This Buddhist bead is the source of the secret method and Zhiyuan's greatest support.

There is a terrifying secret method in Kongchen Temple, which is to raise Buddhist beads.

The first thing every disciple who enters Kongchen Temple should do is to continuously cultivate Buddhist beads with Buddhist teachings from the first day.

As the Dharma becomes more and more profound, the beads will also rise and become more powerful.

In critical moments, disciples can activate the power of the beads to fight.

Think about it and you know that when the beads that have been raised since childhood are activated, the terrifying power will make people tremble.

In fact, this is indeed the case. After Zhiyuan inspired this Buddhist bead, although his strength is still in the innate realm, it is enough to kill ordinary psychic realm.

But the price is high, that is, the beads that were raised before will be used up in an instant.

The beads can still be used, but they need to be nourished again using Buddhist teachings.

So, it was pretty much a one-off.

If Monk Kongwen hadn't asked him to use it, Zhiyuan wouldn't have used it at all.

This is the trump card.

But now, not only was this trump card useless to Zhou An, but it was all shattered at this moment.

Needless to say, the sturdiness of the Buddhist beads that have been raised since childhood is naturally strong under the blessing of Buddhism.

Even in the psychic realm, it may not be destroyed.

But now it was just Zhou An's sword. Before the sword was even cut down, the beads were completely gone.

"This... this is impossible!" Zhiyuan was shocked and shouted subconsciously.

He could already feel a sense of despair now.

The despair comes from the knife in Zhou An's hand.

This knife has not fallen yet.

At this time, not only Zhiyuan, but also the geniuses below the stands also had shocked expressions.

Even under the stands, even with the protection of the formation, at this time, the terrifying and depressing atmosphere, as well as the danger between life and death, made it difficult for the geniuses present to breathe.

They never imagined that there would be such a terrifying person.

" did he practice?"

"It's so scary. I feel like I'm going crazy with depression right now!"

"He's only in his twenties! Is he really a younger generation with this kind of strength?"

The group of talented people from the Dai Viet Kingdom who started shouting were sweating profusely.

Zhou An didn't seem to let go at all.

He didn't drop his knife, but looked around.

All the geniuses of Dai Viet Kingdom whom he saw fell silent at this moment.

Zhou An narrowed his eyes and spoke slowly, as if he was describing an insignificant matter.

"Zhiyuan, are you ready?"

When these words were spoken, Zhiyuan, who was still in shock, finally came to his senses.

He subconsciously asked: "What are you preparing for?"

Zhou Anyun smiled lightly and said: "Take my knife."

As the words fell, the long knife also fell.

When the long knife fell, in the sky, the huge Holy Spirit Demonic Body repeated Zhou An's actions.

The knife... fell.

Two knives, two different powers.

This time, there was no dark blue sword light that covered the sky and the sun, it was just a sword.

This sword is like a mountain, unstoppable.

In the crisis of life and death, Zhiyuan raised his palms.

He knew that he had lost, but at this moment, everything was done based on instinct.

On both palms, Buddha's light emerged.

But the Buddha's light fell on the sword light and shattered in an instant.

It's like ice meeting fire, incredibly fragile.


There seemed to be a sound of breaking egg shells.

The Buddha's light in Zhiyuan's hand was completely annihilated.

The residual power began to reverberate.

This martial arts field created by everyone in the psychic realm actually started to crack at this moment.

Cracks appeared on the ground, and the formation was crumbling.

Visible cracks suddenly appeared in the invisible formation.

Zhiyuan felt a pain in his hands.

When he looked down, he was already a bloody mess.

"I'm going to die!" This thought suddenly popped into Zhiyuan's mind.

This is simply not something that the younger generation can resist.

At this moment, a voice sounded.

"It's too murderous, too much!"

Monk Kongwen who was on the stage suddenly moved.

He popped up a Buddha light and enveloped Zhiyuan.

The light of the sword that struck the Buddha's light disappeared in an instant.

Zhiyuan sat slumped on the ground, covered in sweat and looking extremely pale.

Between life and death, he went through reincarnation, as if countless years had passed.

This martial arts arena has been completely destroyed.

The formation that the geniuses couldn't break could be broken in front of Zhou An with just a wave of his hand.

Zhou An turned his eyes, and did not even look at Zhiyuan. Instead, he looked at Monk Kongwen and sneered: "There is no reason to hold back in the competition. Why, Master Kongwen wants to end it personally?"

