It's obviously a life skill, but you developed it into a magical skill

Chapter 253 Catching Emperor Yunqi and leaving the country

Fishing requires patience and means.

It is very difficult for most people to fish after they have passed the novice protection period. Even if they have very good skills, it is still difficult to catch fish.

Sometimes, for fishing guys, the air force has become a curse.

Since it is a curse, it will not be broken easily, which leads to the fishermen working hard to catch a fish.

Some fishing brothers can even run to chase the novices who have just returned home with a full load in order to find a fishing spot, and the huazi in their hands are also being distributed one after another.

Of course, for Zhou An, fishing is even simpler and more straightforward than Aunt Che.

When the fishhook was pulled out by Zhou An, Zhou An suddenly felt an extremely dangerous feeling extending from the crack.

After this feeling appeared, Zhou An immediately held his breath and concentrated. With his free hand, he held the long knife transformed from the gold ring and narrowed his eyes.

Above the fishhook, a pale palm appeared, and dense blood vessels could even be seen on it.

This palm is as white as snow, but it looks very eye-catching.

Especially the blood vessels in the palms, you can even see the blood flowing continuously inside, as if they are transparent.

The strange and cold aura became more intense with the appearance of the palm.

At the same time, the hair-like cracks also expanded rapidly due to the appearance of the palm.

"Weird, did I catch Weird?" Zhou An was slightly surprised.

Although other people can fish in a variety of ways and can catch anything, it is extremely rare for him to suddenly catch a strange fish like this.

Without any hesitation, Zhou An raised the long knife in his hand and launched an attack.

Since it's weird, there's nothing to say, just kill him.

The dark green sword light emerged from the long sword as it was raised.

In just a blink of an eye, Zhou An had already unleashed countless blades of light, densely covering the space.

When the firepower is fierce enough, anything strange is just a waste of time.

All fear stems from insufficient firepower.

When the dark green sword light appeared, it immediately fell like raindrops on the pale arm like raindrops.


The roaring sound is so loud here that people can't help but want to cover their ears.

After the pale arm was swept away by the dark blue sword light, it began to be damaged in large areas.

It stands to reason that Zhou An's chef Ding's sword is so powerful that it has reached an extremely terrifying level.

But ordinary people in the industry, even those talented people and some of the older generation, would instantly turn into ashes after Zhou An's rain-like attack.

However, when this frequent rain of sword light fell on the pale palm, it did not cause any terrible consequences.

There is damage, but within this pale palm, the damaged palm is constantly recovering due to the blood flow in the blood vessels.

"Interesting, good strength. It seems that the weirdness comes from within the crack." Zhou An narrowed his eyes and watched this scene with interest.

At this time, the pale arm had been fully stretched out.

First the arms, then the shoulders, and finally the body.

After a moment, a pale human body appeared in front of Zhou An.

This is an extremely beautiful woman, with no hair on her body, and an extremely spectacular figure.

But even if this woman is extremely beautiful and has an explosive figure, she cannot arouse the passion of ordinary people in the eyes of ordinary people.

Under the pale skin, there were densely packed blood vessels like spider webs all over the body.

The slightly purple blood not only makes people uninterested, but also makes them want to vomit.

When the pale and strange appearance appeared, a cold aura and bloodthirsty for Zhou An immediately came out.

When seeing strangers, there is only the word "kill" and no other options.

Just as strangers are born to fear and hate the weird, the same is true for the weird.

Therefore, not long after the pale and strange appearance appeared, it took action.

The pale palms opened with wounds in front of Zhou An.

Lilac blood emerged along the gaping wound, condensing into a lavender blood ball in mid-air, as big as a basketball.

After the blood cells appeared, a disgusting smell of blood immediately emerged in this space, which was even countless times stronger than the smell of blood in a slaughterhouse.

Zhou An frowned and used the Flying Dragon Movement Technique. In just a moment, he reached the best attack distance.

At this time, Zhou An raised the long knife in his hand without hesitation.

The next moment, the dark green sword light filled the space again.

At the same time, behind Zhou An, the ten-meter-tall Holy Spirit Demonic Body slowly took shape from small to large, and also raised the long knife high.

