It's obviously a life skill, but you developed it into a magical skill

Chapter 255 Bagua Level 8, arriving in the capital

This trip was actually a foreign country. He was far away from the Chu Kingdom and came to another country full of exotic customs. For Zhou An, this place had an indescribable feeling.

Although he came from time-travel, he could be regarded as a person from the Chu Kingdom. Zhou An regarded this time as a journey.

But what he didn't expect was that he would meet an old acquaintance in this foreign country.

Ye Shuang saw Zhou An give up his position, so he walked onto the carriage and sat down in the carriage.

Before Zhou An could say anything, Ye Shuang said to the coachman coldly: "Let's go."

The curtain of the carriage was lowered by the driver, and with a "drive", the carriage drove out of the city.

Sitting in the carriage, Zhou An and Ye Shuang looked at each other, neither of them speaking.

Ye Shuang is now in white clothes. In Zhou An's words, she has to control her temper, so it is unrealistic for Ye Shuang to speak.

Black Jade was beside him, looking left and right, then moved to Zhou An's position and held Zhou An's hand.

"What do you want to do when you come to Dayue this time?" Zhou An asked.

"Yes." Ye Shuang replied coldly.

This state made Zhou An's mouth twitch slightly, feeling that the imperial master was full and holding on.

This was the first time he had such an idea.

He also understands the character of the Imperial Master, which is a typical two-faced character.

On the surface, the Imperial Master is a master of immortal Taoism. His Taoist demeanor is like the reincarnation of an immortal. One glance at him makes people want to practice Taoism with the Imperial Master.

But secretly, the Imperial Master is a very irritable person, and this irritability is reflected in his junior brother.

Yuan Qingyi often took this for fun and was a typical fun-loving person, which often caused his senior brother's bad temper.

Because of this, this Lezi man was miserable and was often punished by his senior brother.

But Yuan Qingyi's goal was achieved. Under Yuan Qingyi's various provocations, the Imperial Master's temper became more and more irritable.

But no matter how irritable he is, the Imperial Master always looks like an immortal in front of outsiders.

Until now, the National Master still gives people the impression that he is an enigmatic person. It must be said that the National Master has performed well.

As the saying goes, like a master, there is also an apprentice.

The Imperial Master is like this, and so is the Ye Shuang who was taught by him.

The Imperial Master was even very satisfied with this and felt that Ye Shuang was the best disciple he had ever taught in his life.

After Ye Shuang simply replied with one word, her pretty eyebrows frowned slightly, as if she was thinking about something.

She is panicking now.

Because in front of outsiders, she was a lonely disciple of the Imperial Master, but Zhou An knew her details.

Now, a simple word cannot answer Zhou An's question.

But according to her current personality, saying too much would be a bit inconsistent.

Zhou An is a very considerate person. When he was with his aunt in the past, he was very considerate and evenly divided things for her.

So seeing Ye Shuang's condition, Zhou An also knew very well that Ye Shuang was in trouble at this time.

"Can't you shield the surrounding area?" Zhou An said with a headache.

This matter is too simple to handle.

If you block the surroundings, won't you be able to talk freely?

In this world, if you are a master, you can do this.

For example, Eunuch Wei also used this trick to reveal many secrets to Zhou An.

Ye Shuang was stunned, but still remained calm, and then rummaged around in the same pink purse as Zhou An's.

After a while, Ye Shuang pulled out a piece of talisman paper.

The talisman burned, casting a distorted mirror around it.

From the outside, you can't see or hear what's going on inside.

"What's missing? Can you help me reinforce it?" Ye Shuang asked.

Zhou An muttered: "I don't know how."

Ye Shuang: "..."

"Aside from being relatively good at fighting, I don't know how to do these fancy things."

Zhou An thought for a moment and said, "Unless we set up a formation, it would be too troublesome."

Yes, this is something that ordinary people in the world have to learn, but Zhou An said he doesn’t have this skill.

It is possible to set up the formation, but it is very troublesome and seems to be overkill.

If this sentence is heard by people in the world, especially those talented people, they will definitely be overjoyed.

You, Zhou An, don’t know how?

Of course, after he was overjoyed, he would be beaten by Zhou An.

"Now that the surrounding area has been isolated, please elaborate." Zhou An said.

Ye Shuang looked left and right. After making sure it was safe, she took off the veil on her face and let out a sigh of relief.

In just a moment, the deserted scenery like a snow-capped mountain disappeared completely in an instant.