Monk Kong Wen's face was full of anger: "Zhou An, you are too ignorant of the right measures. If I didn't use this knife, Zhiyuan would have been dead."

He thought he was right.

However, before he finished speaking, Zhou An spoke again.


"I had no intention of competing, but you stirred up trouble."

"You are the one who is competing, and you are the one who is afraid of death. Why, you have taken advantage of everything. Do you want to go to heaven?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell into silence.

Monk Kongwen can be said to be a top-notch person among the older generation.

Even if it can only be regarded as a weak point among the best, it is still the best.

The identity of the junior disciple of the abbot of Kongchen Temple is enough.

But now, Zhou An didn't give Monk Kongwen any face.

Next to him, Taoist Xuan Xin from Dayue Kingdom spoke up and smoothed things over.

"Master Zhou, you have already won, why do you need to be aggressive?"

Zhou An sneered: "If I end things hastily every time, wouldn't the world think that I, Zhou An, am easy to bully?"

Monk Kongwen said angrily: "Then what do you want?"

Zhou An said calmly: "At the beginning, when the genius of the Great Chu State challenged me, everyone knelt down and admitted their mistake. Now, it is the same when I come to make trouble. Otherwise, if word spreads, wouldn't it mean that I, Zhou An, are unfair?"

Monk Kongwen was stunned, Taoist Xuanxin was also stunned, and even King Yuanxi was stunned.

They didn't expect Zhou An to be so tough.

In fact, Zhou An was right.

Now that you are in the ring, the competition between people in the industry is naturally a matter of life and death.

You can't just restrain your hands because you're afraid of death. What's the point of competing?

As a result, Monk Kongwen took action and somewhat broke the rules.

There's nothing wrong with this.

Monk Kongwen was already angry and said, "Zhou An, don't bully others too much!"

"Okay, okay!" Zhou An looked around: "Based on his age, Old Biden is nothing more than this."

Monk Kong Wen's face was gloomy and he didn't answer.

"If you don't kneel down today, I, Zhou An, will go to Kongchen Temple in person one day." Zhou An said calmly.

Monk Kongwen couldn't help but laugh: "Zhou An, do you really think that being invincible among the younger generation can make you arrogant among the older generation?"

Zhou An was preparing to answer.

But at this moment, Eunuch Wei, who had been standing next to Emperor Xingwu, moved.

The speed is so fast that people can't react.

Full of yin energy, when Eunuch Wei appeared again, he was already holding Monk Kongwen's neck.

Monk Kong Wen's face was horrified: "Old thief Wei, what do you want to do in public?"

Next to him, Taoist Xuanxin stood up.

But before he could react, the national master sitting in his seat took out a talisman.

The talisman paper was very ordinary, but it made Taoist Xuanxin extremely fearful.

There seems to be a stalemate between the two sides.

The King of Far West witnessed everything and sighed: "Your Majesty, why bother? No matter what, we are still neighboring countries."

He really didn't expect that Monk Kongwen would do something like this.

To be honest, neither he nor Taoist Xuanxin could stand Monk Kongwen.

But no matter what, Monk Kongwen came together. If something happened, there would be no way to communicate with each other.

Emperor Xingwu said calmly: "We are not doing the right thing in terms of emotion and reason. King of the Far West, have you forgotten what happened when we were young?"

"When we were young, none of us came out of blood and fire. Every battle was a matter of life and death. We don't have a protector."

"If there is someone here to protect every competition, what's the point?"

"The worst thing Kong Wen did was to commit suicide personally."

The King of Far West fell into silence.

He winked at Taoist Xuanxin.

Taoist Xuanxin immediately sat down.

The King of Far West knew the style of Chu State very well.

To be honest, there were only a few ruthless people who could build the country in that era.

The foundation of Dachu State is not as high as that of other countries, but if you really want to play with your life, just wait until your own national power is weakened.

Sometimes, those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes. This is the reason.

When Taoist Xuanxin sat down, at the same time, the national master also put away the talismans.

Eunuch Wei pinched Monk Kongwen's neck and spoke in a cold tone: "Back then, our family went to Kongchen Temple in person. Your ten-direction golden body, the four Vajras, the black and white Buddhas, and the abbot stopped us. Still able to move forward and retreat freely.”

"How dare you bully the small with your little nothing?"