Two swords, combined into one.

The dark green sword light, coupled with the white sword light of the Holy Spirit Demonic Body, fell from the sky.

The underground space of the psychic space is not like the ground, and it is not known what material it is made of. It is extremely hard.

Even Zhou An's sword couldn't damage it at all.

But he didn't come to destroy it. His purpose was to kill this weird one first.


The dark green sword light fell heavily on the pale and strange body.

The pale and strange skin was rapidly disappearing in an extremely fast way.

The lavender blood vessels inside were broken, and the blood continued to flow around as if it was free.

In just a few breaths, he was pale and strange and had no form.

Zhou An did not relax and took out a pot with his left hand.

Without the paleness and strangeness of the body, there is no complete death.

The spilled blood rushed toward Zhou An like maggots on the tarsal bones.

It was extremely fast, like lightning, with a disgusting smell of blood.

"A little hard to kill, but not much."

Zhou An grabbed the iron pot with his backhand, exerted his strength with his arm, and started to shake it.

It had been a long time since he had been in trouble, but Zhou An didn't feel any strange at all. On the contrary, he felt more familiar.

The pot method followed Qi and was used by Zhou An.

The scattered blood was originally intended to wrap up Zhou An, but as Zhou An turned the pot over, the scattered blood was pulled by the power of the Pot Suppression Technique, forming a huge blood ball in the iron pot.


Waves of numbing sounds came out.

This pale and strange blood is highly corrosive.

If ordinary people in the industry are exposed to it, they may die instantly, and there is no way to treat it.

Even being overturned by the pot method, this blood still wanted to follow Zhou An's Qi to corrupt Zhou An.

Fortunately, the pot method is so powerful that there is no need to worry at all.

Zhou An continued to bend, like a chef making delicious food.

If it weren't for that terrifying blood ball, some people might actually think that Zhou An was a top chef.

As Zhou An moved, the blood cell quickly disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Just in the blink of an eye, the blood ball turned into nothingness.

Zhou An put away the iron pot and looked at the crack ahead.

After the pale and strange appearance, the cracks returned to the size of a hair, as if they could automatically expand and contract.

"It's probably too young for my cheap mother-in-law to find." Zhou An thought to herself.

Logically speaking, his cheap mother-in-law would give him a head-on blow whenever she was presented with an opportunity unconsciously.

There was also a crack this time, but the cheap mother-in-law did not come out. Zhou An thought that maybe it was because the crack was just something similar to a faucet.

"Now is not the time to think about this. It's just a good thing that my cheap mother-in-law doesn't come, which saves me a lot of trouble."

Zhou An cast his gaze on the crack again.

Just now, he fished once, but except for a strange fish, he caught nothing.

The so-called benefits are even less visible.

Zhou An thought about it and took a look again.

When fishing, you have to be patient. If you don’t catch something once or twice, then try it a few more times.

Thinking of this, Zhou An threw the rod again, and the fishhook fell into the crack again.

This time, as before, Zhou An spread Qi all over the fishing rod.

After nearly an incense stick had passed, and Black Jade became a little noisy, finally, the fishhook began to tremble again.

Fish, here we go again.

Zhou An's eyes were calm and he pulled the fishing rod hard.

This time, after pulling the fishing rod, Zhou An didn't feel any resistance at all, and smoothly fished out all the contents.

Looking at the people in front of him, Zhou An fell into deep thought and felt that what he caught this time was even more outrageous.

A man in royal robes was standing in front of Zhou An, seemingly confused as to why he appeared here.

But it only took a moment for the man to realize something was wrong. He looked around with a look of surprise.

"This is the place I have been to before, it is a psychic space!"


When he heard this claim, Zhou An turned around silently, put away his fishing rod, as if he hadn't seen it, and was about to turn around and leave.

Outrageous, too outrageous!

Judging from the man's dress and self-promotion, Zhou An had already guessed the other party's identity.

Emperor Yunqi!

Only this identity matches the aura of the person in front of him.

After all, Zhou An had already speculated that Emperor Yun Qi might have suffered from a problem in the psychic space when he was young and has not recovered yet.

Coupled with the self-report just now, it is even more obvious that this man has been here before.

