Black Jade was originally staying by Zhou An's side. The moment Zhou An swung the long knife, she suddenly pulled Zhou An.

Zhou An was stunned for a moment, turned to look at Black Jade, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Usually when he is doing things by himself, Heiyu will be very obedient and sensible, standing aside obediently.

Now he suddenly pulled Zhou An, and Zhou An felt that there must be something going on here.

Sure enough, when Zhou An asked this question, Black Jade pointed at the Buddha statue and muttered.

"it works."

It’s still Black Jade’s style, which is simply useful.

Hearing this, Zhou An took back the long knife, touched his chin, and said, "What's the use?"

Under normal circumstances, if black jade is said to be useful, it is really useful.

In this regard, black jade will not be fake.

Black Jade stretched out his right hand.

A burst of light appeared on her right hand.

When the light appears, it is faint at first, like the glimmer of a firefly.

In this slightly windy open space, the light is like a boat drifting with the current, as if it will be submerged at any time.

But it was only weak for a while, and soon gradually increased in brightness.

In just the blink of an eye, it becomes eye-catching.

The light expanded, like a small sun.

Then, the light began to gradually shrink, and finally turned into a relic that gave off a faint golden light.

Zhou An is very familiar with this stuff.

When Monk Kong Wen used it for gambling, he took one himself.

Later, I found Monk Kongwen and extorted one.

According to Black Jade, the relics can temporarily restore consciousness to the Guild.

Of course, it is only temporary.

Now that Black Jade took out this faintly glowing relic, Zhou An suddenly had an idea.

"You mean, the relics can be used on this bronze Buddha statue?" Zhou An pondered for a while and asked, pointing to the bronze Buddha statue.

In the open space, the bronze Buddha statue still looks half sad and half happy. The strong contrast makes people's hair stand on end.

In particular, the palms of the bronze Buddha statue stretched outwards look even more weird.

Black Jade nodded and used his other free hand to gesture in front of Zhou An: "Buddha statue, weird, relic, awake."

It's still as simple and direct as ever, but Zhou An already understands.

The general meaning is that the Buddha statue is strange, but it has not completely awakened, and the existence of the relics can restore the Buddha statue to a brief awakening.

After Black Jade finished speaking, he did not continue to move, but waited for Zhou An's reply.

She is very sensible, especially after being cleansed by the Holy Spirit Demonic Body, her IQ has become higher and higher, and she is very smart most of the time.

So Bai Yu knew very well that Zhou An was the head of the family. If Zhou An didn't say anything, she would act honestly.

Of course, it's normal to have a sudden tantrum sometimes.

Zhou An fell into deep thought.

From what Black Jade means, the relics can be used to restore a brief period of clarity to the bronze Buddha statue.

But is it cost-effective to do so?

This is a question that has to be thought about.

This relic is actually extremely precious, otherwise the original monk Kongwen would not have made a very painful expression when he took it out.

Moreover, the relics are of great use to Zhou An.

Now, if he offends the Guild, he will be driven by his instinct to make himself the first target.

As long as we get an opportunity, we will do it at all costs.

Then the relic can play a decisive role at the critical moment.

Coupled with the fact that Black Jade can actively summon the guild to come, this is even more useful.

If nothing else, when you really encounter a danger that is difficult to deal with in the future, you only need to bring out the coven and use the relics to restore consciousness.

For the sake of the relationship between Black Jade and himself, the Guild is a helper.

Two relics can be used twice.

If you waste it once, there will only be one left.

Zhou An was caught in a decision.

This kind of decision actually didn’t take much time.

It didn't take long for Zhou An to make a decision.


With his current ability, it is actually very rare for him to encounter that kind of danger.

What's more, his trump card is not the relic, but his proficiency.

Now, a very obvious secret is placed in front of him, and it would be a loss if he didn't do it.

This bronze Buddha statue can even withstand its own rebound and remains unscathed, so it must have a secret.

Thinking about this, Zhou An turned around and said: "Do it!"

No need to talk nonsense, just one simple word, Black Jade will understand.

Black Jade raised his hand, and the relic in his palm glowed with a faint golden light, and then fell on the Buddha statue's everted palm.

When the relic fell on the palm of the Buddha statue, the round and smooth ball shone softly, like stars in the sky.