An active and playful attitude unique to a girl appeared on Ye Shuang's face, making Ye Shuang's charming face look much more lively.

"I went here this time to avenge the teacher."

Ye Shuang patted her chest, where she could not see her feet, and said, "The teacher said, he won this time."

Zhou An was slightly startled.

He always felt that such sudden words made him a little confused.


Zhou An asked: "Is it possible that the national master has enmity with the Dai Viet Kingdom? This is impossible."

Last time, when Emperor Xingwu celebrated his birthday, we didn't see anything like this. The imperial master seemed to be normal.

Ye Shuang scratched his head and said: "Actually, the teacher was born in Qingfeng Temple in Dayue Kingdom. He was the last disciple accepted by the temple master at that time."

Zhou An's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Boy, that's the old guy's secret, good, he likes to hear it.

"Speak more, I'd like to hear it." Zhou An urged.

Ye Shuang tilted her head: "The teacher said that this matter is very secret and cannot be known to others."

Zhou An patted his chest: "How can we call others the relationship between us? Others are outsiders, but we are not outsiders."

The journey is inherently boring, and it would be good to hear more secrets, not to mention a two-faced person like the National Master.

By now, the image of these older generation masters has been shattered by Zhou An.

He discovered that the older generation of masters were not all so independent from the top of the mountain.

These older generations were once young and had a good time in the world, and even had more fun than these young people.

For example, the Imperial Preceptor is actually a two-faced person, and although Eunuch Wei is a eunuch, he is also a ruthless person who uses whatever means necessary.

As for the prime minister, Zhou An felt that the ability to commit suicide was not trivial.

Although he had good intentions in targeting Zhou An, he hid it from everyone.

The purpose of hiding it was just to see everyone's surprised look when they finally learned the truth.

In Zhou An's view, this was seeking death.

Because when everyone discovers the truth, they are likely to become angry. A group of masters of the same level will become angry, and the prime minister cannot resist it.

The words of the chief... Zhou An seems to have heard Eunuch Wei mention it. It is said that it is true that he was brave and courageous, and he became the Emperor Wu despite being injured, and he defeated thousands of troops and learned the art of ice and fire marksmanship. seems that he didn't realize it because he realized that the people were in dire straits, but because...he was surrounded by enemies at the time, and he felt that he was in dire straits.

But now in the world, it is said that the general secretary realized it because he lamented that the people were in dire straits, and held the general secretary very high.

So much so that the director felt that the original character design seemed to be overdone.

These older generations are actually very different in many things.

Ye Shuang looked away: "Anyway, the teacher said, it's best not to tell you, because you know too many secrets about him."

Zhou An understood. This was because the Imperial Master was afraid that he knew too much.

But now that the secret is in front of me, I've only said half of it. Isn't it like taking off all my clothes, only to find a lock underneath?

That won't work!

"Are you going to the capital as well?" Zhou An asked.

Ye Shuangang replied: "Qingfengguan is also one of the top forces in Dayue Kingdom. It is commanded by masters from all holy realms. It has always been in the capital of Dayue Kingdom."

Zhou An said: "I will accompany you to eat the unique delicacies of Dai Viet. We can even eat them when we have time along the way."

Ye Shuang's pretty little face showed a tangled look.

"When I came here, I looked up information about Dai Viet and knew a lot of special delicacies."

Zhou An spoke sternly: "For example, they have a soup pot that stews mushrooms from the mountains. It is extremely delicious, but only people in the industry can eat it."

"Why?" Ye Shuang was a little curious.

"Because ordinary people will see villains after eating it, and even see their own mothers smiling at him."

Zhou An said: "Also, I can't give you examples one by one."

At this point, Zhou An stopped talking, but looked very stable.

All in all, two words - handle it.

Baby, I can't control you anymore?

Ye Shuang stretched out her hand, pulled Zhou An's sleeve, and shook it: "Tell me more, tell me more."

Zhou An remained silent.

Ye Shuang sighed, looking helpless: "Okay, I'll tell you, but you must promise to take me to eat."

Zhou An immediately promised: "It is necessary."

After saying this, he realized something was wrong.

Because he saw a hint of cunning flashing through Ye Shuang's smart eyes.

"You tricked me. The Imperial Master allowed you to talk to me." Zhou An said doubtfully.

Ye Shuangyan no longer acts: "A gentleman's words are hard to follow."

Zhou An's head is full of black lines.

He felt that Ye Shuang had gone bad and learned to lie.

Ye Shuang chuckled, and Hui Yi's state of mind was clearly revealed on her body.