Can't stay, run away now!

Not long ago, he caught something from Emperor Yun Qi, and even Kongkongmen took the blame for him. It would be strange if he didn't run away now.

Thinking of this, Zhou An was ready to leave the psychic space.

Emperor Yun Qi was puzzled.

Today, he was still in the royal study room as usual, dealing with major and minor matters in Dai Viet Kingdom.

But not long after, the void in his imperial study room suddenly opened, and a fishhook appeared.

After the fishhook appeared, it immediately hooked towards him.

In fact, with Emperor Yun Qi's strength, he could completely annihilate the fishhook with just a wave of his hand.

But he became interested because he felt that the fishhook had a familiar smell, which was the smell left when the rectangular wooden box disappeared not long ago.

Emperor Yun Qi grasped the fishhook without hesitation.

The fishhook immediately produced a force that tried to pull him away.

If Emperor Yun Qi resists, the fishhook cannot be pulled.

However, he was very interested, so he let the fishhook pull, and the result... appeared here.

After they transcend the psychic realm, they can't get in at all.

Even if he comes in through this special method now, the power of rejection is extremely powerful.

Emperor Yun Qi knew that he would go out soon, but he looked at the little thief who was about to escape and was slightly startled.

"Zhou An?"

At their level, they naturally knew about Zhou An, so Emperor Yun Qi could tell at a glance.

"Did you steal my things? Don't leave yet. I have no ill intentions towards you, but I appreciate you very much."

Emperor Yunqi stopped Zhou An and said, "I even want to poach you from the Great Chu Kingdom."

Zhou An originally wanted to run away, and even thought that this trick fishing skill would never be used in a special position in the future.

After all, what I caught was really outrageous.

We caught Emperor Yun Qi this time, but if we catch the manipulative leader next time, wouldn't it be the end of the line?

But now that he heard what Emperor Yun Qi said, Zhou An subconsciously stopped.

"Your Majesty, listen to my sophistry." Zhou An said seriously.

"Okay, okay." Emperor Yun Qi waved his hand: "Take it away and take it away. I am about to be sent out of the psychic space. There is something I want to talk to you about."

Zhou An asked: "Your Majesty said it doesn't matter. As long as I can do it, I will do it."

"You're quite interesting, kid."

Emperor Yun Qi smiled and said: "This means that whether it can be done or not depends entirely on your judgment. If you say it can't be done, it won't be done."

Zhou An shook his head: "Of course not."

Emperor Yun Qi's face became serious: "Zhou An, I now solemnly invite you to go to Dayue Kingdom and participate in my treatment. Afterwards, I will personally write a handwritten letter and send it to Emperor Xingwu."

Before this, Emperor Yun Qi actually didn't care whether Zhou An came.

Because in Emperor Yun Qi's opinion, the medical practice in the Chu Kingdom was really poor, and even Zhou An was probably the taller among the dwarfs.

It's a good thing if you can come, but forget it if you can't.

But at this time, Emperor Yun Qi completely changed his mind.

Not to mention anything else, Zhou An could find this place and fish him in. This alone gave Emperor Yun Qi an idea.

Maybe...what if it works?

Emperor Yun Qi will not let go of any hope, even if it is slim.

When Zhou An heard this, he looked troubled: "Your Majesty also knows that I hold an important position in the Great Chu State, and the matter is very serious, and I cannot escape."


Get rid of your hair.

Not as important as liver proficiency.

Emperor Yun Qi narrowed his eyes and said: "I know that you are a person who can't afford to be early without benefit. If you come, no matter whether you can succeed or not, I will give you benefits."


When Zhou An heard this, he became interested instantly.

He thought, could it be that the benefits of Bagua arithmetic appeared here?

He felt that it was very possible.

"Your Majesty, what can you give me?" Zhou An asked very directly.

Emperor Yunqi said calmly: "I heard that you like the inner elixir relics of the Quan Sheng Realm very much. The founding of the country of Dayue is still the same, and the foundation is unmatched by the country of Chu."

"I have what you want, at least this amount."

As he spoke, Emperor Yun Qi held out five fingers.

Zhou An's eyes lit up: "Five hundred?"