This kind of light is different from the golden light at the beginning. If there are Buddhist believers here, they will definitely come to pay homage, feel its holy atmosphere, and pray for divine blessing.

But at the same time, this huge Buddha statue changed after the relic fell into his hands.

The cold aura of the Buddha statue's hands turned out unexpectedly disappeared, replaced by a sacred aura.

It seems to be preaching wisdom and compassion.

But it's just hands.

Other places still exude a strange coldness.

Especially that face with one sad and one happy face is even more terrifying.

The relics and the Buddha statues, one is holy and the other is terrifying, form a strong contrast between them.

At this moment, an exception occurred.

There were cracks in the bronze Buddha statue.

The cracks were like spider webs and began to spread gradually the moment they appeared.

It spread extremely fast, and in an instant, it had covered the entire Buddha statue.

At this time, in addition to these two auras, the Buddha statue, which coexists with holiness and weirdness, also has a sense of fragmentation.

At this time, the relics in the hands of the Buddha statue were completely integrated and turned invisible.

Zhou An frowned slightly when he saw this scene.

He could feel that an aura was being born inside this bronze Buddha statue.

It was a strange aura, but it was very magical and did not make people feel cold.

Zhou An thought for a moment, and then circulated the Qi in his body.

The gold ring turned into a knife and a pot, appearing on both hands.

He looked wary.

If any abnormality occurs, he will swing the knife in his hand without hesitation.

Debris is spreading.

Starting from the large pieces at the beginning, they gradually become smaller and smaller.

Not long after, tiny pieces began to fall off, as if someone had pushed them away from the outside.

A touch of gold appeared in the part that was pushed aside.

At first, the golden color was not comprehensive, but as more and more fragments fell, there was more and more golden color.

After a moment, golden color completely appeared in front of Zhou An's eyes.

Zhou An saw it clearly.

Under the bronze Buddha statue, there is actually a golden Buddha statue.

The golden Buddha statue is reflecting a faint luster under the sunlight.

The face of the Buddha statue is still half sad and half happy, but at this time, the golden Buddha statue does not have the slightest strange aura, but is filled with a sense of holiness.

The breath of holiness is constantly circulating.

Even if Zhou An has spiritual attributes, at this moment, he still feels like he is being saved.

When sentient beings see the Buddha, they can take refuge.

Fortunately, Zhou An's mental attributes are very good. Even if he has this feeling, it is insignificant to him.

"Who are you?" Zhou An asked.

He knew that the golden Buddha statue at this time could communicate freely.

There is no weird coldness and horror, but a kind of holy golden color of Buddha.

Sure enough, when Zhou An spoke, a generous and magnetic voice came from inside the golden Buddha statue.

"My little friend, are you the one who helped me break free from the prison?"

The golden Buddha statue did not answer Zhou An's question, but instead asked a question.

Zhou An touched his chin, thought for a moment, and said, "If it doesn't count for the time being, then maybe it will."

Relic could only regain consciousness temporarily, and Zhou An felt that there was nothing wrong with his statement.

When these words were spoken, the golden Buddha statue suddenly emitted a burst of golden light.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou An could feel that the golden Buddha statue was stunned.

Even though the golden Buddha statue has no expression, the aura is conveying emotions to him.

"I...became weird?"

This sentence should have been filled with doubts, but after it came out through the golden Buddha statue, it turned into shock.

"Yes, you are weird. I let you regain consciousness. If this can be regarded as the cage you mentioned, it means you have temporarily escaped from the cage."

Zhou Andao: "Now, can you answer my question?"

The relic only regained consciousness briefly. Zhou An felt that he might be able to get a big secret, but he had to hurry up.

Hearing this, the golden Buddha statue said: "So that's it. It failed, but it also succeeded. My little friend, my name is Huachen, and I am the abbot of the Sadness and Joy Golden Body Temple."

The Sadness and Joy of the Golden Body Temple?

He had never heard of this temple.

There are so many temples in the world, how could Zhou An know them all?

"You must have never heard of it. This is normal. I can feel that the breath of those old friends has disappeared. Maybe... time has changed a long time ago."

The golden Buddha statue sighed: "My little friend, you must have paid a heavy price for awakening a strange consciousness. If you have anything to ask, just ask."

