In front of his eyes, a familiar scene appeared, which made Zhou An feel nostalgic.

"How long has it been since there were no new skills?" Zhou An sighed as he looked at the line of words composed of smoke in front of him.

Ever since he gained more and more skills, he has been frantically moving towards the psychic realm. Coupled with a lot of miscellaneous things, Zhou An has hardly developed new skills.

The new skills that appeared today were due to Zhou Anxin's whim, and he wanted to try it out to see if he could develop fishing skills.

Unexpectedly, his liver actually came out.

"My liver emperor's fire is burning brightly."

Zhou An looked at the skills in front of him, his heart felt hot and he couldn't help but feel itchy hands.

Originally, he planned to go back, but under the current situation, going back was meaningless. How could he be motivated by his liver proficiency?

The more Zhou An thought about it, the happier he became. He continued to throw the pole and became angry.

The current level of fishing is very low, only the initial level. Every time you throw the pole, including standing with the pole, your proficiency will increase.

This steady increase in proficiency gave Zhou An a great sense of satisfaction and made him want to stop.

On the other side, Black Jade was also fishing quietly, but after waiting for a long time, no fish took the bait.

A person's luck is limited. Last time, Black Jade caught a lot of fish, but this time there were basically no fish.

Because of this, Black Jade seems to be very boring. Her temperament is like this, and it becomes boring after playing for a while.

So, not long after, on the shore of the lake, Zhou An was fishing by the lake, and Black Jade was holding Zhou An's hand beside him, looking very well-behaved.

After a while, the well-behaved black jade skin rose up, and its white little hands touched Zhou An's body.


Along with a dull voice, Black Jade covered his head and muttered something about bad guy in a low voice, becoming a lot more honest.

The time for liver proficiency is very fast. For Zhou An, one night is only a momentary difference.

As the saying goes, good times are easy to pass, but hard times are difficult. Zhou Anshen even felt that the night passed so quickly that when it was dawn, Zhou Ancai put away the fishing rod without finishing it.

Next to it, the ground was full of fish, which was Zhou An's harvest this evening.

"When you go back, sell it to those traders at a cheaper price." Zhou An took out a big cloth bag from the pink money bag and packed all the fish.

After doing all this, Zhou An looked at the void not far ahead, with excitement in his eyes.

In the void ahead, the smoke that only he could see gradually appeared in front of him.

Finally, it turned into a line of text.

[Fishing lv.2 (harvest +1): 1/20000]

After a night of madness, just like other level one skills, Zhou An's fishing was upgraded to level two and gained special attributes.

The smoke disappeared and turned into a large amount of information, integrated into Zhou An's mind.

It didn't take long for Zhou An to thoroughly understand this skill and master it all.

"Isn't this what the fishing guy dreams of?" Zhou An thought to himself as he touched his chin.

Harvest, as the name suggests, is the harvest of fishing, the probability of catching fish yourself.

Don't underestimate the fact that there is only +1 as an attribute. In fact, the growth it brings is extremely considerable and should not be underestimated.

Thinking about it, the level 2 knife skill was able to cut my aunt into minced meat. You can imagine how abnormal this attribute is.

"I have an ominous premonition that Shi Xiyuan will be in bad luck."

Zhou An packed up his things and left the lake.

After all, Zhou An naturally did not forget that he had agreed yesterday to go fishing today.

It didn't take long for Zhou An to clean up all the fish he caught and go to Zhenguisi.

At this time, in the Zhengui Division, Master Xi Yuan was fully armed and waiting for Zhou An.

Fishing rods, fishing baskets, fishing bait...

All kinds of tools have been prepared by Master Xi Yuan, and everyone is fully equipped.

"Master Zhou, let's set off quickly." Shi Xiyuan rubbed his hands. Then, he saw a big fish in Zhou An's hand and couldn't take his eyes away for a long time.

Zhou An caught this last night, and he planned to give Zhen Guisi a meal.

"A dozen pounds, not heavy."

Zhou An gave the fish to He Sheng and waved his hand, looking unconcerned.

It's like fishing bro.

They often get lost online, and from time to time they comment on the weight of their fish in some posts that are not fishing.

Then, change it back to "Who asked you?"

"Who asked you?"

The corners of Shi Xiyuan's mouth twitched slightly, feeling that he was being shown off and very uncomfortable.