"Our family has never been a double standard person. We have said that we are of the same age. Even if we kill Zhou An, our family will not care. That means his skills are inferior to others."

"But if you bully a small person, you still have to pull him out and skin him even if you die."

Kong Wen gritted his teeth: "Do you dare to attack me in front of everyone?"

He still has some ideas.

No matter how you say it, he is an envoy of Dayue Kingdom, and Eunuch Wei would never dare to do anything to him.

But then, Eunuch Wei took out a stick of incense, which made Kong Wen look frightened.

The incense burns spontaneously without wind and is very thick, so it is very suitable for burning scars.

"If you don't want to kneel down, just accept this humiliation in another way. Our family will perm you to make it look symmetrical." Eunuch Wei sneered.

The incense began to approach Monk Kongwen's head.

Monk Kongwen began to sweat on his forehead.

If he gets burned and scarred in front of so many people, then he doesn't have to mess around.

Monk Kong Wen gritted his teeth. Although Eunuch Wei was pinching his neck, he could still speak.

"My lord, do you really want me to suffer this humiliation?"

The King of Far West sighed: "Zhou An, how about I give you a treasure to make up for this time?"

Zhou An frowned and said, "What does the prince plan to do to make up for it?"

The King of Far West took out a waist card and threw it towards Zhou An.

Zhou An took it in his hand and looked at it carefully.

He discovered that this waist badge looked ordinary, but it had the word "far" engraved on it.

Before he could ask, the King of Far West gave an explanation.

"This is my king's waist card. If you come to Dai Viet Kingdom in the future, with this waist card, you will be able to travel unimpeded."

This is the most realistic thing he can give.

I don’t know how many people would be envious of people at their level who can give them this waist card.

But... Zhou An is different.

Zhou An threw his waist card back.

When the King of Far West saw this, he frowned slightly: "What do you mean?"

"My lord, this thing is of no use to me." Zhou An shook his head.

This thing is really useless. To be honest, the hardest thing these days is your own strength.

To use a very simple analogy, whether this token can be used or not is a matter of words.

People say it can no longer be used, it is just scrap metal.

The King of Far West asked: "Then what do you want?"

To be honest, Monk Kong Wen really cannot kneel.

If we kneel down, what will be the face of Dai Viet Kingdom?

And what Monk Kong Wen did was indeed not authentic.

You arranged the competition, and you also interfered. How can both sides win?

Therefore, the King of Far West also planned to find a compromise.

Zhou An smiled and said: "I don't think one relic is enough."

After the words fell, Monk Kongwen was stunned as his neck was being pinched.

What do you mean one is not enough?

This thing is rice, can it be made at any time?

This is simply outrageous.

Eunuch Wei narrowed his eyes: "Our family also feels that one person is not enough."

As soon as these words came out, Monk Kongwen almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

Are these two guys carved from the same mold?

Why are you so shameless?

"Two, okay!"

Although he thought these two people were shameless, Monk Kongwen still agreed.

There is nothing I can do if I don’t agree.

This is like holding a knife to the neck.

Eunuch Wei let go of his hand.

Monk Kongwen landed on the ground, looked at Eunuch Wei with a resentful look on his face, and then took out two relics from his arms.

This is indeed a treasure, but Monk Kongwen still has it.

Zhou An's eyes lit up when he saw the two relics.

This thing is of no use to him, but it should be useful to Black Jade.

Just now, I asked him directly for the black jade.

Zhou An felt that it would be good to get one more, just in case it could have a miraculous effect.

The relic was thrown over by Monk Kongwen.

Zhou An took it in his hands and walked straight off the ring without even looking at Zhiyuan.

As quickly as it comes, it leaves quickly.

But at this time, Zhou An has left a deep impression in everyone's hearts.

Not to mention anything else, that shocking sword blow would kill all the geniuses present.

Zhiyuan looked depressed.

There is a saying that describes it well: no matter how arrogant you are at the beginning, you will feel more uncomfortable now.

Thinking of the cruel words he had said before, he now wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

Monk Kongwen also returned to his seat, but his mood at this time was as if he had eaten mouse droppings.

Only Eunuch Wei was a little regretful.

What he regretted was that he could not put the incense on Monk Kongwen's head.

This game, from anticipation to Zhou An's defeat, ended quickly.

After it was over, everyone naturally did not stay here for long.

There will be a new banquet at noon, but it is still early.

