It's obviously a life skill, but you developed it into a magical skill

Chapter 203 The qualitative change of fortune-telling

Eunuch Wei left, decisively.

When leaving, Eunuch Wei left with yin energy all over his body.

Zhou An felt that after Eunuch Wei left, someone would be very unlucky.

Holding the waist tag in his hand, Zhou An looked back and forth and found that many people had dispersed.

Yu Hang, Ye Shuang and others couldn't stay here long because Wei Eunuch held Zhou An, so they had already taken the lead.

"At this time, ask me to go to the Imperial Study Room. It seems there is something big going on." Zhou An thought to himself as he played with the waist card in his hand.

"Make trouble, make trouble!" Heiyu said excitedly, tilting his head and misunderstanding Zhou An's meaning.

Zhou An touched Black Jade's head and said with a smile: "No matter what it is, let's go and take a look first."

With that said, he pulled Heiyu and walked towards the imperial study room.

Now that things have come to this point, Zhou An also wants to see what the emperor wants to see him for.

He felt that this trip was not simple. The reason for the difficulty came from those people from the Dai Viet Kingdom, and it was probably related to these people.

"Since you called me, go and see what's going on."

Although Zhou An had never been to the Imperial Study Room, Eunuch Wei pointed in the direction, and Zhou An went smoothly.

In the palace, there are countless guards overtly and covertly. Even in an inconspicuous corner, there are many defenders hidden in the shadows.

Fortunately, Zhou An was holding Eunuch Wei's token in his hand. Whenever someone in the shadows looked over and saw the token in Zhou An's hand, he would be very current and look away as if he hadn't seen it. Similar.

This token can be used to walk freely in the palace without anyone blocking it. It can be said to be unimpeded.

Not long after walking, Zhou An arrived at his destination.

In front of you is an extremely luxurious house, with vermilion paint and glazed tiles, which looks like a royal nobility.

Especially the pillars under the door eaves are carved with complicated and beautiful patterns.

Even brick by brick, it shows a different kind of temperament.

There were two eunuchs standing outside the room, with their hands lowered and their waists lowered, as if they were asleep.

When Zhou An arrived, the two eunuchs subconsciously raised their heads.

Zhou An felt these two glances, and then raised his eyebrows: "Master."

The two eunuchs have reached middle age, but their aura is not comparable to the three psychic realm people he met in the Yin Yun Gate.

He is definitely a master who has been immersed in this realm for a long time.

These two middle-aged eunuchs could control the situation even if they were placed in the arena.

Because after reaching the psychic realm, you already have the strength of the leader of a faction.

But then, a shocking scene appeared.

These two extremely powerful masters, after seeing Zhou An's arrival, they all bowed slightly and called Master Zhou.

Speaking of ordinary officials, even those coming to the capital, they probably would not be so respectful to these two middle-aged eunuchs.

These two middle-aged eunuchs had a high status in the palace. They could be said to be the emperor's personal protectors. Even the officials who came to the capital looked down upon them.

But Zhou An was different. Regardless of Zhou An's current reputation in the world, his identity alone was enough for them to adopt such a respectful attitude.

That is the person whom Eunuch Wei is optimistic about.

Among the eunuchs of the Great Chu State, there were many masters, but these masters were all trained by Eunuch Wei.

As the head of the eunuchs, Eunuch Wei is the most powerful force in the capital besides these three major institutions.

And how could other eunuchs dare to be disrespectful to someone whom Eunuch Wei was interested in?

Many people are even spreading a very outrageous news, that is, Zhou An is the illegitimate son of Eunuch Wei before he became a eunuch.

This news is becoming more and more outrageous as it spreads, and many people have even believed it.

Of course, Zhou An didn't know this.

Facing the respect of these two masters, Zhou An is a very demanding person, and he is also a very particular person.

Zhou An also cupped his hands and said in an attitude that was neither humble nor overbearing: "Zhou has met two father-in-laws."

As soon as this attitude appeared, the two middle-aged eunuchs looked at each other and saw a hint of admiration in each other's eyes.

If it were an ordinary powerful genius who could gain the respect and appreciation of Eunuch Wei, he would probably have his tail raised to the sky.

Only Zhou An could remain calm.

This mentality alone is enough to be proud of.

One of the eunuchs raised his hand and said: "Master Zhou, Your Majesty has been waiting inside for a long time. Please go in quickly."