Next to him, He Sheng was holding a big fish, grinning from ear to ear.

He was already thinking about having braised fish today.

Logically speaking, even with his status, he would not be happy because of a fish.

But this is free prostitution!

No one can refuse free prostitution!

Zhou An didn't take it seriously, turned around and asked: "Leaving now?"

He didn't have much time, so he pressed.

Master Xiyuan gritted his teeth and said, "Now, let's set off immediately!"

As he spoke, he comforted himself.

It's okay, let him show off for now, and I will show him off later!

The two of them left Zhenguisi directly without further chatting and set off towards Qinghe's location.

Qinghe is not far from Zhenguisi in Huaixi Capital. It didn't take long for Zhou An and his teacher Xi Yuan to arrive at their destination.

Due to some problems that have occurred in Qinghe recently, there has been a guard here, and there has been no relaxation.

If anyone else came, they would definitely conduct a rigorous investigation, but it was Zhou An who came.

The entire spies in Huaixi Jing Town belong to Zhou An. Whoever dares to investigate him is not seeking death?

"This subordinate has met Mr. Zhou!"

The members of the Suppression Division respectfully handed over their hands: "Master Zong has just returned, and asked his subordinates to come down and cooperate with Master Zhou."

Zhou An nodded and said, "No need to cooperate, I'm just here to fish."

What he said was true, but to the ears of the members of the Suppression Squadron, it was not the case.

In the thoughts of the Huaixi Jingzhen secretaries, who is Mr. Zhou? How can it be the thoughts of ordinary people.

Fishing is just fishing on the surface, but it definitely has a deeper meaning.

"I understand, I understand, Mr. Zhou has a plan, and we are not allowed to participate in it." The members of the Zhenshisi flattered him.

The corners of Zhou An's mouth twitched slightly.


What do you understand?

The entire Zhenguisi was born in the Jianghu, and their ability to flatter the officialdom was too backward.

But they also felt that their photos were extremely good.

Of course, as a leader, Zhou An is not disappointed.

"You go down first, Master Shi and I will go fishing."

He really just came here to fish and improve his proficiency, and had no other intention.

Of course, he did not recommend trying to reap the benefits of Bagua arithmetic.

The members of the Town Guild are gone.

"Master, where to start?" Zhou An asked.

"As long as your skills are good enough, you can catch fish anywhere." Shi Xiyuan acted like a master.

If he hadn't known that he was not very good, Zhou An might have actually believed it.

The two of them calculated it together and finally went to the middle section of the Qinghe River.

The Qinghe River is the livelihood of several recent villages. All villages close to the Qinghe River rely on this river for their lives.

Fetching water and fishing are daily activities in the surrounding villages.

But now there are no more fish to be caught in the Qinghe River, and the people's livelihood has been cut off.

There are many people in the Da Chu Kingdom who rely on mountains to eat and water to eat.

Although Pei Jingling had offended Zhou An, his business ability was good, and he at least appeased the people very well.

The two stood still and threw their poles one after another.

As for Black Jade, she lost interest and held Zhou An's other hand.

After the fishing rod entered the water, Zhou An was thinking about how to improve his level 2 fishing.

Last time he went fishing, Zhou An was very particular about taking things as he pleased, but he was very lucky.

This time, Zhou An felt that he had to think carefully.

Fortunately, although he doesn't fish often, he knows a little bit about it.

After all, those fishing guys in the previous life were so famous.

When fishing, you must first be quiet. This is the most important thing.

If the hair itself is frizzy and the fishing rod keeps shaking, then why catch fish?

Thinking about this, Zhou An made a plan.

He did not stay any longer and kept himself in a state of meditation to prevent himself from being distracted.

For people in the industry, staying quiet is very important, but for Zhou An, it is even more relaxed.

Another expression of quietness, Zhou An thinks it should be seriousness.

When you take it seriously, your mind will naturally become calm and free from external disturbances.

For Emperor Gan, being serious is too simple.

As Zhou An calmed down, smoke appeared in front of his eyes, and finally condensed into a line of text.

【Fishing +1】

Zhou An narrowed his eyes. Although he didn't show it on his face, he was extremely happy in his heart.

The increased proficiency means that your method is correct and you can continue to practice.

Thinking about this, Zhou An began to get angry as if no one else was around.

