It's obviously a life skill, but you developed it into a magical skill

Chapter 245 Feilong is promoted, learning from Xi Yuan’s fish

A girl in black, who had many employment opportunities in Zhou An, scratched her head and looked confused.

It was difficult for Black Jade to understand, but she knew that Zhou An was very happy at this time.

Zhou An was happy, and so was she.

Ever since, the black jade kept flying in the air, circling around Zhou An.

Although it was late at this time, for a Gan Emperor, no matter how late the weather was, it would not affect Zhou An's Gan proficiency.

Coincidentally, Zhou An was even more energetic as he was high in the sky again.

Here, with the eyesight of the common people, it is simply impossible to see through.

As for people in the industry, Zhou An doesn't care.

My dignified Si Jing from Huaixi Jing Town is on his own territory. What happened to Fei Yifei?

Who is dissatisfied?

Who objects?

"Continue." Zhou An just said these two words.

The black jade eyes lit up, and he stopped flying around Zhou An, with a look of interest on his face.

In the past, it was Zhou An who caused trouble for her, but now, it was finally her turn.

This strong sense of contrast made Black Jade very excited and stimulating at the same time.

"Jie Jie Jie."

Black Jade imitated the strange laughter he learned from Zhou An and used eight unique skills, not forgetting to add one sentence.

"Broken throat, broken throat!"


Zhou An suddenly raised his hand and interrupted: "What does broken throat mean?"

The little black jade face wrinkled: "Even if you scream and break your throat, no one will come to save you!"

Zhou An: "..."

Otherwise, research a life skill that can make people lose their memory and reset Black Jade.

I always feel that Black Jade is going astray, getting further and further away from the category of taboo beautiful girls.

"You are not allowed to study indiscriminately in the future." Although Zhou An knew it was useless, he still said it.

better than nothing.

"Eat my forty-meter-long knife!" Black Jade beeped again.

The attack came instantly.

Zhou An immediately used the flying dragon movement technique and dodged in the air...

At this time, the moon and stars are scarce.

A man and a woman are doing indescribable things high in the sky...

To suppress the evil spirits.

Now, after many days, the psychic space has completely stabilized.

Whether it is Zhensi or similar organizations in other countries, many experts have been evacuated.

Only part of it was preserved to see what would happen next.

Once a problem arises, the police officers outside will be notified immediately, and then they will go in to suppress it.

He Sheng was handling the documents in his hands, looking serious.

It's been a long time since I last saw him, and the hair on his head has become less and less.

As a person in the industry, He Sheng actually had many methods to grow hair, but he didn't use them.

the reason is simple.

One day, after Zhou An saw He Sheng's receding hairline, he muttered.

"This boy is so terrifying. He will become stronger when he is bald, and he will even become stronger."

Because of this sentence, He Sheng subconsciously ignored the hairline.

Because in He Sheng's eyes, Zhou An's worship has reached a very high level at this time.

Several times in succession, including this time the chaos in the psychic space was solved by Zhou An.

So when He Sheng heard Zhou An say this, he subconsciously kept his current hairline.

If anyone familiar with Zhou An knew about this matter, they would definitely say that Mr. He is confused.

"Master He, this is the recent situation in the psychic space."

A member of the Suppression Division came up and handed the folder in his hand to He Sheng's table.

As the head of Room A, He Sheng's task is very simple, which is to assist Si Jing and handle all matters within Huaixi Jing.

As long as it is related to suppressing the traitors, Commander He Sheng must provide assistance. This is his responsibility.

As for now...

Zhou An became the hands-off shopkeeper, and things naturally fell on He Sheng. No matter how big or small, He Sheng had to handle it carefully.

Of course, He Sheng had no complaints and even thought it was reasonable.

"With Mr. Zhou's ability, it would be too humiliating to do such a thing."

While He Sheng was thinking this, he opened the folder and read it carefully.

What is written above is about the current situation of the psychic space, including the monitoring of those masters of the psychic realm.

After reading it, He Sheng found that there were not many abnormalities above.

After all, the matter was settled, and due to the exposure of Barbarian Country's plan, everyone poured all their anger on Barbarian Country this time.

Instead, Manguo shot himself in the foot, and now he is troubled.

"Well, not bad." He Sheng nodded and put the fold aside: "Although we are safe, we still need to be more vigilant."

Those who work in their profession cannot neglect some details, otherwise they will regret it.

