In the ruins of the yamen.

At this time, everyone present heard what Zhou An said and felt chills all over their bodies.

Must...kill them all.

After saying this sentence, Zhou An's murderous aura became even stronger, so thick that it made people feel like their hairs stood on end.

This woman is not behind the scenes, Zhou An knows it very well.

The reason is also very simple, you can figure it out if you think about it carefully.

Since he is the one who arranges the troops and dispatches the generals among the eight special skills, it is impossible for the people behind the scenes to come out.

No matter who gets the command, he will let his subordinates do things. This is in line with the characteristics of this eight-stunt skill.

Therefore, those who follow up are still hiding in the dark.

But for Zhou An, the problem is not big.

Because now that we have obtained a new clue, we will use this woman as a clue to make calculations.

Even if this woman has turned into ashes, Zhou An can still calculate it through Bagua arithmetic.

If you face any enemy that can be completely eradicated, don't hold back.

Thinking of this, Zhou An circulated the Qi in his body.

When Qi started to circulate, golden Bagua emerged in mid-air.

Based on this woman, Zhou An began to calculate the person behind the scenes through Bagua arithmetic.

The golden Bagua began to rotate continuously, and the various directions were constantly changing positions in an extremely mysterious way.

After a moment, a golden thread appeared in front of Zhou An's eyes.

After the silk thread appeared, it began to extend continuously, and the location of the extension was to the west of Huaixijing.

With a purpose, Zhou An will not stay long.

He turned around, looked at He Sheng behind him, and said, "Deal with the follow-up."

Although this place has become a ruin, it still needs to be dealt with in the future.

Especially Pei Jingling.

No evidence is needed now, because everything in front of him is almost blurred on Pei Jingling's face.

Pei Jingling was completely depressed.

He really didn't expect that things would develop to this point.

That Susu turned out to be bad.

But he himself did not allow Zhou An to investigate.

He knew exactly what this meant.

The lightest thing is that there will be no official career from now on.

At this moment, He Sheng and others began to deal with the follow-up, and Pei Jingling could only cooperate, and he was no longer as arrogant as he had started.

While He Sheng and others were dealing with it, they were also sighing.

"It turns out that we have always misunderstood Mr. Zhou. Mr. Zhou naturally has his own way of dealing with it."

"I didn't expect that this time it would be so simple and the clues would be caught."

"So, as long as Mr. Zhou issues orders from now on, we should no longer have any doubts. Mr. Zhou will definitely be qualified for the position of suppressing Si Jing."

Everyone was thinking in their hearts.

Zhou An didn't care what these people thought.

In his opinion, these are all side effects.

His real purpose is still the mastermind behind the scenes.


Zhou An stretched out his hand towards Black Jade.

Black Jade held Zhou An's hand obediently.

The two of them soared into the sky and quickly disappeared at the end of the street.

Zhou An's side has already begun to take off.

On the other side, the man in black robe felt that Su Su was actively cutting off contact, and he was stunned.

"How can it be!"

"How dare she take the initiative to cut off contact? She is not afraid of death?"

The man in black robe knew very well what the consequences would be if he took the initiative to cut off contact.

Susu has only one way, and that is death.

"Cutting off contact at this time proves that Susu has been exposed, and as a last resort, she didn't want to be the other party's hostage or expose me, so she cut off contact."

The man in black robe came to a conclusion.

"It must be Zhou An!"

If Zhou An hadn't done this, he wouldn't have believed it at all.

Pei Jingling was already fascinated by Su Su, and it was impossible to expose her from Pei Jingling.

"How on earth did he know?"

The man in black robe thought to himself.

He thought he did it perfectly.

No one would have thought that he would go to the Yamen.

That was the most dangerous place, but it became the safest place. was still discovered.

The man in black robe suddenly felt that his organization might not know as much about Zhou An as he thought.

"Has he learned a new ability?"

These thoughts disappeared in a flash.

The man in black robe knew that there was no need to continue thinking about it now.

Because at this time, escape is the most important thing.

His platoon of troops and generals would be useless if there were no soldiers and generals.

The man in black robe left the secret room without hesitation.