Zhou An was not polite and asked decisively: "Everything about you."

He wants a lot, and now that he has time, he wants it all.

The golden Buddha statue was stunned again. Apparently, he was caught off guard by Zhou An's words.

"Interesting, so interesting. My little friend's character is really interesting."

After the golden Buddha statue reacted, it let out a burst of laughter.

After a while, the golden Buddha statue stopped talking nonsense and began to talk slightly.

"The Sadness and Joy Golden Body Temple was a famous temple at the time, but it followed an extremely unorthodox path."

"People in the world practice Buddhism, and the Sadness and Joy Golden Body Temple uses Buddhism to cultivate their emotions of sadness and joy and create their own golden bodies."

"When you reach the highest level of cultivation, you will be filled with emotions of sorrow and joy, and you can turn yourself into a golden Buddha statue, and you will have profound Buddhist teachings at your fingertips."

"I have reached the highest level of cultivation and have become a golden body."

Having said this, the golden Buddha statue paused for a moment.

Zhou An touched his chin and determined that the golden Buddha statue was not from this era.

If it is true as the golden Buddha statue says, then this kind of temple is definitely very famous. It is impossible that we have not heard of the information given by the emperor before.

He did not interrupt and waited for the golden Buddha statue to continue.

After recalling the past years, the golden Buddha continued to speak.

"That year, the founder of Eight Special Techniques appeared. That year, he wanted to rush into the cracks and change the world."

"That was also the year when the three gates of martial arts, qigong masters, and scholars were besieged. The founder of the Eight Special Skills fought hard for three days and three nights with one man's strength. However, he was unable to cope with it and died."

"I participated in that battle."

"Well... little friend, you are indeed right. This can only restore consciousness briefly. It will take about half an hour or so."

When the golden Buddha statue said this, he seemed to sense that his consciousness had gone awry.

Zhou An was surprised when he heard that.

He asked the golden Buddha statue to talk about everything, but he didn't expect that Wang Zha would be the one to speak.

Zhou An figured out that this person named Huachen was from the era of the founder of the Eight Special Techniques, and was perhaps more advanced than the owner of Fengyu Tower.

Moreover, this man also participated in the battle that surrounded and beat up the founder of Eight Special Skills.

Exciting, really exciting.

"Continue." Zhou An said excitedly.

There is nothing more exciting than hearing a secret, and if there is, it is to hear a bigger secret.

Hua Chen continued: "We won that battle, but we also lost. We believe that our approach was right. The cracks should not be explored, because the current situation can be controlled and the people can live."

"But we also lost. The reason for losing was that we never expected that an organization would appear behind us. That organization was called Zongxing."

"Zongxing has collected the eight unique skills. Although he has not collected them all, he has collected a lot. The owner of Fengyu Tower died, and all the eight unique skills of the owner fell into the hands of Zongxing."

Zhou An touched his chin.

This is connected again.

This line is also connected to the owner of Fengyu Tower.

It seems that the Zongxing of that era already had the capital to challenge the three gates, otherwise Hua Chen would not be allowed to say that he had lost.

"What happened next?" Zhou An asked.

"Later, the vertical leader stepped into the crack, carrying eight unique skills, and disappeared."

Huachen sighed: "This is the reason why I lost. At the beginning, we probably should have fully supported the founder of Ba Juji. At least the founder of Ba Juji had no selfish motives. He really wanted to solve the root cause of the weirdness, not like Like a manipulative leader."

At this point, Hua Chen's tone became a little angry.

"The manipulative leader wants to solve the source of the weirdness, but his purpose is to enter the crack, release all the weirdness in the crack, and then let both sides fight to the death."

"After both sides fought hard and lost, he came forward again and took over the world, leaving only miscellaneous sects in this world."

"I have a question." Zhou An interrupted: "As far as I know, only the eight unique skills can be combined into one to have that kind of strength. Even the founder of the eight unique skills has not reached this level. The manipulative leader of that era Reached?"

This is indeed a problem.

It’s impossible that even the founder has not achieved it, but the manipulated leader has achieved it, right?

"He's not integrated."

Hua Chen replied: "If they are fused, there is no need to resort to cracks at all. One person can sweep them across."