Zhou An nodded: "Thank you two adults."

After speaking, he did not continue, but walked towards the imperial study room.

When he arrived at the door of the royal study, the closed door opened automatically.

When Zhou An walked inside, the door closed automatically.

At this time, Zhou An looked at the furnishings inside and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

The luxury inside is different from the outside. The furnishings inside are very simple.

The space is large but filled with all kinds of books.

The emperor was hunched over the table, correcting the memorial.

There are many memorials and they are very messy.

Being the emperor of the Great Chu Kingdom is actually not easy, and every day is full of time.

There are countless memorials received every day.

Speaking of which, in addition to this huge power, Xingwu's daily life is even more complicated than those of high-ranking officials.

Emperor Xingwu said nothing, still correcting the memorial with his head down.

Zhou An thought for a moment, then sat aside with Black Jade.

He didn't interrupt, but waited patiently.

According to the etiquette between emperors and ministers, Emperor Xingwu should speak first at this moment.

Emperor Xingwu was now concentrating on correcting the memorial, which proved that he did not want to talk at this time.

Although it was already night, the light of an oil lamp was enough to illuminate the room.

After Zhou An waited for nearly two sticks of incense, Emperor Xingwu finally put down the pen in his hand.

"There is tea on the table, you can drink it yourself." Emperor Xingwu said slowly.

Zhou An was not restrained and poured himself a cup. Then he took the tea cup and poured Emperor Xingwu a cup of tea.

Emperor Xingwu took it in his hand and said with a smile: "You are very polite. I thought you would be very reserved after coming here."

Zhou An shook his head and said: "Your Majesty called me here, there must be something important. Your Majesty and I are monarchs and ministers. We are respectful, but there is no need to be restrained. A restrained person cannot accomplish great things."

"Interesting." Emperor Xingwu drank the tea in the cup in one gulp, then looked at the black jade next to Zhou An, and said: "The little girl is young, powerful, and masters five and eight unique skills. It is really rare in the world. And when the Prime Minister took action against Zhou An, you seemed to be preparing to communicate with someone about a certain place."

Black Jade looked dull and confused, then turned to look at Zhou An.

Although he didn't speak, his eyes showed that he didn't understand at all.

Zhou An showed no expression, but there was a wave of emotion in his heart.

He is worthy of being the emperor of the entire Chu Kingdom. If nothing else, this information alone is enough to make him well informed.

Even Black Jade can know the five and eight unique skills. Zhou An thought he was the only one who knew this secret.

However, judging from Emperor Xingwu's intention, it seemed that there was no malicious intention, otherwise he would not have invited Zhou An over at this time.

When Emperor Xingwu saw that Zhou An didn't speak, he seemed bored and changed the subject: "You did a good job in the capital, especially when you gave the second son a fierce lesson. I looked at it and was very happy."

The corner of Zhou An's mouth twitched slightly: "Your Majesty, it's fine if you feel happy."

This was a deal between him and Emperor Xingwu. At that time, he also gave enough lessons to the second prince, and even cast a shadow on the second prince.

It can be seen from this banquet that the second prince did not even dare to look at him, which shows that this education is very effective and has completely smoothed the second prince's pride that does not match his strength.

Emperor Xingwu continued: "This transaction is perfect, so what kind of reward do you think I should give you?"

Hearing this, Zhou An said with a smile: "I don't need any reward, I don't need anything, just go back to Maplewood State honestly and continue to work as a craftsman and supervisor."

When he said this, Zhou An was very sincere, just like the words "I mean it sincerely" were written on his forehead.

That's exactly what he thought.

Honestly, wouldn't it be great if Maplewood State were king and hegemony?

The real solution is to keep your liver proficiency silently until you are invincible before taking off again.

He made a plan. After the banquet was over, he would return to Maplewood State and do nothing but improve his liver skills.

So Zhou An was really not interested in what rewards the emperor was talking about.

Material rewards can come, but promotion and wealth are not necessary.

Emperor Xingwu, as one of the top ten thousand people in the entire Chu Kingdom, naturally had experience in identifying other people's emotions.

He could feel that Zhou An really didn't want to get the reward, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

"How come the feeling you give me is different from others?"

To be honest, he has seen too many people. Some are for wealth, some are for power, and some are even for beauty.