After leaving, he walked towards a street.

After coming to Huai Xijing, he has been managing his own future.

A cunning rabbit with three holes, someone in his profession has already thought of a way to escape.

The man in black robe is indeed a murderous person, but that doesn't mean he likes to be killed by others.

Although it was already late at night, the man in black robe was walking in a hurry and soon entered an ordinary house along this street.

Not long after, Zhou An fell from the sky outside this street.

Although it was already night, the bright moon in the sky still provided a glimmer of light.

Zhou An looked at the golden thread in front of him with doubts.

At this time, the golden silk thread connected a house in front of him.

This is a house for ordinary people.

It stands to reason that this kind of place is likely to be the hiding place of the people behind the scenes.

After all, it can be better hidden among ordinary people.

But what puzzles Zhou An is that the direction where the golden thread is connected seems to be getting further and further away from him.

We are obviously in this house, but the distance is increasing.

"There's something wrong, no, the thread seems to be heading toward the ground."

Zhou An came to a conclusion after only a slight identification.

The reason why the thread is getting farther and farther is because this person is escaping underground.

"Dig a tunnel?"

After Zhou An thought for a moment, he walked directly into the house.

There was no one in the house and it was quiet.

Since this is where the man in black robe escaped, he was naturally fully prepared, and it was normal for no one to be there.

After Zhou An came in, he immediately used his clairvoyance.

Under the influence of Clairvoyance, he seemed to have a perspective, and nothing around him could escape his eyes.

Soon, Zhou An discovered something unusual.

In the yard of this house, there is a well.

There was no water in the well, and it was as dark as ink, with no end visible at a glance.

The golden thread emerged from this well.

Zhou An quickly came to the well with Black Jade.

Without even looking at it, he jumped down with the black jade.

With the blessing of Thousand Miles of Purpose, any mechanism or trap is like a piece of white paper, broken with just a push.

The well is very dark, but for Zhou An, the darkness here cannot block his sight at all.

Due to the fall, the whistling wind echoed around.

Not long after, Zhou An landed steadily with a bang.

Under the well, there is a huge door directly in front.

This door was carved out of stone, but it wasn't for protection. After all, even a piece of broken stone couldn't protect it.

The purpose of this door is actually to disguise the well.

The golden thread has penetrated the door and continues to extend into the distance.

Zhou An didn't hesitate and pushed the door open directly.

The moment he opened the door, a damp wind blew over.

After the wind blew over, Zhou An immediately felt a slight chill.

Even in Zhou An's current state, he could feel the chill. It was conceivable that there must be something unusual at the end of the well.

Zhou An held Black Jade in one hand and a knife in the other, walking quickly inside.

Qianlimu completely acted as a warning, and Zhou An could act unscrupulously without fear at all.

Although the soil was damp, Zhou An felt almost as if he was walking on flat ground after using the Flying Dragon Movement Technique.

He could feel that he was getting closer and closer to the mastermind behind the scenes, and the golden thread was gradually getting thicker.

"Are you ready to die?" Zhou An raised the corners of his mouth.

Is drilling into the ground useful?

Even if I were to run to the sky today, I would have to break my wings and fall down.

Zhou An is chasing after him like crazy.

On the other side, the man in black robe was sweating profusely.

He could feel that in the passage behind him, there were footsteps approaching at an incredible speed.

It’s self-evident who the other party is.

The man in black robe took a deep breath and continued walking deeper into the tunnel.

This is where he escaped.

In addition to escaping, it is also a place for desperate counterattack.

He knew very well that he was meeting Zhou An this time.

In Zhou An's hands, there was never anyone left alive.

Those indulgent members who had dealt with Zhou An before were already dead.

Did they ever escape?

The man in black robe felt that he must have escaped.

But the result of running away is death.

In other words, there is no use running away.

It's like wearing a condom when trying to get pregnant. It's unnecessary.

Therefore, when the man in black robe designs a way out for himself, he has two options.

One of them is a successful escape.

If escape fails, that's the second way.

Here is another reason why he came to Huaixi Capital.

Before learning how to arrange troops and dispatch generals, the man in black robe was a disciple of Kongkong Sect.