Emperor Xingwu went back, and it was pointless for everyone to stay here.

Zhou An also planned to return to liver proficiency, so naturally he left with Heiyu in hand.

The journey back was uneventful.

When he returned to his residence with the black jade, he couldn't wait to close the door.

Black Jade's face was filled with confusion and he looked very dazed.

But Zhou An knew clearly that at certain times, Black Jade was very witty.

After the door closed, Zhou An took out the two relics from the pink money bag.

The relics had a hazy light and looked unusually soft in the room.

Zhou An shook the relic in front of the black jade and asked, "What is the use of this thing?"

In fact, he still had some expectations.

After all, Black Jade's identity is not ordinary.

This is also the first time that Black Jade takes the initiative to ask for something. Zhou An wants to know what will happen next.

Black Jade stretched out her white little hand and took the two relics in her hand.

She observed it carefully with clear and stupid eyes.

Soon, the relic was grasped by the black jade and began to gradually melt away.

This process was very slow, but Zhou An was very sure that the relic disappeared in the hands of black jade.

Next, while Zhou An was waiting, there was no storm at all.

Black Jade just looked at Zhou An blankly and held Zhou An's hand.

Zhou An asked: "No more?"

Black Jade nodded: "No more."

Zhou An: "..."

He originally thought that there would be some movement, but now it seems that there is nothing.

Zhou An said speechlessly: "You melted this thing, and now you tell me that there is nothing. Isn't this nonsense?"

Black Jade tilted his head, indicating something: "It can... refresh your mind!"

Zhou An's face was full of questions: "What is refreshing?"

Black Jade's little face wrinkled up quickly, and then she moved back and forth, as if she was organizing words.

After a while, Black Jade grabbed Zhou An's hand and placed it on his fair forehead.

"There, in a place that cannot be touched, you can communicate, and then... briefly wake up."

Zhou An: "?"

He almost suspected that Black Jade was driving.

To be fair, Zhou An has been with Black Yu for such a long time, and he can understand many of Black Yu's words.

Only this time I couldn’t quite understand it.

"Tell me more details." Zhou An continued.

Nowadays, Heiyu has been continuously cleansed by the Holy Spirit Demonic Body. On the premise of becoming smarter, Heiyu can speak more and more languages.

However, she still has some shortcomings in language organization.

Black Jade looked sad and didn't seem to know how to explain it.

After a while, her wits failed.

Black Jade closed his eyes, and then, a strange breath echoed in the room.

The next moment, Zhou An suddenly discovered that this strange aura seemed very familiar.

This is a coven, and a coven in its heyday!

Back when he was at the Yin Yun Gate, Zhou An had encountered a gathering of conspirators.

But the Guild at that time was actually a much weaker version.

The strange gathering at that time came across space and squeezed out the original weirdness.

It was precisely because of his weakness that he was cut in half by Zhou An.

But the atmosphere is different now.

This is from its fucking heyday.

Even the master of Fengyu Tower, who was proficient in arithmetic, was beaten to the point of vomiting blood by the scheming guild in its heyday.

Zhou An could feel that the air around him was stagnant.

For the first time, he felt the crisis of life and death.

"Stop!" Zhou An raised his hand and said.

Black Jade immediately stopped and stood beside Zhou An obediently.

Zhou An was relieved.

He looked at the black jade back and forth, and suddenly asked: "Can you make the gathering of conspirators in their heyday come?"

Black Jade nodded honestly.

Back then, when the Prime Minister took action against Zhou An, if Eunuch Wei hadn't come, Black Jade would have called the Guild over.

She will not let Zhou An be in danger, just like Zhou An never leaves her alone.

Black Jade didn't know how to summon it, but she could feel that she had a natural affinity with the Guild.

Of course, this feeling of intimacy is not as good as Zhou An's.

Zhou An didn't know what Bai Yu was thinking, otherwise he would definitely be laughing at this moment.

It’s a great filial piety, my family.

At this moment, Zhou An carefully thought about what Black Jade said just now, and suddenly had an idea.

"You mean, the relic can keep the guild awake for a short period of time?"

After figuring it out, Zhou An came to this conclusion.

Black Jade nodded stupidly, indicating that Zhou An was right.

Zhou An fell into deep thought.

He doesn't know the principle, seems like this thing can work wonders.

Zhou Anke never thought of experimenting.

You can't experiment with this thing casually, or you may risk your life.