"His purpose is different from the founder of the Eight Special Skills. If he wants to destroy the source of the weirdness, perhaps he can reach this threshold by combining the Eight Special Skills into one."

"But if it's just released, he only needs to destroy it in the cracks, which lowers the threshold."

"However, he never imagined that it was just a threshold. What is a threshold? That is, there is a higher mountain behind the threshold."

"He died, and he died very quickly. I saw him in the cracks with my own eyes, turning into a horrible and strange thing."

"But he succeeded, and before he died, he widened the crack."

Having said this, Hua Chen has already changed.

In the face that was half sad and half happy, the sad side became a little scary.

This is the gradual disappearance of consciousness and has begun to be affected.

"The next thing is the reason for my death."

As if he couldn't feel it, Huachen continued: "The cracks under the ground are getting bigger and bigger, there are more and more weird things, and the people are suffering."

"As a last resort, our three gates have gone down the same old path."

"We began to attack the cracks to seal the roots of the underground, at restore to before."

"So, those masters who were admired by countless people began to fight one after another and began to die."

"Too many people died, but the cracks are difficult to contain."

"So, the most amazing genius of that generation, who was also the leader among martial artists, came up with a method."

"Why not build a space between the crack and our world as a buffer, so we started the experiment, and finally the experiment was successful."

"We call that place a psychic space."

Zhou An was slightly startled: "Wait!"

He had to let go to dust and so on.

Because the amount of information now is simply too great.

What is the psychic space? It is a place unique to the psychic realm.

After reaching the psychic realm, you will enter the psychic space, temper your soul in the psychic space, and let the soul and body merge.

But now it seems that this realm was created by the people of that era themselves?

The amount of information is simply too great.

"You mean, what is above the innate realm is not the psychic realm?" Zhou An asked.

"No." Hua Chen said directly.

"We created the psychic realm. This is a buffer space. The tempering power absorbed is actually the terrifying power in the cracks. In this way, it can be slowly offset."

"Too many people died for this experiment, and they didn't complain at all."

"But the emergence of a psychic space requires a very practical problem, that is, making it bearable."

"So the cracks still need to be narrowed further."

"As a result, more people died, including me."

"I turned into a Buddha statue, entered the crack, and stayed inside forever."

Zhou An took a deep breath when he heard this.

He felt that secretly, he was a little full today.

Even a little stuffed.

But it's not enough.

These days, the timid are starved to death and the bold are starved to death. Zhou An chooses to be starved to death.

Thinking about this, Zhou An continued to ask.

" did you get out?"

That's a problem.

How could the Buddha statue in the crack appear unless someone entered the crack, but it would be too bizarre.

"I know."

Hua Chen said: "The moment I came out, I regained some consciousness between the crack and reality, and saw that it was a Taoist priest with only a bone left in his right hand who brought me out."

Zhou An: "..."

Boy, he finally got it.

Isn't that Taoist with only bones left in his right hand the Taoist Xuanxin?

Indulge in sex!

This cliff was caused by indulgence.

A person who indulges in sexual behavior must be something that Taoist Xuanxin can bring out of the cracks, and this Buddha statue was naturally brought out.

"My little friend, time is running out."

At this moment, Hua Chen suddenly spoke.

At this time, the insanity, madness and weirdness are gradually increasing.

Gold is also changing towards black.

"Let me tell you one more thing, little friend. If you can reach the psychic realm and are even so interested in cracks, you may be able to explore the psychic space."

Hua Chen slowly said: "Perhaps, we can explore a lot of things."

Hearing this, Zhou An nodded, indicating that he understood.

When he reaches the psychic realm, of course he will explore it. This is a sure thing.


Along with a sound, Huachen's hands suddenly turned into pieces and then fell to the ground.

"I can't kill myself, weird instincts are controlling me." Hua Chen sighed.

Zhou An asked: "Master, did you want to commit suicide just now?"

For Zhou An, he has never been a person who would sacrifice his life for justice, but this does not hinder his admiration for such people.

The Huachen in front of me can enter the cracks alone and become a master.

Hearing this, Hua Chen nodded and said, "I can't cause trouble to my little friend."

