of the factions in the blacksmithing industry.

But the two of them were extremely talented and powerful, and gradually became famous.

And in this casting gate, there are a total of three people who are outstanding.

In addition to the two of them, there is also their junior brother named Zhang Buwu.

No three, no four, no five. After saying these three names, Zhou An suddenly felt that his naming method seemed pretty good.

Of course, he just complained.

After that, the Casting Sect emerged with them, and then a war broke out between the Chu Kingdom and the previous dynasty.

Ding Busan and Zhao Busi participated in this war, and eventually helped the founding of the Chu Kingdom to be successful, and also took the position of craftsman supervisor. As for Zhang Buwu, he also held a high position of power.

The three of them are working as supervisors, so they are actually the same.

After all, he is in charge of one of the most important institutions in the entire Chu Kingdom.

But he never expected that one day, Zhang Buwu took important information about the Casting Gate and defected to Dai Viet.

The incident happened suddenly, and even the Great Chu Kingdom had no time to react.

The reason is also very simple. Their junior brother is a person who is extremely addicted to power. He is extremely dissatisfied with the third-in-command position of the craftsman supervisor.

The conditions offered by Dai Viet were very simple, that is, to be the leader there.

As a result, Zhang Buwu ran away with the important information about the Foundry Sect.

At that time, Ding Busan and Zhao Busi were so angry that they immediately reported it to the emperor of Da Chu.

But the relationship between countries is like this. If someone poaches an important talent from you, you can't send troops to suppress it.

So this matter will be settled later.

Moreover, after that, several countries also discovered each other's people, which has become an unspoken rule.

Although it was settled, it was a great shame and humiliation for the Casting Sect.

Ding Busan has always kept this matter in mind. This time the emperor of the Chu Kingdom held a birthday party, and Zhang Buwu came with the Dai Yue Kingdom.

After listening, Zhou An also roughly understood the past grievances of these people.

But he had a doubt.

"If you want to find the factory, you can just do it yourself. What does it have to do with me?" Zhou An asked.

This is the fact. Zhang Buwu, who betrayed them in the first place, is here, so you can just go in person. Why should you let him go?

Ding Busan explained: "Those who came with Dayue Kingdom this time, many powerful geniuses also came. Among them, I heard that Zhang Buwu accepted a very powerful disciple in Dayue Kingdom. I hope Master Nephew Zhou can take action." , because I want to have a bet with him."

"What kind of bet? Aren't there brothers Xu Bing?" Zhou An said.

Although he only met Xu Bing once, he learned that Xu Bing's strength was not weak.

And he is indeed talented in this industry.

"Xu Bing is indeed a good prospect, but I'm worried that I won't be able to find a way back to him by then." Ding Busan explained: "As for the bet, it's very simple."

Zhou An raised his eyebrows: "What kind of gambling method?"

Ding Busan said: "The information Zhang Buwu stole here is very important and related to the inheritance of the Casting Sect, so I want to use this to win a victory. If I win, I want to get all the information back. If If I lose, then I will also pay a lot."

Zhou An suddenly realized what Ding Busan was talking about.

But he still had a doubt.

"As important as this information is, why don't you prepare an extra copy for yourself, just to have it stolen by him?" Zhou An asked.

When watching TV series before, there were many cases of stealing secret codes.

Zhou An felt that he should prepare an extra copy of this thing as a backup.

Even if it is stolen, the loss will not be too heavy.

Ding Busan explained: "That information cannot be copied. It comes from a set of armor built by the ancestor. It is said that the most profound secret method of the foundry sect is hidden in it. We had not understood it before he was stolen."

Hearing this, Zhou An also understood.

It turns out that the so-called secret was created in a special way.

Speaking of which, it really cannot be copied.

"What are you planning to gamble with him? I'm just asking. If you don't want to tell me, forget it."

Ding Busan didn't think it was anything, but took out a key from his arms: "Zhang Buwu stole the armor, but he didn't know that only this key can open the armor. If he opens it forcefully, it will only Damage everything inside, so I bet him on that.”

Zhou An nodded. If this was the case, Zhang Buwu would probably have to agree.

Of course, Ding Busan is also very good at calculating.