However, this does not prevent him from being a back-up player.

For example, in the future, when encountering a strong enemy that cannot be defeated, and there is really no other way, let Black Jade call her mother out and use the relic.

Isn't that what it means to carry a top thug with you?

Zhou An feels that there are risks in this, but it can also be used as a last resort.

"Okay, okay, really good." Zhou An thought.

He felt that these two relics were worth getting.

Black Jade looked at Zhou An's expression and didn't know why Zhou An was so happy.

But at this moment, she started to get angry again.

Black Jade stretched out his hand and touched Zhou An's head.


A clear voice sounded.

Black Jade covered his head with aggrieved face, muttering, and ran to the corner to face the wall.

Zhou An withdrew his hand and ignored Black Jade, seizing the moment to improve his proficiency.

As for liver, Zhou Angan's liver is naturally Bagua arithmetic.

In fact, he wanted to use the Cook Ding's sword technique, but he needed to try a different method in order to increase his proficiency.

It's not long now, so Zhou An has no intention of trying.

Anyway, there is also the endpoint of the Qi Ti villain, which can store proficiency.

When he is free in the future, he will definitely give priority to the Pao Ding Jieren Sword Technique, after all, he already has 40,000 points of proficiency.

Thinking about this, Zhou An started to get angry.

The whole morning passed quickly.


The time gradually came to noon.

Today is the second day of the birthday banquet.

Although there were some episodes in the morning, something like a birthday banquet cannot stop here.

There is no difference between a luncheon and a dinner party.

It was all about eating and drinking, and watching Ye Ji dance.

Some processes that were originally going to be done today were postponed to the evening due to changes in the competition in the morning.

In the evening, rewards will be given, and Emperor Xingwu will also give encouragement and goals to these people.

Because of Zhou An's troubles, none of the three troubles Wei Eunuch mentioned were actually gone.

The banquet ended smoothly.

Zhou An returned to the room as usual and started to practice liver proficiency.

He didn't come out until night.

In fact, Zhou An still had some expectations about what rewards Emperor Xingwu would arrange.

Outside the door, it was still the same, Zhou An walked towards the main hall under the leadership of the eunuch.

When Zhou An arrived, many people had gathered in the hall.

As if aware of Zhou An's gaze, these people all looked over.

Zhou An's reputation in the morning was too high. It can be said that Zhou An has been in a high-profile state since his appearance.

The sword that shocked the entire audience and the subsequent words lingered in everyone's ears all the time.

It was like a heavy hammer, making countless geniuses unable to breathe.

Zhou An didn't think it mattered.

He yawned and sat with Yu Hang and others.

"Old Zhou, you really surprised everyone yesterday." Yu Hang joked with a smile.

Only friends like Zhou An could act calmly in front of Zhou An.

Zhou An said boredly: "It's quite boring."

To be honest, liver proficiency is still the most exciting.

Ye Shuang said calmly: "I heard from the teacher that His Majesty seemed to have a headache yesterday. Even late at night, he was still working at his desk with the lights on."

Zhou An asked strangely: "Why do you have a headache?"

He felt a little strange, what else could give Emperor Xingwu a headache.

Ye Shuang didn't answer.

Gongsun Yun on the side said lazily.

"If it wasn't because of you, you helped the Casting Sect get the treasure back, and you brought shame to the Great Chu Kingdom, your Majesty doesn't even know what to give you now."

When Zhou An heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

It seems to make sense.

Not long ago, Emperor Xingwu mentioned this matter in the Imperial Study Room, but Zhou An didn't take it seriously yet.

Now it seems that Emperor Xingwu really has a headache.

Next to him, Shi Xiyuan was already energetic.

As a fisherman, it’s hard to catch without fish.

But there are always more solutions than difficulties.

Teacher Xi Yuan is holding a branch with a thread tied to it.

This branch is only the size of a palm, and the other end of the line is connected to the teacup, and there is still water in the teacup.

Zhou An said strangely: "There are no fish, Master, what are you fishing for?"

Master Xiyuan said with concentration: "Practice the pole technique."

Zhou An's head is full of black lines.

To be honest, if you really can’t catch fish, it’s useless no matter how hard you practice.

It was as if Shi Xiyuan was under a spell, making it impossible to fish.

A few people chatted for a while.

During this period, Zhou An felt Monk Kongwen's gaze and responded directly.