People living in this world have some desires, and the size of their desires will gradually adjust according to the person's status.

If it were any person who had made such a great contribution, facing this problem of Emperor Xingwu, he would definitely want to climb up.

But Zhou An is the complete opposite.

It's just a matter of showing his disinterest in everything.

"Why is this boy's attitude so similar to that of the eldest prince?"

Emperor Xingwu had a headache.

Zhou An asked strangely: "Is it possible that the eldest prince is also a person who does whatever he wants?"

Emperor Xingwu nodded, took a breath and said: "This time, the three of them were the first to present birthday gifts to me, so I also saw their thoughts. This guy used the heads of border enemies he had saved over the years. As a gift, I was very happy, but then he actually said that he wanted to withdraw from the fight for the crown prince and just wanted to stay at the border, which is simply ridiculous."

Speaking of this, although Emperor Xingwu didn't show too many emotions, his unpretentious demeanor made it known that he was particularly angry now.

Zhou An could even feel the pressure coming towards his face, as heavy as a mountain.

Just a hint of aura was enough to make Zhou An feel stressed.

Although the emperor in front of him was busy with daily matters, his strength was as unfathomable as the sea.

Zhou An took a sip of tea and said, "Everyone has different ambitions. In fact, the eldest prince's idea is also acceptable."

He just said this smoothly. Anyway, he didn't know the eldest prince very well, so he answered like this smoothly.

Emperor Xingwu was a very smart man. He knew that it was not convenient for Zhou An to discuss matters in the royal family, so he only chatted for a few words and quickly returned to the topic.

"Do you know why I called you here this time?"

Zhou An thought for a while and said thoughtfully: "It should be related to those people from Dai Viet Kingdom, right?"

Emperor Xingwu nodded: "You are right. The reason why I asked you to come here this time is related to those people from Dayue Kingdom."

"Before the arrival of Dai Viet, their emperor had already sent me a secret letter. The content of the secret letter is here. Do you want to read it?"

As he spoke, Emperor Xingwu took out a letter from the drawer next to him and placed it on the table.

There is also fire paint on this letter, which is obviously something extremely secret.

Zhou An looked at the envelope on the table and shook his head quickly: "I don't want to see it."

He answered decisively, but Emperor Xingwu was stunned.

Something seems a little wrong, and it's getting weirder and weirder.

Anyone else would have picked up the letter and read it, but it happened to be Zhou An.

Emperor Xingwu couldn't help but think of what Eunuch Wei said.

At that time, Eunuch Wei said that when talking to Zhou An, one must not think with a particularly normal mind.

Because Zhou An's thinking is different from others.

He is just a salty fish who doesn't want to turn around.

If you want Zhou An to do something, it will probably take a lot of effort.

Thinking of this, Emperor Xingwu knocked on the table: "I think you should take a look at the things inside first."

We have already said this, and it would be rude to refuse again.

Zhou An had no choice but to pull up the envelope on the table, then opened it and pulled out the letter paper inside.

There are densely packed small words on the letter paper.

These are the secret contents sent by the Emperor of Dayue to Emperor Xingwu.

After Zhou An read the above content, he put the letter into the envelope with an expressionless face and put it back on the table.

Emperor Xingwu asked: "What do you think?"

Zhou An shook his head: "I don't have any thoughts. I think this is also beneficial."

The content of the letter is very simple, it is about some things about the barbarian country.

Zhou An also learned before that the Barbarian country was an existence that other countries scorned.

As long as you see it, you will definitely be like a rat crossing the street, everyone shouts and beats it.

Because people in this country are extremely cruel and do not treat people from other countries as human beings.

What this letter says is that Dai Viet will take the lead and unite all countries to prepare to attack the barbarian country.

The King of Far West came here this time to discuss the details.

As for when and how to attack, there is currently no news.

It's just a small suggestion.

It doesn't matter to Zhou An, because this thing has nothing to do with him.

He is just a proficient person who doesn't want to get involved in anything big.

Emperor Xingwu put the letter paper back into the drawer, closed the drawer, and then said: "It's still early, this is just a proposal. There will be many details after discussion about the specific things, such as how to send troops? Or who has more who is who?" It’s a small problem, but there are many things involved.”

Indeed, as Emperor Xingwu said, the things involved can be said to be extremely complicated.

The simplest thing is how many troops are sent.