Unexpectedly, just after He Sheng finished speaking, the members of the Zhenguisi immediately showed embarrassment on their faces, as if they had something to say but were not comfortable speaking.

He Sheng frowned slightly: "If there is anything, just tell me directly. Is it possible that there are other problems in the psychic space?"

The members of the Suppression Division shook their heads, as if they had made up their minds, and said: "It's not about the psychic space, it's about Master Zhou."

He Sheng was slightly startled: "Master Zhou's matter, what can Master Zhou do? If he doesn't look for other people's problems, others will burn incense. Is it possible that there are still people who are blind and want to trouble Master Zhou?"

Although Zhou An has not been in Huaixi Capital for long, the members of Zhenguisi all know that their beloved Mr. Zhou is really a master who is not afraid of anything.

That is to say, Mr. Zhou doesn’t cause trouble, otherwise few people would be able to handle it.

Because of this, He Shengcai felt a little strange.

The members of the Suppression Division shook their heads quickly: "It's not Mr. Zhou's trouble, it's our trouble."

He Sheng's frown deepened: "If you have anything to say, just say it, don't be so hesitant."

The members of the Zhengui Division gritted their teeth and said, "That's right. Mr. Zhou has been flying in the sky all day long recently, and he even takes Miss Black Jade with him."

"He even asked the black jade girl to attack him. Although... ordinary people can't see this far, every time Mr. Zhou ascends to the sky... no, he ascends to the sky. Every time he ascends to the sky, many people in the world are frightened."

"Those Jianghu people come here every day to complain, and we are under a lot of pressure."

Having said this, the expressions on the faces of the members of Zhengui became even more bitter.

To be honest, my leader has this temperament, and everyone is used to it.

But those people in the world don’t understand!

Just talking about the world of Chu Kingdom, Zhou An's character is spread in all kinds of ways.

The rumor goes like this, the first person who sees it is an apple, and the tenth person who knows about it may turn into a pear.

For example, Zhou An is a very murderous person, or a person who is both good and evil.

There are even rumors that Zhou An kills two Jianghu people every day to enjoy himself, otherwise he will go crazy.

In short, the rumors are outrageous, so outrageous that some people still believe it!

But it is precisely because it is outrageous that every time Zhou An ascends to heaven, many people in the world are on tenterhooks.

They were all wondering if Mr. Zhou knew they had done something wrong, so he was giving them hints and was too lazy to take action.

"Recently, we have arrested a lot of gangsters, but they all surrendered."

The members of the Suppression Division said helplessly: "They have only one request. I hope Mr. Zhou will be lenient."

He Sheng said strangely: "Isn't this a good thing?"

When he heard this, he felt that this should be a good thing. After all, it also allowed them to reduce a lot of manpower.

"It's not a good thing, sir."

A member of the Zhenguisi smiled bitterly and said: "Some people picked up two taels of silver on the road and said they had committed a crime. There are many more. It is a headache for us just to identify them."

He Sheng: "Σ(⊙▽⊙)"

To be honest, this was the first time he encountered this situation, and it was also the first time he felt that the word Zhou An was too scary in Huaixi Capital.

"I will talk to Mr. Zhou when I have time." He Sheng said with the corner of his mouth twitching slightly.

The members of the Suppression Division nodded, and then hesitantly left.

He Sheng watched this subordinate leave and prepared to continue reading the book in his hand.

As for what I just said, go talk to Zhou An. He Sheng thinks that you have to wait until a day is chosen, at least it will be an auspicious day before going.

Otherwise, Mr. Zhou is having fun in the sky. If he flies up to find him, wouldn't he be unhappy for himself?

"Go on, there are still some things to deal with."

He Sheng muttered to himself and planned to continue reading the book.

At this moment, the members of the Zhenshiji who had just walked out walked in from the door again.

"Sir..." The members of the Zhenshi were a little embarrassed.

He Sheng put down the things in his hands and frowned: "Didn't I tell you that I would tell you when I have time?"

"It's not this, sir, it's something else." The member of the Zhenzhiji scratched his head.

"What's the matter?" He Sheng glanced strangely.

The member of the Zhenguisi took out another piece of paper from his sleeve and said: "Recently, there have been some problems in the Jingqing River in Huaixi. The fishermen there have always made a living by fishing, but for some reason, the fish production has decreased recently. ”

He Sheng knocked on the table and said: "There are fewer fish. That is a matter of the Yamen, and it is not under our control."