If Ding Busan were asked to gamble with Zhang Buwu in person, Zhang Buwu would probably not dare to agree. After all, there is not much chance of winning.

But when it comes to disciples, it's much simpler.

"So, nephew Zhou, what do you think of this deal?" Ding Busan asked.

Zhou An shook his head: "Master Ding, to be honest, I have a good relationship with Lao Zhao, but if you insist on negotiating a deal, I can only say that what you give me is not enough."

He speaks the truth and has a straightforward character.

If it was Lao Zhao who said it here today, thinking of the past friendship, Zhou An might agree, but it was Ding Busan who said it.

This is a trade that just expands the space in the wallet, which is not cost-effective.

Ding Busan sighed: "They say that Senior Nephew Zhou is extremely shrewd, especially when making transactions, and he will not suffer losses. If that is true, if this is the case, how about I add another benefit to Senior Nephew Zhou?"

Zhou An asked: "What benefits do you want to add?"

Ding Busan raised the key in his hand: "If Master Nephew Zhou can help me solve this problem, then you can visit that armor at will. You are also a caster, and your skills are extremely high. That thing can bring you It’s a big benefit.”

He is full of confidence and feels that there is no problem at all. After all, the people who cast the way can obtain the most important things of the casting gate. Even if they just visit, they can benefit a lot.

Who would have thought that after he said these words, Zhou An shook his head.

"I'm not interested in that stuff."

He's really not interested, he's cheating, he just needs proficiency.

He has no interest in the secrets of other people's homes.

Ding Busan was stunned for a moment, then reacted and said: "Master Nephew Zhou, do you know what that thing represents? It is the most top-notch thing for those of us who cast the Tao."

Zhou An shrugged: "I know, but I am not a Taoist."

He is indeed not a caster.

As for Zhou An's profession, he actually doesn't know it himself. He can only say that he has learned a lot.

The corners of Ding Busan's mouth twitched slightly, and he suddenly thought of what Zhao Busi once said to him.

The man in front of him has extremely strong talent, especially in the casting industry, which is unprecedented and unprecedented.

But this guy just happens to be a restless person.

If anyone had this kind of talent, as long as they calm down and learn the art of casting, they would definitely stand proudly in this world.

But if it were Zhou An, the result would be completely different.

Zhao Busi had repeatedly advised Zhou An to learn the casting method, but Zhou An seemed unaware of it.

Ding Busan knew this.

Originally he thought it was Zhao Busi who lied, because Zhao Busi wanted to show off in front of him at that time, but he never expected that after seeing Zhou An today, Ding Busan felt that the words spoken by his junior brother seemed to be completely different. it is true.

"Zhou An, listen to me. If you concentrate on learning the casting method, plus the armor of our casting gate, as long as you can understand a little bit, you can be the best in this industry."

Ding Busan began to describe: "You know, although forging this lineage is a miscellaneous profession, if you really learn it and make progress in it, if you reach the peak, no matter where you go, you will be influenced by others. Respect."

Zhou An nodded: "I know, but I am respected wherever I go now."

Ding Busan's head is full of black lines.

He found that Zhou An was like a wall that was completely impenetrable and completely airtight.

At this time, he finally understood why his junior brother said those words to him with an angry face.

You obviously have talent, but you don't care about it. Anyone else would be very angry.

But the actual result is exactly as Zhou An said. Even if Zhou An doesn't learn the casting method, he can still be unscrupulous.

Take the recent past as an example. As the top craftsman supervisor, Ding Busan is also very well-informed.

The group of geniuses from the Great Chu Kingdom knelt in a row in front of Zhou Anmen and shouted to admit their mistakes.

Young people in this world really can’t do that.

So what Zhou An said is right.

But here comes the problem.

Ding Busan smiled bitterly and said, "If this is the case, I'm afraid this deal won't go through."

He really didn't have anything that Zhou An could appreciate.

Doubling the size of Zhou An's wallet can only hold more things.

And Zhou An didn't learn the casting method, so the armor was useless to Zhou An.

Therefore, Ding Busan did not have any extra capital to complete this transaction.

He originally thought that Zhou An would leave here, but he never expected that after saying this, Zhou An looked at him strangely.

