Zhou An was also stunned. He didn't expect to meet the children he met at the beginning here.

After careful sensing, Zhou An discovered something was wrong. What was wrong was that the child happened to appear here.

"This group of people with various skills used the formation of the banyan tree to hide the child inside, avoiding the pursuit of the court."

For Zhou An, who is good at formations, it only takes a moment to see clearly what's going on inside.

"It might not be possible to hide everyone, but it's still okay to just hide this little child." Zhou An thought to himself.

The formation is really powerful. Using the banyan tree as a guide and using the corpses on the banyan tree as nourishment can play a very good role in concealing it.

Of course, this is just for this ordinary kid.

The aura of people in the industry will more or less leak out from it and be discovered by those who are being hunted.

That cannot be hidden at all.

Zhou An touched his chin, and after thinking for a moment, asked: "Did they guide you to come here?"

At this time, it was obvious that this was not a cutscene-like situation at the beginning.

Now they can communicate and communicate with each other. You can see it from the way the child looks at him.

Sure enough, when Zhou An asked this question, the child gave an answer.

The child was holding two towering hair, with a look of fear and fear on his face, and his whole body was trembling: "Are you... with those bad guys?"

Zhou An shook his head and said: "We are not together. I can't stop them and I can't change them."

He was telling the truth, these things cannot be changed.

Everything in Gui Village is the history of the past and the existence of the past.

History is history, and unless we can go back to the past, it cannot be changed at all.

The Quiet Village is not a return to the past. In the final analysis, it is more like a residual image, but this image is more real.

It cannot be changed, and there is no way to change it.

When the child heard what Zhou An said, he actually believed it.

Such a child, who was born in such a simple village, can easily be fooled in a few sentences.

"Those bad guys killed the old woman, the old man, the uncle who always gave me clay figurines, and many, many people who liked me."

Speaking of this, the young man actually showed a hint of anger.

Zhou An touched the child's head and asked, "What's your name?"

"Gu Xiaoyun, my name is Gu Xiaoyun." The child replied.

Zhou An continued to ask: "Do you have a good relationship with the villagers who were killed?"

Gu Xiaoyun nodded, holding the candied haws in his hand tighter: "They all moved here some time ago, but they are very good to me."

"Teach me how to read and write, tell me right from wrong, and talk about a lot about the outside world."

"The old lady said that if one day I can go out, she would take me to the biggest city and eat the best candy."

Having said this, Gu Xiaoyun lowered his head with a sad look on his face.

"I see." Zhou An touched his chin and said, "Then hand over your eight unique skills."

Gu Xiaoyun was slightly stunned, not understanding what Zhou An meant, because Zhou An's words were too out of context.

Just now, he was still chatting about the past, and suddenly jumped to the eight unique skills. Gu Xiaoyun had not yet reacted to this way of thinking.

"After chatting for a while, I discovered that there seems to be a very secret formation inside this banyan tree."

Zhou An pointed at the huge banyan tree in front of him and raised his long knife.

On the long knife, there was a cold sword light that was constantly flashing.

"Well... there's a body inside, exactly like yours."

As he finished speaking, the banyan tree in front of him was split open by Zhou An with a knife.

When the banyan tree was split, it was split into two, revealing the scene inside.

The inside of the banyan tree is completely empty, with no real objects.

A corpse fell from the banyan tree and landed on the ground with a thud.

There were no injuries on the body, but it had long since lost all vitality.

Especially the appearance of this corpse was exactly the same as that of Gu Xiaoyun, as if carved from the same mold.

"I almost got fooled by you."

Zhou An held a long knife in his hand and said with a smile: "Everything here looks so much like a living person that it is difficult for people to distinguish them. So there are only two ways."

"One is to communicate with everyone as if they were living people."

"Secondly, they all treat them as dead people and are on guard."

"No matter which way you act, pretending to be a child can lower others' vigilance."

"For example, now, who are you, the protector?"

When Zhou An said this, he observed Gu Xiaoyun in front of him with more and more teasing in his eyes.