While Zhou An was busy with his life, his teacher Xi Yuan was also busy fishing.

His expression was extremely serious.

Because he knew very well that this time represented whether he could be promoted to the Holy Realm. Similarly, it also represented whether he could catch fish in the future.

The two of them were fishing by the river.

But the strange thing is that neither Zhou An nor Shi Xiyuan caught any fish.

Zhou An's proficiency was increasing, but his brows furrowed, feeling that something was going on here.

He has the attribute of harvesting, especially for fishing, the effect is even better, but why can't even he catch it?

Thinking about this, Zhou An looked at Shi Xiyuan next to him, and saw that Shi Xiyuan was still the same.

For those who often fly to the Air Force, they are already accustomed to not being able to catch fish for a long time, so it is not surprising.

Zhou An touched his chin, then circulated the energy in his body and used his clairvoyance.

He wanted to take a look at what was so strange about this river.

As Zhou An used his clairvoyance, the next moment, in front of Zhou An's eyes, the clear river became extremely clear.

Whether it's the outside of Qinghe or the inside of Qinghe, Zhou An has a clear view of everything.

Through the clear river water, Zhou An saw countless fish swimming under the water.

"With so many fish, how come the fishermen can't catch any?" Zhou An felt even more strange.

At this time, Zhou An's fishhook was also floating quietly in the Qinghe River.

But those nimble fish, whenever they get close to the fishhook, they naturally go around the fishhook, as if they are not fooled at all.

But Zhou An spread his clairvoyance all over the surrounding area, and other than this anomaly, he made no new discoveries.

Zhou An thought for a while, took back his Qianli Mu, and continued fishing.

Since it was the National Preceptor who arranged for Xi Yuan to come over for fishing, he could just go fishing with peace of mind without worrying about it.

As your proficiency increases, that's what you should worry about.

Thinking of this, Zhou An put his thoughts away and continued fishing.

Time gradually passed, and in the blink of an eye, one day had passed.

At the end of the day, neither Zhou An nor Shi Xiyuan gained anything.

Zhou An feels that he is doing okay. His fishing proficiency has improved a lot, and he is not far away from reaching the third level of qualitative change.

As for Shi Xiyuan... he really gained nothing.

Of course, Shi Xiyuan had long been accustomed to it and didn't take it seriously.

During this period, the meals were all delivered by members of the Zhenguisi, so it was no trouble.

Apart from doing their own thing, the two actually communicate very little.

In this way, many days passed, and Master Xiyuan was still in the same situation, but he never tired of it.

As for Zhou An, his proficiency has finally improved greatly.

In front of his eyes, the smoke changed, and finally condensed into a line of text, which appeared in front of Zhou An.

【Please select direction】

[Sneak fishing: Harvest +1, Unknown +1]

[Fishing: Skill +1, Power +1]

Two choices, two directions, different paths.

Zhou An touched his chin and thought in his mind: "This fishing attack is more likely to evolve in the direction of combat power, so it is better to choose trick fishing, after all, it has the same attributes.

Thinking of this, Zhou An chose the trick fishing skill and waited patiently.

A moment later, in front of Zhou An's eyes, the smoke disappeared and turned into a large amount of information, entering Zhou An's mind.

[Sneak fishing lv.3 (harvest +2, unknown +1) 1/40000]

[Storage proficiency: 25000/80000]

Due to Gan Gui fishing, the proficiency level is already 25,000 points.

Zhou An felt that although the psychic realm was unexpectedly delayed, it would be nice to have one more skill.

Not long after, after Zhou An absorbed all the information, he had completely mastered the skill of fishing.

Zhou An touched his chin and thought to himself: "This thing is a bit evil."

After harvesting this attribute and reaching +2, Zhou An's benefits from fishing will be even greater.

But if you don't know this skill, it would be outrageous.

Every time you cast, you have the opportunity to enter an unknown place and hook something out of it.

As for where the fishhook went, what stands out about the attribute of unknown is the unknown.

The greater the unknown attribute, the more random places there are, and the more outrageous things you catch.

Of course, this skill also has limitations.

Unknown +1 means there is only one chance to trigger this attribute.

Thinking of this, Zhou An withdrew his thoughts and felt a little itchy.

Come all come...

He felt that he would be miserable if he didn't give it a try and catch something.