"Qingfeng Guan is contrary to the teacher's will."

"The purpose of Qingfeng Guan is to escape from the world and practice and concentrate on enlightenment."

"At that time, the Kingdom of Chu had not yet been established. When the teacher went down the mountain to buy, he saw something strange and hurtful."

"So the young teacher took action to rescue the injured people. In the process, the teacher discovered that the concept of Qingfeng Guan was wrong."

"If you cultivate Taoism without protecting the common people, you are cultivating like a dog. After the teacher returned, he had a quarrel with the master of the temple."

"Subsequently, the teacher suffered a lot and left Qingfeng Guan."

After hearing this, a picture appeared in front of Zhou An's eyes.

The young national master witnessed something strange and hurtful. He stood in a Taoist temple, clenched his fists and glared at the white-haired temple master.

"You must have paid a heavy price for leaving the division." Zhou An asked.

Ye Shuang nodded: "It's very big. He has no cultivation and has become an ordinary person."

"But later, the teacher experienced the hardships of life as an ordinary person, and finally became enlightened."

"Step by step, I have now become the national advisor of the Great Chu Kingdom."

Zhou An touched his chin: "These older generations, in fact, everyone can be regarded as the protagonist of a novel."

For example, the national teacher suffered hardships at first, but overcame the hardships and finally became the best among ten thousand people.

There are also Eunuch Wei, the Prime Minister, the General Secretary and others, if you put them in a novel, they are the perfect protagonist templates.

Ye Shuang has long been accustomed to Zhou An's mutterings.

Just as Zhou An understands her, she also understands Zhou An very well.

"Then this time, your so-called revenge, could it be that you destroyed Qingfeng Guan?" Zhou An asked.

Ye Shuang shook his head, and then took out a book from his pink purse.

This book has no cover and does not look very old. The threads on it are still hand-sewn.

"On the Tao." Ye Shuang said: "This is the teacher's lifelong understanding of the Tao."

"The teacher said that he has the demeanor of a master and does not want to use his strength to overwhelm others. However, he wants to take revenge. He wants Qingfengguan to know that he is right."

"If Qingfeng Guan is not born in the world, he is no different from a mouse. When he cultivates the Tao, he cultivates his heart. But Taoists, Taoists, and people who cultivate the Tao."

"Human beings cannot escape the world of mortals. If the common people are in trouble, Taoists should carry their swords and go down the mountain."

After hearing this, Zhou An thought for a while and said, "It's difficult."

It is extremely difficult to convince a force that has existed for many years and has always been escaping from the world.

"If you don't agree, forget it."

Ye Shuang said: "But the teacher said that Qingfeng Temple needs something for me to use. This is the most important thing. Everything else is incidental."

Zhou An asked curiously: "What?"

Sure enough, there is something else going on here.

He felt very strange, could it be possible that the Imperial Master just left his mouth and said it was over? This was not like the Imperial Master's style.

When Ye Shuang heard Zhou An ask this, she suddenly became sneaky and looked around, acting mysteriously.

Then, under Black Jade's glare, she raised her butt and sat down on the other side of Zhou An, preparing to speak in a low voice.

Seeing this, Black Jade tilted his head and muttered: "You already have a way to die."

"What?" Ye Shuang couldn't understand.

Zhou An knocked on Black Jade's head: "It's okay. This girl is learning to talk to me. It's not a big problem. You can continue talking."

Black Jade covered his head with resentment on his face.

Ye Shuang didn't take it seriously and explained: "The teacher said that there is a Taoist book in Qingfeng Temple, which is very important to me."

"In that book, there is one of the few Taoist secrets in the world, the Great Dream Three Thousand Autumns."

"Big Dream Three Thousand Autumns, what is that?" Zhou An asked.

Ye Shuang said: "I don't know about a Taoist book that can help me enter dreams. Anyway, the teacher said it can help me improve my strength quickly, because my current strength is still too slow."

Zhou An glanced at Ye Shuang and thought it was a bit nonsense.

At such a young age, he has already reached the psychic realm. Is this too slow?

Let those geniuses know about it and not burst into tears.

"Compared to you." Ye Shuang added.

Black Jade tilted his head and interjected: "No comparison with perverts."

Zhou An: "?"

"How can your character say such precise words? Are you getting smarter and smarter?"

He felt that during that time, after using the Holy Spirit Demonic Body again, Black Jade seemed to be smarter.

"No, I'm stupid." Black Jade met Zhou An's suspicious eyes and said ignorantly.