Monk Kongwen had a gloomy face and said nothing.

Not long after, Emperor Xingwu and Eunuch Wei came out.

Next, it was still the same, everyone was eating and drinking again.

But halfway through eating, Eunuch Wei cleared his throat and stood up.

When Eunuch Wei stood up, everyone knew that the reward was coming.

Next, Eunuch Wei held the imperial edict in his hands and began to read it out.

Everyone has rewards, property, and promotions.

Zhou An originally thought that Yu Hang would be taken to the state, but he didn't expect that to be the case.

In addition to continuing to serve as a government official, Yu Hang was also assigned the title of special envoy.

The authority of this person is not small, and he is responsible for going to surrounding places and implementing some of Yuhang's state governance methods.

Zhou An knew that Yu Hang had done a lot of things in Tiancheng Mansion. The most impressive thing was punishing some people who were greedy for ink.

Judging from Emperor Xingwu's order, Emperor Xingwu should want to punish those corrupt people.

In this regard, Zhou An felt that it was right.

Although the people of the Great Chu Kingdom are living a good life now, there are always some problems.

This order will at least leave many people with lingering fears.

Next, there was another reward.

Everyone has their own thing, so I won’t list it for now.

Only Zhou An has never had one.

Until the time was approaching noon, Eunuch Wei paused for a moment.

Then, the reward for Zhou An finally came.

"Zhou An, the craftsman of Fenglin Prefecture, was the supervisor. During his tenure, he worked diligently and repeatedly solved the plots of demons in the world. He was rewarded with a hundred taels of gold. He was promoted to the capital of Huaixi as the supervisor."

The supervisor is the chief supervisor.

Huaixijing is the superior city of Maplewood Prefecture.

This reward has actually increased.

But when the reward came out, everyone present looked at it with doubts.

They couldn't help but wonder.

Because based on what Zhou An did, this reward... was too low.

A promotion is a promotion, but it is too low.

Zhou An didn't care, he even felt that the emperor still understood him.

After all, he only needs this kind of idle job, and he really can't bear it if he is busy.

Not only was he promoted, but he also gained proficiency in fish liver.

It’s simply not too fun.

As we all know, everyone likes to have more money, less things to do and be close to home.

The same is true for Zhou An.

Following etiquette, he prepared to stand up and say thanks.

But before he finished this action, he saw Eunuch Wei wink at him.

This means that the matter is not over yet, so don’t get up yet.

Zhou An was stunned, suddenly having a bad feeling in his heart.

Could it be that... Emperor Xingwu gave him an outrageous reward?

Zhou An thought in his head.

Then, Eunuch Wei paused for a moment and started reading again.

"Now, ten years after the establishment of the Chu Kingdom, Zhou An has risen from the grassroots and gradually risen in the world. I am deeply gratified. In addition to the above rewards, there are other rewards."

When everyone heard this, they were all confused and curious as to what the reward was.

After all, this is what Eunuch Wei is doing. Practice makes perfect, and he even knows how to whet his appetite.

He paused here for a long time.

After a while, Eunuch Wei waited until everyone had looked at him before continuing.

"In addition to Zhou An being the supervisor, Zhou An will be rewarded as the secret agent of Huaixi Jing Town. I admire this!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell into silence.

There was total silence.

There was a look of astonishment on everyone's face.

Suppress Si Jing!

And it’s Si Jing, a Beijing-level person!

Everyone looked at Zhou An, and their eyes immediately became extremely respectful.

This kind of reverence comes from Zhou An's identity at this moment.

If the chief craftsman is the supervisor, then everything is fine.

But now, Zhou An is not only the top craftsman supervisor, but also Si Jing, who is responsible for controlling spies.

What is Si Jing? It is a real position of real power.

In this location, it can be said that in a Beijing-level city, one can travel freely and freely.

Zhou An frowned, and he suddenly felt that this reward was not of much benefit to him.

He knows how busy Zhensi is.

If it really comes next, then the wait will be unbearable.

"Something's wrong, why would the emperor arrange this position for me?" Zhou An thought strangely.

At the beginning, he explained it to the emperor, and the emperor also understood that he really did not want to be in a busy position.

Now suddenly giving this position may have other meanings.

Thinking like this, Zhou An saw Eunuch Wei turn his attention to him.

He understood that look, which meant calmness and calmness.

Zhou An understands, there is something else in it, and he might be able to find out later.

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