From the moment Zhou An spoke, Gu Xiaoyun's expression began to change, from innocent to gloomy.

After Zhou An finished speaking, the gloom completely disappeared and was replaced by calmness.

"Zhou An is well-deserved."

Gu Xiaoyun sighed, and as he sighed, his aura and appearance changed.

His aura changed from ordinary to powerful, his appearance lost the look of a child and turned into a gray-haired old man, and his height gradually grew longer.

When everything stopped, standing in front of Zhou An was a rickety old man.

"Gu Xiaoyun, were you killed?" Zhou An narrowed his eyes and said.

"It's just a period of time in the past, an unknown secret. Why is the word "kill" used?"

The old man touched his beard with his hand and said with a smile: "Besides, many people want to kill him. If we can kill him before this, maybe we can change everything."

"Oh?" Zhou An said with interest: "You are very good, because you aroused my curiosity, so I can live a little longer."

"Tell me about it, maybe I will let you live."

What the old man meant just now showed that Gu Xiaoyun's identity was not simple.

Now it seems that Zhou An's interest has indeed been piqued.

The old man said calmly: "The first leader of Zongxing."

A simple sentence, but the moment fell into endless silence, and you could hear the drop of a needle.

Zhou An looked at the child's body on the ground, and his heart suddenly shook, as if he had connected with something.

"Children are educated by people with various skills from an early age and develop unique concepts."

"I saw with my own eyes that my usually amiable relatives were suddenly killed, and my thoughts changed."

"Then, after learning about the events in the world and the deaths of these relatives at that time, I came up with the idea of ​​revenge."

"Sex, in the hands of this child, rises step by step."

Every time Zhou An said a word, the more surprise appeared in his eyes. Even he found it unbelievable.

In this world, there is no such thing as a bad guy or a manipulative leader. Moreover, he is the first leader. If he really rises because of this, then it will have a great influence on him in his childhood.

When a child is young, it is a blank piece of paper with no traces on it.

Therefore, a child's future growth is related to childhood, and everything is related.

"Zhou An, you guessed it right, we're almost inseparable."

The old man said slowly: "The first leader of Zongxing appeared under such circumstances. From then on, he led Zongxing and began to fight back."

Zhou An touched his chin and said: "In that case, he should have found the various skills at this time. Let me think about it, you are here to find the various skills."

In fact, after careful consideration, it is already very clear that the purpose of this old man is to acquire a variety of skills.

Find Gu Xiaoyun, then kill Gu Xiaoyun from that period, and finally dress up as Gu Xiaoyun.

The whole process was based on Zong Xing's understanding of that period, and the purpose was naturally self-evident.

The most important thing about this strange village is the various skills.

The purpose of coming here is also very clear.

"Um, so, cooperation?"

The old man smiled and said: "I'm not like those people who hate you to the core. In my opinion, everything is done casually. This is indulgence."

"I don't hate you. I can even cooperate. You and I can find various skills and watch each other."

"Cooperation is possible and feasible."

"The nature I indulge in is to do things based on profit. Benefits can offset hatred."

Zhou An touched the gold ring on his hand and said, "Why can't I want them all?"

"Because Gu Xiaoyun is dead and there is no feasible way for you to obtain it."

The old man said calmly: "Afterwards, the real node that will enter the Quiet Village is also a period of time and a memory. You can't change it, and naturally you won't be able to acquire various skills."

Having said this, the old man was very confident, as if he had firmly grasped everything.

If Zhou An didn't cooperate with him, nothing would be possible, and he wouldn't be able to acquire all kinds of skills.

Zhou An thought for a while and felt that this old guy was really smart and had grasped many key points.

If this rule really followed, if it were someone else here, they might have really been manipulated.

You have to do all kinds of things, and you can only cooperate, because this old guy only knows.

If you don't cooperate, then don't try to have all kinds of skills, everything will be empty talk.

The corners of Zhou An's mouth raised slightly: "Can you feel it?"

"What?" the old man asked strangely.