Zhou An touched his chin and felt that this guy had definitely become smarter.

But that doesn't matter.

"That's okay, I just happened to be traveling with you all the way. After arriving, we will go to the capital to relax and play for a day." Zhou An said.

The matter was almost understood, and he didn't say much.

Ye Shuang hummed.

Then, she did not disperse the Taoism around her and continued to shield it.

Ye Shuang was lying on the carriage, looking like a salted fish. Due to the fact that he was lying down, his clothes hung freely, and the place covered by the clothes was dangerous.

Zhou An stopped talking and concentrated on Bagua arithmetic.

The carriage continued to move forward, on the official road of Dai Viet Kingdom, without any obstruction.

Along the way, Zhou An's journey was as relaxing and as steady as an old dog.

The buffer zone is the only place that can cause a big conflict for Zhou An, but there, one of the four heavenly gods has completely disappeared.

After entering the Kingdom of Dai Viet, it becomes even more difficult for the forces of those charlatan demons to take action.

So Zhou An's trip was quite leisurely.

On the way, when passing through some stylish cities, Zhou An and Ye Shuang even went to these cities to eat and drink.

He also fulfilled his promise, taking Ye Shuang around, and letting Heiyu have a good time at the same time.

Of course, he didn't forget liver proficiency either.

Zhou An was always busy on the carriage every day and never rested at all.

Only Ye Shuang felt strange.

Because every day on the carriage, Zhou An stared at the black jade, wondering what was going on with Zhou An.

But she is also very smart. If she doesn't ask about it, she will act as if she didn't see it.

Although she is an innocent foodie by nature, innocence does not mean stupidity.

Ye Shuang knows that everyone has secrets, so she won't ask any more questions.

There is another point that Ye Shuang also finds strange, because she often feels that the eyes of Black Jade looking at her have a strange and unique aura.

She had met Heiyu before, and they had met him together when they were in the capital.

At that time, Black Jade didn't have such eyes, which made her feel weird.

But Ye Shuang believes that the problem is not big.

Just stay with Zhou An and be happy.

At this time, in the carriage, Zhou An was still working on the Bagua arithmetic.

During the recent period, Zhou An did not waste time to double his proficiency.

Every day, he would ask the driver to stop for an hour, and then enter the psychic space to improve his proficiency.

Ye Shuang is also a master of the psychic realm, and he happened to take advantage of this time to go to the psychic space to hone his soul power.

After this, Zhou An finally gained something.

In front of his eyes, the familiar smoke appeared again, and finally turned into a line of text, appearing in front of Zhou An.

[Bagua arithmetic lv.8 (accuracy +12, deduction +12, formation +12): 1/140000]

[Storage proficiency: 60000/100000]

After such a long period of hard work, Zhou An's Bagua arithmetic finally reached level eight.

A huge amount of information finally poured into Zhou An's mind as the words turned into smoke.

Zhou An closed his eyes, carefully experienced the changes in the Bagua arithmetic, and then opened his eyes.

"It seems that there are more things that can be calculated." Zhou An thought to himself.

Since you have reached level eight, you will naturally gain more attributes.

The stored proficiency level has reached 60,000, and the next use is not far away.

More objectively, with the improvement of Bagua arithmetic, Zhou An's soul has become much stronger, and his control of Qi has also been significantly improved.

"Now, I have to change my skills again."

"Fortunately, Black Jade has a wide employment area, so I have many choices."

In front of Zhou An's eyes, the familiar smoke emerged, and finally condensed into a line of text, turning into the latest attribute panel.

[Pao Ding’s Sword Skill lv.7 (Speed ​​+10, Accuracy +10, Sharpness +10): 1/120000]

[Pot Spell lv.7 (Strength +10, Destruction +10, Seal +10): 1/120000]

[Flying Dragon Movement lv.7 (Speed ​​+10, Dodge +10, Flying +10): 1/120000]

[Form your own body lv. 7 (hardness +10, fusion +10, defense +10): 1/120000]

[Read Thousand Volumes lv.7 (Spirit +10, Understanding +10, Rebound +10): 1/120000]

[Making Trouble lv.7 (Water +10, Water Control +10, Healing +10): 1/120000]

[Medical Gu Species lv.8 (Medical Theory +12, Toxicity +12, Poison Penetration +12): 1/140000]

[Thousand Mile Eyes lv.7 (Detection +10, Illusion Breaking +10, Range +10): 1/120000]

[Holy Spirit Demonic Body lv.7 (purification +10, dispersion +10, power +10) 10000/120000]

[Bagua arithmetic lv.8 (accuracy +12, deduction +12, formation +12): 1/140000]

[Cunning fishing lv.5 (harvest +4, unknown +4): 1/80000]

[Storage proficiency: 60000/100000]

Zhou An fell into deep thought, thinking about his next skill.