"Master Ding, this transaction can still continue."

Ding Busan was stunned for a moment, and then he was overjoyed: "You agreed, and I will use the armor in exchange for this transaction. Don't worry, as long as you agree, I can relax the conditions. As long as you come, you can watch it for as long as you want."

In fact, Ding Busan had a small thought in saying this.

He felt that if Zhou An got addicted to watching and then turned around and decided to learn the casting method, it would definitely be a great event for their casting sect.

In the future, when Zhou An's achievements surpass him, he can even proudly say that Zhou An came out of the casting gate.

That's when it's called having face.

Zhou An said with a smile: "The transaction can be carried out normally, but what Master Ding brought out does not require armor, but other things."

Ding Busan asked strangely: "Besides armor, I can't seem to get anything good. If you think you need anything, just ask. As long as I can get it, I will definitely give it to you."

Although he was the top craftsman supervisor, all he came into contact with were related to casting.

Although the strength is indeed very high and the power is indeed great, it is only one of the professions after all.

Now that Zhou An said that there was a trade, and it was another thing that could be traded, he became curious and wanted to know what Zhou An wanted to get.

Zhou An raised his hand and circulated the Qi in his body.

The next moment, a layer of golden light enveloped his whole body, and his skin turned into a brilliant golden color.

Like a Buddha in trance, people can't take their eyes away once they take one look at it.

Next to him, Black Jade, who had been bored all the time, suddenly had his eyes shining brightly, and then he boldly raised his hand and hit Zhou An on the head with a bang.

The echoing sound echoed in the living room.

Zhou An's head was covered with black lines, and he turned his head silently. Under the horrified eyes of Black Jade, he raised his hand to pinch Black Jade's fair face and rubbed it hard.

"You guy, you've been getting more and more naughty recently, you dare to knock me!"

Black Jade kept shaking his head crazily, saying that he didn't dare anymore.

But Zhou An felt that something heavy must be put on the black jade at this time.

Regardless of the fact that he was currently working as a supervisor, he stretched out his arm to wrap around Black Jade's neck, clamped Black Jade's neck, and then started to knock with his other hand.

"I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore."

There was a thumping sound.

Black Jade quickly begged for mercy.

Black Jade just felt itchy for a moment, so he didn't hold back.

After all, Zhou An knocked her on the head before, and she found it very addictive, so she wanted to give it a try.

Now it seems that trying also comes at a cost.

Zhou An locked Black Jade tightly and knocked several times until Black Jade's eyes were watery before letting go.

Black Jade protected his head with his hands, looking aggrieved.

"Dare you dare next time!" Black Jade said harshly.

But when Zhou An's eyes glanced over, he immediately shrank his neck and looked away.

He looks a little bit ready to move.

After Zhou An finished teaching Black Jade, he looked at Ding Busan next to him and said, "Master Ding, what do you think of my ability?"

Ding Busan was in a state of complete shock at this time. He stared at Zhou An and couldn't help but said: "Are you casting yourself as a weapon?"

With Ding Busan's strength and ability in this industry, he can naturally see clearly at a glance.

Zhou An nodded and said: "Yes, I just tried it, but I didn't expect it to succeed."

The true characteristic of the skill of forging one's own body is to cast oneself as a weapon.

It seems simple, but no one has ever dared to try it.

Because how can a body of flesh and blood be beaten by casting?

But Zhou An is different. His skills are as unreasonable as cheating. As long as you know how to do it, you can beat him.

Ding Busan couldn't help but walked back and forth around Zhou An. The more he looked at him, the more he felt that Zhou An in front of him was a genius.

He couldn't bear it anymore and came to Zhou An and said seriously: "Zhou An, you have to learn the method of casting. As long as you enter the casting gate, I will give you the next sect master. What do you think?"

The Casting Sect lives in the Casting Dao lineage in the Great Chu Kingdom, which is the top.

If the people who made Ding Busan's promise knew about it, they would definitely flock to it.

But Zhou An shook his head and refused.

"Let's talk about the deal."

Ding Busan sighed after hearing these words. He also knew that Zhou An had this idea and would not be easily swayed. He could only ask: "Tell me, how do you want to trade?"