Things like this that are related to people's livelihood have always been handled by the yamen and have nothing to do with suppressing the traitors.

Everyone coordinates different departments, and there is generally no overlap between them.

But when his subordinate suddenly said this, He Sheng felt that there might be something else going on.

Sure enough, as soon as these words were spoken, the members of the Zhenguisi answered.

"The people from the Yamen went to see it, and the policeman personally went into the water and found this at the bottom of the river."

The member of the Suppression Division took out something, put it on the table, and stood aside with his hands down.

He Sheng took it in his hand. After looking at it carefully for a moment, he frowned and said, "The fishhook has a special smell on it."

The members of the Suppression Division nodded and said: "That's right, that's why I came to report to you."


He Sheng pondered for a moment and said: "Tell Zong Shanyin to bring some people and go to Qinghe to have a look in person. If it is within the scope of our responsibilities, we will deal with it."

Even though the matter in the psychic space has come to an end, the Suppressor still hasn't let up, and has solved a lot of weird things recently.

Although there are not many weird things, they are discovered and eliminated every day, but many people don't know about it.

"Yes, my subordinates are resigning!"

The members of the Zhenguisi agreed, turned around and left.

After the members of the Zhenguisi left, He Sheng continued to watch.

Zhou Zhai.

A figure fell from the sky and fell into the courtyard silently.

After Heiyu returned home, he took out Zhou An's pink wallet very familiarly, took out a chair, and went to play by himself.

Zhou An ignored her, but looked at the smoke in front of him, with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

The smoke gradually spread, and finally turned into a line of text, which appeared in front of Zhou An's eyes.

[Flying Dragon Movement lv.7 (Speed ​​+10, Dodge +10, Flying +10) 1/120000]

[Storage proficiency: 40000/80000]

Now, after a long period of madness, Zhou An's Flying Dragon Body Technique has reached level seven.

After reaching the seventh level, the Qi in the body filled the whole body, bringing about powerful qualitative changes.

He is only one limb away from reaching the psychic realm.

At present, he still has two skills left and has not reached level seven.

These two skills are Qianlimu and Medical Gu.

"As long as these two skills reach level seven, I can completely reach the psychic realm." Zhou An thought to himself as he looked at these two skills.

"It's just that for now, the medical Gu species has no clue, so we can only start from Qianlimu."

Medical Gu species, this skill requires seeing and treating diseases in order to improve proficiency.

But at the moment, we really can’t find a suitable patient to help him improve this skill.

Even Black Jade, who has a wide range of employment opportunities, is not a patient and cannot improve his proficiency.

Unless he is so crazy that he makes people practice psychic medicine, just like how he treated Yuan Qingyi before.

However, this situation is obviously unrealistic and not in line with reality.

"So, there is only one way before me."

Zhou An touched his chin: "Improve the Clairvoyance, and then use the stored proficiency to improve the medical Gu species."

This method is Zhou An's only method at present, and it is also the most suitable.

But there's still a problem.

That means the storage proficiency is not enough.

Currently, the stored proficiency points are only 40,000 points. Even if Qianlimu is raised to level seven, the converted proficiency points will be 50,000 points.

Including the previous 40,000, there are only 90,000, still short of 10,000.

And if you want to get these 10,000 livers out, you must have the proficiency of 140,000 livers, because the storage proficiency has a special characteristic, and it can only be used when it reaches 80,000.

Eighty thousand at a time, which is an extra ten thousand, and the remaining seventy thousand requires one hundred and forty thousand.

Calculated this way, it is actually very good. After all, no matter how you calculate it, you will not lose money.

But Zhou An thought of a problem, that is, if he did this, it would take longer to reach the psychic realm.

"So, this medical Gu species really needs to find a way to get better."

Zhou An thought to himself.

Soon, he made up his mind.

Don't worry about the follow-up now, Liver Qianlimu is the main business now.

It's the same thing to get excited about Qianlimu first, and then think of solutions when you encounter problems later.

Thinking of this, Zhou An focused his attention on Black Jade.

Don't ask, just ask because Black Jade's employment channels are too wide.

The previous clairvoyance was improved by observing the black jade, and it is the same now, after all, the black jade is also getting stronger.

Sure enough, when Zhou An took a look at it, the proficiency immediately appeared in front of him.

[Thousand Mile Eyes +1]

"It's cool!" Zhou An sighed inwardly.