The ones that can use black jade to heal the liver are just a few skills.

They are the Holy Spirit Demonic Body, Bagua Arithmetic, Clairvoyance and Flying Dragon Shenfa.

The Flying Dragon Body Technique counts as half, because after reaching the seventh level, Zhou An doesn't know whether he can use black jade to heal his liver.

The ones that are stable right now are those three.

But after reaching the eighth level of Bagua arithmetic, Zhou An did not plan to continue doing it because the price/performance ratio was not high.

What he wants to do is to be a hexagonal warrior and improve in all aspects.

That kind of partial science is not suitable for cheating people.

"In other words, during this journey, what I can care about is the Holy Spirit Demonic Body and Clairvoyance."

Zhou An thought for a while, and soon he pushed away the Holy Spirit Demonic Body.

In fact, the Holy Spirit Demonic Body is very cost-effective, and the liver skill has been greatly improved, but it is very inappropriate in this scenario.

Because Black Jade's reaction was very big, just like Zhou An was very big.

Now that Ye Shuang is still here, if the words about the Demonic Body of the Liver Spirit spread out, wouldn't it make him lose face?

Therefore, Zhou An decided to engage in clairvoyance.

Thinking about this, Zhou An made his decision and was ready to implement it.

Next to it, a small hand stretched out.

"Zhou An, this is delicious."

Ye Shuang kept chewing and stuffed the snacks she bought not long ago into Zhou An's mouth.

Zhou An skillfully opened his mouth and ate what Ye Shuang fed him.

Next to him, Black Jade held a candy man who looked like Zhou An and bit off the candy man's head.

Zhou An still has a lot of this kind of candy man in his pink money bag, and Black Jade comes to ask for it every day, which can make Black Jade calm down for a long time.

Now, in Black Jade's heart, the importance is arranged again.

Zhou An>Chair>Sugar Man>Gathering of ghosts.

The Guild of Guilds don't know about this, otherwise they would definitely feel filial piety.

Zhou An chewed a few mouthfuls and felt that the taste was indeed good, so he asked: "How long until we can reach the capital?"

This trip also took a lot of time. To be honest, although Zhou An will not feel tired, it is always better to solve it as soon as possible.

Ye Shuang leaned on the carriage, thought for a while, and said, "There are still... about ten days."

Zhou An nodded after hearing this.

Ten days is enough time for a lot of work.

"After arriving, you went to Qingfeng Temple?"

Zhou An asked: "Is it safe to be alone?"

Ye Shuang nodded: "It's safer than the Great Chu Kingdom."

Zhou An understood what Ye Shuang meant.

If the disciples of the national master come to Dai Viet, then they must not cause trouble in Dai Viet.

Not to mention anything else, Ye Shuang's strength in the psychic realm, coupled with his unique talent, makes him have few opponents in the psychic realm, so he is actually very safe.

But even so, Dayue Kingdom must protect Ye Shuang's safety, secretly or covertly.

the reason is simple.

Something happened to the master's apprentice in Dayue. What about the relationship between Dayue and Chu?

Emperor Yun Qi knew this very well, just like when a very important person from Dayue went to Chu.

"As long as it's safe."

Zhou An said: "If there is anything that cannot be solved, come to me at any time."


Ye Shuang agreed, then put his hand into his purse, took out the "Ye Shuang" version and the "Zhou An" version of the candy man, stuffed them into his mouth together, and started eating them crunchily.

The capital of Dai Viet Kingdom.

At this time, doctors from various countries were heading to this turbulent place.

Ever since Emperor Yun Qi of Dai Viet Kingdom sought medical treatment, everyone who heard the relevant news had their thoughts moved.

Their purposes vary.

Some people come to see their colleagues and want to learn something new from them; some people have the idea of ​​​​reaching the sky in one step, and if they can solve Yun Qi Emperor's disease, they will be successful from now on; others, I just wanted to find out what the disease is and open my eyes.

In short, all kinds of people have different thoughts.

In the Kingdom of Dai Viet, an organization with the same nature as the Suppressing Evil Division is called Zhu Xie Division.

At this time, an official from the Zhuxie Division was waiting above the capital of Dai Viet Kingdom with a dozen of his subordinates.

