"I, my name is Xiaobai." Sun Qing casually named himself.

In his mind, the goddess Tian Xinxin was as pure and beautiful as white, so he couldn't think of anything just now, so he thought of the word "white".


Tian Xinxin raised his eyebrows at Sun Qing, his playful and cute appearance was really heartwarming.

And her hand has not yet been withdrawn, it seems to be waiting for Sun Qing's response...

Sun Qing is already a daughter, but she still has a boy's heart.

But that doesn't stop him from being shy....

After hesitating for two seconds, Sun Qing trembled and stretched out his hand and gently shook Tian Xinxin's hand.


He took the hand of the goddess!

It's really rare in my lifetime....

Tian Xinxin's hand was soft and very comfortable to hold.

Sun Qing was a little reluctant, but he still didn't want Tian Xinxin to feel anything strange, he blushed and took his hand back shyly.

"Hee, Xiaobai, why are you so introverted and shy?"

Tian Xinxin likes to make friends, but she has never seen such an introverted girl as Sun Qing.

"I, I..." Sun

Qing was in a state for most of the day, and he didn't know what to say.

It was really overwhelming that the goddess was so close to him and close to him.

But the heart is sweet, and the heartbeat is fast....

"Haha, I'll take you to play together in the future, I have participated in many clubs, and I call you when there are activities!" Let's add a WeChat! When

Tian Xinxin saw Sun Qing so shy, she felt like she wanted to take care of him.

Perhaps, this is the protective desire of girls!

Add WeChat?

Sun Qing's eyes widened in disbelief.

If it had been before, he would have been so happy that he couldn't sleep for days.

But now, it's not convenient for him to add ah....

I am now a girl, one plus WeChat, isn't it all dressed?

"I forgot my phone when I went out today, sorry."

Sun Qing had to find a good and rotten excuse.

"This way." When Tian Xinxin heard this, he was obviously a little lost.

She began to bury her head in powder, thinking that Sun Qing did not want to be friends with her, and she was a little sad.

Sun Qing was extremely uncomfortable to watch.

Ah, he actually made the goddess sad, he is really not a thing!

But there is no way, the current identity is too embarrassing, speaking of it, it can only be blamed and tricked.

Sun Qing wanted to comfort and comfort Tian Xinxin, but she didn't know what to say.

At this time, Sun Qing really wanted to punch himself!

Alas, the mouth is so stupid, it really deserves to be single!

Fortunately, Sun Qing pondered for a while, and finally thought of a way.

He quickly asked Tian Xinxin, "What is your WeChat ID?" I'll go back to the dormitory and add you right away. I'm a little confused and can't remember my WeChat ID.

"I'm writing to you!"

Hearing Sun Qing say this, Tian Xinxin knew that it was a misunderstanding.

She immediately took out a pen and paper from her bag, wrote down the WeChat ID and gave it to Sun Qing.

This is the goddess's WeChat signal....

It was something he didn't even dare to think about before.

Sun Qing carefully folded the note and put it away, it was like a treasure.

He thought that when he went back, he would quickly create a new WeChat account so that he could hide his true identity.

Since Sun Qing asked for Tian Xinxin's WeChat ID, she has obviously become more enthusiastic.

The friendship of girls comes so quickly!

"How many buildings do you live in?"

After finishing the powder, Tian Xinxin prepared to go back to the dormitory.

But this question stumped Sun Qing again! He can't always say, he lives in a men's dormitory, right?

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