If it weren't for the extra black jade, the speed of his liver would probably have dropped a lot.'s not a big problem!

Zhou An continued to read with interest.

Black Jade, who was playing with a chair, suddenly shuddered, and then caught Zhou An's gaze.

Black Jade scratched his head and pursed his lips: "I have no skin..."

As she spoke, she moved her plump butt towards the chair and covered her head.

"You continue." Zhou An's head was full of black lines and he waved his hand.

Seeing that Zhou An didn't knock her, Bai Yu was confused and continued to play with the chair.

This chair is her most important thing besides Zhou An.

The Guild of Guilds... ranked third.

Later, when she has had enough fun, she will have to study various skills...

It didn't take long for the room to fall into silence, leaving only Zhou An and Heiyu, each doing their own thing.


Shi Xiyuan looked at the pond in front of him, his whole person was in a sluggish state, like an old piece of wood.

Since it rained heavily in Beijing last night, fish were poking their heads out of the fish pond from time to time this morning.

Master Xiyuan held the fishing rod in his hand and looked at the fish in the pond, feeling decadent.

He didn't catch it!

Not long ago, after he went on a mission to capture a corrupt official, he heard that there were many fish in the pond here.

True to the nature of a fisherman, Master Xi Yuan came excitedly carrying his fishing rod, wanting to show off his talents here.

Who knew that after one night, there would be nothing!

Not even a single aquatic plant was caught.

Shi Xiyuan kept comforting himself, maybe there were no fish here, so he didn't catch it, and others were lying to him.

As a result, this scene occurred in the morning.

The pond was full of fish, except for his fishing rod.

"It's okay, no fish."

Teacher Xiyuan looked dull and put away his fishing rod without looking at the fish in the pond.

A fish jumped out of the water and fell into the pond, causing a splash.

While the fish's tail was swinging, the fish's head was pointing towards Shi Xiyuan's position, as if it was mocking Shi Xiyuan.

"It's okay, no one saw it."

Master Xiyuan carried the empty fish basket like a piece of wood and walked towards the Imperial Preceptor's Mansion.

Along the way, he changed from decadence to normality, and then to full of struggle, using less than a stick of incense.

"Just because I didn't have it this time, doesn't mean I won't have it next time. I will definitely have it!"

Teacher Xiyuan cheered himself up again. Even the movements of cheering him up were very familiar.

At this time, he had arrived at the Imperial Preceptor's Mansion and was about to enter.

Unexpectedly, before walking into it, Ye Shuang, dressed in white and wearing a white gauze, walked out with a deserted expression.

"Junior sister? Aren't you in retreat recently?" Shi Xiyuan said strangely.

Ye Shuang stopped and said, "Well, I made a breakthrough recently and went out to perform the teacher's mission."

After saying that, Ye Shuang did not continue speaking, and left while maintaining his aloofness.

Teacher Xiyuan has long been accustomed to Ye Shuang's personality outside. In the teacher's words, when going out, you have to give yourself a personality.

After just two steps, Master Xiyuan was stunned: "No, you have a breakthrough, the psychic realm?"

"Oh my god, what kind of genius did the teacher accept? He's already at the same level as me!"

Shi Xiyuan marveled as he prepared to go to his residence.

Shi Xiyuan was surprised by his junior sister's promotion, but he was only surprised.

After all, he is the teacher's close disciple, so it is normal to be fast.

But before he could take two steps, a member of the Supervision Department came over.

"Sir, the Imperial Master said that if you come back, you should go to his old man's house in person."


Teacher Xiyuan agreed.

Afterwards, he put the fishing rod and fishing basket back into his money bag and walked directly towards the residence of the Imperial Master.

The headquarters of the Supervision Department in the capital is very large, especially since it is also the Imperial Prefecture, so it is even more huge.

This was the original idea of ​​the National Preceptor. The headquarters of the Supervision Department and the National Preceptor's Office worked together to facilitate the National Preceptor to handle important tasks.

Not long after, Master Xi Yuan arrived at the residence of the Imperial Master.

But before he got closer, he heard a voice coming from the yard.

"Master's nephew, master's nephew..."

The teacher learned to look far away and look at his nose and mind, but there was no movement.

"Look here, look here, stop pretending, you heard me!"

The voice came again.

Teacher Xiyuan turned his head helplessly and looked at a flower not far away.

The flowers are blue and look beautiful, but they are also extremely scary.