If you pay more, I will pay less. The one with less will take advantage, while the one with more will not be willing.

Everyone has the same idea, but for example, the Chu State, which was founded not long ago, will definitely not be happy.

Therefore, just discussing this is already time-consuming and labor-intensive, and there will definitely be no major progress in a short period of time.

"Then what's the point of showing this to me, Your Majesty?" Zhou An asked.

If he had any questions, he would ask them. Especially now, this question had nothing to do with him and had no connection at all.

Why let him see it?

When Zhou An asked this question, Emperor Xingwu's answer was very simple.

"I think these things, if you understand them, have some benefits. What if they are really useful one day?"

This reason was very strange, and Zhou An felt that Emperor Xingwu made it casually.

But he couldn't figure out what the reason was for him to read this message.

Emperor Xingwu didn't intend to tell, and Zhou An couldn't ask, so the topic ended at this point.

Emperor Xingwu changed the topic again and said: "What do you think of what the Far West King of Dai Viet Kingdom said today? It was a competition between the younger generations of the two sides."

Zhou An touched his chin and said: "I think it's good. Let's compete with each other and see who is stronger. We can also build a reputation for ourselves."

"Then do you think you want to get started?" Emperor Xingwu asked again.

Zhou An shook his head decisively: "I won't go."

Emperor Xingwu said strangely: "Why don't you go? Didn't you say it's very good?"

"It's not interesting." Zhou An said naturally: "I think if I do it, they will have nothing to do, and they will lack the opportunity to exercise."

When Emperor Xingwu heard this, although his face was still expressionless, there was a trace of speechlessness in his eyes.

He felt that this boy had learned nothing but Eunuch Wei's tricks.

When he was young, Eunuch Wei was not only a helpless ruffian, but he was also annoying people all the time.

In Zhou An's own words, this is a forced king.

Of course, Emperor Xingwu didn't know how to force the king, but he knew that Zhou An was now similar to Eunuch Wei back then.

What do you mean, if you take action, others will not have the opportunity to exercise.

Just by cooperating with you alone, you can take care of everyone?

Of course, Emperor Xingwu knew that Zhou An's words were really valuable.

"Are you sure you don't want to participate?" Emperor Xingwu said.

Zhou An nodded: "I really don't want to participate."

He really didn't want to go.

Who will take the useless things?

These days, no one can work for free.

Emperor Xingwu nodded and said: "Okay, then you can go, there is nothing going on here."

Zhou An felt a little strange. He thought Emperor Xingwu was going to persuade him, but he didn't say anything. He just asked him what he thought.

"I will not let you compete with them. You are too sharp now. It will not be good for you to show it to others." Emperor Xingwu explained.

"Also, the reward I have prepared for you is already at its limit. If you make further contributions to this matter, I will have to add more to it. It is not appropriate."

As an emperor, he naturally has his own considerations.

He worked hard and worked hard to decide on Zhou An's reward. Although it has not been announced yet, he felt that if Zhou An made any more contributions, he would be completely entangled. .

"Your Majesty, I really don't want a reward." Zhou An said, "It's good for me to be in Maplewood State. The people there are good-looking and nice to talk to. I like it very much."

Hearing Zhou An's words, Emperor Xingwu's face, which had never changed, finally darkened.

"Let's go, let's get out of here! I don't want to see you!"

Zhou An had no choice but to shrug, turned and left the imperial study.

Outside the door, two middle-aged eunuchs were still guarding there.

Zhou An looked around and asked, "Isn't Eunuch Wei back yet?"

Just now Eunuch Wei said he was going to find trouble with Monk Kongwen, but he hasn't come back yet, so Zhou An thought something had happened.

The middle-aged eunuch shook his head and said: "My father-in-law just stopped in the courtyard for a while, but Mr. Zhou was talking about something. Eunuch Wei said that it was too late today, so he left the imperial study without disturbing Mr. Zhou's time."

"By the way, Eunuch Wei also said something, so that Mr. Zhou doesn't have to worry about Monk Kongwen coming to trouble you. He put an extra scar on Monk Kongwen's head, making Monk Kongwen the first to have ten years of life. A monk with a scar."

Zhou An's eyes widened when he heard this.

Good guy, this is in line with Eunuch Wei's character.

No one can remain intact under Eunuch Wei's revenge, not even Monk Kong Wen of Dai Viet.