As we all know, the disciples of Kongkong Sect are notorious in the world.

Almost every force can't stand the people of Kongkongmen.

They stole, robbed, and... grave-robbing!

It's even delicious.

Especially the ancestral cemeteries of some forces have been looted by Kongkongmen.

If it were anyone else, no one would be able to bear it if their ancestors' graves were dug up.

The man in black robe is an outstanding disciple even in Kongkong Sect.

A long time ago, someone from the Kongkong family discovered a large tomb in Huaixi Jing.

The man in black robe also knew it.

In fact, this kind of cemetery is very useful for people like the men in black robes who organize their troops.

Those dead bones can still retain energy even after many years.

Although it is very small, when the quantity is sufficient, it will be an excellent benefit for the people in black robes.

This is also what the man in black robe thinks.

He wanted to fight back.

If there was such a possibility, he wanted to kill Zhou An.

If this tomb can be completely controlled, Zhou An can definitely be killed.

The reason why the man in black robe did not do this before was because controlling the bones in the cemetery also comes with a price.

The skeletons in the cemetery are more or less filled with resentment. If you try to control them, no matter how much, they will affect you.

Even if it is a small amount, if mixed together, it will be a huge amount.

The man in black robe would not do it unless it was absolutely necessary.

But now, things have come to a head.

"Since you can't run away, then try your best!"

The man in black robe gritted his teeth.

At this time, he had arrived at the entrance of the cemetery and rushed in without hesitation.

After rushing into the cemetery, the man in black robe was familiar with the road and kept moving forward in the twisted cemetery.

Not long after, the man in black robe finally came to a huge tomb.

There are a large number of coffins placed here, and at a glance, it is impossible to see the end.

The man in black robe didn't know why there were so many large tombs here.

This is still in Huaixi Jing.

But it's not a big problem.

He just wants to use this cemetery now.

Behind him, the sound of footsteps was gradually heard.

The man in black robe knew that the source of the footsteps was Zhou An.

He couldn't wait any longer.

The man in black robe took a deep breath.

The coffin in the ancient tomb looks ancient and eerie.

The coffin was already in disrepair.

The tomb is dark, damp, layer upon layer, and filled with evil spirits.

In the tomb chambers on the left and right sides, neatly arranged coffins are placed at the entrance, extending to the end, forming a vague passage.

The coffins are arranged seamlessly, and the traces of time are so diluted that they are difficult to detect.

Under the sealed coffin lid, the coldness emanating from it was mixed with the faint smell of blood, which was horrifying.

It seems that once all the coffins are opened at the same time, the dead things can come out of them, escape from this ancient tomb, and sweep across the world.

The man in black robe put his hand on the ground and circulated the Qi in his body according to the way of arranging troops and dispatching generals.

The next moment, all the energy continued to connect all the coffins.

The coffin exuded a cold atmosphere, and it became even colder after the man in black robe connected the coffin.

"Today, get up!"

The man in black robe endured the coldness, and veins popped up on his forehead.

This is the price. This kind of ancient tomb has been built over many years. Although each coffin has little resentment, when they are gathered together and then dispatched by troops, their own discomfort can only be felt in person.

Behind him, footsteps were approaching.

The man in black robe turned around and looked behind him.

"Zhou An, you are finally here!"

Behind the man in black robe, Zhou An was holding Black Jade, standing with a knife, and was watching the scene in front of him with interest.

"Hey, this is controlling the dead as your soldiers. It seems that you want to play a big trick on me." Zhou An sneered.

Sweat was pouring from the face of the man in black robe.

In each coffin, the bones inside were uncovered.

These corpses have not turned into white bones, they are all in a mummified state.

And as the men in black robes arranged their troops, flesh and blood were filling the mummies.

The mummy continued to expand, wearing tattered and unrecognizable clothes.

There are as many as thousands of them.

The man in black robe opened his mouth and was about to say a few words.

But before he could finish speaking, he saw Zhou An wave a jet of black sword light.

The sword light arrived in the blink of an eye, and in the blink of an eye, it was in front of him, and before the man in black robe could react, he completely penetrated him.