The reason for the horror is that above the flower is Yuan Qingyi's face.

And on the soil under the flower, there was a talisman paper covering it.

"Uncle Master, please stop shouting, I don't dare." Shi Xiyuan said with a bitter smile.

"You just took off my talisman. It seems like you did it accidentally. It's not a big problem." Yuan Qingyi said with a smile.

Master Xiyuan shook his head: "Uncle Master, please don't tease me. You secretly drugged the teacher and said you wanted to see if the teacher was the same when he went to the latrine. Being pressed here by the teacher, you must It will be held in custody for half a month.”

"If I let you out, I'm afraid I will be the one trapped here now."

Yuan Qingyi curled his lips and said: "It's boring."

Master Xiyuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "But uncle, you are too out of touch."


Yuan Qingyi laughed like a machine: "What do you think of the oiran from the Jiaofang Division? Is the back of the girl curled up?"

Shi Xiyuan didn't know what Yuan Qingyi meant, but he still thought about it and nodded: "Qiao!"

"If it's so raised, will you poop?" Yuan Qingyi continued.

Teacher Xiyuan: "..."

He didn't know why, but he suddenly felt that the oiran was not so good-looking.

"So, the other side of senior brother is definitely very good-looking." Yuan Qingyi chuckled.

The corners of Shi Xiyuan's mouth twitched slightly: "I think you may need to be detained for a while longer. Forget it, I won't talk to you anymore, Uncle Shi. The teacher told me that I have something to do."

He did not continue talking, opened the yard, came to the house behind the yard, and knocked lightly on the door.

"Come in."

Not long after, the voice of the national master's immortal voice sounded in the room.

Shi Xiyuan quickly agreed and pushed the door open.

In the room, there are still the antique furnishings with Taoism's unique temperament.

At this time, the Imperial Master was sitting on a chair, sipping tea carefully.

The Taoist robe on his body, worn on the Imperial Master, made the Imperial Master look like an old immortal.

Teacher Xiyuan didn't know if he was led astray by Yuan Qingyi, but he really thought that when the teacher went to the hut, he was also dressed in this immortal style.

Then, he shook his head hard, fearing that if he thought about it too much, he would go to be with his uncle.

"Teacher, I don't know why I'm asking a disciple to come here. What's the matter?" Master Xiyuan asked as a disciple.

The Imperial Master then put down his teacup and said, "Did you catch a fish?"

When the teacher Xi Yuan heard this, his head was full of black lines, and he felt that his teacher didn't pick up any pots: "I didn't catch anything."

"But the disciple will be able to catch it one day!"

He was full of confidence and felt that he would be able to catch fish.

The Imperial Master smiled and brushed his long beard with his hand: "Do you still remember what I told you about fishing?"

Teacher Xiyuan thought for a while, nodded and said: "Remember, the teacher once said that when I can catch fish, it is the time to enter the holy realm."

"The fish is caught first, and the Holy Realm is behind, but the disciple still doesn't know the reason for this."

He has been stuck in the psychic realm for a long, long time.

No matter how hard you practice, you can't go any further.

Although he is obsessed with fishing, training is also his first priority. After all, strength is the main thing here.

But the result was that he couldn't go any further.

The teacher once said that after catching a fish, progress begins, but he never understood what he meant.

Hearing this, the Imperial Master put down his hand and said: "Taoism pays attention to nature, and also pays attention to the state of mind. Your state of mind is always incomplete. I have done fortune-telling for you, Master."

"What's incomplete is fishing. If you can't catch fish, you're incomplete."

"As long as it is completed, the All Saint Realm will be a matter of course."

"Do you know about talent?"

Shi Xiyuan was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, saying that he didn't know.

"In the ancient times, those ancient sages died trying to seal the cracks, but they all passed down their talents."

The national master said calmly: "Only a very few people know this. All you need to know is that you have this talent."

When Shi Xiyuan heard this, he was stunned and didn't react for a long time.

The national master continued: "You don't think that a person at the level of a master doesn't know some secrets, do you?"

"When we were young, we were more wild and unrestrained than you, and we knew a lot of secrets."

Only then did Master Xiyuan react and asked, "Does the teacher mean that my talent is lacking?"

According to what the teacher just said, Shi Xiyuan has already understood it.

My talent should be related to fishing, but if I can't catch fish, I am defective.