"I'm dead. I didn't cause trouble to the people when I was alive. If I cause trouble when I'm dead, how can I have the courage to meet my Buddha?"

"It's a pity that I can't commit suicide..."

"My little friend, how about you do me a favor?"

Zhou An asked: "Master, just ask, if I can help, I will help."

"You can help. It's very simple. Just kill me."

After Hua Chen finished speaking, there were two more clicks.

The legs of the Buddha statue were also broken, leaving only a torso.

"I have reduced 90% of all my strength. Little friend, let's do it." Hua Chen said.

Zhou An looked at the Buddha statue with only its torso left in front of him, and raised his long sword: "Master, do you have anything else to say?"

Hua Chen was silent for two seconds, and then said: "If he can destroy the source of the strangeness in his year, and if my little friend is still alive, just prepare a vegetarian meal for me."


Zhou An said no more.

He raised the long knife and dropped it heavily.

The dark green sword light was carried by the water flow and fell on Hua Chen's body.

Hua Chen's body was in pieces.

In an instant, only fragments were left on the ground.

Everything disappeared and the surroundings returned to calm.

The weird aura was gone, leaving only the hazy drizzle floating in the sky.

Black Jade stepped forward and held Zhou An's hand.

Zhou An smiled, touched Black Jade's head, and said, "Let's go back to Huaixi Capital."

The matter is over, Zhou An must seize the time to set off.

Then, he held Black Jade and disappeared into the open space.


The way back was naturally smooth.

This time, Zhou An was accompanied by members of the Zhensi.

Those monks had already been escorted to Zhenguisi.

After all, it still needs to be interrogated. If it has anything to do with weirdness, it can be dealt with in time.

The journey was smooth and nothing happened.

Zong Shanyin and others have been following Zhou An.

Soon, they arrived at Huaixi Capital.

Zhou An stood at the city gate, looking at the towering city gate in front of him, and narrowed his eyes.

"As expected of a Beijing-level city, this city gate alone is impressive enough."

Hearing this, Zong Shanyin hurriedly said from the side: "What the Lord said is absolutely true. Now that the Lord has arrived in Huaixi Capital, I am afraid it will stir up the situation in this area. The Lord is like a dragon, so naturally he is like a dragon meeting water."

Don't ask, asking is just flattering.

Even a martial artist who enters the officialdom of the great Chu Kingdom will understand more or less.

Zhou An smiled and said, "You know how to take pictures, I'm very happy."

When your subordinates are trying to flatter you, you still need to learn to praise them.

After all, Zhou An is not an expert at cutting meat. Most of the time, he will not cut people randomly.

Zong Shanyin said with a smile: "I am not flattering you. Everything I say is true, and you can see it clearly."

Zhou An shook his hand: "Okay, come with me in."

After saying that, he took the lead and walked towards the city gate.

There is naturally someone guarding the city gate.

But when they saw the people wearing the clothes of suppressing the traitors, they did not stop them and allowed them to enter Huaixi Capital.

After entering Huaixi Capital, Zhou An looked around and was attracted by the prosperity of Huaixi Capital.

The city gate is towering, with the inscription "Huaixi Capital" written on it.

As soon as we entered the city, we saw wide streets, smooth bluestone pavements, and bustling crowds.

Noisy hawking sounds could be heard from a distance, and a variety of goods were displayed in dazzling stalls on both sides of the street.

Zhou An was walking on the street and looking up, he could see the straight high-walled courtyard, solemn and majestic.

When people walk on the road, they dress up in different ways.

Some were wearing gorgeous brocade, while others were wearing slightly older clothes.

The oncoming people had different expressions.

Some were haggling enthusiastically, while others were rushing by in a hurry.

The square in the center of the city was extremely lively, with noise and cheers coming from time to time.

In the middle of the square, there is a monument engraved with the history of Huaixi Jing. It is full of marks of time and symbolizes the prosperity and stability of the city of Huaixi Jing.

The square is surrounded by gorgeous buildings, each of which is towering and tall, demonstrating the wisdom and craftsmanship of the craftsmen.

The city is dazzling, and the atmosphere lights up the whole city.

Some houses have their doors open, and you can even see people sitting on soft couches, reciting ancient poems, or discussing the daily necessities of life, enjoying a comfortable and comfortable life.