The man in black robe was shocked.

So decisive?

"You have become famous now, but you are still so ignorant of martial ethics!"

The man in black robe was angry.

After the dark green sword light penetrated him, he was not harmed at all.

And in those coffins, one of the bones exploded with a bang and turned into flying ash all over the ground.

One of the abilities of platoon troops is to convert and distribute damage.

This also completely eliminates the weakness of the ontology being too fragile.

This eight unique skills is also ranked high among all the eight unique skills.

Zhou An touched his chin and said, "It's interesting. How about a deal?"

The man in black robe was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously asked: "What deal?"

"Give me your eight unique skills and I'll let you go." Zhou An said with a smile.

Hearing this, the man in black robe sneered: "Zhou An, do you think I'm a fool?"

Of course he didn't believe this lie.

Zhou An spread his hands and said, "Forget it, I'll beat you until you can't take care of yourself, but I can still arrange my troops."

During his trip, in addition to solving problems, he also helped Heiyu get troops and generals.

Naturally, I just took advantage of the trend and deceived him.

As a result, the other party was not fooled.

But the problem is not big, it was just a way to cheat.

Since you can't cheat, just fight.

Zhou An swung the long knife without hesitation.

The next moment, the dark green sword light enveloped the entire cemetery.

These sword lights did not sweep towards the black-robed man, but directly towards the group of corpses.

Since the platoon of soldiers and generals has the ability to deflect damage, just flood all of these soldiers and generals.

After these generals were submerged, the man in black robe was left with only this polished commander.

The man in black robe was shocked when he saw countless black and blue sword lights.

Then, he endured the discomfort that swept over him with resentment and stirred up these bones.

The corpses were in order, and they all took action according to the rules of arranging troops and dispatching generals.

The dark green sword light fell on the bones, and every bone had cracks.

But when the dark green sword light disappeared, these bones were still standing.

"I knew this cemetery would be anything but simple!" The man in black robe showed great joy when he saw this.

Kongkongmen had already explored this cemetery, but because it was inside Huaixi Capital, there was no chance to set foot in it.

Now, the man in black robe can actually rely on these bones to use his troops and generals to resist Zhou An's sword.

These bones are all in extremely damaged condition, which shows how terrifying they were when they were alive.

"Zhou An, you must die!"

The man in black robe waved.

As he waved, the group of corpses rushed towards Zhou An.

Every corpse has its own abilities.

These abilities vary.

Martial artist, Qi practitioner, scholar, miscellaneous sect.

Four major categories, almost all covered.

All kinds of fancy attacks are scattered throughout the cemetery.

An ancient and profound feeling continues to circulate in this cemetery.

Zhou An opened his eyes slightly, showing a solemn expression.

This group of corpses actually put pressure on him.

He was also curious about what was different about this cemetery hidden in Huaixi Jing.

Of course, it is still important to solve the problem first.

Thinking of this, Zhou An turned around and cast his body.

Around Zhou An's body, a layer of gorgeous gold appeared.

After the golden color emerged, it added a layer of sacred aura to Zhou An.

The attack fell on Zhu Ji, only causing the golden color on Zhu Ji's body to shake.

"That's right, with this intensity, you have to kneel down when you come to the psychic realm."

Zhou An commented, and then the long knife in his hand changed.

After a while, it turned into a pot.

It’s been a long time since I’ve used the pot method, and Zhou An really misses it.

The enemy is not powerful enough, and they don't even have the opportunity to use the pot method.

Behind Zhou An, a ten-meter-tall holy spirit demonic body appeared.

Fortunately, this space is large enough to accommodate the existence of the Holy Spirit Demonic Body.

Zhou An raised the pot in his hand, and under Mantian's attack, he fiercely covered the pot.

The Holy Spirit Demonic Body made the same move, and a huge pot lid was placed on the group of corpses.

Accompanied by a roar.

Zhou An turned the pot over with his backhand and started shaking it.

Originally, there is no need to change the pot method, but this is a matter of habit.

Zhou An always felt that it would be uncomfortable if he didn't touch something.