The Imperial Master smiled and said: "In ancient times, there was a Taoist master who stood at the top of the Taoist sect and practiced a unique skill of the Taoist sect called Fishing for Heaven. It is said that he can catch his favorite treasure with just one swing of the rod."

"He doesn't even have to go to those dangerous ruins and various scenes himself, he just needs to throw the pole."

Teacher Xiyuan opened his mouth: "Isn't that just reaping the benefits?"

The Imperial Master nodded, indicating that it was okay to say so.

Shi Xiyuan became excited: "Teacher, how can I make up for my shortcomings?"

It doesn’t matter what kind of talent you have, and it doesn’t matter if you are in the Holy Realm.

If you can catch fish, that’s what’s important!

He knew that many people secretly said about him and said that he could not catch fish.

Now, he wants to make up for this flaw and give the other party a hard slap.

"Why do I feel that you seem to have gone astray." The Imperial Master frowned.

Teacher Xiyuan quickly said: "No, no, teacher, you are wrong. I want to enter the All Saint Realm."

When the imperial master saw what his master Xi Yuan said, he didn't want to talk nonsense here.

He pointed in a direction and said only three words: "Huai Xijing."

Huai Xijing?

Shi Xiyuan was stunned: "Isn't that Zhou An's territory? Why is it there?"

"How do you know, Master?" The Imperial Master said speechlessly, "It's right there. What can I do?"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and set off quickly."

At this point, the Imperial Master didn't seem to want to say any more and waved his hand to ask Master Xi Yuan to leave.

Shi Xiyuan knew that as a teacher, his personality had always been given to him, which was to have an immortal demeanor and a concise and concise speech.

If you don’t want to talk now, then you really don’t want to talk.

Teacher Xiyuan felt a little hot.

After he knew his reasons, he wanted to rush to Huaixi Capital immediately.

"Farewell, disciple!" Master Xi Yuan handed over his hands and turned to leave.

Before leaving, I forgot to close the door because I was so excited.

"Hehehe, Zhou An, this time, I want to compete with the girl in black next to you. I will definitely catch more this time!"

Teacher Xiyuan's voice came slowly.

The Imperial Master was stunned. He suddenly felt that his disciple was not excited because of the Holy Realm, but because of... fishing?

"Why are all my disciples so biased? Only Ye Shuang fits my personality?"

The national teacher's head is full of black lines.

Then he seemed to accept his fate.

"That's all, I've accepted them all as disciples, so I don't care about this anymore."

The Imperial Master waved his sleeves and the door closed automatically.

He began to taste the tea again.

However, there were veins popping out on his forehead.

"The old man, as the prime minister, actually played a child's trick, pretending to target Zhou An and slap us hard."

"If Eunuch Wei hadn't been playing tricks and splashing ink to no avail, he went to your mansion to splash excrement, and we wouldn't even know about it."

"Hehehe, your slap was so hard that it turned us all into fools."

"Hehehe... don't let me catch you."

The words of the Imperial Preceptor were only transmitted in the room. Outside the room, they were blocked by the Imperial Preceptor and no sound could be heard.

When Shi Xiyuan left the courtyard, he was ready to go to Huaixi Capital. After all, the matter was urgent, so he was ready to leave early.

But before he could take two steps, he was stopped by Yuan Qingyi again.

"Nephew, are you going to Huaixi Capital, Zhou An's place?" Yuan Qingyi asked.

Master Xiyuan replied: "Yes, uncle, time is urgent, so I won't stop."

He was very anxious and didn't want to stay any longer. He was still waiting to compete with Hei Yu in fishing.

But Yuan Qingyi didn't let him go.

"Wait a minute. I have something here. You can bring it to Zhou An."

On Yuan Qingyi's flowers, something like fish scales appeared, flashing with light.

Master Xiyuan was stunned: "Martial armor?"


Yuan Qingyi said: "Not long ago, a martial artist from the Holy Realm was poisoned to death. Doesn't Zhou An want these things? You bring them to him."


Master Xiyuan agreed, put away the armor and left quickly.

Afterwards, only Yuan Qingyi was left in the yard.

Yuan Qingyi looked up at the sky: "Senior brother, the emperor of Dai Viet took my medicine and got better, but he can only live longer."

"I can feel that the psychic medicine is not enough to cure him."

"What on earth did he do?"

The Imperial Master appeared in the courtyard, shook his head and said: "I don't know, but because of your medicine, he sat on the throne again and is... looking for medical treatment." (End of Chapter)

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