Zhou An smiled and said: "When you can't solve the problem, I can use the name of your disciple to help you solve the problem. Then what I want is very simple. In addition to doubling my money bag, You want to show me the armor, and one more thing is that I want to borrow something."

Ding Busan asked: "What?"

Zhou An raised his right hand. The gold-melting ring on his right hand was very eye-catching: "I want to turn it into gold, and then Master Ding will personally make a suitable weapon for a person."

Ding Busan stared at the gold-melting ring in Zhou An's hand. After thinking for a moment, he nodded: "I agree. You are a good calculationr. After all the initial conditions were met, you even added another condition to me. "

Metal like gold is indeed very precious, but Ding Busan has been a craftsman and supervisor for many years, so it would be unreasonable if he didn't have something good on his hands.

Besides, there is a casting door behind him, and this kind of metal is also available for him.

It's okay to let him build it himself. After all, we've already talked about it, and it doesn't matter if there is one more condition.

Ding Busan asked: "What do you want to build? And who is it for?"

Zhou An said: "Master Ding knows Yu Hang, right?"

Ding Busan nodded: "I know that the prime minister's close disciple is also your life and death brother. I understand. You want to build him professional weapons and ensure his safety, right?"

Zhou An did not deny that this was indeed his idea.

In fact, this transaction is a very good deal.

The first is to double the size of your wallet.

The money bag is very useful when used.

Secondly, he was very interested in that armor.

If you can find something related to building, you can even draw inferences from one example and get some secrets, it would also be good.

The last one is for Yu Hang’s consideration.

This time, Lao Yu almost fell out with the prime minister because of him.

Zhou An is a very principled person, and he is not stingy at all towards his own people.

As long as you are good to him, he will be good to others.

So considering Lao Yu's problem, he planned to build these things to provide Lao Yu with a guarantee.

After all, if they really left the capital, the two brothers would be far apart.

"But, does this deal have anything to do with you being so golden now?" Ding Busan asked, looking at Zhou An's body.

The corner of Zhou An's mouth twitched: "I just think that this will allow you to see my strength clearly and make this transaction more secure."

Ding Busan pondered: "But I feel like you are a bit similar to Eunuch Wei. When Eunuch Wei was young, he also liked to show off some of his abilities. In his words, it was to nourish others."

Zhou An looked up at the sky: "I think we can start other things."

He would not admit that he really wanted to show off just now.

Nothing wrong.

Everyone has been practicing hard these days. After you have succeeded in practice, what's the point of not showing off?

"Then let's start now." Zhou An stretched out his hand and threw the money bag to Ding Busan.

Ding Busan nodded and said, "Just wait for me here. I'll be fine in about an hour."

Zhou An agreed and waited patiently in the living room.

Soon, Ding Busan left.

Zhou An was not idle either, and started to tell fortunes.

But before that, he glanced at Black Jade.

This little girl, Kianzi, took advantage of her own body to be used to make her body, and hit her on the head. It was so audacious.

Punishment must be severe!

Black Jade was also very sensible. He lowered his head, carefully came behind Zhou An, and then rubbed Zhou An's shoulders.

Zhou An nodded: "Yes, quite sensible."

He was enjoying the massage from Black Jade and was about to continue the liver fortune telling.

Suddenly, Black Jade leaned forward and leaned his head back.

Zhou An was stunned for a moment and felt a special touch.

It's very soft and a little cold.

When he was about to speak, he felt his face being pulled.

This girl, Black Jade, is very curious about everything.

Zhou Zhen rubbed her face just now and she felt a strange touch, so she wanted to try it now.

Zhou An rested his head on Black Jade's chest, his face was pulled by Black Jade again, and his eyesight felt dark.

He felt a very moist feeling.

Now the black jade is getting skinnier and skinnier.

"Knead my shoulders honestly." Zhou An said.

Black Jade's face was full of doubts. She didn't know why Zhou An was shaking, but she could only let go of her hand and continue to hold Zhou An's shoulders.

Zhou An didn't hesitate, took a deep breath, and began to tell fortunes.

Next, after waiting for nearly an hour, Ding Busan walked in from outside.