Zhou An began to hold his breath and concentrate.

Then, Qi emerged from his body and continued to extend along the fishing rod.

After a moment, Zhou An felt his Qi wrap around the fishing rod.

"This is the real unknown fishing, using Qi as bait." Zhou An thought to himself.

Following Zhou An's thoughts, the fishhook began to shake gradually. After a moment, a mist enveloped the fishhook.

Zhou An's fishing rod moved.

Next to him, Shi Xiyuan was stunned, with a horrified expression.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Shi Xiyuan shouted in his heart, but he didn't show it on the surface, still pretending to be calm.

He didn't understand why Zhou An's fishing rod moved.

Isn't this his home court?

The teacher said that he can catch fish, but what is going on?

"It's okay, he's just a little faster, it's no big deal."

Teacher Xiyuan pretended to be calm and was still comforting himself.

Zhou An didn't think so much, and had already raised the fishing rod.

Since it is not about fish, there is no need to slip away at all, just catch it directly.

As Zhou An pulled the fishing rod, the things on the fishhook gradually surfaced.

Zhou An looked at the thing on the fishhook and fell into deep thought.

"I fished a door?"

On the fishhook, an ancient wooden door appeared, which was very conspicuous.

The wooden door looked a bit old, with complicated patterns that Zhou An couldn't understand, making it look very strange.

Logically speaking, if the wood was soaked like this, it would have been soaked to pieces, but this wooden door showed no trace of being soaked in water at all.

The surface of the entire wooden door is smooth and does not stick to water.

Teacher Xiyuan was also stunned.

When it comes to fishing, it is normal to sometimes catch something that is not a fish.

But, is it reasonable to fish a fucking door up?

Teacher Xiyuan stopped fishing and just threw away his fishing rod and came up.

"Master Zhou, did you catch it or not?"

Zhou An thought deeply: "I probably caught it."

If you catch a door, you have caught it. This is normal.

Thinking of this, Zhou An also threw the fishing rod aside and looked at the wooden door carefully.

After looking at it for a long time, Zhou An discovered something unusual.

"Is there actually a formation up here?"

Zhou An looked at the patterns on the wooden door and found that the patterns on it were the arrangement of the formation.

"Formation, what formation?" The master is far from familiar with formations, so he won't be able to understand it for a while.

Zhou An pointed at the wooden door and said: "The pattern on it and the formation formed have a concealing effect, but due to the passage of time, the formation has become somewhat ineffective."

Having said this, Zhou An paused for a moment before continuing.

"Perhaps the reason why Qinghe can't catch fish is because the formation has lost its effect, and there is something in the position of the formation that affects Qinghe."

If these two things are completely connected, then there is only this conclusion.

The Qinghe River is very deep, so this wooden door must be at the bottom of the Qinghe River, or maybe even in the mud at the bottom of the Qinghe River.

Therefore, the people who suppressed Guisi returned without success, and their own clairvoyance did not reach this distance.

But it's different now. Through fishing, Zhou An caught the wooden door, and everything was solved.

When Zhou An was thinking this, Shi Xiyuan was stunned and did not react for a long time.

"No, Mr. Zhou, I should have caught this."

By now, Shi Xiyuan understands what it means to be a national master.

Logically speaking, it should be time to catch the wooden door by yourself and then deal with the follow-up, but... Zhou An took the lead.

Zhou An waved his hand with an indifferent look on his face, "Master, don't worry, who comes first and who comes last, isn't that the same thing? I won't steal your talent."

When the teacher Xi Yuan heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched and said: "Talent is not important, the important thing is fishing."

Only he knows how uncomfortable he is now.

Yesterday I was all bragging, and I was bragging very loudly, but today I got slapped in the face.

What you couldn't catch, Zhou An caught, how uncomfortable it is!

"Master, why are you covering your face?" Zhou An asked strangely.

Shi Xiyuan felt the phantom pain on his face and waved his hand as if he didn't care: "I didn't have a good rest yesterday, so I feel a little uncomfortable. It's okay."

Zhou An thought for a while and said, "Master, I think it's better to be tighter."

Teacher Xiyuan: "?"

He always felt that there was something in Zhou An's words, but he couldn't find the problem.

Zhou An did not continue to joke and returned to the topic: "The wooden door has been fished out, so it is certain that there is something wrong inside, and the concealing effect of the wooden door has also disappeared."