The huge Holy Spirit Demonic Body began to overturn the pot. The corpses were like pieces of food in the huge pot, and they could not even stand firmly.

boom! boom! boom!

The sound of explosions one after another continued to echo.

Bones were constantly being smashed into pieces by giant pots.

The man in black robe was really sweating when he saw this scene.

How can he act like a cook?

It turns out that this is the pot in the double skill of knife and pot?

The man in black robe didn't know whether he was honored or not.

Few people can see Zhou An's pot, but he did.

And, it seems like I can’t stand it anymore.

Accompanied by a loud bang.

After the last corpse was shattered by Zhou An, everything returned to calm.

Zhou An looked at the man in black robe with calm eyes, his meaning was self-evident.

Your last resort has been defeated by me, what else can you do?

The man in black robe opened his mouth and was about to speak.

But before he could finish speaking, he felt a sharp pain all over his body.

He fell to the ground and looked at his separated hands and feet, especially the poison flowing in his body. He felt so much pain that he couldn't even scream.

pain! It hurts so much!

This kind of heartbreaking pain made the man in black robe wish he could faint.

But it was the toxin that kept him awake.

This torture of life and death made him miserable.

"Does it hurt?" Zhou An took Black Jade and walked to the man in black robe.

The man in black robe nodded vigorously and looked at Zhou An with a death-seeking look.

He likes killing people, especially the expressions of watching people being killed.

But at this moment, he wanted to die quickly.

"You really want to die. Then, tell me the technique of arranging troops and dispatching generals." Zhou And said.

The man in black robe felt excited and suddenly became a little more awake.

"If you want to organize your troops, unless... let me go."

At this moment, the man in black robe actually gave birth to hope of life.

It's not a big problem if your hands and feet are cut off, because there are so many professions these days, there is always a replacement.

Zhou An heard this, but shook his head, his voice was like a nightmare: "You know that you won't survive long in my hands, so why don't you give yourself a good time?"

"You must die, so... wouldn't it be nice to die happily?"

The man in black robe closed his mouth.

In this way, it seems that he wants to give himself a little more chance to live.

Zhou An looked at the man in black robe calmly and sped up the poison.

At this moment, the pain was amplified.

Zhou An's voice frightened the man in black robe.

"I have learned about interrogation in the Suppressing Dungeon. One of the methods is to use special medicinal materials to keep the prisoner awake and increase the pain."

"It just so happens that my poison can achieve the same effect."

"Take your time, I have plenty of time."

Zhou An even squatted down, intending to appreciate the fear of the man in black robe.

A pervert would feel perverted looking at this look.

The man in black robe endured the pain and saw Zhou An's expression. The last line of defense in his heart was finally broken.

"I said, give me a good time!"

The man in black robe spoke hoarsely.

He began to tell the secret of arranging troops and dispatching generals.

Zhou An listened on the sidelines, and now that he had a photographic memory, he only needed to listen to it once.

Next to him, Black Jade was also listening with eyes shining.

About half an hour passed before the man in black robe finally finished talking about the troops and generals.

Zhou An looked at Black Jade and asked, "Have you learned it?"

Black Jade said not long ago that he would learn it quickly.

So Zhou An also wanted to give it a try.

Black Jade nodded blankly, then raised his right hand.

The next moment, on Black Jade's right hand, a stream of Qi began to circulate in a unique way.

Black Jade said cutely: "It seems like this."

Next to him, the eyes of the man in black robe widened.

"How...can you learn so fast!"

"It's impossible. It took me many years to learn how to do it!"

He couldn't believe that the woman in black in front of him had learned everything.

"It seems like what you said is true." Zhou An said.

Now that he has learned it, the man in black robe did not lie in this regard in order to die happily.

Zhou An didn't waste any words. In the frightened eyes of the man in black robe, he hit the target with his sword.

With a shock of the long knife, the man in black robe turned into ashes all over the ground, completely dead.

Zhou An put away the long knife, but had no intention of leaving.

He looked at the empty cemetery and thought: "This cemetery is not as simple as I imagined."

Just now, while chasing the man in black robe, he saw something unusual.

Under the influence of clairvoyance, nothing can escape his eyes.