In Ding Busan's hands, the pink money bag is still the same as before.

"It has been transformed for you. In addition, I will build the things you want and deliver them to Yu Hang myself."

Zhou An took the pink money bag, opened it, and took a look inside, and found that the space had indeed more than doubled.

But he always felt that this red color was too eye-catching.

"Why not change the color?" Zhou An said speechlessly.

"If you want to change the color, you have to start from scratch, which is too time-consuming. As long as there is enough space."

This can be regarded as a small characteristic of the original blacksmith branch. They don't care about the appearance, but only care about the effect of the casting itself.

In terms of appearance, keep it as simple as possible.

Zhou An didn't think it was anything. After using the pink one for a long time, he got used to it.

Now that the matter had come to an end, he bowed his hand.

"In that case, I'll go back first."

Tomorrow is the emperor's birthday. Go back and take a rest so you can deal with what's coming next.

Three big troubles, the last one is right around the corner, and he has to solve it.

Ding Busan did not stop him and allowed Zhou An to leave.

Soon, Zhou An took Black Jade, left Jiang Zuojian, and returned to his home in Yuhang.

Yu Hang still didn't come back and stayed in the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Tomorrow is the emperor's birthday, and Yu Hang should go directly to the palace.

Zhou An didn't feel bored and continued to tell fortunes.

But before fortune-telling, he first asked Black Jade to face the wall.

Black Jade came to the corner with a frustrated face, turning back from time to time and looking at Zhou An with pitiful eyes.

Zhou An didn't seem to see it.

This guy is getting bolder and bolder. Today he not only knocked him on the head, but also held his head in his chest and even pinched his face. It was so bold.

Zhou An felt that he had to be stricter.

Looking at the black jade figure full of taboo beauty, Zhou An withdrew his gaze, calmed down, and began to tell fortunes.

The night passed quickly.

When the next day came, a carriage stopped at Zhou An's door.

A businessman from the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce was waiting patiently.

When Zhou An walked out with Black Jade in hand, the businessman said respectfully: "Master Zhou, we won't go in."

On the emperor's birthday, all the people who came to celebrate the emperor's birthday were the most talented people in the power, or the invited officials.

Hengtong Chamber of Commerce is not included in this list.

Zhou An nodded and then got into the carriage.

The carriage was filled with birthday gifts prepared by the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce.

The person driving the carriage was the coachman, an old acquaintance.

When Zhou An got on the carriage, the coachman smiled and said, "Sit tight, Master Zhou." Then he raised his whip and gently slapped the horse's butt.

The carriage began to move slowly towards the palace.

In this bustling capital city, there are more and more horse-drawn carriages.

Although the streets in the capital are very wide, there are still some congestions when there are too many carriages.

Zhou An's carriage was driving side by side with another carriage. From Zhou An's perspective, the patterns on the surface of the carriage were different from those of the carriages of the Great Chu State.

Every country has its etiquette and customs, which are sometimes reflected on the surface.

Even a piece of cloth makes a difference.

Zhou An guessed that the people sitting in this carriage should be people from the Dai Viet Kingdom.

Today, people from the Dai Viet Kingdom came to celebrate Emperor Xingwu’s birthday.

This is also the first time that people from other countries have come.

Anyone with a discerning eye would know that there should be something going on here.

Zhou An just opened the curtain and took a look, then felt bored and closed the curtain again.

And in this carriage, at this moment, there was a well-appearing middle-aged man sitting in it.

Beside the middle-aged man, there was a monk and a Taoist priest.

The three of them sat side by side, and no one spoke.

At this moment, when Zhou An lowered the curtain, the old monk, who had been clasping his hands together, opened his eyes.

The old monk looked very old, even his eyebrows were white.

"Zhou An just glanced here and then lowered the curtain."

When the old monk finished saying this, the middle-aged man and the other old Taoist priests remained silent.

The old monk continued: "I can feel that this junior has a suffocating aura. He came from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood."

Still no one spoke, the middle-aged man closed his eyes, and the old Taoist priest held a copper compass and looked at it carefully.

The old monk's white eyebrows trembled slightly, and he said the last words: "He is destined to be a Buddhist sect in our Kingdom of Dayue. We must seize the opportunity this time to ferry him to Buddhism."

