"Zhao Ningfei, I've put up with you for a long time!"

Tian Xinxin clenched his fists and swung them out directly!

Endure it, no need to endure it anymore.

For the sake of her little white sister, why not be impulsive?

Zhao Ningfei didn't seem to expect that Tian Xinxin really dared to beat her, although her behavior was indeed quite bad.

That fist almost hit Zhao Ningfei's face directly, but fortunately she reacted in time and deflected slightly.

Tian Xin was pleased to see that the first punch had failed, she was very unwilling, and immediately struck the second punch!

How to say, I have also learned a little taekwondo and martial arts, so how can I take advantage of this good opportunity not to teach the nasty Zhao Ningfei a lesson?

But what people didn't expect was that Zhao Ningfei turned out to be a practitioner!

This is wonderful, the two of you punch me and kick, it looks like the fight is very fierce, but it doesn't hurt each other at all, but it looks like they are showing off their skills.

Have you ever seen a female peacock that opens the screen to attract the attention of a female peacock, yes, there is that smell!

The surrounding guests and servants were dumbfounded, and they wanted to step forward to dissuade, but looking at Zhao Ningfei's face that seemed to be full of excitement, they suddenly had no idea.

Anyway, the person was not injured, in case he offended Sister Zhao, the consequences must be very serious... Then pretend not to know for now!

"Don't fight!"

At this moment, it seems that only Sun Xiaobai is in a hurry.

She really didn't expect that the scene was so out of control, and the two people fought! What is that called?

"Don't worry, little white sister, I won't lose."

Tian Xinxin confidently pressed Zhao Ningfei with her arm.

Who would have thought that Zhao Ningfei would crush Tian Xinxin again with a brute force! Then, with an arrogant smile, two words came out of his mouth, "Weak chicken." "

Who is a weak chicken? I'm not a weak chicken!

Tian Xinxin's fighting spirit was immediately stimulated, and the two carried out a new round of "fighting"....

"No, you can't keep fighting!"

Sun Xiaobai couldn't stand it, she rushed directly into the "battlefield" and tried to separate the two.

Tian Xinxin and Zhao Ningfei, who were in the head, were obviously a little reluctant, and the two danced with each other, and seemed to want to fight a hundred rounds.

Oh, do you think that only Tian Xinxin looks at Zhao Ningfei unpleasantly?

No, Zhao Ningfei has also hated Tian Xinxin for a long time! Every time she saw her sticking to Xiaobai like a cowhide candy, she wished she could transform into a sharp knife and forcibly cut off the connection between the two!

The easiest and most rude way is to beat her, beat her hard!

Xiaobai saw that the two famous ladies who were originally dressed appropriately now had messy hairstyles and high fighting spirit, and they really had a headache to death.

Damn, how could she know such two naïve people? And let these two meet.

Doesn't it feel inappropriate to fight like this in such a public place?

"If you still want to fight, I'll accompany you to fight!"

Xiaobai, who couldn't think of a way, put a cruel word.

"Really? So who do you help? Immediately, Tian Xinxin and Zhao Ningfei spoke in unison, and both looked at Xiaobai with expectant eyes.

Xiao Bai was speechless....

She gritted her teeth and said, "You two, I'll punch one!" "

The implication is that no one will help, and everyone will fight.

The air suddenly became quiet, one second, two seconds, three seconds...

"Poof!" Tian Xinxin looked at Zhao Ningfei, who was emitted by the cape, and suddenly burst into laughter.

She realized that her behavior was indeed too much and childish.

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