Zhou An turned to look at Black Jade and repeated: "Can you feel it?"

Black Jade tilted his head, and actually nodded, pointing to the bottom of the banyan tree: "Inside."

Zhou An suddenly realized it and thought that it was hidden here. No wonder he couldn't search it just now.

Since Black Jade possesses six kinds of eight special skills, he still has feelings about this place. Zhou An thinks that he should be able to feel it.

The movie-like scene just now and what happened later made Zhou An almost fall into a misunderstanding.

Whatever you are looking for, it doesn't mean much, just let Black Jade sense it.

As for whether it works or not, you don’t have to try it. How can you know if you don’t try?

If you try and still can't find it, it's not too late to find a way.

Now it seems that there is no problem and I have already sensed it.

Zhou An used his clairvoyance to see that there was actually a layer of formation under the banyan tree.

The outer layer is to numb the outside world and mislead people in the industry.

The middle layer was for Gu Xiaoyun to hide in and avoid this pursuit.

The bottom layer is used to hide miscellaneous skills and provide final protection.

This also indirectly proves that people with various skills have made excellent follow-up planning.

"How could you..." The old man was slightly stunned.

He was completely shocked, especially when he looked at Black Jade, he felt incredible.

How could this woman in black sense the existence of various skills? Something was wrong!


A flash of sword light enveloped the old man with unparalleled power.

"Nothing is impossible in this world, everything is possible."

Zhou An's voice, accompanied by the light of the sword, sounded above the ruins.

The next moment, the sword light covered the old man, and dense scars appeared on the old man's body.

But the strange thing is that these wounds did not bleed, and patches of dead grass appeared on the old man's body.

Not long after, the old man turned into a scarecrow and was reduced to ruins in the light of the sword.

"Hmm... the substitute method, let me see where the real body is hidden."

Zhou An narrowed his eyes, and the golden gossip appeared in front of his eyes, turning slowly and emitting golden light.

On the golden light, threads flashed and continued to extend.

To cut the grass, we need to remove the roots to avoid future troubles.

"Outside the Quiet Village?"

Zhou An touched his chin, feeling the extension of the golden thread, and thought to himself.

He could feel that the golden thread had extended beyond the village.

"I see, are you so afraid of death? No wonder you can be so calm in front of me."

Zhou An put away his long knife and did not pursue immediately. Instead, he looked under the banyan tree.

There are various skills hidden under the banyan tree. This is the most important thing in this trip.

Just kill people and then do it later. Just deal with the things in front of you first.

Thinking about this, Zhou An rubbed his hands, raised his hand and there was another sword light.

The light of the sword fell to the ground like a steel chain, exploding countless pieces of soil and creating a huge deep pit.

Since it is a mixed skill, there is no possibility of vulnerability, otherwise it would not be left here.

As Zhou An used this barbaric method to dig up the soil, the situation inside the soil was revealed to Zhou An's eyes.

In front of Zhou An, there was a huge box with remaining soil on it.

Without stopping, Zhou An jumped into the huge pit and opened the box inside.

The box is filled with old books.

"A lot." Zhou An secretly thought.

He looked at the sky, worried that the node would come early and he would not have time to write down everything on it.

This was the reason why he didn't pursue him just now. After all, various skills were more important, and Guicun should be approaching a critical point soon.

Zhou An had this kind of mentality. Although he was worried that he would not be able to read many books at this point, he could read as many as he could.

Thinking of this, Zhou An waved to Black Jade and pointed to the box on the ground.

What this means is, hurry up and take the time to write down as much as you can before the strange village turns completely strange.


Black Jade tilted his head and looked at Zhou An with a very unique look.

This look was all too familiar to Zhou An.

This is the way a top student looks at a bad student.

It's not contempt, but a kind of incomprehension. Just like a difficult question, it is very simple in the eyes of the top students. They don't understand why the bad students are scratching their heads.

Now, in front of Black Jade, Zhou An seemed like a scumbag.

"If you don't remember, what else can you do?" Zhou An asked.