"So, just go straight into the water and pass quickly is the key."

No matter what you are, cut them all down.

After cutting it, wouldn’t it be nice to go back to liver proficiency?

Master Xiyuan also agreed with Zhou An's approach. Then he took out a piece of talisman paper, handed it to Zhou An, and explained.

"Mr. Zhou, this is a water-avoiding talisman. Although it will still be a little laggy when used in water, the effect is much better."

This means that Master Xiyuan also wants to go into the water.

After all, this matter, in the final analysis, is Shi Xiyuan's business.

"No need to give it to me." Zhou An shook his head.

Master Xi Yuan said: "Mr. Zhou, the water is not as good as the shore. Many methods cannot be used. You need to be more careful. Mr. Zhou, what are you doing?"

As he was talking, he saw Zhou An walking towards the river.

"Solve the problem."

Zhou An came to the river, replied lightly, then raised his feet and stepped towards the river.

As Zhou An stepped into the river, the water seemed to be alive, dragging Zhou An on the river.

At this time, Zhou An stood on the river as if he were standing on the ground.

Teacher Xi Yuan was stunned and asked: "Is there still such an ability? How many abilities has Mr. Zhou cultivated?"

He knew that Zhou An had many abilities, but he really didn't expect that he would have so many abilities. It was simply outrageous.

Of course, something even more outrageous is coming.

If it was called outrageous in the beginning, then now it is outrageous to open the door for outrageousness, and it has reached the point of outrageousness.

In Shi Xiyuan's eyes, Zhou An raised his right hand and lowered it slightly.

A horrific scene occurred.

As Zhou An's right hand fell, the calm river surface suddenly boiled, as if someone was cooking the clear river.

As the river surface boiled, a crack appeared in the middle. In just a few breaths, the crack expanded rapidly.

This huge Qinghe River was divided into two by Zhou An, and a land-like area appeared in the middle.

"Really, that's outrageous!" Shi Xiyuan couldn't help but say.

He didn't understand the thoughts of those talented people before, but now he finally understands and feels the same way.

Finally, everyone has come to an era where you are fighting against each other, and everyone has a chance to shine, but Zhou An suddenly appears.

It just popped up and overwhelmed everyone, leaving them breathless.

Who can bear this?

Not to mention the younger generation, they themselves are a little uncomfortable.

Zhou An did not go to Tuan Xi Yuan, but looked at the mud below and raised his eyebrows: "It's no different from what I thought, it's just in the mud at the bottom of the river."

When the wooden door appeared, Zhou An used Bagua arithmetic to calculate it, and the result was very obvious.

There was a golden thread extending continuously from the wooden door, and finally extended to the position where Zhou An divided the water just now.

"Let's go, Master, get it done quickly." Zhou An said.

Shi Xiyuan nodded, then stood by the river and threw a piece of talisman paper towards the bottom of the river.

The talismans were scattered on the mud at the bottom of the river.

Master Xiyuan made a spell and said silently: "Move!"

As the word came out, a magical scene appeared.

On the talisman paper, bursts of light flashed, bright and dazzling.

In the light, the mud disappeared at an extremely fast speed.

"Moving the talisman, move the mud into the talisman paper, so that the things hidden in the mud will not be damaged." Shi Ziyuan explained.

Zhou Andao: "Qi practitioners still have various methods, unlike me, they are just good at fighting."

When Master Xiyuan heard this, his head was covered with black lines.

Listen, is this human talk?

After Shi Xiyuan used the transporting talisman, the mud at the bottom of the river disappeared at an extremely fast speed.

After about a stick of incense, the true appearance was finally revealed under the mud.


Zhou An looked at the things underneath and touched his chin.

This is a tower, about nine stories high, with an ancient and desolate feel.

On the outside of the tower, there are exquisite patterns carved in relief.

You can't see the inside, but the outside alone is enough to attract attention.

Zhou An tried to use his clairvoyance to sense it, and found that the tower was also made of special materials, which clairvoyance could not penetrate at all.

"It's impenetrable again, which is kind of interesting."

Zhou An tried to do a fortune telling for himself, and the prediction was good or bad.

In front of Zhou An's eyes, the golden Bagua continued to rotate, eventually forming a golden patch.

Good luck.

"Go down and have a look."