I want to perm his ring scar, so it must be permed!

"Then I'll take my leave first. There's no need to send more to the two father-in-laws." Zhou An said with his hands in hand.

It was getting very late, and he didn't want to stay here for a long time, so he led Heiyu in his hand, left the imperial study, and walked towards his residence.

The waist card is still in his hand, and the two eunuchs have not asked to go back. They are probably staying with him temporarily.

Zhou An walked on the dark street with his waist tag in hand.

The lanterns of the palace were everywhere, bringing a touch of warmth to the dark streets.

It is not far from the imperial study room to the place where I live.

Zhou An and Heiyu were not slow, and they arrived at the door not long after.

But at the door, there was a burly young man standing.

There was an extremely obvious scar on the young man's face.

When he saw Zhou An, the young man walked up, raised his hands, and said in a thick voice.

"Brother Zhou, I've heard of his name for a long time."

Zhou An raised his head and looked at the eldest prince, and then suddenly discovered a blind spot: "Your Highness, is there something wrong with your throat? Or maybe you have a cold?"

This very rough voice sounds like it was made deliberately.

Who would have thought that after these words were spoken, the eldest prince waved his hand boldly: "It's okay, this kind of voice is what we call border people. What we border people pay attention to is being bold."

Zhou An had dark streaks all over his head. He felt that the eldest prince must have some unique hobby.

Before he could say anything else, the eldest prince took out two jars of wine from the side.

One of the altars was given to Zhou An.

"Brother Zhou, this is a special liquor from the border area. It is especially suitable for men. We men in this world just need to drink strong liquor!"

After finishing speaking, the eldest prince directly patted the seal of his jar of wine, raised his head and drank tons and tons of wine.

But this drinking gesture is really too touching.

Most of the wine went down the neck and flowed everywhere

He didn't drink much.

Zhou An's mouth twitched and said, "Your Highness, the way you drink seems a bit too bold."

"Being bold is what a man should do."

The eldest prince continued to maintain a very rough voice and wiped the drink from the corner of his mouth. "

Speaking of which, within a few words, Zhou An had already figured out the eldest prince's mentality.

This guy must be a man who likes a heroic life so much that he goes too far.

Ordinary people's hobbies seem normal because they are relatively mild.

People in the industry magnify this hobby infinitely, such as Shi Xiyuan, who likes fishing, and the eldest prince in front of him.

But Zhou An actually likes to get along with people like this.

Because when everyone gets along, there is no scheming or fuss, the main thing is simplicity.

Thinking of this, Zhou An said with a smile.

"Drink the strongest wine and conquer the wildest women. This is life, right, Your Highness?"

He just said it casually, but unexpectedly the eldest prince's eyes lit up.

"A good sentence, of course it is a good sentence! Brother Zhou is indeed a wonderful man. When I return to the border, I will definitely engrave this sentence in my camp!"

Zhou An was stunned. He felt that what he said subconsciously seemed to be wrong again.

The person who was misled not long ago was Yang Jianxin, the man who played a deep game with his long sword.

Of course, we don’t know who is going deep into whom.

And the eldest prince in front of him seemed to be led astray by him.

"Brother Zhou, it's getting late. I'm just here to meet you, so I won't bother you. If I have a chance in the future, I'll definitely welcome you when we get together at the border." The eldest prince clasped his fists, picked up the wine jar, and left directly. .

Come quickly, go quickly.

He really only planned to meet Zhou An once and become familiar with each other.

Zhou An didn't stop him. It was indeed too late now. After watching the eldest prince leave, he regarded the incident as a small episode and returned to the room.

Next, he continued to tell fortunes about the liver.

As for the fortune-telling skill, after such a long period of madness, he felt that it should be able to reach level six tonight, causing a qualitative change.

And the Qi Ti villain Dou Dou should also undergo a qualitative change.

Zhou An is looking forward to it very much, not only looking forward to the fortune telling, but also looking forward to the end point where his chest will gradually light up.

"Open the liver!"

Back in the room, Zhou An didn't stop at all. After letting Hei Yu play by himself, he started to gain proficiency like crazy.

The fortune-telling skills are growing rapidly.

That night, many people didn't know what they were thinking.

In the blink of an eye, the whole night passed.

When day comes, the first ray of sunlight shines through the window.