After saying the last sentence, the middle-aged man who had kept his eyes closed finally opened them.

The middle-aged man glanced at the old monk indifferently and said slowly: "This time I came to the Chu Kingdom for important matters. I hope you can understand and don't bring your tricks here."

The old Taoist priest also said: "Kong Wen, as far as I know, the person standing behind Zhou An is old man Wei. Can you beat that old man? If it were your senior brother, it would be about the same."

Monk Kong Wen was stunned for a moment, then closed his eyes again, as if he didn't want to talk more on this topic.

The middle-aged man turned his gaze and said, "Why do you expose other people's scars randomly? The old man grabbed his neck, but he visited every place in the Chu Kingdom."

Monk Kongwen, who had his eyes closed, trembled slightly, then opened his eyes and sneered: "I know you all can't stand me, but this time I was sent by His Majesty, you have to obey His Majesty's wishes. What you said Very good, if the person standing behind you is Old Man Wei, then this time, I will lose his face."

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "How can I lose his face?"

"Haha." Monk Kongwen sneered: "The disciple I am accompanying this time is the most famous Buddhist disciple in Kongchen Temple in the past hundred years. His current strength has reached the innate peak, and with the cultivation of secret methods, this time , I want to see if I can get back the face I lost with Zhou An."

The middle-aged man frowned when he heard this.

Monk Kongwen continued: "Your Majesty, as well as the Taoist Priest, in addition to coming here for that matter, they also wanted to see the strength of the new forces in the Chu Kingdom. In this case, my actions are not against your Majesty. Do you mean it?"

The middle-aged man said nothing, and neither did the old Taoist priest. They seemed to have acquiesced.

Monk Kongwen sneered and stopped talking.

There is a special barrier to their conversation, so the outside world cannot hear clearly.

The carriage continued to move forward and soon arrived at the palace.

The palace is not so easy to enter. In addition to the coachman, everyone can only bring some family members with them.

These are set for officials of the Great Chu Kingdom.

Those forces require strict inspection.

Zhou An went in smoothly.

The driver also went in with him.

The prodigies of other forces were particularly troublesome, and he didn't care about them.

Soon, the carriage kept galloping inside the palace and arrived at a huge building complex.

A man wearing eunuch clothes was standing in front.

After the carriages arrived one after another, the eunuch spoke in a sharp voice: "My lords, please stay here temporarily. At noon, our family will take you to attend His Majesty's birthday banquet."

At this moment, Zhou An got off the carriage and looked at the buildings in front of him.

These are the places where he lives temporarily. He found that although there are many carriages here, not all of them. It seems that all the people are divided and live in different areas.

Zhou An looked around and didn't see Yu Hang. He thought he should be in other areas.

And among these people, they are all strangers.

The process of the emperor's birthday banquet is actually very simple, and it can take up to three days.

During these three days, on the first day at noon, the emperor would reward everyone with meals, and then officials from various places would explain their various deeds.

This process will continue until the evening, and when it is over, there will be another round of eating and drinking.

While eating and drinking, there were dancing performers.

On the second day, after breakfast, the major forces presented their birthday gifts.

Of course, this also includes invited officials.

The emperor is happy and will reward you.

This process will last until noon, then have another meal, and in the afternoon, enjoy various songs and dances again.

In the evening, it’s also about eating and enjoying.

On the third day, the emperor gave instructions to various forces and officials, and encouraged them when giving instructions.

Then it’s another day of eating and drinking until evening, then another night’s rest and leaving in the morning.

During this period, no one is allowed to leave their residence.

In other words, Zhou An can only live here forever.

Of course, within the area where you live, you can walk around and chat with each other.

However, Zhou An didn't know anyone here, so he didn't have this idea.

Soon, the eunuch began to send people to take them to their respective rooms.

Zhou An lived in a large and spacious residence.

After arriving, he waited patiently for the arrival of noon, while he improved his proficiency in fortune-telling.

While Zhou An was in good order, at this moment, a group of powerful talents from Dayue Kingdom were discussing some things together.

There was only one person they discussed, Zhou An.

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