The corner of Yun Qidi's mouth twitched slightly: "Do you think those things are just Chinese cabbage?"

After reaching the All Saint Realm, life span is extremely long. It can be said that as long as you don't want to die, you can live for a long time.

As for the masters in the Holy Realm, even if they were placed in the entire world, they would be considered big bosses.

It's not that easy to die.

How could it be possible to get so much from the inner elixir relics?

He felt that Zhou An was talking nonsense.

"Five is the limit, I have to keep some." Emperor Yun Qi said.

These things are extremely important even for people in the industry.

If a master in the psychic realm is still stuck, he can use these things to understand the atmosphere.

Although it is not 100% effective, it always works.

Because of this, this thing is extremely valuable.

Emperor Yun Qi couldn't drain his wealth.

"Five..." Zhou An touched his chin and thought secretly.

It doesn't look like much, but it can only be obtained by killing five all-sage realms.

Not to mention anything else, it's very difficult to kill five All Saints.

At least you can't kill the whole holy realm for no reason, otherwise why would you need national laws?

After all, every death in the Holy Realm is a huge loss to the country.

Five is really a lot.

Zhou An thought for a while and asked, "When?"

In fact, by this point, Zhou An had already made a decision and felt that this trip was feasible.

The reason is simple. For me, this thing is really a sure-kill skill.

The Guild of Weirds is a veteran weirdo character who can barely compete with Eunuch Wei.

Even at home, it can be a real 50-50 split.

I still have an inner elixir that I caught from an unknown place not long ago.

If you add five more, that's a full six.

This means that he is carrying his cheap mother-in-law on his back and can use it six times.

By the way, you can also use the Holy Spirit Demonic Body to make your cheap mother-in-law feel good six times to test the progress of the Holy Spirit Demonic Body.

At least, before the Holy Spirit Demonic Body can fully awaken the Guild, things like the inner alchemy relics are really too important.

Capable, absolutely capable!

With proficiency, you can do it anywhere, especially now that you are doing Live Bagua arithmetic without any venue restrictions.

Zhou An thinks it’s a good deal.

After all, he couldn't put Eunuch Wei in his pocket, but he could put the Guild in his pocket.

"You can set off in three days." Emperor Yun Qi said, "I will send the message as soon as possible, about three days."

Having said this, Emperor Yun Qi already had a huge layer of repelling power.

"Alas, the psychic space is indeed worthy of its reputation." Emperor Yun Qi sighed: "Even I am unable to resist the power of repulsion."

"Those sages in ancient times spent countless lives to bring it alive."

"Zhou An."

Emperor Yunqi looked at Zhou An and said, "I am in Dayue Kingdom, waiting for your arrival."

After the words fell, Emperor Yun Qi completely disappeared into the psychic space.

Looking at the place where Emperor Yun Qi disappeared, Zhou An said nothing.

Once the decision is made, do it.

Zhou An has never been a man of ink.

The decision he makes must be implemented.

At this time, Zhou An had nothing to do, and he was ready to leave the psychic space.

But before leaving, Zhou An rearranged the formation he had just cracked, completely covering up the crack.

After doing all this, Zhou An activated the Qi in his body.

As the Qi circulated, the surrounding scenery gradually blurred, and then Zhou An disappeared with the black jade.

Because Zhou An stayed in the psychic space for a long time, when he came out, it was already dusk outside.

Zhou An stretched out and felt that this trip was not bad.

Although there is no apparent harvest, what Emperor Yun Qi promised can be considered to be a fruitful harvest.

"Continue to improve your liver proficiency." Zhou An thought.

Time, for the Gan Emperor, is to be fully utilized.

Zhou An did not hesitate and continued to practice Bagua arithmetic.

Time is like running water, and in the blink of an eye, three days have passed.

After these three days, a eunuch came to Huaixi Capital and conveyed Emperor Xingwu's wishes.

The meaning is also very simple. If Zhou An feels that he wants to go, then make arrangements for Huaixi Capital.

As for the eunuch's arrival, a person from the General Secretary came by the way, saying that he was coming to temporarily take over the position of Secretary General of Huaixi Capital.