Zhou An greeted his master Xi Yuan and planned to take a look first before talking.

Now that everything is out, it’s better to take a look at the situation and solve the problem.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Zhou An turned his gaze over, he saw Master Xiyuan's face was solemn, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Zhou An touched his chin and said, "Master, I'll catch it first. I'll let you catch it first next time."

Upon hearing this, Master Xiyuan reacted and smiled bitterly: "Master Zhou, that's not what I meant. What I meant was that I feel that this tower has been attracting me."


Zhou An didn't understand.

Shi Xiyuan explained: "It's like there is something special in it that is very important to me. That should be my talent flaw."

Zhou An nodded and said: "In that case, just go in directly."

If you find it, go and get it back. It's good for you and me, and everyone is happy.

Shi Xiyuan smiled bitterly and said, "But, I feel like there is more than one thing about this thing."

Zhou An frowned: "Master, don't say half a sentence. We are not children. Don't make any guesses."

What does it mean to have more than one? Zhou An felt that Shi Xiyuan must have discovered something extraordinary.

After all, Shi Xiyuan's talent is closely related to this place, so it is normal for him to discover it.

Shi Xiyuan pondered for a moment, as if he was organizing his words, and after a while he said: "My talent flaws are in it, but I feel that there are many talent flaws in it, and mine is just one of them."

At this point, Zhou An finally understood.

This means that Shi Xiyuan's talent is lacking, and the missing part is here. It also means that there are many more here, which means that what is left here are the missing parts of the talent.

"Then this tower, isn't it a tower that contains talents?" Zhou An touched his chin and said.

Teacher Xiyuan felt that it was okay to say so.

The two of them thought it over and decided to explore.

Just kidding, even if you come here, it’s not a fuel-efficient lamp. If you don’t go in and take a look, it’s not worthwhile.

Since Zhou An controlled the river water, the two of them arrived in front of the tower smoothly without any resistance.

Standing in front of the nine-story tower is completely different from looking down from a high altitude.

When Zhou An stood in front of him, he felt the ancient and desolate atmosphere rushing towards his face, with a unique sense of history, as if telling the people in front of him that it came from a very ancient era.

At the bottom of the nine-story tower, the door was closed. Above the closed door were lines of words that Zhou An could not understand.

"Writings from ancient times?"

Zhou An knew the age of this nine-story tower just by looking at it.

At least it was the era of the Great Region Dynasty.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, it is right. Only that era was the earliest era when talents were passed down.

But there was a trace of doubt in Zhou An's heart.

The reason for the doubts comes from this nine-story tower.

In the beginning, the ancient sages came up with such a thing as talent in order to pass it on.

But why was it necessary to design a nine-story tower here to make some talents appear to be defective, and to lock all the defective parts here?

There was only one closed door, and the other one was empty.

Because one of them was in the hands of Zhou An, who had just caught it through fishing.

Through the half-open door, Zhou An saw that it was as dark as ink and there was nothing there.

This kind of blackness is not black without light, it is as if someone used a piece of cloth to block everything in front of him, so nothing can be seen.

When Zhou An was about to say something, Shi Xiyuan looked at the door in front of him and spoke slowly.

"Master Zhou, this feeling is getting stronger and stronger, as if it is urging me to go in, but for some reason, I feel that besides the call, there is also a terrifying touch."

"A scary touch?" Zhou An opened his eyes and looked back and forth at the half door in front of him.

Then, he raised his right hand.

At the position of the middle finger of his right hand, the gold ring squirmed and transformed into a long knife, which appeared in Zhou An's hand.

After the long knife appeared, Zhou An did not hesitate and slashed at the half-open door.

When Zhou An's knife was struck, the light of the knife turned into a dark green color, carrying the water flow and entering the door of nothingness.

After a moment, Zhou An narrowed his eyes slightly and said calmly: "My sword's light was eaten away by something."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the sound of gnawing coming from inside the nine-story tower, which was terrifying.

After Shi Xiyuan heard Zhou An's words, he was about to reply.

But before he could reply, a human face appeared in the half-empty door.

When Master Xi Yuan saw this person's face, a look of shock appeared on his face.

" does this look exactly like me?"

(I took the train for a long time. I wrote this chapter on my mobile phone on the train. Please give me your monthly pass.) (End of this chapter)

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