Black Jade pointed to the books on the ground.

The next moment, a black light appeared from the black jade finger.

After the black light appeared, it glowed with a cold light and enveloped all the books in the box.

In just the blink of an eye, Black Jade put away the black light and said in a cute tone: "It's over."


The corners of Zhou An's mouth twitched slightly.

To be honest, this scene seems familiar.

When he first discovered a book of eight unique skills, Black Jade seemed to be like this, and he could also condense the eight unique skills in detail.

Perhaps, this is the talent that comes from the weird part, no one can explain it clearly.

Of course, it doesn’t matter if the explanation is unclear.

With all kinds of skills, Zhou An's trip was perfect.

Thinking of this, Zhou An was ready to leave the pit.

This place was about to turn into something weird, and he wanted to solve it easily. After all, this was also the responsibility of suppressing the spooks.

When Zhou An came out of the pit, before he could take a breath, an abnormality appeared.

In front of Zhou An's eyes, all the surrounding scenery was constantly changing.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou An discovered that the first scene appeared again, like watching a movie.

At this time, in the ruins, Gu Xiaoyun was lying on the ground, looking at the ruins, crying loudly.

Next to Gu Xiaoyun, there was the box containing various skills.

In the flames and smoke, Zhou An could faintly hear Gu Xiaoyun's voice.

"Mother-in-law, grandpa, uncle..."

"I want to avenge you!"

"I will make those who killed you suffer retribution!"

In the thick smoke, Gu Xiaoyun took small steps, dragging the box with great effort, and walked towards other villages step by step.

"So that's it. Just as the old guy said, Gu Xiaoyun has already planted the seedlings of revenge at this time."

Seeing this scene, Zhou An nodded slightly, thinking in his heart.

Seedlings are the toughest.

Although it was very small, over time, the first leader once caused trouble in the cracks, and the reason why the psychic space appeared was born at this time.

When Zhou An was thinking this, the surrounding scenery finally became completely blurred, and the village also changed at this time.

The village hidden in the hazy mist disappeared, and instead, there was a strange aura that was constantly rising and falling in the village.

At first, the strange aura was very weak, but as time passed, the strange aura gradually increased.

The entire village has lost its previous brightness and is in a gray atmosphere.

In addition, there is also coldness, violence, terror...

All kinds of emotions are constantly ups and downs in this space, making people feel frightened.

The ground began to tremble with a terrifying frequency, and the soil was overturned.

A huge hand emerged from the flying soil.

When the palm came out, the cold air suddenly increased, and in this space, it was almost as sticky as water.

Zhou An's face gradually became serious.

Strong, really strong!

Even Zhou An today has to admit that the strange village in front of him is really powerful.

Compared with the weird middle-aged man in the cemetery he met before, it was even better, making him feel stressed.

Although it is not as good as the Gui Gui, Gui Village, which has only appeared twice in total, is enough to suppress too many people.

Zhou An raised his hand.

The gold ring squirmed and transformed into a knife and a pot, appearing in Zhou An's hand.

At the same time, the second knife was suspended in the air, exuding a cold evil aura.

Behind Zhou An, a ten-meter-tall holy spirit demonic body appeared, with a strong sense of oppression, as if it was a god that despised the common people.

When this special effect appeared, the owner of the giant hand appeared in front of him.

A twenty-meter-tall giant appeared in front of Zhou An, more than twice as tall as the Holy Spirit Demonic Body.

On the back of the giant, there is a village. In the village, there are bursts of crying sounds. If you hear it, it will instantly shatter the souls of those in the industry.

This is the strange village, carrying the strangeness of the village, carrying the village with it for a long time, making the people afraid.

“It’s so stressful and so exciting!”

Zhou An's eyes burst out with endless fighting spirit, and... an indescribable sense of excitement.

He's excited!

He felt that this time was more exciting than the middle-aged weirdness, and it also allowed him to let go and fight.

Even more than the oppression brought by the compassionate monk, it aroused his fighting spirit.

"Guicun, come!"