After Zhou An finished his work, he came back and took over.

After Zhou An finished handing over, the carriage heading to Dayue Kingdom had already stopped at Zhou An's door.

"Master Zhou will definitely make a name for himself throughout Dayue Kingdom when he goes here." He Sheng flattered him.

Compared with before, He Sheng's flattery skills have improved. Although it is still stiff, it is not as hard as before, so hard that it can't be chewed.

"Don't let anything happen to Huaixi Capital while I'm away." Zhou An warned.

He Sheng said solemnly: "If something happens, He Sheng raises his head and comes to see me."

"No." Zhou An patted He Sheng's shoulder and got into the carriage.

As the coachman raised his whip, the carriage gradually moved away...

He Sheng watched Zhou An's leaving figure, and only after the carriage disappeared at the end did he look back and go to Zhensi to do his own thing.

The carriage moved very quickly, and soon it was on the official road.

The driver is also an expert in the industry, so the carriage is very stable.

Zhou An was sitting in the carriage, with Black Jade sitting next to him with an excited look on his face.

Not long ago, Black Jade knew that Zhou An was going to take her on a long trip this time.

As a black jade who has never traveled far, he is extremely curious about everything.

She was also looking forward to seeing something interesting outside.

The chair was hugged to the chest by Black Jade.

This is the most important thing to her besides Zhou An. Even on the carriage, the black jade must be in her hand.

"Come here." Zhou An waved.

When Heiyu heard this, he immediately threw the chair aside and came to Zhou An like a kitten.

"How much have you understood?" Zhou An asked.

Then, he reached out and touched Black Jade's head.

Recently, he likes this action very much and has become accustomed to it.

Black Jade narrowed his eyes, enjoying it, and replied: "Half."

Now, with Black Jade's ability, and after such a long time, he has learned half of the various skills.

Sometimes Zhou An feels that black jade is too powerful.

This half-human, half-weird physique is really suitable for the training of miscellaneous sects.

Of course, there is still no way he can fight.

Fierce, there is still a difference between cheating and cheating.

Zhou An just touched Black Jade's head and practiced Bagua arithmetic.

Black Jade ignored the chair and enjoyed it quietly.

There was silence in the carriage as it moved forward.

The scenery around the official road receded rapidly.

From Huaixi Jing to leave Dachu Kingdom and then arrive at Dayue Kingdom, you need to pass through the border.

Although the two countries are adjacent to each other, things like border issues are extremely sensitive.

Everyone who passes by here will be inspected.

Except Zhou An.

Emperor Xingwu had already passed on the news, so there was no need for complicated inspections, and a special channel was even arranged.

Hoang Sa Province is one of the border passes to Dai Viet Kingdom.

At this time, many people were already being examined.

Some are ordinary people, some are businessmen, and there are also many people in the world.

But these people all mingled together and there was no fuss.

Making trouble at the border is a serious crime. Everyone knows this and will naturally not cause trouble.

Zhou An originally thought that he would get out of the border smoothly.

But unexpectedly, the carriage gradually stopped.

Before Zhou An could feel doubtful, he heard a familiar voice with a stiff and heroic voice.

"Hahaha, Zhou An, you are finally here. I have been waiting here for a long time."

As soon as this voice appeared, a figure immediately appeared in Zhou An's mind.

The eldest prince who believed that border crossings should be heroic, or even overly heroic, came to Zhou An's mind.

Zhou An knew that the eldest prince must also know of his arrival, so he made a special trip here to wait.

Jianghu also requires human touch and sophistication.

Zhou An thought, taking the black jade with him, he got out of the carriage.

At this time, the eldest prince was wearing armor and standing not far away.

One hand is holding the handle of the knife at his waist, and the other hand is holding a pot of wine.

There was even a word "strong" carefully marked on the wine bottle.

Zhou An remembered that he seemed to have told the eldest prince to drink the strongest wine and fuck the wildest...

In short, he felt that the eldest prince might have misunderstood.

"Zhou An has met His Highness the First Prince." Zhou An said with a smile.

The eldest prince shook his head, and said in a deliberately rough voice: "There is no eldest prince here, only border officers and soldiers, come and serve strong wine!"