In their spare time, people even visit the streets, taste various delicacies, and watch various street performances.

Huaixijing is a bustling and noisy city where all living beings can find their own way of life.

It not only has the joy of wanton indulgence, but also has a quiet and warm living atmosphere.

Zhou An walked and looked at it, and said, "Tell me, how could someone get stuck in such a pleasant and comfortable life and insist on disturbing it?"

What I’m talking about here is indulgence.

He just suddenly felt something after seeing this scenery.

Zong Shanyin scratched his head and said: "I have always felt that people who indulge in sexual behavior have brain diseases, and those people from the Wild Dao Sect and the Wild Buddha Sect are all seriously ill."

"That's a good summary. The disease is so severe that there is no cure and the only option is to kill him."

Zhou An said something and stopped talking.

Not long after, they arrived at Zhenguisi.

The Beijing-level Zhengui Si naturally has a different kind of scenery.

When Zhou An arrived, he found that there was another difference in today's town.

At this time, the members of Zhenguisi were not busy, and they all stood in a row.

Everyone held their heads high and their chests held high, showing their unique aura as warriors.

When Zhou An took the first step into the town, the group of members immediately burst into cheers, very neatly.

"Hello, Mr. Zhou! I have met Mr. Zhou!"

Black Jade, who was following Zhou An, found it interesting and looked around.

To be honest, Zhou An didn't expect this to happen to him.

The members of Zhengui were very excited.

After the members who escorted the monks from Xin'an Temple came back, they told everything about Zhou An's actions at Xin'an Temple.

Especially the action of Zhou An descending from the sky and letting them catch people with a wave of his hand made the members even more excited.

What they are afraid of is having a boss who will have their hands tied, which will make it difficult for them to do things.

Anyone who is involved in the matter of suppressing the secrets is a knife-edge licker, so you can't hesitate at any time.

So encountering a hesitant boss can sometimes kill them.

Now it seems that they don't have to worry, because Zhou An is more powerful than they thought.

That is Xin'an Temple, the temple backed by Qinghuang Temple.

However, there is an imperial decree hanging in Qinghuang Temple, and many people will not offend it.

Now Zhou An is not afraid, and neither are they.

Zhou An smiled, then adapted, waved his hand, and said: "Okay, everyone, please step back and do what you have to do. In addition, everyone in charge should come out. I understand the situation."

After receiving Zhou An's order, everyone else also left, including Zong Shanyin.

There was only one middle-aged man left behind, followed by several members of the Suppression Division, all holding information in their hands.

The middle-aged man looks ordinary, but he has a Chinese character face and looks very upright.

The figure is also extremely burly, giving people a sense of oppression.

But in front of Zhou An, the middle-aged man didn't dare to do this.

Before Zhou An could speak, the middle-aged man spoke.

"What's the sound of the commander of the first room of the Suppressing Secret Service? I've met Mr. Zhou!"

Room A is only available in Beijing-level cities.

Chief Jia, on the other hand, is second only to Si Jing in the Guisi of Huaixi Jing Town.

Zhou An touched his chin and said: "The strength of the psychic realm is not bad."

He could feel that the armor commander named He Sheng had extraordinary strength and was young. Such a person would have high achievements in the future.

He Sheng cupped his hands and said: "Your Excellency, please come with me. I will take you to your room."

Zhou An nodded and signaled He Sheng to lead the way.

Not long after, Zhou An was taken to his exclusive room by He Sheng.

This room is also the largest one on the second floor, and the furnishings inside are extremely fine.

Zhou An sat on the chair and said, "Tell me about the current situation of Zhenguisi."

Now that we're here, let's get down to business.

He Sheng winked at the men beside him.

Soon, the subordinates put the information on the table.

There is not much information.

He Sheng said: "Sir, all the information has been put in the documents. I am afraid that I will not be able to explain it clearly. For now, everything is normal in the Suppression Division and you can operate at will."

Zhou An nodded, then picked up a book and prepared to read it.

This book describes all the layout of the town, including the location and area of ​​each member.

It's true as Eunuch Wei said, there really aren't many things going on.

Just keep running as usual.

But before Zhou An could take a look at it, he found He Sheng standing there, seemingly hesitant to speak.

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