Zhou An pointed his sword far away.

A terrifying sword light emerged from Zhou An's long sword and stretched for thousands of meters.

The dark green color spreads all over the sky, making people afraid. If you put it in, it can tear the heaven and the earth in half.

The long sword of the holy spirit demon body is stationed there, like a god wandering in the world, and the white sword light is also connected to the sky and the earth.

A knife was slashed out from his right hand, tearing the sky and the earth apart.

A pot, covered from the left hand, is like a prison of heaven and earth.

The floating knife is like a bridge across the sky and the earth, filling up all the loopholes.

Three moves, all out!

Zhou An frantically circulated the Qi in his body.

This strange thing will last forever and must be used with all one's strength.

If he doesn't use his full strength, even Zhou An may be injured.

Guicun's instinct made it feel danger.

The next moment, Guicun raised his giant palm and counterattacked like an earth-shaking move.

On the giant palm, there were endless shouts and resentments, and countless faces appeared on the giant palm.


The roaring sound echoed across the sky and the earth, and the gloomy sky continued to dissipate.

The face disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared.

A layer of golden color appeared on Zhou An's body, making him look like a golden Buddha, surrounding him.

"It's kind of scary, bro."

Around Zhou An's body, there were circles of terrifying faces, frantically eating away at Zhou An's golden light.

Just now, after Guicun neutralized Zhou An's attack, he could still fight back. This is a bit outrageous.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being the product of endless years. Even if it only appears for the second time, it is enough to rival Zhou An.

"It would be really terrifying if the first leader of Zongxing was born in his youth, and then the place where he remained was turned into a strange village."

Zhou An thought slowly.

The reason why it was slow was that Zhou An felt that although the pressure was great, it was not enough.

"I'm not Sanbanaxe, come again!"

Zhou An's eyes shone, he raised his sword again and slashed horizontally.

It's still the same attack, but the frequency is different. It's completely different.

The frequency this time is like raindrops from the sky, falling crazily.

Only the shadows of knives and pots were left in the sky and the ground, flickering continuously.

The firing speed of the machine gun is even one ten thousandth of that of Zhou An.

Even the first-rate forces, under Zhou An's attack, would probably turn the entire sect into ashes.


The roaring sound continued to echo, and the ground trembled.

Guicun was surrounded by countless faces, and their terrifying and cold eyes looked directly at Zhou An through endless attacks.

Less than half of the village he carried was destroyed under Zhou An's terrifying attack.


Sobs echoed.

Amidst the whimpering, Guicun's fist moved closer and closer to Zhou An at an extremely determined speed, plowing the ground like a cannonball against Zhou An.

Zhou An's attack left Juicun's fist full of holes, but Juicun's speed did not weaken at all.


The fist finally touched Zhou An, but it was empty.

The wind of the fist swung out split the gloom in the sky into two.

In the sky, they seemed to be completely separated by a dividing line, and there was a bright explosion.

"Not bad, but...it's a bit slow after all."

Zhou An used the flying dragon movement technique and stood not far away, watching the terrifying attack in Guicun.

What he calls slowness is just for him, and there is no lie.

But if a person in the psychic realm is here, I'm afraid he won't be able to escape at all. Even if he escapes, the remaining power will tear the psychic realm into pieces.

For example, Zhou An's current body is a little shaken.

Fortunately, it was just shaking.

Zhou An touched his chin and decided to start speedrunning.

Just now, he had figured out the weakness of Guicun.

Is it fierce?

Obviously, it's fierce.

With this power, even if you resist hard, you will be injured.

So far, there are really very few people who can break through the defense. This strange village has done it.

It's a pity that the speed is slightly lacking.

To be precise, it's not that the speed is not good, but that the weird instinct is not good.

On the strange village, the terrifying resentment was too many and too complicated, so the speed was affected.

The strange village is actually formed by many instincts, namely those dead villagers.

If there is only one instinct, it may be able to exert 100% speed. Zhou An really has to pay some price to kill it.