Behind the eldest prince, there were a large number of soldiers.

After hearing what the eldest prince said, they had a look of embarrassment on their faces.

It was really embarrassing, and there was no way to hide it.

A jar of strong wine, marked with the word "strong" on it, was brought to Zhou An by the soldiers.

Zhou An's head was full of black lines, he took it in his hand and opened the mud seal on it.

The aroma of wine immediately came to my face.

"It is indeed a good wine and strong enough, but why is the word "marty" written on it?" Zhou An asked after taking a sip.

The eldest prince said boldly: "If it were not marked with the word "strong", who would be able to see that I drank the strongest wine?"

Zhou An felt that there was definitely something wrong with the eldest prince's mind.

"First Prince, I still have something to do and need to be on my way, so I won't say more."

He was afraid that if he stayed here for a long time, he would be infected with the feeling of being second-rate.

The eldest prince may appear to be the second best, but he is actually a very capable person, otherwise he would not be wise enough to withdraw from the competition for the crown prince.

He also knew that Zhou An did have important matters and was not verbose.

"When Mr. Zhou comes back, if I am free, I will have a good night of drinking with Mr. Zhou!" the eldest prince waved.

Zhou An nodded and said yes.

He got into the carriage again and prepared to leave.

For him, this was just a small episode, nothing disturbing.

The eldest prince is just such a person, he really just came here to take a look.

In fact, Zhou An didn't have a bad impression of the eldest prince. On the contrary, he had a pretty good impression.

There are too few sober people in this world, and the eldest prince is one of them.

In other words, there are forced numbers.

After the carriage gradually moved away, the eldest prince waved his hand and prepared to leave.

A soldier asked: "Your Highness, why don't you have a big banquet and have a meal of practicing wine?"

The eldest prince shook his head: "If Mr. Zhou doesn't like this, I won't do it."

The soldiers seem to understand but not understand.

"Although I don't participate in royal battles, it is also beneficial to me to associate with Mr. Zhou."

The eldest prince said: "Making friends is a benefit, knowing how to see other people's preferences is even more skillful."

The soldiers still didn't understand, but the eldest prince didn't bother to explain.

If Zhou An were here, he would feel that the royal family of the Great Chu Kingdom are not simple characters.

At least the heroic eldest prince has a mind as fine as a hair and knows how to read people's hearts.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Zhou An, he just used to do some benefits.

The carriage continued to drive and soon passed the border.

Over in Dai Viet, there are also border cities that also require routine inspections.

But there is a long road in the middle, which is used as a buffer area.

For this world, there are too many people in the industry who come and go.

Ordinary settings can cause trouble easily.

Therefore, every country will use half of its land at the border as a buffer.

If various problems arise, they can be dealt with promptly.

For example, if there is friction between people in the industry, it will be quite troublesome to deal with it if the borders of two countries are close to each other. After all, border and demarcation are extremely serious issues.

At this time, Zhou An's carriage was driving here.

Not far ahead, there was also a carriage driving.

From time to time, there are still many Jianghu people who choose to walk.

Walking and horse-drawn carriages each have their own advantages, and there are even quacks who ride horses alone.

Zhou An saw a group of lovers who looked like lovers, riding a horse together, and from time to time, they even made intimate gestures.

This reminded him of a movie he had seen before, which was about equestrian "horsemanship".

Although this is a buffer zone, the guards here are even tighter, but they are placed in a more uninspectable place.

In the past, someone caused trouble here, but the person disappeared very quickly.

As for where he went, no one knows.

The carriage is still moving.

Zhou An was in the carriage, still working on his proficiency.

He is a crazy person in Bagua arithmetic, and he never stops for a moment, almost never resting.

Time passed gradually.

In the blink of an eye, a full stick of incense has passed, and we are getting closer and closer to the border of Dai Viet Kingdom.

In fact, for Zhou An, he really wanted to see the customs and customs of other countries.

So apart from his liver proficiency, he was also a little curious.

I thought that he would go to Dai Viet smoothly.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, an abnormality appeared.


Ahead, there was a roar.

Zhou An's carriage stopped quickly when the roar sounded. (End of chapter)

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