"This is just a cemetery. There are more cemeteries below." Zhou An looked at the ground.

He could see that there were countless tombs layer upon layer all the way down from where he was now.

There are countless kinds of coffins.

Just one look at it will make your scalp numb.

And more importantly, Zhou An possesses the attribute of formation.

With the superposition of this attribute, he could feel that this huge cemetery actually had a natural formation.

It is purely natural and has no trace of man-made substances.

After years of hard work, it has an air of ancient vicissitudes.

In fact, there are quite a few purely natural formations like this, all of which have been formed over time.

"This cemetery is not simple. Moreover, even though the resentment is so great, it has not become weird. It is entirely because of this purely natural formation."

Zhou An touched his chin.

With so many coffins, one can imagine how much resentment there is.

If it weren't for this purely natural formation, it would probably have become weird long ago.

"Now that I've discovered it, why don't I take a look. If it can be solved smoothly, it will save me a lot of trouble." Zhou An thought to himself.

He is Si Jing now.

Now there is a huge cemetery that is very likely to turn into a weird one. If you don't take action to solve it, if someone breaks the natural formation, something will definitely happen.

So since Zhou An is free now, it doesn't hurt to give it a try.

Thinking about this, Zhou An has made up his mind.

He has the attribute of formation, and he may be able to penetrate this natural formation and find out the key to it.

There is no way down to the cemetery outside, so you need to do it yourself.

The reason why there is a road to the water well is entirely because the man in black robe opened it himself.

It doesn't matter if there is no road, carve out a road yourself.

Thinking of this, Zhou An raised the long knife in his hand.

He knows the formations and can see the key points of the natural formations, and his sword skills have already reached the peak of being able to freely move and retract at will.

Even if he swings a sword casually, he can achieve extremely high accuracy.

If he went to work on a construction site with this kind of ability, Zhou An felt that countless people would rush for it.

The long knife penetrated the ground.

Zhou An mobilized the Qi in his body and injected it into the ground along the long knife.

Cook Ding uses the sword technique to relieve people.

The next moment, layers of cracks appeared on the ground.

After the cracks appeared, they began to gradually spread.

Not long after, pieces of soil were exploded by Zhou An.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou An began to go all the way down, bypassing the weak points of the natural formation and approaching the cemetery below.

The whole process was extremely smooth and there were no abnormalities.

Zhou An successfully broke through the thick layer of soil, and then landed on the ground.

The lower floor has a wider area than the upper floor.

Inside the ancient tomb, many coffins were lined up quietly, as if waiting for something.

Their wooden surfaces were covered with moss and looked very old.

The color on the walls has faded, but some remnants of the pattern can be seen here.

There is a cold air in the air, making people feel chills running down their spines.

The dim light cannot shine in here, only the faint light of the fire shines faintly.

There seems to be some ancient secrets hidden in this ancient cemetery.

Each coffin was sealed tightly, and no one knew what was inside.

In the silence at this moment, you can hear your own heartbeat, which becomes extremely clear in this dark place.

No matter which coffin it is, there is always a certain gloominess about it.

Accompanied by the surging undercurrent, it seemed as if they were all shrouded in terror, making people feel very uneasy.

This ancient tomb, full of ancient atmosphere, retains unknown secrets.

Zhou An looked at the faded patterns on the wall, checked them carefully, and found that he didn't see any clues.

It's been too long and it's impossible to preserve it completely.

Zhou An looked at the coffins again.

There are so many coffins that you can’t even see them all.

If this natural formation hadn't all turned into something weird, it would have definitely brought about a horrific disaster.

Zhou An touched his chin, then recklessly opened a coffin.

As long as the formation is there, nothing will happen. It's not a big problem.

When the coffin was opened, Zhou An saw the mummy inside.

Being able to remain intact after years of tempering shows the terrifying strength of the mummy during its lifetime.

There is a faint layer of Qi surrounding the mummy that lasts for a long time.

If it were an ordinary person, or a person in the industry who is not strong, I am afraid that he would have been a piece of loess.

In fact, what surprised Zhou An was not the strength of this mummy.

But on the back of the coffin lid, there are densely packed small words.

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