Zhou An looked at the golden gossip in front of him and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

He waved his hand, and the golden gossip in front of him disappeared.

At the same time, in front of Zhou An's eyes, the long-lost smoke finally appeared.

After the smoke appeared, it turned into a line of text and appeared in front of Zhou An.

【Please select direction】

[Talking straight: Persuasion +4, Brainwashing +4, Words and Spirits +8]

[Bagua Arithmetic: Accuracy +4, Deduction +4, Formation +8]

Two skills, two directions, Zhou An chose the second one without hesitation.

When he made his choice, the smoke in front of him completely disappeared, and then turned into a large amount of information, which was transmitted into Zhou An's mind.

After a while, Zhou An mastered the entire skill and then opened his eyes.

"This Bagua arithmetic turns out to be so useful. It seems to be very close to the arithmetic of the heavens." Zhou An thought to himself.

The first two attributes, namely accuracy and deduction, increase the power of the original two attributes.

What surprised Zhou An the most was the last attribute.

It can be said that the attribute of formation has once again made up for its shortcomings in some specific aspects.

From now on, Zhou An will be able to see clearly everything related to formations and within the range of formation +8.

And now that he has the attribute of formation, he already has a strong knowledge base in formation and can use it perfectly.

Zhou An thought for a moment, then stamped his feet.

The next moment, when all the Qi started to circulate, a golden Bagua was on the bottom of his feet.

Zhou An can feel that in this Bagua, both heaven and earth are affected by him, and the enemy within the Bagua is the enemy of the entire world.

Zhou An roughly fumbled around, and then confirmed that the bonus was eight times more.

Of course, this is a special bonus, similar to the skill of making trouble.

If there is a higher-level formation master, his bonus will lose its effect.

"That is to say, I have once again obtained an improvement similar to a multiple, and also made up for the shortcomings." Zhou An touched his chin and thought to himself.

The effects brought about by this qualitative change are absolutely amazing.

Of course, after the golden gossip was generated, many masters hiding in the dark in the palace felt something and looked over.

When he sensed it was Zhou An, he looked away again, as if nothing happened.

As Zhou An used Bagua arithmetic, Black Jade was the first to react.

She stupidly looked at the golden gossip on the soles of Zhou An's feet and murmured in a low voice: "Golden and white, they look good and match well."

After finishing speaking, Black Jade seemed to have forgotten everything and continued to play with himself.

Zhou An ignored the black jade, but put away the golden gossip on the soles of his feet. At the same time, as the smoke flowed, the latest information appeared in front of his eyes.

[Pao Ding’s sword technique lv.6 (Speed ​​+8, Accuracy +8, Sharpness +8): 1/100000]

[Pot Spell lv.6 (Strength +8, Destruction +8, Seal +8): 1/100000]

[Flying Dragon Body Technique lv.6 (Speed ​​+8, Dodge +8, Flying +8): 1/100000]

[Form your own body lv. 6 (hardness +8, fusion +8, defense +8): 1/100000]

[Read Thousand Volumes lv.6 (Spirit +8, Understanding +8, Rebound +8): 1/100000]

[Making Trouble lv.6 (Water +8, Water Control +8, Healing +8): 1/100000]

[Medical Gu species lv.6 (medical theory +8, toxicity +8, poison penetration +8): 3500/100000]

[Thousand Mile Eyes lv.6 (Detection +8, Illusion Breaking +8, Range +8): 1/100000]

[Holy Spirit Demonic Body lv.7 (purification +10, dispersion +10, power +10) 1/120000]

[divination lv.6 (accuracy +8, deduction +8, formation +8): 1/100000]

"All skills level six, achieved!" Zhou An clenched his fists with a look of joy on his face.

Nowadays, all skills have reached the level of second qualitative change.

He is now impacting towards the third level of qualitative transformation.

When the skill reaches level nine, it will cause a third round of qualitative changes.

Zhou An is looking forward to it.

At this time, he broke out into the state of the Liver Emperor again.

He really wanted to lose his liver, but he also knew that now was not the time to lose his liver.

Because the Qi Ti villain's endpoint has already lit up to an extremely violent level.

Zhou An calmed down and felt silently.

Later, when Zhou An finished sensing the light of the Qi Ti villain, he suddenly opened his eyes.

He thought in shock: "It turns out that this thing is better at cheating than me!"

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