Zhao Ningfei was a little surprised, because in the swimming pool before, Sun Xiaobai's performance was like a little pepper dancing with teeth and claws, but now, there is a contrast cute.

Zhao Ningfei hooked the corners of her mouth slightly, as if she had met a super novel person~

The surprise she received today was really more than a star and a half.

The question in Xiaobai's heart was finally answered, so she relaxed a lot at the moment.

With god-level skills, she is easy to face any subject knowledge.

Zhao Ningfei wanted to ask her all the questions, and Xiaobai would do them all.

"Look at this question, this is how it is answered..."

Sun Xiaobai began to explain seriously.

Zhao Ningfei's eyebrows raised slightly, this silly girl, do you really think she is here to learn?


But although she thought so in her heart, Zhao Ningfei did not show any impatience on her face, but tried her best to cooperate with Xiaobai's "performance".

She is really different from what she imagined, but the same, but there is a fatal attraction.

People can't stop wanting to know more about her!

"Ning Fei, do you understand?"

Sun Xiaobai saw that Zhao Ningfei basically didn't say much except nodding, so she quickly asked.

Zhao Ningfei still didn't speak, but took the pen from Sun Xiaobai's hand.

Obviously a loli face with a double ponytail, how can it be overbearing everywhere?

"Oh yes..."

came a writing voice.

Zhao Ningfei seemed to be writing like a god, and after a while, she wrote a lot of answers.

Sun Xiaobai was a little surprised.

Does she know all these topics? Is it right?

Zhao Ningfei wrote wildly for a while, without thinking in the middle, and when she finished writing, she put the pen down, her delicate eyebrows were slightly raised, as if she was a little dazzling, that showed a little tsundere.

Sun Xiaobai has successfully aroused his curiosity by her!

She quickly picked up the paper on which Zhao Ningfei finished writing the answer and looked at it, and then within a minute, she showed a super shocked expression!

This surprised look is tantamount to seeing what Mars hit the earth.

"All... All right? "

Sun Xiaobai seriously suspects that Zhao Ningfei deliberately came to find a sense of existence, right?

This level of answering, how to look like a scumbag who needs to ask others everywhere, is simply comparable to her kind of existence with an open hanging.

"Well, you taught it well."

Zhao Ningfei smiled slightly.

I...... I believe you are a ghost!

Sun Xiaobai glanced at Zhao Ningfei and complained weakly, "Do you think I'm an idiot? Will I believe? You must have done it earlier, judging by your level, you must be a top student, and you need to ask me..."

Because I was worried that Zhao Ningfei would not understand, I deliberately spoke very slowly, and some knowledge points would be repeated two or three times.


"It's really good that you teach me, you teach me, I will do it."

Zhao Ningfei showed a sincere little look, but blinked.

Sun Xiaobai didn't want to pay attention to her, "Cut..."

She turned around and wanted to leave, but was pulled by Zhao Ningfei's arm.

"Is that angry?"

Zhao Ningfei said in a joking tone, "I want to get closer to you, do you understand?"

"I don't understand, and I don't want to."

What a strange person!

Sun Xiaobai is still a little angry now.

Oh, that's weird.

How could she get angry so easily now? Twisted like a girl?

However, Zhao Ningfei did something excessive, don't you say?

"Then I'll give you something to make up for my rudeness."

Unexpectedly, Zhao Ningfei did not play her original sick nature, but coaxed Sun Xiaobai with good words.

Want to receive a gift?

I don't know why, Xiaobai's mood is slightly better.

Strange, strange, when she turned out to be a boy, she clearly wouldn't be like this!

It is said that boys' thoughts are very direct, how they think in their hearts, that is, how to express them, but girls are very different, maybe they say that they are okay, but they are also hidden under the iceberg, but they are amazing!

Now Xiaobai feels that he is gradually different.

She seems to have a lot of ideas... And always because of some small things, it involves their emotions.

Is this the trouble of being a girl?

Zhao Ningfei took out a good-looking bracelet and couldn't help but put it directly on Xiaobai's hand.

This domineering action made her stunned!

Hey, have you figured it out!

I'm the one who has a boy's soul, and the domineering person shouldn't be me, right?

How to do it the other way around now?

"Sent you, wear it well."

Zhao Ningfei said in a commanding tone, which was simply unspeakable.

But Xiaobai took off the bracelet willfully, "I'm not used to wearing jewelry. "

It's true, and of course there's a little reason.

If he went back in the evening, Tian Xinxin would definitely ask the reason when he saw the bracelet on Sun Xiaobai's hand.

If it had been sent by a new friend, she might not have been happy, right?

Girls are more jealous, if they learn that their good girlfriend has made a new friend, they will also be faintly worried in their hearts, will this new friend take the place of their girlfriend?

But boys won't, everyone is good brothers, a family, haha, there is wine to drink together, there are girls to watch together....

Strange, strange!

Sun Xiaobai felt something wrong again?

How did she know so much about girls' mentality?

Is it really a girl who has made an insight?

Forget it, no matter how much, let's deal with the things in front of you first.

At this moment, seeing Sun Xiaobai's resistance, Zhao Ningfei's loli face had become visibly gloomy.

"I sent it to you, don't you want to wear it too?!"

Faced with Zhao Ningfei's questioning, Sun Xiaobai once again felt a terrifying aura.

Uh, danger, danger!

"I'll keep it well."

Sun Xiaobai promised.

"Since you don't wear it, then there is no need for it to exist."

Zhao Ningfei couldn't help but say, snatched away the bracelet in Sun Xiaobai's hand!

Then, a rather frightening move was made!

I saw her holding the bracelet in her hand and smashing it the ground!

"Don't, don't."

Sun Xiaobai quickly shouted.

Although she hadn't had time to take a closer look just now, this bracelet was made of precious stones and should be very valuable.

Such a valuable thing, say smash and smash?

What a waste! It was as if she heard the cracking sound of money being torn apart!

Zhao Ningfei stopped the movement in her hand.

Sun Xiaobai was trying to see if the bracelet had been smashed, but when she looked over, she saw that the ground was empty.

Hey. What about the bracelet, where did it go?

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