Recently, many doctors have come to Dai Viet, so the Zhu Xie Division is also very busy.

But a lineup like this still attracted the attention of many people.

"Huh? What's going on? Zhu Xie Si is waiting in person. What big shot is coming?"

"I don't know, but he must be a big shot. This is the Zhuxie Division in the capital, which is different from the local ones."

"It's been like this every day for several days. It seems that Zhu Xie Division doesn't know when the big shot will come."

People in the industry were talking about it and became more and more curious.

Therefore, in addition to the people from Zhuxie Division waiting every day, there are also many people from the industry who are also here to watch the excitement.

At this time, a carriage came from outside.

There is a sign hanging on the carriage with the word "Yi" written on it.

When this word appeared, many people immediately exclaimed.

"It's the Yi family, the most powerful medical family in the neighboring country of Da Qi. It is said that their acupuncture skills are unparalleled."

"Could it be that Zhu Xie Division is waiting for them?"

"It's very possible. After all, this is the most famous place in Da Qi."

Amidst the discussions among the people in the industry, the Yi family's carriage gradually stopped.

A middle-aged man, dressed as a doctor, got off the carriage and walked towards the people of the Zhu Xie Department with a smile.

This middle-aged man is called Yi Tian, ​​and he is the one with the most advanced medical skills among the Yi family.

Although his strength is only in the psychic realm, his medical skills are comparable to those of a master.

Yi Tian looked at the people from the Zhuxie Division and listened to the conversations among the people in the industry, feeling overjoyed in his heart.

"It seems that Emperor Yun Qi values ​​us very much and even sent someone here specially, who is from the Zhuxie Division."

Yi Tian felt that these people were here specifically to wait for him.

After all, the Yi family is the top medical family in Da Qi.

When they come, it will be normal.

To be honest, this time, Yi Tian just wanted to see if Emperor Yun Qi's illness could improve their medical skills to a higher level.

Now seeing the people from Zhu Xie Division waiting, Yi Tian felt that his face was bright.

"What do you call this sir?" Yi Tian asked.

The leading member of the Zhuxie Division who is responsible for waiting is named Chen Feng.

Chen Feng is also a high-ranking official in the Evil Punishment Department in the capital, and he has the strength to reach the peak of the Psychic Realm. He is only one step away from entering the All Saint Realm.

At this time, he was ordered to wait here for a big shot who was about to appear.

But he didn't expect that a doctor suddenly stopped and even asked his name.

Chen Feng frowned, but still remained polite: "If this doctor wants to ask for directions, he only needs to walk a hundred meters forward. There will be dedicated people there to receive him."

After the words fell, there was an uproar around him.

People in the industry suddenly understood that the person Chen Feng was waiting for was definitely not Yi Tian.

Yi Tian's expression froze, and he suddenly felt so embarrassed.

But fortunately at this age, he had already sharpened his face, and soon he put this embarrassment behind his head.

Yi Tian cupped his hands: "Thank you, sir."

At this age, there is no such thing as anger, let alone anything extreme.

Yi Tian felt that it was all a misunderstanding, but the problem was not big.

After he thanked him, he had a sudden idea and didn't want to leave. He just stood aside and waited patiently like everyone else in the industry.

By this time, even Yi Tian felt very curious as to who could make Zhu Xie Si wait like this.

He also wanted to see his true appearance.

Time gradually passed, and in a blink of an eye, it was already afternoon.

Dusk gradually colored the sky.

Chen Feng is still waiting, Yi Tian is also waiting, and everyone in the industry is also waiting.

Just when everyone felt that today seemed to be the same as usual, with no harvest, there was a sudden sound of wheels outside the city gate.

An ordinary carriage slowly drove in from outside the city.

It was also the first time that the coachman saw so many people waiting, so he subconsciously asked a question inside the carriage.

"Master Zhou, there are many people outside. I don't know what they are waiting for. Would you like to come and take a look?"

As these words were asked, a steady male voice sounded from the carriage carriage.

"Lots of people, look."

When these words were spoken, Chen Feng's eyes lit up slightly.

This expression made Yi Tian and other people in the industry understand.

The people Chen Feng was waiting for arrived.

"Master Zhou, who is it?" Yi Tian wondered: "An official, not a doctor?"

He felt a little regretful.

Because he thought he was a colleague and could ask for advice. After all, he was the person Zhu Xie Division was waiting for.

But next, he no longer regretted it, but showed a look of ecstasy.

The curtain of the carriage was lifted.

A young man appeared in front of everyone. (End of chapter)

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