However, many instincts make Guicun strong, and its weaknesses are also obvious.

"Come on, I'll kill you after I finish you off."

Zhou An was not verbose.

Immediately afterwards, he made a move.

He used the flying dragon body technique to its extreme, and he began to spin around the village.

While rotating, the knife and pot were constantly being used by Zhou An.

Not only that, all the skills were displayed by Zhou An.

Every skill was used to the extreme by Zhou An, making it impeccable.

A strong wind appeared, and due to Zhou An's rotation, it formed a tornado that connected to the sky and the earth.

The tornado continued to spread, carrying a terrifying attack, and arrived in an instant.

Under this terrifying attack, Guicun instinctively fought back.

The resentment of the villagers was all released under every attack from Guicun.

Each palm can destroy a first-rate force at will.

"It's really amazing."

Old God Zhou An dodged away and struck out with countless sword rays.

Under the sweeping sword light, the number of villages Guicun was carrying was gradually decreasing.

Even if Guicun can counteract the attack, it is gradually declining under Zhou An's double sword and one pot.

Time keeps passing.

This area has changed beyond recognition.

The rivers were covered, the woods were gone, and the earth was lowered to a lower level.

Guicun's movements stopped, as if he were a piece of wood, frozen in place.

Zhou An put away the long knife, looked at the strange village in front of him, and sighed: "After all, it is the product of endless years, and it will eventually be submerged in the years. You have been around for too long. When you are old, just rest."

On the back of Guicun, the village has disappeared and is completely bare.

This strange village, born in the Eight Jueji era and started by the founder of Eight Jueji, turned into ashes all over the sky with Zhou An's words.

As the ashes drifted away, it represented the strangeness of this birth and years, completely submerged in the passage of time.

——Juicun, none.

Everything completely dissipates and returns to nothing.

Zhou An let out a long breath and relaxed a little.

This was the most serious battle he had fought, and it was also an extremely exciting battle, enough to excite him.

The tense nerves were slightly relieved at this moment.

But Zhou An's sight crossed the ruins and fixed on the golden thread not far away.

To be precise, there are eleven threads in total, all existing in one direction.

"Use a scarecrow to explore the strange village, but you and the scarecrow are related after all, so you can't run away."

Zhou An has always been a person who wants to kill everyone. If given the chance, he would even want to crush all those who indulge in sexual behavior.

Now it seems that the manipulating scarecrow behind the scenes seems to have quite a lot of manipulation.

"If that's the case, then kill them all."

A faint evil aura appeared on Zhou An's body.

After the evil spirit appeared, Zhou An used the flying dragon movement technique and flew straight in the direction of the golden thread.

In a deep mountain in the distance, there were eleven psychic realm masters running frantically for their lives.

They are indulgent protectors.

There were twelve guardians in total, one of whom was beheaded by Eunuch Wei and hung in the palace.

This time, they got the order to come and seize the miscellaneous skills.

At the same time, they jointly cast spells to drive the scarecrow to prevent it from being damaged in the strange village.

They didn't expect to meet Zhou An, so after meeting him, they came up with an excuse to cooperate.

That was a critical moment. As long as you got the various skills, you could find a way to escape unscathed. That was the most important thing.

The reasons the scarecrow made up for being different from vertical sex are all lies.

But they never expected that Zhou An would be so decisive and know the hiding place of various skills.

What was even more shocking was Zhou An's battle.

Even from such a distance, the guardians could feel the terrifying residual power and the terrifying figure that shook the earth.

Can't fight.

Can't hit a bit.

Running is the right way.

At least they knew that Zhou An had all kinds of skills, and they would look for opportunities to get them in the future.

The eleven guardians were all running for their lives frantically.

But before they could get far, a figure fell from the sky.

They raised their heads and saw Zhou An holding a long knife in his hand, and the evil aura coming from his body rushed towards them.

In my ears, the sound penetrated my ears like a demonic sound.

"The time I gave you to live is up, it's time to die."

Zhou An's eyes were filled with teasing and coldness.

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